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Radical US pastor burns Holy Qur’an again

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This supremacist mentality will not take you anywhere. Allah and Prophet has taught tolerance, restraint and respect for all religons unless they occupy Muslim places of worship or restrict Muslims from free practice of Islam.

By the way, no body is imposing anything on anybody; God doesn't say you should impose your religion on Anyone. I'm simply mentioning Islamic beliefs on here.
Judge a man with the content of his character to lead your nation, his smarts and not the religion he was born into to.

One last thing , calling people Kafirs is derogatory term assigned to those most hated. Nothing could be worse than non believers- painting it as some benign word shows you are not well versed in your own religion
About your first para, YES i don't approve of American policies and the damage they have caused to the humanity since 1945.I guess any sane member, who has a grasp on world history and affairs would agree with me on this. It's a shame that while attempting to dig dirt on me, you have exposed your own self; an ISLAMOPHOBE extremist, who can't even hold a civil discussion, without trying to distort facts.
Superior indeed.

I really don't care what you think, and neither can I be bothered to argue, I'm simply stating Islamic beliefs. I fail to see why so many people want Muslims to think Islam is equal to other religions, when it doesn't have anything to do with you.
It's settled DRaisinHerald and Peregrine when asked what religion their non Muslim friends belong to, they say " They are Kafirs" , what they consider a benign non derogatory word. :angel:
Back to reality. Muslim countries top the world in everything base, corruption, violence, Lack of drug control, Lack of innovation.

Superior indeed.

Thats not the problem with the religion.. Only the current extremist interpretation of that religion by idiots who manage to propel them selves to power using the same extremist view as their strength..
Adding fuel to the fire! This will only strengthen the hands of nutjobs & give them arsenal to recruit more nutjobs! First world countries should refrain their citizens from doing these kinda antiques & the punishment should be a benchmark so that the rest take notice!!
I really don't care what you think, and neither can I be bothered to argue, I'm simply stating Islamic beliefs. I fail to see why so many people want Muslims to think Islam is equal to other religions, when it doesn't have anything to do with you.

Islam is so superior and others rather so inferior that you settled in a Judea Christian society and under it's law- hmmm Britain and its radicals are amusing. If I was a Christian or Jew radical I would never settle for one minute in say pakistan. You are all for sharia , you are the complete indoctrinated package as they say in UK ... what the hell are doing there under the Queens law.

I'll tell you what you are doing. You are paper in name only follower whabbi style radical islam . You sit in the comfort of UK's democracy, living off its opportunities but preach radical version of Islam for others to follow in Pakistan. If Pakistan goes through hardships, you will never be a part of it. Nope ! ~ you will encourage it to continue the fight and face hardships from your smart phone in a pub in UK , posting way . :rofl:
Islam is so superior and others rather so inferior that you settled in a Judea Christian society and under it's law- hmmm Britain and its radicals are amusing. If I was a Christian or Jew radical I would never settle for one minute in say pakistan. You are all for sharia , you are the complete indoctrinated package as they say in UK ... what the hell are doing there under the Queens law.

You're basically telling me to become non-Muslim. Besides, how come it's OK for Jews to think their the Chosen people, and their religion the right one; the Christians to believe the chosen ones and their religion to greatest; yet it puts a fire on your *** when we Muslims claim the same.

Islamophobe much? :coffee:
I really don't care what you think, and neither can I be bothered to argue, I'm simply stating Islamic beliefs. I fail to see why so many people want Muslims to think Islam is equal to other religions, when it doesn't have anything to do with you.

Better come back to reality and get off of your high horse. Even Koran says (devout) Jews and Christians will go to heaven. Better stop this superiority complex and racism.
What more is expected from dumb rednecks ... and whats more shameful is that this so called pastor is suppose to be a man of GOD and if so shouldn't he be respecting all religions . Redneck's are the scum and trash of the US we all know this that live here it's not only a shame but sad to see this types of acts taking place... my last words are f____k them burn in hell ;)
I'll tell you what you are doing. You are paper in name only follower whabbi style radical islam

I'd rather be called a Wahhabi and follow Islam (which includes the part where God tells us he made Islam Superior) than fear you're petty threats over the internet.
You're basically telling me to become non-Muslim. Besides, how come it's OK for Jews to think their the Chosen people, and their religion the right one; the Christians to believe the chosen ones and their religion to greatest; yet it puts a fire on your *** when we Muslims claim the same.

Islamophobe much? :coffee:

He is giving you a reality check. As always you are too engrossed in your racism and superiority complex.:coffee:
He is giving you a reality check. As always you are too engrossed in your racism and superiority complex.:coffee:

Are you sure you're Muslim bro; which sort of Islam do you really follow? Where do the Quran or Hadith tell you that Christians and Jews will go to heaven when Muslims themselves are not promised Jannah simply by reciting the Kalimah?
About your first para, YES i don't approve of American policies and the damage they have caused to the humanity since 1945.I guess any sane member, who has a grasp on world history and affairs would agree with me on this. It's a shame that while attempting to dig dirt on me, you have exposed your own self; an ISLAMOPHOBE extremist, who can't even hold a civil discussion, without trying to distort facts.

If having phobia of whabbi style Islam that I consider not the teachings of your prophet makes me extremist. I will then wear it with pride. I rather not be that the guy ( you) that supports bigoted laws, as you have confessed to, that treat it's own citizens, brothers and sisters in arms differently because of what religion they were born into.

sure don't approve of our US policies- hell I don't always and lord we have messed up big time sometimes. But being bigoted is not a policy I can support unlike you. It is a very civil discussion - it's just that I said you support a bigoted policy, how can you try to pretend to be a moderate here and you got enraged, to only confirm you supported the policy. go figure.
Any idiot seeking to get public attention hold the Holy book of God in hand and burn it... this has been very common attention-seeking practice since last couple of years and history is evident that the Holy scriptures were burnt for thousands of times in history. Ignore these cheap people as the book of God is so great that the stupid act by these lunatics aren't going to make any difference. The book was revealed for the guidance of humanity and not for the protection of itself. Whether you keep it locked in the safe or burn it in the hell fire... The greatness of this God's gift isn't going to be depressed

Let's stop this discussion here that we are repeating almost every month. Today this happened in America, last month it happened in Afghanistan, couple of months ago it happened in USA and before that somewhere else. Let's not give publicity to these bastards who has nothing better to do for attention seeking and find the easiest way to get publicity by burnings the Holy books of Islam.
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