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Quetta: LEJ bombs University bus & siege BMC.

LeJ has linkages with other Pakistani terrorist groups including LeT, JuA/HuM, HuJI and JeM

Now you can say one is okay as it fights Indian forces in Kashmir but the other one is bad, this double standard is the reason why these militants exist and will never be eliminated. There is no such thing as a good terrorists they all should be grouped together and hit hard btw the LeJ main leader was arrested and later released and im still confused as to why he was.

what you say is typical indian propaganda fed by the decadent indian media, which is filled with un-professionalism

the people of Kashmir, who are 94% Muslim, have a genuine fight against indian occupation

the people of Jammu [ all of Jammu ] are 80% Muslim and too have a fight against indian occupation

Amazing that these people still get official patronage.

LEJ is supposed to be close the Sharif's party. Is that true?
what you say is typical indian propaganda fed by the decadent indian media, which is filled with un-professionalism

the people of Kashmir, who are 94% Muslim, have a genuine fight against indian occupation

the people of Jammu [ all of Jammu ] are 80% Muslim and too have a fight against indian occupation

umm the people of Jammu are not 80% muslim lol wtf are you on about? the word Kashmir itself is a sanskrit word, Kashmir is the land of the Sufis and the Kashmiri pandits and our Kashmiri brothers are joining the Indian armed forces to fight your militant scum.

The Kashmiri people have had enough of militant scum from across the border thats why even our Kashmiri ladies shoot dead militants.
umm the people of Jammu are not 80% muslim lol wtf are you on about? the word Kashmir itself is a sanskrit word, Kashmir is the land of the Sufis and the Kashmiri pandits and our Kashmiri brothes are joining the Indian armed forces to fight your militant scum.

The Kashmiri people have had enough of militant scum from across the border thats why even our Kashmiri ladies shoot dead militants.

you Indians came here as trolls
Hon Irfan Baloch, you have hit the nail on the head.

It appears that traditional ethical values of the Muslims in general and of Pakistani people in particular, have also been influenced by the Taliban heretic belief. Killing women & children has always been considered most abhorrent of crimes against humanity. No longer in Pakistan! Here organizations such as Leg & Taliban think nothing of attacking female students. Attack on Malala Yusufzai and now attack on college bus in Quetta and even boast about it afterwards! All this in the name of Islam???

ROOT cause of this insanity is the poison of intolerance and bigotry that started spreading in Pakistan during the bigot Zia ul Haq era. When you make cold blooded killer of Salman Taseer a hero and you try Musharraf for taking action on Lal Masjid extremists who fought Pak Army Commandos with guns; you are actually sending a message that extra judicial killing and imposing your religious beliefs on others using force is justified. Society is therefore indirectly encouraging extremist groups to ignore law of the State and use whatever they can to have their way.

However no matter what happens; everyone only condemns the deed but never the perpetrators, an action akin to shedding the crocodile tears. For heaven’s sake! Ghosts are not killing Pakistanis; these are Pakistani Taliban & their allies who also openly brag about their exploits.

Leader of JI, Munawwar Hassan still declares his admiration for Taliban. Rana Sana Ullah of PML-N happily keeps in close contacts with SSP and even Imran Khan has never dared to condemn Taliban openly. There are many members of this forum who would write lengthy post quoting Hadith & Quran each time a terrorist is killed in drone attacks but find it difficult in their heart to condemn Taliban & Lej outright.

In the opinion of these heretics and all those who hold a soft spot for them, no one has a right to live in Pakistan unless he is a Sunni Muslim holding Deobandi/Wahabi belief. Quaid e Azam would have been shot dead on the spot as he was a Shia and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan who believed in education for all Muslims including women (declared a ‘Kafir’ by some Deobandi ulema in his lifetime) would not have been allowed to live long enough to start Aligarh University.

In my view these people and all those who have a soft spot for killers of innocent female students are beneath contempt and not even worthy of belonging to the human race.

Among the deobandis, there is variety too. Some are sympathetic to Qutbi Salafis [ TTP ], while others are not. Those who are not include prominent deobandi madrasas in Lahore [ Jamaia Ashrafiyya ] and Karachi [ Jamia Binnoria, Jamia Karachi ]

The deobandi seminary in India, Uttar Pradesh, itself is against violence.
I am watching the operation, if the terrorists manage to escape then it will be a great shame
I pray that none is taken alive, there is nothing useful gained from these pawns anyway which we dont know already, but if they are taken alive then the b@stardized courts will free them or they will be helped to escape from police custody to recommit murder again.

Bolded part.
And that's what of the main reasons why @Secur and I have been advocating some kind of drastic holding-places for the suspects--even Concentration Camps. Move the arrested there. Treat them well! Severely limit access to/from them. Investigate thoroughly. All this will inevitably result in some abuse--but more likely will prevent violence than to allow violence.

The route through the judiciary is not working. Haram Khor judiciary is hellbent to targeting PPP and Musharraf to the point of not taking enough Suo Moto notices against the right-wingers. So much time and resources were wasted in Zardari's Swiss Case from the 90's. So much time and resources being wasted on lynching Musharraf now. Screwed up priorities.
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And all you stupid libs want to chastise Musharraf for taking on the BLA terrorists head on.

Lakh lanat on stupid lib burger boys.

What are you talking about?! From Pakistaniat.com to PPP (Benazir was alive then) to MQM to ANP to the liberal bloggers we supported Musharraf's Lal Masjid operation. But what sickens me are the turncoats (mostly Leaguers) who were part of the Musharraf cabinet then and are now sitting pretty in PMLN, PMLQ, and PTI, either quiet or helping in the lynching of Musharraf. Shameless turncoats!

We 'liberals' may have been cowered sometimes--who wants to die at the hands of these bearded fanatics if they could kill the Gov. of Punjab in broad day light?--but we are clear about who the enemy is!
what you say is typical indian propaganda fed by the decadent indian media, which is filled with un-professionalism

the people of Kashmir, who are 94% Muslim, have a genuine fight against indian occupation

the people of Jammu [ all of Jammu ] are 80% Muslim and too have a fight against indian occupation

Jammu ( all of Jammu) has Hindu majority of 65%.(muslims are 30%)
no one will touch LeJ, their mentors are in government now.

Come on! Senior member like you should be careful in hurling accusations like that without proof or sound logic. I have never voted for any of the Leagues (my voting has been MQM-PPP-PTI so far) but I don't think Nawaz Sharif is going to tolerate violence by any group. He and he brother took on violent Sunni groups in the 90's and really whacked them to a pulp by even resorting to 'extra judicial killings' in Punjab.

Let the new government settle down. Let them be 'briefed' by the agencies. Let them first try 'negotiations'. But this govt. has the mandate, the willpower, and the determination to make hard decisions!
please dont get emotional and get your facts right, Iranian authorities under shah, Sri Lanken Army in its war against Tamils (same religion), Sadam Hussain against Kurds (same Sunni Muslims) .... list goes on.. the killings and suppression of domestic dissent was far more bigger with more deaths and destruction than Pakistan.

dont qualify your condemnation on the basis of who is the victim and who is the accused. will you show same emotions if the LeJ had killed Hazara or Ahmedis's? I dont want to put you on the spot here but sadly many people I know dont consider the right to live for anyone who is not a Muslim and specially not a Sunni Muslim.

this brings us to a new discussion now. first we had good Taliban and Bad taliban and now we have good Lusker Ghangvi and Bad lashker jhangvi... the good ones are those who only target shia community all across Pakistan with total impunity, bad ones are those who carried out this attack on girls and who executed Colonel Imam ( a Devout Sunni) and video taped his death.

So why isn't ISI/army shutting down their madrases and doing operations in Punjab? (please don't tell me they don't have the power to do so, they have been in power since independence to do anything! and by giving this much power and authority is THE MAIN REASON Pakistan is current state)

now regarding previous involvement of military with militants & Deobandi terrorists like Sipah Sahabah etc
ISI and army personnel are paying with their lives for all the "dirty work" and liaisons military leaders had in the past (most of whom are now retired (like Hamid Gul) or are not in this world any more). this relationship doesnt exist anymore.

why? because Military believes in self preservation and thats only possible through keeping ideological and physical boundaries of Pakistan intact. if it doesnt then it wont survive long enough to receive your condemnation & you will need to blame zionists, Americans and anyone else in the world BUT "yourself

I was talking about the region more specifically about south Asia. They have killed a lot if not the most.

I will be the last person for you to put me on the spot on this forum (try if you want but i am sure i will disappoint you). Lets just say i believe in humanity more then any type of Islam or i think of hindus/sikh better from across the border then arabs or saudis. I am sure you got the point.

SAD SAD again i want the generals to pay for what they did not poor soldiers.

This country was made in the name of Islam and i believe this reason is not good enough to keep Pakistan intact and the history has proved me right. We have to think of something else however the generals in GHQ don't agree. Well good luck to them.
LeJ are deobandis, not salafis.

In Saudi Arabia, there are two kinds of Salafis

1) Salafi Madkhali
2) Salafi Qutbi

The first kind, Salafi Madkhali are in favour of the King, and are against violence.

However, Salafi Qutbi are the Osama bin Laden group. According to their leader, Sayyid Qutb, all Muslims have become apostates and are to be killed if needed. He was a genocidal maniac. They have made a group in the Arab world called Takfir wal Hijra. Basically they excommunicate all other Muslims from the folds of Islam, and declare only themselves as Muslims. So, they hold no respect for any other Muslim life, so would they even consider non-Muslim life?

TTP and its leaders are Qutbi salafis.

A few facts for your benefit.

Salafi -inspired is where the problem lies. Most of the so called deobandi groups like LeJ are funded by Saudi. It doesn't matter what branch you belong to. The Salafi doctrine as a whole is anti shia and vilifies any sect that does not conform to the Salafi doctrine. The history of the Salafis/Wahabis goes back to the 1800s where they became known for rape, pillage and murder. They became known as the Ikhwan in the early 1900s and served as the thugs for the Saud tribe. Of course, once Saudi Arabia was formed, the Salafis became the junior partner in a ruling alliance that eventually led to the havoc that is currently being wreaked globally in the name of salafi jihad.

We all know LeJ and ASWJ has been getting funding from the Salafis in Saudi to kill shia Pakistanis for the last two decades! Everytime that LeJ scumbag, Malik Ishaq goes to Riyadh, he comes back with piles of cash. Who is giving him that cash??

Importantly, since 1979, the Saudis had been officially exporting this vicious ideology to wreak havoc in other countries. Its only when these thugs started attacking the royal family in 2003 is when the monarchy woke up, changed its tune, and started to appreciate the monster it had spawned. Just like in Pakistan, there are non state actors in Saudi who are pursuing a salafi jihaxist agenda to this day.

Its not too different from the what happened to the Pakistani military, which foolishly enough, helped spawn local jihxdis infected with the Salafi doctrine, and then watched all these dogs go rabid and attack the very hand that fed them.

In a nutshell, we all know LeJ is the Punjabi militant arm of TTP. There is a clear ideological and operational nexus. Both hate other sects including the shia, sunni barelvis among others, and both are fighting to establish a Salafi- inspired fiefdom in the country. Both share the 'same grandmother'. Period.
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