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Qatar, Saudi Arabia conspire to topple Iraqi government: Maliki

Wow so the revolutions in Egypt and Tunis and Yemen etc. Are genuine. But the revolutions in Pro-Iran regimes are a plot.

Hahaha you guys really are "Special" aren't you??

The revolutions in Egypt and Tunis yemen were from internal forces, the same with syria however since the saudis lost egypt it was a big scare to them this is why syria was genuine to you are you now going to cry a tear ?

Enough of your slave mentality.
I think Turkey plays more important role in ousting the Al-Maliki than Saudi- Qatar duo.

The shia's make more then the majority...

Is what you know simply read? Certainly not. ^^

It's a absolute fact and not "your dream".

Yes, half the population of Iraq is entirely Sunni.

Note: Arab Sunni are instead 32%–37% of the population. Not counting, that many reports only include Arab Sunnis as "Sunni", missing out the Kurdish and Turkmen Sunnis, who are predominantly Sunnis, which makes Sunnis almost half the population.

Irak population (2011): 30,399 million

Same being very very nice: Sunni arab with only 32% and no 37% population of all the countries.

Sunni Arab (32%) + Sunni Kurd (17%)

9,727 million + 5,167 million = 14,894 million

And the territory of Sunni population is located on more than half oil reserves of the country which 50% were never exploited until today. And on all its vast unique gas reserves always unexploited whose it has. Located near for border the brothers countries Saudi Arabia (Sunni), Jordan (Sunni), Syria (Majority Sunni and no Shia Alawi)

Syria population (July 2012) : 22,530 million

Sunni 15,771 million

Shia Alawi 2,928 million

and Turkey (Sunni).


Dream On.

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I've already proven you wrong I seen the graph and every again and again the facts are facts but does it change it from sunnis killing sunnis, shiites, kurds. enjoy your dreams.
I think sunni west and north iraq provinces will gain independance from the shia occupation, that will happen in the next few month thats why maliki is so affraid for his friend the shia alawi bashar el assad.
For his 'crimes'? What are his crimes?Iraq now has a democracy far better than Arab dictatorships.
You hate him because he is Shia.Yes Iraq is our close ally and we will let you die of your hate and obsession.

Is not he an American puppet? Isn't he the same person who came over US tanks and got his current position with US & Iran assistance? Oh, I forgot, you have already admitted that without your great help US couldn't envade neither Iraq nor Afghanistan. It seems you have a different meaning of a "puppet" than what we have. A puppet according to you is a Sunni leader who doesn't bear Iranian Mullah regime with respect. But, Almaliki who is the outcome of US invasion of Iraq is not a puppet but a true leader. Why not, he is Shea!

If they don't interfere then their own existence is at risk. The only reason the House of Saud interfere is a futile attempt to secure their own junta and regime. Shameful how they create disharmony in the region. Loved and be loved - not difficult to ask for is it?

Actually, that's Iranian regime what you are talking about.
But Iraq is majority shia not sunni . the iraqi's voted for him, Maliki will live.

I also found this weird that saudi's on this forum cry about racism and hate when they themselves are the biggest advocators of it also the saudis on this forum apparently get to decide who is muslim and who isn't I never seen this from any other members.

lol The Legend And Banu Umayyah are both Indians And Hindu they are Neither Muslims or Arabians.

What a load of BS ... Maliki !

How i wish Qatar was more obedient to Saudi Arabia; but they have been very rude in past some years.

Anyway, sooner we see Maliki gone, the better.

And how i wish You were More Faith full to Pakistan then saudi Arabia
I think sunni west and north iraq provinces will gain independance from the shia occupation, that will happen in the next few month thats why maliki is so affraid for his friend the shia alawi bashar el assad.

What are you talking about? Iraq will never get divided. I believe Iraqis will rise and get this traitor down...

lol The Legend And Banu Umayyah are both Indians And Hindu they are Neither Muslims or Arabians.

And how i wish You were More Faith full to Pakistan then saudi Arabia

And, who am I? Afghani? stop this BS. They are Saudi, I talked to them with their local dialect.
I have just one wish for them to stop interfering in other countries. I dont give a damn they dont care about Palestine or they are allies of Muslim enemies like Americans

Man you are funny, Iraq regime is appointed by non other than US.

Maliki and Mullah Saddar established death squad.

All the team has to face the justice, sooner or looter.

Death squad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Same goes with Afghan regime. another, Cop-sponsored regime.
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