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Purging within MQM begins, says Altaf Hussain


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Bori business will be in demand now

LONDON: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain Wednesday said that a process to cleanse the party has been set in motion and it would continue until it is brought to its logical conclusion.

Altaf Hussain expressed the above resolve while addressing the members of the party’s Coordination Committee via telephone at Nine Zero – the MQM Headquarters in Karachi.

He said MQM strictly prohibits collection of donation and warned that if any office bearer or worker is found involved in this practice his basic membership will be revoked.

Earlier, MQM had disbanded Karachi Tanzeemi Committee (KTC) as its first move to bring reforms within the party. In this connection, the MQM today cancelled the basic membership of Hamad Siddiqui, In charge of KTC.

He said MQM adheres to the policy of ‘zero tolerance’ when it comes to the instances of illegal occupation of land, plots, residences and shops or their sale/purchase, and advised that in case any member of his party is directly or indirectly involved in such practices he should voluntarily tender his resignation.

Altaf Hussain warned that later if a complaint is received against a member for his direct or indirect involvement in any of the above activities, the party will investigate the matter in the light of evidence and revoke his membership if the charges are proved.

He said if any of the MQM members has engaged himself in any kind of business contracts he should voluntarily resign from the party and continue these activities.

Hussain said MQM is a party of the masses which has been waging a struggle for their rights and, therefore, the party has no room for the elements which create hardships for the people.

Purging within MQM begins, says Altaf Hussain | Pakistan - geo.tv
they should just quit receiving his phone call.....after he calls 3,4 times and no one answers.....his blood pressure will rise....he will rush to the latrine.....from his latrine he will sit on commode and make last phone calls to rabta committe....who wont answer it...and rest is history

they should jam the mobile signals in karachi for some months....
i have personally witnessed a case, a low level person from a unit was doing badmashi with an acquaintance, his complaint was launched at 90, the guy was called in, he was thrown out of the party. Altaf should had realized way back that his party image has gone down in drain and this step he is taking now should had been taken ages back, to be honest this is nothing but damage control in my opinion.
so atleast he agrees that MQM has:

instances of illegal occupation of land, plots, residences and shops or their sale/purchase, and advised that in case any member of his party is directly or indirectly.

anyways good drama to divert attention from the hate speeches against Pakistan that he made recently!!! this guy is good at diverting attention!

and also this is a good excuse for people like PML N to make him allies saying that see we had said IF MQM and PPP clean themselves we will ally with them in federal government!!!!

amazing move by Altaf now to gain some ministries! now PML N get's to keep its word that nawaz gave in his speech in lahore to NA elected members!
Remove Altaf, the rest are all redeemable.

MQM will be okay once they get rid of the nincompoop Altaf. MQM is a reality which cannot change. Pressurize them to change their ways, rather than just write comments wishing that MQM goes away. Sadly, it wont. So the next best solution is to get better people elected in the party. I personally like Mustafa kamal, he has done a good job in Karachi as mayor. Other people should get a chance to lead the party. Its time to kick Altaf Hussain out. He is a traitor and should be treated like one.
MQM suspends its three members

KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has suspended the party membership of Coordination Committee members Shakeel Umar and Saleem Tajik for indefinite period.

According to the statement issued by the MQM’s coordination committee, the party’s membership of Karachi Tanzeemi Committee (KTC) member Farooq Saleem has also been suspended.

The statement also issued instructions to the MQM workers not to maintain any direct or indirect contact with any of the suspended members.

It further stated that the party chief Altaf Hussain is busy in the continuous process of cleansing undesirable elements from the MQM. Altaf is working 21 to 22 hours a day.

Consultations among the members of coordination committee are also part of the process, the statement added.

On Wednesday, Altaf Hussain addressing the members of the coordination committee via telephone at Nine Zero, expressed resolve to cleanse the party.

He said MQM strictly prohibits collection of donation and warned that if any office bearer or worker is found involved in this practice his basic membership will be revoked.

Altaf said MQM adheres to the policy of ‘zero tolerance’ when it comes to the instances of illegal occupation of land, plots, residences and shops or their sale/purchase, and advised that in case any member of his party is directly or indirectly involved in such practices he should voluntarily tender his resignation.

MQM suspends its three members - thenews.com.pk
I disagree @Awesome Saeenjee. Such organizations always have a row of second tier leaders just waiting for their chances to take over the top spot. Always.

I don't mind them taking over, but at least Altaf Hussain ki tarhan India jaakeh "Pakistan was the biggest blunder in the history of South Asia" nahi jaakeh kaheinge.

Farooq Sattar ko hi dekh lo. He seems 10 times a better person than Altaf and stories have it that he even tried to leave MQM once, but they took his parents hostage and he came back.
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Muttahida Qaumi Movement Chief Altaf Hussain said that any kind of corruption and fund-raising would not be tolerated in MQM.
He pointed out that party ‘purification’ process has been started and it will be continued till the completion of accountability of MQM workers and leaders.
Talking to the MQM Coordination Committee, he said that party had zero tolerance policy for the people involved in land grabbing and ‘fund-raising’ from pushcart holders to industrialists. Those were found involved in such kind of activities will no more associated with MQM.
It is worth mentioning here that MQM chief dissolved Karachi Tanzeemi Committee on complains of workers during his last address at Lalqila Ground. Altaf also appealed to the dejected senior and sincere workers of the party to come back for the better future of the MQM and nation.
MQM was facing internal rifts that have produce angers in the workers. It claimed that some of the party members belonging to the mainstream body have been found violating the party discipline and also remained facilitating themselves and their loyals.
According to sources, in the next workers meeting on Saturday, it is expected that changing would be sighted in MQM’s Coordination Committee.

Altaf vows to
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