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'Puppy' Remark: Delhi BJP Vice President Quits

I don;t mind Nitish for those that don;t want to go congress. But I will not vote for a party that'll keep India in the dumps and burn it down in communal flames too. At least congress will only keep the country in the dumps.

More people died in 84 that 2002 ... Only idiots can call Congress or JDU secular (these people can sell India for vote bank)

This is what I want to know ... You can live in sh!t(congress) that they give you in last 65 years but dnt want development(BJP) ??
More people died in 84 that 2002 ... Only idiots can call Congress or JDU secular (these people can sell India for vote bank)

This is what I want to know ... You can live in sh!t(congress) that they give you in last 65 years but dnt want development(BJP) ??

There is a political riot (84) and a communal riot (2002). Lemme ask you then, if Modi is not going to give change or development, why should I vote for him? All I'm getting from you is hot air and lies anyway
Most other Indian states are $hitholes too...what kinds of comparisons are you making man?

I don;t mind Nitish for those that don;t want to go congress. But I will not vote for a party that'll keep India in the dumps and burn it down in communal flames too. At least congress will only keep the country in the dumps.

I wonder why you feel that India will burn in communal flames. Is it because Hindus have not been assertive so far and the minorities are having a free run? And you suspect that this is the only way to keep peace because the Muslims are congenitally aggressive? Otherwise why should it matter to the Muslims if the Hindus want to revive their culture and traditions? How does it affect them?

And if communal peace is contingent upon a cowed down, docile majority, many Hindus would rather prefer a state of civil war.
There is a political riot (84) and a communal riot (2002). Lemme ask you then, if Modi is not going to give change or development, why should I vote for him? All I'm getting from you is hot air and lies anyway

So that was simply sponsored by congress right ?

Want to enjoy same sh!t that you facing from freedom of this country ??? Or want to bring some change ??

If you dnt allow another person then how can you judge him??
So that was simply sponsored by congress right ?

Want to enjoy same sh!t that you facing from freedom of this country ??? Or want to bring some change ??

If you dnt allow another person then how can you judge him??

You didn't answer the question.
Most other Indian states are $hitholes too...what kinds of comparisons are you making man?

I don;t mind Nitish for those that don;t want to go congress. But I will not vote for a party that'll keep India in the dumps and burn it down in communal flames too. At least congress will only keep the country in the dumps.

More minorities killed in congress/ JD/ SP ruled states in name of religion. What makes you think that those will be safe in Congress rule in future when past speaks against it.

Don't you think a person/ party with clear / better track record, less/ none communal violence, better development, considering all people of India as Indian contrary to what other see them (hindi, muslin, sikh etc..) would be able to provide better rule that a mere lip service persons with only one ideology aka vote bank politics

It's time to choose ..
1. Wolf in sheeps skin - another 5 years in **** hole
2. Development
Do you know how to read? What is the difference between you & those Pakistanis who are saying that India was responsible for 26/11? Pathetic levels of discussion :hitwall:.

ain't you the same who hold modi responsible for the Guj riots. Anyway read the whole article and then say if Rajiv didn't fan the Bhagalpur riots.

I am quoting what CM said.

"When we (Sinha and Rajiv) were on way to the circuit house from the airstrip on October 26, two days after the outbreak of the riots, an obstreperous crowd, mostly comprising policemen and VHP activists, was raising slogans against the SP's transfer and gauging their aggressiveness Rajivji announced stay on Dwivedi's transfer without consulting me," Sinha says."
ain't you the same who hold modi responsible for the Guj riots. Anyway read the whole article and then say if Rajiv didn't fan the Bhagalpur riots.

I have always limited myself to Modi's act of ommission, you are here accusing a former PM of an act of commission in a state riot & you have deliberately suggested something that wasn't implied in the article. That is simply a lie & you should be ashamed of yourself. Is your idea of a better India simply based on a pack of lies? It may work for people who dont bother to read what the link said but I have & I'm calling out your deliberate lying.
You really must be thick. I have always limited myself to Modi's act of ommission, you are here accusing a former PM of an act of commission in a state riot & you have deliberately suggested something that wasn't implied in the article. That is simply a lie & you should be ashamed of yourself. Is your idea of a better India simply based on a pack of lies? It may work for people who dont bother to read what the link said but I have & I'm calling out your deliberate lying.

Haha that was really stupid when you don't even know about Bhagalpur riots. Let me tell you some ground realities.
Bhagalpur SP was the one who fueled the riots instead of stopping it. Then Congress CM tried to transfer the SP but your PM Rajiv Gandhi stoped the transfer without even consulting CM. Don't even make stupid remarks before knowing about the incident.
Haha that was really stupid when you don't even know about Bhagalpur riots. Let me tell you some ground realities.
Bhagalpur SP was the one who fueled the riots instead of stopping it. Then Congress CM tried to transfer the SP but your PM Rajiv Gandhi stoped the transfer without even consulting CM. Don't even make stupid remarks before knowing about the incident.

Really? You are that stupid? You said RG was fanning riots? Do you understand the meaning of the words? Where did the article say that RG fanned anything? Stopping transfer (even if ridiculous) does not become fanning of the riots. The article made no such claim so you thought you might get extra brownie points by advertising your lying credentials by saying a line not articulated?
Really? You are that stupid? You said RG was fanning riots? Do you understand the meaning of the words? Where did the article say that RG fanned anything? Stopping transfer (even if ridiculous) does not become fanning of the riots. The article made no such claim so you thought you might get extra brownie points by advertising your lying credentials by saying a line not articulated?

Are you that dumb?? Read the article again. RG announced not to transfer the SP after VHP guys protested. Don't make a fool out of you mr senior member. If same thing would have done by modi then you all would cry over that mr double standard. My mother is from Bhagalpur and I know how the local people feel there.
Are you that dumb?? Read the article again. RG announced not to transfer the SP after VHP guys protested. Don't make a fool out of you mr senior member. If same thing would have done by modi then you all would cry over that mr double standard. My mother is from Bhagalpur and I know how the local people feel there.

You really are thick. You said fanning flames, now you are trying to wiggle out of it. Show where that allegation was made against RG. I really don't think it is sensible to start out with "my mother is from Bhagalpur"...etc, I will let that pass without comment. I'm debating only you & you still haven't put up.
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