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PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

Question for PTI wallas: Why wasn't Jhagra running for a NA seat? More qualified imo for Finance Minister (or some other econ related ministry since Asad Umar has FinM locked up) and his policy planning expertise is much needed at the national level.
"For now, Mr Khan, who has seldom attended parliamentary sessions and who has described the assembly as “the most boring place on earth”, must find a sense of dedication, detail and compromise that has evaded him till now. He must learn to work with a political class he has only slammed. And he must gently let down his most enthusiastic supporters from the irresponsible highs he generated for them—for instance, by promising to end corruption within 90 days. It will require dogged strength, which he has in abundance, and humility—which, equally, he lacks. Over to the captain."


Over to the Captain, indeed. The world awaits his words and actions.
The economist has gone to the dogs a long time back. And the world hardly knows or cares about IK/Pakistan.
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