Don't try to be over smart. No one asked you to make Imran Khan PM, he'll become PM one day if God wills it. Stick to the topic in hand instead of doing ugly belly dance.
Imran Khan has been saying from day one for thumb impression verification, why no one is pursuing it as of yet? If there were irregularities in NA-125, 122, 154 then please pray tell me how many ROs, POs, ECP officials have been punished or suspended till date? Zilch!!!
This cannot work like this, Justice is not just deseating a MNA and order re-election. Justice is punishing culprits and make an example out of them.
Besides, whats the point of re-election under same ECP, ROs, POs and other election staff? They mis-managed these same constituencies in 2013 elections, would they do it again? What will be the credibility of these re-elections, genius?