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PTI government failed to protect DI Khan jail despite intelligence warning

As a matter of fact now I'm thinking that Indians should come and grab whoever they want too. First it was the Americans who came and got their man. Then the Taliban came and got their men, And not just once but twice. So what's stopping the Indians from coming and getting Hafeez Saeed?

If an ill-equipped guerrilla force of cave-dwellers can do it twice, then why can't an Army with modern weaponry? I invite the Indians to launch an operation into Pakistan for their wanted man. If I were an Indian army general and saw this happening in the enemy camp, I wouldn't waste a night.

Rest assured no action or retaliation will take place. All that talk of Nuclear confrontation is hogus-pogus. You want that guy? Come and get him, you wont get an easier opportunity. It's like taking candy from a baby. Baby cries at first and then becomes oblivious and goes quiet.

True. IA can easily carry out this mission with a very low probability of failure. And nobody throws nukes on another nation for just a small raid. Come and get your man. Nobody is going to stop you guys. We might make a commission later on to know what happened during your raid. End of story.

So just do it. Who knows after your successful raid, someone in PA and Pakistani military might wake up and future failures might be avoided. India kai maamlai to ghairat bhi ziada aati hai hamain. Win win situation for both of us. :)
We are going off topic here - BUT I will still make my final comments on here - I am having hard time digesting this story of yours, as I see such things very often, did you with your own eyes saw the hilux moving off from the scene of accident just like that?
As I said earler you had the option of making a complaint against them or the biker.
Living in UK & still having trouble comprehending what I wrote in my first post? read it again and you might get the point, if you assumed something - Not my fault dear. And am sure you know what they say about assuming things.

Be my guest and disrespect a General as much as you want, but next time you try to be disrespect a Solider - better put yourself in there boots first.
Don't make things out of your bottoms to make your point - there NOW I said it


No It didn't move because we were stuck in traffic. (Told you but i guess you dont remember).

Also it couldn't move because the bike and person was in front of the hilux and in front of them was traffic. (Am I making sense)

Assume things.. assume assume.... things things. OK you DONUT.

I have never disrespected any soldier or anyone. Everyone is equal, be it a soldier, general, doctor, civilian. I treat them all equally.

Remember what these soldiers done in Bangladesh. Don't quote me again.
@RescueRanger - sir gee you mind giving your input here please


Very sorry for the delayed response. The taliban are Wiley, they know when the police have their relief shift breaks for ramadan, take the previous prison break for example or Marriott bombing. Secondly there was no QRF for the jail, the resource deputed at the prison are not trained or equipped to deal with a opfor that is trained and equipped to test the security and penetrate vital installations.

Sadly there is absolutely no focus on internal security threat analysis at present, and this is a top down problem.
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