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PTI Anti-NATO Route Campaign Will Directly Affect Pakistan's Economy and Innocent Truck Drivers

Brain farts from you as usual? :sick: Do you even know what economics is all about? Do you know how much Pakistan spends on maintaining the lines of communications for NATO forces/ISAF? And do you even know how much diesel is being consumed by your truckers daily which impacts the country's forex reserves? After all, Pakistan is a net importer of oil and every drop bought by Pakistan is in dollars. So that obviously will affect your forex reserves greatly.

So what you're earning is going into maintenance of roads, bridges etc as well as losing an incredible amount of foreign exchange on import of oil for running your container trucks that operate in their thousands.

Why do people continuously spew rubbish out here? A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Dear @OrionHunter Pakistan is letting NATO supplies through free of cost. Can you imagine such generosity from a developing country?

This masterpiece of diplomacy was conducted by Gen. Musharraf. You might be talking about duties, that $1 million per day crap. Since NATO containers go free of cost, what duty?

These reports you copy are from the scare mongers and written for Western audiences.

Also, NATO and US containers have special seals. Those seals cant be broken by a slave nation like Pakistan. We are not allowed to.

Think of it this way. Pakistan is running a camel train through its territory for a very rich sheikh partying across the border. Since Pakistan is just a bought out slave, the rich shiekh rightly believes the slave has been paid for the services. This is what our leaders have reduced our country to.

If you think that supposed money could have been used to improve roads. Well see it for yourself some footage and the trucks plying with heavy loads have reduced the highways there to dust trails. So much for $1 million per day!

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