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PTI Anti-NATO Route Campaign Will Directly Affect Pakistan's Economy and Innocent Truck Drivers

Dharna Bazi is $tupid. It hurts economy even if it results in closing of one shop one corner store.

In Karachi we have Murda wa Qattal Movement (MQM ) that has messed up our economy.

Now in the North

we have anti-pakitan terrorists wal Islamists (PTI) doing the same $hit.

And among the two Tafu Mota chort Bhatta khor, and Taliban Khan

Pakistan Mullah League Nadan group has no forking idea to come to a political solution.

No wonder our country and its economy is all forked up.

And so many Pakistanis sitting in the West are encouraging terrorists and Islamists to continue forking our economy.

What these Pakistanis got to loose. Nothing!

Their grocery stores in London, Toronto and Chicago are open.

Their 7-11 and gas stations are not being blocked by Taliban Khan

So the $tupidity keeps on come to Pakistan thanks to west settled west educated but $tupid elite. Keeps on coming.

Keeps on forking our economy.

pathetic. really pathetic.
Oh bhai

EU has setup preferential laws for Pakistani imports. These laws/rules were enacted precisely to reward Pakistan for its help for NATO troops.

If Mullahs and Islamists in Pakistan are messing up EU countries' troops's supply in Afghanistan,

Guess what

Those special preferences for Pakistan will be cancelled.

So many Pakistani educated elite are ignorant of the way global trade works.


There is absolutely no such connection that you are trying to establish here.

The Pakistani export to the EU is in no way dependent on the Karachi-Peshawar supply route. I have no idea where you are bringing all this stuff from. Perhaps you just took that Huffington post blog as the sole truth - please try to dig in for facts before believing something like that. Pakistani authors, irrespective of their location, are notorious for creating stuff out of thin air and posting them on various websites. No wonder Pakistan is the most productive factory of conspiracy theories.

*End of rant*

So here is the fact : Precisely, the export concessions given by the EU to Pakistan were in view of the catastrophic floods faced by Pakistan in 2010, followed by the ones in 2011 and 2012. It was so devastating to the Pakistani economy, that such concessions had to come, and it was not only the EU that offered such help to Pakistanis.

Nothing of the sort has ever been contingent upon the opening of supply routes.

And if you feel I may be ignorant to some information regarding any such "preferential laws" that you are privy to, then please take my request and post those laws here. If not, then please try not to mislead your own Pakistani brothers.

EU imports from Pakistan expanded by 35 percent to €4.6 billion in 2011 from €3.5 billion in 2009. Pakistani exports to the EU are expected to receive a further boost with the EU trade concessions in response to the 2010 and 2011 floods in Pakistan.
Yes, but I still can't understand the simple thing. If these poor truck drivers were able to survive 6 - 7 months without nato supplies, then how they aren't able to survive this time when merely 12 - 14 days have passed? :blink:
Cost of a single trip from Khi to Kabul costs around 50-60K+ in fuel and petty expenses. However, one of the crucial requirement of shipment is that the seal of container should remain in tact. As the political activists open up the containers, the consignees refuse to take the delivery. This leads truckers in the middle of nowhere.
There is absolutely no such connection that you are trying to establish here.

The Pakistani export to the EU is in no way dependent on the Karachi-Peshawar supply route. I have no idea where you are bringing all this stuff from. Perhaps you just took that Huffington post blog as the sole truth - please try to dig in for facts before believing something like that. Pakistani authors, irrespective of their location, are notorious for creating stuff out of thin air and posting them on various websites. No wonder Pakistan is the most productive factory of conspiracy theories.

So here is the fact : Precisely, the export concessions given by the EU to Pakistan were in view of the catastrophic floods faced by Pakistan in 2010, followed by the ones in 2011 and 2012. It was so devastating to the Pakistani economy, that such concessions had to come, and it was not only the EU that offered such help to Pakistanis.

Nothing of the sort has ever been contingent upon the opening of supply routes.

And if you feel I may be ignorant to some information regarding any such "preferential laws" that you are privy to, then please take my request and post those laws here. If not, then please try not to mislead your own Pakistani brothers.

Please do not spread Islamist ignorance.

Thank you.

Floods have come and gone.

These "gifts" by EU can only continue if we play with them nicely.

Otherwise Chinese and Indians are ready to undercut our exports in no time.

So Islamists better wake up and smell the coffee.

But they won't

Because they don't even know that they are forking sleep walking into death and destruction.

Dharna Bazi is $tupid. It hurts economy even if it results in closing of one shop one corner store.

In Karachi we have Murda wa Qattal Movement (MQM ) that has messed up our economy.

Now in the North

we have anti-pakitan terrorists wal Islamists (PTI) doing the same $hit.

And among the two Tafu Mota chort Bhatta khor, and Taliban Khan

Pakistan Mullah League Nadan group has no forking idea to come to a political solution.

No wonder our country and its economy is all forked up.

And so many Pakistanis sitting in the West are encouraging terrorists and Islamists to continue forking our economy.

What these Pakistanis got to loose. Nothing!

Their grocery stores in London, Toronto and Chicago are open.

Their 7-11 and gas stations are not being blocked by Taliban Khan

So the $tupidity keeps on come to Pakistan thanks to west settled west educated but $tupid elite. Keeps on coming.

Keeps on forking our economy.

pathetic. really pathetic.
Thank you for the rants......
Please do not spread Islamist ignorance.

Thank you.

Floods have come and gone.

These "gifts" by EU can only continue if we play with them nicely.

Otherwise Chinese and Indians are ready to undercut our exports in no time.

So Islamists better wake up and smell the coffee.

But they won't

Because they don't even know that they are forking sleep walking into death and destruction.


Stop lying.
Stop lying.

Have you ever exported a single forking shirt from Pakistan to EU, a single strand of cotton fiber bhai?

Most of the West settled Pakistanis live in petty ignorance about the sensitive nature of the trade between Pakistan and other countries.
Oh well no point writing and discussing now, shipments stopped.
Have you ever exported a single forking shirt from Pakistan to EU, a single strand of cotton fiber bhai?

Most of the West settled Pakistanis live in petty ignorance about the sensitive nature of the trade between Pakistan and other countries.

How do you think all that export takes place that is mentioned on that official EU page that I put in the link of?

Again - European Union - EEAS (European External Action Service) | Trade

Per my understanding (that you are so interested in) the difficulties in exporting an item faced by average Pakistanis are most likely to come from Pakistan's own stringent laws. So when the EU's doors are open, one has to walk through them without any external help.

Now, let us get back to point that you raised such a strong objection to - The connection between NATO supply route and exports to the EU.

Quoting you:

FaujHistorian said: ↑
Oh bhai
EU has setup preferential laws for Pakistani imports. These laws/rules were enacted precisely to reward Pakistan for its help for NATO troops.
If Mullahs and Islamists in Pakistan are messing up EU countries' troops's supply in Afghanistan,
Guess what
Those special preferences for Pakistan will be cancelled.

First, show me the preferential laws that are contingent upon the supply route that you are so vociferously talking about, before you even begin to negate my statement.

Once you achieve that impossibility, kindly check the record of Pakistani exports to the EU during the time when NATO supplies were in fact blocked - Nov/Dec 2011.

Once you have done those two, I am sure that not only I, but all of us in this thread can see what exactly is the connection between the NATO supply route and Pakistani exports to EU.

That you are so interested in this connection, I am sure you won't mind clearing the picture for all of us to understand.

Just remember, it's your credibility is at stake here. Let us see how clear and organized you can be.
@FaujHistorian: I see that you continue referring to the trade benefits we receive by assisting NATO. If you find the time, could you detail out how exactly we benefit from assisting NATO? I am genuinely curious. It would help us better understand your position on this.

Simply put, EU and USA pay us in the form of Direct assistance and trade tariff regime. This is in return for us supporting them in the region.

And those mostly on the exports of finished and raw cotton products. Many of my family members are in textile business and we employ 1000s of Pakistani workers.

When EU or US block our exports or end preferential treatment,


instead give to other countries like BDesh,

then our Pakistani workers lose jobs.

One of our fellow exporter lost a HUGE contract of exporting Towels to a major US retailer 9 years ago when US setup preferential quota for BDesh.

They just recently got it back when US changed their policy in favor of Pakistan.

Same thing with EU and our textile exports.

This is a quick summary

I realize most of the posters on PDF may not know the details, but I am angry and Taliban Khan and Altaf Mota chor, that they have been to EU, met their leaders, so they know how precarious our textile industry situation with load shedding and all.

Ghaddari stoped gas to many textile mills out of sheer stupidity so we suffered.

Now Taliban Khan is out there to mess up whatever is leftover.

Pakistan Mullah League Nadan group favors industry, but Ganja shrif lacks political skills to keep the barking dogs in control.

Now if you are looking for LC's and export papers for Pakistani companies to believe in it, you have to contact one of them directly. If they trust you, they will show the papers.


....it's your credibility is at stake here.....


my credibility vs. Taliban Khan's $tupidity.

We all know $tupidity always wins in Pakistan and among Pakistani blind followers of Murda and terrorists.



You keep on harping on floods.

They are gone. and so would the EU policies.

But they are not because they need us and we need them.

it is that simple. !
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my credibility vs. Taliban Khan's $tupidity.

We all know $tupidity always wins in Pakistan and among Pakistani blind followers of Murda and terrorists.



You keep on harping on floods.

They are gone. and so would the EU policies.

But they are not because they need us and we need them.

it is that simple. !

I do not care what you are persuading others for, but I strictly forbid garbage.

So, where are those NATO Supply Dependent Preferential Laws?
@FaujHistorian: Please don't take this the wrong way. You say that some of your family is involved in the textile business. So you're directly affected by preferential quotas provided to us by assisting NATO. Do you feel that you're looking at the situation objectively? The cost / benefit analysis for you (as I see it) is simple - there's very little cost to you and a hefty lot of benefits when we support NATO. Because it keeps the family business profitable.

But the average person does not see these benefits. They think that NATO assistance empowers terrorists, drone strikes fuels them and American intervention provides ammunition to their causes. And they end up paying or it. So the cost / benefit analysis for the laymen is quite the opposite of yours.

I expect you to claim that the quotas and benefits are much needed to keep the economy moving - but we really must factor in the cost to us. Are we really incapable of progressing economically without these gifts? And even if the answer is yes, isn't it time that we learn to survive without NATO dragging us by the balls?
@FaujHistorian: Please don't take this the wrong way. You say that some of your family is involved in the textile business. So you're directly affected by preferential quotas provided to us by assisting NATO. Do you feel that you're looking at the situation objectively? The cost / benefit analysis for you (as I see it) is simple - there's very little cost to you and a hefty lot of benefits when we support NATO. Because it keeps the family business profitable.

But the average person does not see these benefits. They think that NATO assistance empowers terrorists, drone strikes fuels them and American intervention provides ammunition to their causes. And they end up paying or it. So the cost / benefit analysis for the laymen is quite the opposite of yours.

I expect you to claim that the quotas and benefits are much needed to keep the economy moving - but we really must factor in the cost to us. Are we really incapable of progressing economically without these gifts? And even if the answer is yes, isn't it time that we learn to survive without NATO dragging us by the balls?

Brother @justsomeguy not a wrong way. not at all.

When you say average person doesn't see benefits. you many be looking at the rickshaw wallah, or the guy selling rotting fruit on a rayhree.

But my dear,

You have to account for the cotton farmer, and 100000s of workers in cotton industry from ginning mills all the way to finished textile product factories.

If you ask them how they would feel if the industry is shut down for months on end,

they will tell you how horrible it is.

And please understand

No one is dragging us by the balls. These are political and emotional statements.

If developed countries like Germany, and South Korea and Taiwan take nimble steps in order to protect their exports to US,

If China and India became economic miracles thanks to their 100s of billions and some times trillions of dollars of exports to EU and USA,

then what new thing Pakistan has invented that we don't have to follow the same path that Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, S, Koreans, Indians, Singaporeans, Thailand, followed to go from rags to riches and turned themselves into economic powers.

If my arguments do not make sense to you,

then please suggest how we earn $15-$25 billions a year to pay for all our imports from fuel, to industrial supplies, to tea, to military equipment, and how on earth we pay the loan installments, and how we pay for the Pakistani international bond holders.


Please suggest!

and I ask this question with all sincerity.

Thank you.
@FaujHistorian: Please don't take this the wrong way. You say that some of your family is involved in the textile business. So you're directly affected by preferential quotas provided to us by assisting NATO. Do you feel that you're looking at the situation objectively? The cost / benefit analysis for you (as I see it) is simple - there's very little cost to you and a hefty lot of benefits when we support NATO. Because it keeps the family business profitable.

But the average person does not see these benefits. They think that NATO assistance empowers terrorists, drone strikes fuels them and American intervention provides ammunition to their causes. And they end up paying or it. So the cost / benefit analysis for the laymen is quite the opposite of yours.

I expect you to claim that the quotas and benefits are much needed to keep the economy moving - but we really must factor in the cost to us. Are we really incapable of progressing economically without these gifts? And even if the answer is yes, isn't it time that we learn to survive without NATO dragging us by the balls?

Do not be swayed by anything that guy says... here is the truth:
The EU is Pakistan's largest trading partner. The overall EU-Pakistan trade volume reached €8.1 billion in 2011, up by 19 percent from 2009, with Pakistan enjoying €1 billion a surplus in the balance of trade with the EU.

EU imports from Pakistan expanded by 35 percent to €4.6 billion in 2011 from €3.5 billion in 2009. Pakistani exports to the EU are expected to receive a further boost with the EU trade concessions in response to the 2010 and 2011 floods in Pakistan.

Do you notice that during and after the Salala incident which was the gravest standoff between Pakistan and NATO forces, Pakistan's exports to the EU actually went up!

EU leaders are not fools to allow NATO dictate their trade policies that too in such bad times. In fact, the EU, even if they wanted to, can NOT stop Pakistan's exports or even restrict them without sanctioning the state of Pakistan, for which they would require a UN consensus.

This blockade will have no effect on Pakistan's exports to the EU.

You need not worry about the EU sanctions in view of NATO supplies. The only part here worth worrying is the condition of Pakistani industry and infrastructure, that will certainly be affected by the blockade of NATO supply routes. EU will not be playing any part in that.

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