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PTI Anti-NATO Route Campaign Will Directly Affect Pakistan's Economy and Innocent Truck Drivers

...... after the Salala incident which was the gravest standoff between Pakistan and NATO forces, Pakistan's exports to the EU actually went up!.....

Two views to share with you.

1. NATO view: What the fork, how the hell we killed Pakistani soldiers. How the $hit we are going to get cooperation from them if kill their guys at the border. Call Bob and Jim responsible for ordering the strike on Salala and give them good drubbing.

2. Pakistani industry view: Oh the fork! we gotta do something. So the textile industry leaders went to every EU embassy to get assurances that our exports will not be impacted.

This is how it works in every forking country that exports to EU and US.

Hate to bring INdia in this.

But we all know when Indians massed troops on our border after parliament attack. Read Tom Freidman's "How GE saved subcontinent from war". Also read what Indian industry lobby NASSCOM was doing in Dilli that time, begging Indian government to pull back the troops.

Oh well

Who am I try to convince. A net warrior who has no stake in Pakistani industry whatsoever.

what so forking ever.

Two views to share with you.

1. NATO view: What the fork, how the hell we killed Pakistani soldiers. How the $hit we are going to get cooperation from them if kill their guys at the border. Call Bob and Jim responsible for ordering the strike on Salala and give them good drubbing.

2. Pakistani industry view: Oh the fork! we gotta do something. So the textile industry leaders went to every EU embassy to get assurances that our exports will not be impacted.

This is how it works in every forking country that exports to EU and US.

Hate to bring INdia in this.

But we all know when Indians massed troops on our border after parliament attack. Read Tom Freidman's "How GE saved subcontinent from war". Also read what Indian industry lobby NASSCOM was doing in Dilli that time, begging Indian government to pull back the troops.

Oh well

Who am I try to convince. A net warrior who has no stake in Pakistani industry whatsoever.

what so forking ever.


Till now you have had nothing to offer but garbage.

Please show some sincerity, because I got no time for those who fill the threads just for the heck of it.

So get me those Preferential Laws, or quit quoting me.
@Not Sure - Here's what I found after some googling, to keep the discussion going.

Global Trade Negotiations Home Page
In response to a successful Dispute Settlement Panel ruling, the US in 2002 announced a package for Pakistani textiles worth $476 million over three years in the form of quota increases, granted as part of the US' commitment to Pakistan for its help in the 'war on terrorism'. The deal falls far short of Pakistan's original demand of trade benefits worth USD 1.4 billion, including suspension of all apparel tariffs until 2005 and quota increases for certain products. [5] More recently, European Union has been considering the imposition of anti-dumping duty on Pakistani cotton type bed linen. Under the countermeasure, Pakistan would lose the revenue of more than $500 million. Pakistan will surely challenge the duty if launched.

Pakistan - Trade - European Commission
Unrelated to NATO assistance
The EU supports the integration of Pakistan with the global economy by granting Pakistan's exports to the EU reduced tariffs under the EU's Generalised Scheme of Preferences.

  • As a result, more than 78% of Pakistan's exports enter the EU at preferential rates.
  • Around 80% of the textiles and clothing articles imported to the EU from Pakistan enter the EU at a preferential tariff rate. Around a quarter of these imports are bed linen, table linen and toilet and kitchen linen.
  • Textiles and clothing account for around 75% of Pakistan's exports to the EU. Pakistani exports to the EU have increased modestly in terms of value – despite the elimination of quotas, including on imports of Chinese textile and clothing products.
However, relying so heavily on one product category carries risks for Pakistan. Trade diversification programmes have been launched by the EU, to reduce the country's reliance on the textiles and clothing sector.
@Not Sure - Here's what I found after some googling, to keep the discussion going.

Global Trade Negotiations Home Page

Pakistan - Trade - European Commission
Unrelated to NATO assistance

Thanks man, that's exactly how it is.

In fact, the preferential trade treatment at first came when it was to be decided which, among India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan shall be given the preferences. Bangladesh has won most of such contracts to export textile related products to the EU, and 2004 onwards, India has lost most of them.

The same treatment, with greater preferences, was taken away from Bangladesh and provided to Pakistan in the aftermath of the devastating floods of 2010.

Since beginning I have been asking about the connection between the NATO supply route and Pakistan's export to EU. The thing is, people tend to think NATO and EU are about the same thing.

Whereas, fact is that whatever EU nations are part of NATO, actually want out.

In context, if you were to look at the similar incidents in the past with NATO countries, you would notice that the sheep culling incident created a bigger rift between Australia (whose troops fought under NATO flag), than did any incident related to NATO supply routes.

And it is my opinion, that on the contrary, EU would be forced to offer greater benefits to Pakistan owing to the on going turmoil in the country. Those who are blocking the NATO supply routes (Imran Khan and party) are not responsible for Pakistan's foreign policy. Thus, as a state with the same foreign policy as before, Pakistan will continue to be a country whose major textile exports go to the EU - irrespective of whatever happens with the NATO supply route.
I heard a buzzurg say, answering stupid makes you stupid, so i wont
but u did answer me ..so according to ur buzzurg U r stupid ...
i agree with that buzzurg

GSP Plus.... And do you even know the countries
Your provincial government cannot find ways to employ people. There has been no economic activity and no improvement in law and order. The article sums it all up. People of KPK are as much scared of PTI as TTP.

Read the last paragraph below

There are 'interests' in this world, not alliances. Al-Qaeda's policies on Syria matched with U.S because Al-Qaeda has a history of conflicts with Soviet Union (A.K.A Russia). Do not forget Osama Bin Laden was a U.S puppet during the Soviet-Afghan War! Communism is a no for Arabs and Westerners.

Mullah Fazlullah came back to North Waziristan after so many years because of PTI and it's stupid policies. The whole nation will blame you and your party if he launches suicide attacks. It is in Pakistan and U.S 'interest' to destroy him like Hakimullah Masud and for that matter, drone strikes and military operation is worth it.

No one is standing firm with PTI other than Jamat e Islami. And this gets even more mind boggling as Jamat e Islami is a party that was against the creation of Pakistan.

u knw why ur munafiq party is making so much noise against PTI ..bcoz it knw dam right that people are with him ...so they come up everyday and give excuses on tv ...

well we dont expect anythng from likes of zardari, mulana, altaf and zardari ..they 4 decade of politics is the reason we are here today ... its gud for us to keep the distance from them ...
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but u did answer me ..so according to ur buzzurg U r stupid ...
i agree with that buzzurg

u knw why ur munafiq party is making so much noise against PTI ..bcoz it knw dam right that people are with him ...so they come up everyday and give excuses on tv ...

well we dont expect anythng from likes of zardari, mulana, altaf and zardari ..they 4 decade of politics is the reason we are here today ... its gud for us to keep the distance from them ...

you need to cut this Munafiq crap, do you know what munafiq is??
learn to talk like a civilized man
you need to cut this Munafiq crap, do you know what munafiq is??
learn to talk like a civilized man
munfait is how say somethng and do somethng else ... like ur Munafiq league nawaz ...
Very true Pakistan economy depends on NATO supply to Afghanistan... oh no what we gonna do, we are doomed :omghaha:
Not exactly doomed, but no $1 million per day! :fie: :cry: 100,000 Pakistanis are going to be without jobs! Many of the unemployed may be forced to join the ranks of the TTP as mercenaries due to frustration and no money. :azn: You wouldn't be putting a laughing smiley then at the end of your post like you've just done! :tongue:
Not exactly doomed, but no $1 million per day! :fie: :cry: 100,000 Pakistanis are going to be without jobs! Many of the unemployed may be forced to join the ranks of the TTP as mercenaries due to frustration and no money. :azn: You wouldn't be putting a laughing smiley then at the end of your post like you've just done! :tongue:

lol...one million dollar per day? :woot: :omghaha:

who gave you these stats, it must be your brain or geo. both are idiots. use this :suicide:
lol...one million dollar per day? :woot: :omghaha:
who gave you these stats, it must be your brain or geo. both are idiots. use this :suicide:
Wrong! Neither Geo nor I are idiots! You are because you don't read the news and just keep shooting from the hip.

Here's more.....

Pakistan government can lose upto 1 million US dollars per day and face international sanctions if NATO supplies to US and international troops in Afghanistan are stopped from the country as is being advocated by some opposition parties including Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and religious party Jamaat-e-Islami.
Pakistan can lose 1 million US $/day, face sanctions if NATO supplies stopped


The United States-led (US) coalition is expected to pay Pakistan a fee of $1,500 to $1,800 for every truck carrying supplies through the country. Officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that the bill is estimated to go up to $1 million per day.
Reopening NATO supply routes: Pakistan to gain $365m annually – The Express Tribune

So friend, do a little research before calling everybody (except you) , idiots!
Wrong! Neither Geo nor I are idiots! You are because you don't read the news and just keep shooting from the hip.

Here's more.....

Pakistan can lose 1 million US $/day, face sanctions if NATO supplies stopped


Reopening NATO supply routes: Pakistan to gain $365m annually – The Express Tribune

So friend, do a little research before calling everybody (except you) , idiots!

if we were earning that much, we wouldnt be having lowest forex reserves, still going down, use brain idiot.

and secondly, US secretary is here to negotiate. propaganda news time is over, you are late to copy paste :P
if we were earning that much, we wouldnt be having lowest forex reserves, still going down, use brain idiot.

and secondly, US secretary is here to negotiate. propaganda news time is over, you are late to copy paste :P
Brain farts from you as usual? :sick: Do you even know what economics is all about? Do you know how much Pakistan spends on maintaining the lines of communications for NATO forces/ISAF? And do you even know how much diesel is being consumed by your truckers daily which impacts the country's forex reserves? After all, Pakistan is a net importer of oil and every drop bought by Pakistan is in dollars. So that obviously will affect your forex reserves greatly.

So what you're earning is going into maintenance of roads, bridges etc as well as losing an incredible amount of foreign exchange on import of oil for running your container trucks that operate in their thousands.

Why do people continuously spew rubbish out here? A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Brain farts from you as usual? :sick: Do you even know what economics is all about? Do you know how much Pakistan spends on maintaining the lines of communications for NATO forces/ISAF? And do you even know how much diesel is being consumed by your truckers daily which impacts the country's forex reserves? After all, Pakistan is a net importer of oil and every drop bought by Pakistan is in dollars. So that obviously will affect your forex reserves greatly.

So what you're earning is going into maintenance of roads, bridges etc as well as losing an incredible amount of foreign exchange on import of oil for running your container trucks that operate in their thousands.

Why do people continuously spew rubbish out here? A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

you know what you are talking about, copy pasting rubbish doesnot make you look cool, but only proves that you are an idiot of highest order. go to public loo.

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