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PTI 15th Nov,Azad Kashmir Jalsa: News and Updates.

lol bolta Pakistan... hahaha. thx but no thanks
important is what he said about kashmir problem?hve to look that!

His policy on Kashmir is worthless,his line of thinking is worst then a 14 year old..from past 6 month he has become a cry baby can't stand to listen to him more then 2 mins .!!
His policy on Kashmir is worthless,his line of thinking is worst then a 14 year old..from past 6 month he has become a cry baby can't stand to listen to him more then 2 mins .!!

But how about his fear of talibans?

lol bolta Pakistan... hahaha. thx but no thanks

Yes why not, this is our national media isn't it, if they don't see or agree with ur point thn they are haha?
Better face the bitter truth & rethink whts going on wrong, clear tht problem & rise above!
But how about his fear of talibans?

IK is sheep in lion skin. his 1st fear should be to win a single seat in up coming elections cos PPL are leaving his party faster then lamborghini gallardo change it's gear...

IK is scared little punk.. It takes hell alot from a leader to go against tailbans,He is scared shitless to make any statements against them, cos he just doesn't want to take a stand for pakistan, trying to go for a peace with tailbans..which has been done b4 and it was a nightmare for Pakistan.

IK have never condemn tailban's dirty work,Instead keeps on making lame excuse to go for peace, We all know we need peace but with honor and dignity .!!
His policy on Kashmir is worthless,his line of thinking is worst then a 14 year old..from past 6 month he has become a cry baby can't stand to listen to him more then 2 mins .!!

IK is sheep in lion skin. his 1st fear should be to win a single seat in up coming elections cos PPL are leaving his party faster then lamborghini gallardo change it's gear...

IK is scared little punk.. It takes hell alot from a leader to go against tailbans,He is scared shitless to make any statements against them, cos he just doesn't want to take a stand for pakistan, trying to go for a peace with tailbans..which has been done b4 and it was a nightmare for Pakistan.

IK have never condemn tailban's dirty work,Instead keeps on making lame excuse to go for peace, We all know we need peace but with honor and dignity .!!

Even though not related to the topic at hand, but could you please enlighten us about PMLN's Kashmir policy... considering they have had the luxury of being in the Govt. several times and could've changed the tides here and there? Go ahead...

That program was pretty critical on Imran Khan and for some sake, they simply disagreed and tried to term Imran Khans' speech as "Musharaf's Policy".. GOD D@M national and political system that we are living in has 100s of musharaf made changes and those are accepted, cherished and celebrated as "Democracy" while following a similar line on Kashmir makes these people cry - Freaking Hypocrites.
That program was pretty critical on Imran Khan and for some sake, they simply disagreed and tried to term Imran Khans' speech as "Musharaf's Policy".. GOD D@M national and political system that we are living in has 100s of musharaf made changes and those are accepted, cherished and celebrated as "Democracy" while following a similar line on Kashmir makes these people cry - Freaking Hypocrites.

sorry but when you see the truth, you guys deney it , like others denying your veiws, but these journalists are old enough to know the political history of pakistan, & they arent the relatives of MUSHARAF , even of IMRAN?
so basicly its the real truth, & we should accept it anyways?
it really doesnt matter who have started what, what all it matters is who is going to finish that?
so even that , KASHMIR policy which was started by musharaf , if IMRAN can finish it, that could be a milestone to achive itself!
we shouldnt act like little kids fighting for canddies , we should accept the facts & keep carry on to the good policies even started by our opponents?
like USA barack obama, didnt went after all the policies of G.W.BUSH, but only of those which were nt in USA,s intersts!
so dont need to argue the fact, that the policy of imran is bassed on what MUSHARAF once tried on kashmir?
This country needs to change her leadership desperately ... what r the options on the table ... ?? Military Dictatorship , PPP, PMLN ,PTI , JI ,MQM etc. I would have personally favored Military Dictatorship ,since that is most economically viable for Pakistan and the past is a clear guide, But since that option is a bit remote i will try PTI . I am convinced that trying a tested (and failed) party (PPP,PMLN etc..) again is like asking for more trouble...my problem is economy and to solve this mess we need honest leadership and thankfully we have it in Imran's presence. Granted Imran is not a shrewd politician but he has a history of achievement not only in the field of sports but also hospital, university ...etc.
This country needs to change her leadership desperately ... what r the options on the table ... ?? Military Dictatorship , PPP, PMLN ,PTI , JI ,MQM etc. I would have personally favored Military Dictatorship ,since that is most economically viable for Pakistan and the past is a clear guide, But since that option is a bit remote i will try PTI . I am convinced that trying a tested (and failed) party (PPP,PMLN etc..) again is like asking for more trouble...my problem is economy and to solve this mess we need honest leadership and thankfully we have it in Imran's presence. Granted Imran is not a shrewd politician but he has a history of achievement not only in the field of sports but also hospital, university ...etc.

thread is about kashmir jalsaa of PTI!
I myself am a witness to Imran's popularity in the UK . once in early 2008 i attended a huge gathering addressed by Imran in Illford London. If Imran were to stand for election in any London constituency or greater Manchester/Bradford/Leeds/Glasgow he would easily win .
In Ilford Town Hall right? On Ilford High Road?

Yeah I think in the same event, I was also there... :lol:

Yeah I think most overseas Pakistanis in Europe are PTI'ans... they have a huge support of overseas Pakistanis
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