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PTI 15th Nov,Azad Kashmir Jalsa: News and Updates.

i vote for imran if he helps folks setup barter trade, gold and silver. we live next door to china but our folks say puttar bring British battery over or bring British phooonee over puttar allah will bless you. you have to constantly tirelessly remind them it made in china which is next door what wrong with our trade route. The other problem is the very intelligent guys from back home get education get degree and move to another country which i find unfair that is wasting our resources and brain drain. The other mentality is thieving at the time i sold off my unlocking box so my aunty went to the market to unlock her phone what they did was switch over the motherboard and handed it back to her. imei did not match and board software version was different.

You cant even buy decent rice they will switch bags on you by mixing the crap rice quality with good rice.

little things like this have huge impact and no one will invest in you leading to further problems and poverty.
i vote for imran if he helps folks setup barter trade, gold and silver. we live next door to china but our folks say puttar bring British battery over or bring British phooonee over puttar allah will bless you. you have to constantly tirelessly remind them it made in china which is next door what wrong with our trade route. The other problem is the very intelligent guys from back home get education get degree and move to another country which i find unfair that is wasting our resources and brain drain. The other mentality is thieving at the time i sold off my unlocking box so my aunty went to the market to unlock her phone what they did was switch over the motherboard and handed it back to her. imei did not match and board software version was different.

You cant even buy decent rice they will switch bags on you by mixing the crap rice quality with good rice.

little things like this have huge impact and no one will invest in you leading to further problems and poverty.

So how do we fix it bhai?
Live streams? PTI supporters are slacking.

sorry Webbie I was off

whenever you want to see, live stream is available on insaf.pk

if the server is too busy

hit saach.tv

if still server down last resort

listen to the speech on PTIradio.com
Can someone give a brief description of what he said in the jalsa. Thank you
Can someone give a brief description of what he said in the jalsa. Thank you

In his own words on twitter:

Muharram moon has been sighted. We have to adopt Hussainayat to fight and defeat Yazeedi tyranny...

Very passionate crowd at jalsa in Mirpur. In my speech said that resolving Kashmir issue through dialogue would be our number 1 priority 1/2

I am in politics to eliminate poverty. Peace with India important factor in creating atmosphere to focus on the people.

For sustainable peace India and Pakistan must resolve Kashmir according to wishes of Kashmiri people. I will make it my priority


P.S.will upload his speech as soon as I get it
Last 2 min of speech that was also reported by Haroon Rasheed, man this brings back spirit to fight crooks in me, Inshallah we will not let her down !!! we will fight the looters :pakistan:
So how do we fix it bhai?

1. first setup barter trade and gold and silver currency = zardari and parties have swiss account and paper money can be printed hundred time ripping off the masses but gold cannot be printed cheating the people plus barter goods allows those who are producing to reap the benefits rather than those who do nothing but collect money and pushing down the currency value. plus zardari and parties cannot put barter good in suit case or transfer them but paper money fits nicely in to suit case say about million pounds.
2. power should be given to the people this way and let community decide.
3.i rather have people put money at home than bank if we are invaded imperialist cannot transfer our wealth or seize the bank. we saw what happened in Iraq. how many guys can imperialist come to steal their money their is too many of them and their will be hard resistance unlike bank.
4.i say dont hang them yet but give them a lifetime of hard labor for three plates of rice or something we need those wind turbine dont we make zardari and party learn how to do some metal work let say make fans for wind turbine or other simple parts.
5.we can make them do all kind of hard labour brick laying, loading, metalwork, wood work, etc.
6. sieze all assets and over sea accounts
7.veena malik to be punished for dancing with the enemy. look at all those guys desperate for nice girl veena malik be getting married. the other girl who was caught with black water is to be given hard labour in some sewing a factory army needs new digital camo and boots.
8 media traitors to be also given hard labor.
9.altaf will be under firing squad.
10. banned intellectuals from leaving the country = 17 students per class two teachers one phd and one helper master degree.
check statistics every year for progress if no progress teacher will get punished education is now free for everyone separate girls and boys school, college and uni this make parents happy.
11. investigate Raymond Davis case and reapply appropriate measures for punishmnet and get media to repeat this so the dumb world knows.
12. tell oil rich regions show respect to expat Pakistanis or we will invade i dont care islamic or not.
13 remind our dumb folks that Iran is our neighbor but dont get too emotional they did snitch us up over nukes we paid price for that.
14. take over media and constantly show programs that talk about education and progress not some stupid apne girl who says things like wow progress and does not know head n *** about anything. Also show the nation how to build something and put mathematical numbers and formulas so they can use this in their daily lives to improve products and understand important principles rather than trying to copy products from pictures. also have high level scholars to teach islam and explain to people the Qur'an has many high level scientific information that we should take and produce from. Qur'an also has mathematical numbers we should borrow this. invest heavy to this the quran has many hidden knowledge that can help us progress.
15. our schools,colleges,uni must teach predominately in urdu regardless what subject it is. The top of the class students will be inducted to learn three languages Arabic cos quran is Arabic we dont want confuse ****** mentality who are manipulated by far away oil region for their own benefit.
16. for god sake close down the brothels. give those women apprenticeship jobs.
17. get those women checked for std and start program for dealing with this disease. Educate our society why they shouldn't do this get scholar to explain it and then apply Qur'an view on it.
Don't look towards other nations but look at yourself believe in yourself and research our problems and condition work as nation to solve these.

1. biodisel
3.winding transformer goes long long way to able to build your inverters driver for lights and electricity
4.oil press = we need these for producing our own oil one to be given to each family good for home remedy oils and biodiesel
5.solar engineering
6.wind power engineering
7.optical or wireless internet connection and computers are important for the next step = 8.
8.build website forum that dedicated to all the above where folks can talk and discuss give ideas and produce diy kits.

i like home home remedies to solving illness cant trust these corporation add that to the forum list.
well i am glad teh jalsa was successful i agree with him on some points and yes we should go for change a new face in the parliament i hope everyone votes this time i agree with him fighting wars with india is next to impossible since we are both nuclear country and we destroy each other it will be like a suicide ( ignore the mullah rant) and yes they are our neighbors and we are theirs both are not going anywhere so we must make peace cant keep fighting forever england and france realized it too after fighting each other for thousand years and the first step increase trade well let the elections come but seeing the state of Pakistan i dont think elections will happen on time
1. first setup barter trade and gold and silver currency = zardari and parties have swiss account and paper money can be printed hundred time ripping off the masses but gold cannot be printed cheating the people plus barter goods allows those who are producing to reap the benefits rather than those who do nothing but collect money and pushing down the currency value. plus zardari and parties cannot put barter good in suit case or transfer them but paper money fits nicely in to suit case say about million pounds.
2. power should be given to the people this way and let community decide.
3.i rather have people put money at home than bank if we are invaded imperialist cannot transfer our wealth or seize the bank. we saw what happened in Iraq. how many guys can imperialist come to steal their money their is too many of them and their will be hard resistance unlike bank.
4.i say dont hang them yet but give them a lifetime of hard labor for three plates of rice or something we need those wind turbine dont we make zardari and party learn how to do some metal work let say make fans for wind turbine or other simple parts.
5.we can make them do all kind of hard labour brick laying, loading, metalwork, wood work, etc.
6. sieze all assets and over sea accounts
7.veena malik to be punished for dancing with the enemy. look at all those guys desperate for nice girl veena malik be getting married. the other girl who was caught with black water is to be given hard labour in some sewing a factory army needs new digital camo and boots.
8 media traitors to be also given hard labor.
9.altaf will be under firing squad.
10. banned intellectuals from leaving the country = 17 students per class two teachers one phd and one helper master degree.
check statistics every year for progress if no progress teacher will get punished education is now free for everyone separate girls and boys school, college and uni this make parents happy.
11. investigate Raymond Davis case and reapply appropriate measures for punishmnet and get media to repeat this so the dumb world knows.
12. tell oil rich regions show respect to expat Pakistanis or we will invade i dont care islamic or not.
13 remind our dumb folks that Iran is our neighbor but dont get too emotional they did snitch us up over nukes we paid price for that.
14. take over media and constantly show programs that talk about education and progress not some stupid apne girl who says things like wow progress and does not know head n *** about anything. Also show the nation how to build something and put mathematical numbers and formulas so they can use this in their daily lives to improve products and understand important principles rather than trying to copy products from pictures. also have high level scholars to teach islam and explain to people the Qur'an has many high level scientific information that we should take and produce from. Qur'an also has mathematical numbers we should borrow this. invest heavy to this the quran has many hidden knowledge that can help us progress.
15. our schools,colleges,uni must teach predominately in urdu regardless what subject it is. The top of the class students will be inducted to learn three languages Arabic cos quran is Arabic we dont want confuse ****** mentality who are manipulated by far away oil region for their own benefit.
16. for god sake close down the brothels. give those women apprenticeship jobs.

Well done there.

...but how would we implement that?






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