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Proudly South Korea & USA Alliance - “Sex Among Allies.”

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Women don't have strong sex drives and there aren't that many in the first place anyway, they are either family members of Korean managers on company assignment to Chinese subsidiaries, or language students.

what world do ya live in ? i want that stuff ya smoking.
so the US serviceman resolve to Raping the teenage girls? or paid girls?
The clubs they frequent are now manned by foreign women. That should answer your question.

The women's ministry's war against prostitution has made access to prostitutes very expensive and difficult, as you have to know someone and run through a background check to ensure you are not a cop. The other option is to go to a hostess club where you have to blow $2,000 just to see women that you would try to "negotiate" a night.

Accordingly, many just go to China and Southeast Asia for their needs.

that's not the impression of my offices mates, they are laughing....
I didn't know you would have web access in a sweat shop. Good luck having the laugh with your imaginary co-workers.

what world do ya live in ? i want that stuff ya smoking.
Korea is a conservative society regarding sexuality.
Korea is a conservative society regarding sexuality.

the point you raised was women in general do not have strong sex drives & now you are connecting that to korea claiming korea is a conservative society

lets say korea is a conservative society for a instance, how does it really mean women do not have strong sex drives?
they ask me to reply, Korean women have very strong sex drives.
You need to wake up and stop seeing imaginary people. You are obviously at home to type this since there is no web access at the sweatshop where you work as a manual laborer, the only kind of jobs available to Pakistani immigrants in Japan.
or do you mean to say women living in conservative socities do not have strong sex drive?

You need to wake up and stop seeing imaginary people. You are obviously at home to type this since there is no web access at the sweatshop where you work as a manual laborer, the only kind of jobs available to Pakistani immigrants in Japan.

And you have a cheek to come to pakistani site to write that?

goes to show koreans have no self respect
lets say korea is a conservative society for a instance, how does it really mean women do not have strong sex drives?
It is the combination of the lack of sex-drive and the conservative culture. Europe maybe a sexual heaven, but the Southern US is very conservative about sexual matters to this day even though the population are European immigrants.

There is a reason why Korean drama can be aired in China without editing, while Japanese drama usually requires some editing to be aired.
You need to wake up and stop seeing imaginary people. You are obviously at home to type this since there is no web access at the sweatshop where you work as a manual laborer, the only kind of jobs available to Pakistani immigrants in Japan.

I don't want to report you, because your are amusing.
And you have a cheek to come to pakistani site to write that?
I am simply stating a fact. I also said that I felt sorry for him to be living in a xenophobic country like Japan where he's never accepted by the locals and he is trying extra-hard to try to fit in to say stuff that please his boss and neighbor.
It is the combination of the lack of sex-drive and the conservative culture. Europe maybe a sexual heaven, but the Southern US is very conservative about sexual matters to this day even though the population are European immigrants.

There is a reason why Korean drama can be aired in China without editing, while Japanese drama usually requires some editing to be aired.

my question was women being conservative changes the biological equation of sex drive in a women? is that what you are getting at? lets not get into indian type of nonsensical spin for the fact i know you are a indian.
I don't want to report you, because your are amusing.
You have nothing to report because I was making an accurate description about the condition of your presence in Japan.

my question was women being conservative changes the biological equation of sex drive in a women? is that what you are getting at? lets not get into indian type of nonsensical spin for the fact i know you are a indian.

Let me ask you a question. Do European male tourists in Southeast Asia look for prostitutes? Yes. Do European female tourists in Southeast Asia look for male prostitutes? Most do not.

Both have money, yet one gender seeks prostitutes and the other gender does not. Why? It's biological.
You have nothing to report because I was making an accurate description about the condition of your presence in Japan.

Let me ask you a question. Do European male tourists in Southeast Asia look for prostitutes? Yes. Do European female tourists in Southeast Asia look for male prostitutes? Most do not.
Both have money, yet one gender seeks prostitutes and the other gender does not. Why? It's biological.

As a sweatshop labor, I still feel you have serious mental problem.

I feel it's not a shame working in sweatshops, as long as I earn money by my own hands, and remit back to my country to families, or charities. I am perfectly healthy, I respect women and people love me.

Meaningless threads, and spreading hatred, that could be report excuse. Let me tell you this, if you hate people, you hate yourself deep down.
As a sweatshop labor, I still feel you have serious mental problem.

I feel it's not a shame working in sweatshops, as long as I earn money by my own hands, and remit back to my country to families, or charities. I am perfectly healthy, I respect women and people love me.
Of course, but that doesn't make it right for you to bash another people. I wasn't bashing you or Pakistani in particular, going as far as not mentioning the notorious Korean racism against Pakistani workers in Korea(Korea has like 10 times the number of Pakistani workers as Japan does), but you went too far as making up stuff to attack people most who are in a much better position than you are.

Seriously, whom do you think fares better in Japan in real life, Koreans who enjoy the benefit of Korean Wave which let them date tons of Japanese women, or Pakistanis? Unfortunately, the side effect of all the "Koreans are destroying Japan and stealing our women" hype going on in Japan is that that makes Koreans the no. 1 enemy of Japanese rightwingers.
Prostitution Thrives with U.S. Military Presence

With the presence of U.S. soldiers, flesh trade is flourishing near the Camp Stanley Camptown close to Seoul.

Since 1945, U.S. troops have been stationed in the Korean peninsula, with their current strength estimated to be 28,500. The country plunged into civil war between 1950 and 1953 and since then, U.S. troops have remained there, claiming to act as a deterrent against North Korea, the country’s communist neighbour. Prostitution in the region is a direct result of their presence, local observers say.

Russian and Chinese troops also had troops stationed on the Korean peninsula in the aftermath of the civil conflict, but "have since left the area while U.S. troops are still here, in almost 100 military bases," Yu Young Nim, the head of a local non-governmental organisation which provides counseling, medical and legal care for sex workers, told IPS.

Yu Young Nim’s office is located at the Camp Stanley Camptown, a few metres away from local Korean restaurants, home in the 1980s to U.S.-imported Kentucky Fried Chicken and Subway logos. Locals attest to the slow decay of a town.

In front of one of these restaurants, sits a 36-year old former "mama-san", which in Korea denotes women supervising sex-work establishments. Like many other retired sex-workers, she looks older than her age, and has decided to open a restaurant.

The "mama-san" prefers catering to U.S. soldiers instead of the more demanding Korean clientele.

"G.I.s eat their food without complaints," she told IPS. "Koreans always expect to be served like kings."

It was in camps such as these that a new dish called Pudaettsigae entered the Korean diet: Poor Koreans took ingredients such as sausage, beans, processed cheese from leftovers at the U.S. camp and mixed them with home-grown ingredients.

After being a sex worker for much of her youth, during which she had a son with a U.S. soldier, like other "mama-sans" she opened her own club, where she employed other girls. She had to shut shop three years ago due to declining incomes.

"If the base closes, I’ll try moving to the [United] States; it would be good for my son," she says. Her son lives in Korea and speaks the language well enough, but got his primary education in English. "I don’t think he could attend a Korean university, but the U.S. universities are too expensive for us."

She could only wish his father was there to help.

"I have some contact with the grandfather, but barely with the father. He doesn’t send my son gifts, not even a Christmas card. He has so much more money than me and doesn’t do anything for his son," she says. "My son [believes] he has no father."

Several U.S. soldiers have married local prostitutes, in many cases impregnating them, only to later abandon them.

"Even in those cases of couples living together, these women can be easily abandoned by their husbands or boyfriends, and are victims of physical, mental and financial abuse," says Young Nim.

"The women mostly come from broken families, backgrounds of sexual abuse or domestic violence, and there is no protection from victims of these crimes," he says. "After entering the prostitution business they can’t get out."

U.S. officials have made statements condemning prostitution but have done little to stop it.

"They think this system should exist for the U.S. soldiers. Superficially they stand for a zero tolerance policy but practically they know what is going on and use this system," Young Nim told IPS.

There has been a reduction in prostitution of Korean women, which "has more to do with the work of non-governmental organisations and the fact that Korea has developed economically," while "there is no contact with the U.S. authorities. They have a legal office and counseling centre but only for their own soldiers and relatives."

After the negative publicity, the top military officials of the U.S. army have slowly became more outspoken in their condemnation of prostitution. U.S. soldiers were discouraged from frequenting traditional entertainment districts in central Seoul, although locals say that did little to stop them.

A turning point was the violent murder of a prostitute in Dongducheon in 1992. The finger of suspicion pointed at U.S. troops, though action against them is difficult given they enjoy a special legal status since 1945.

While prostitution is illegal in South Korea, camp towns are practically exempted from crackdowns, and US military anti-prostitution policies have forced these places to minimize their visibility.

Recent anti-prostitution laws are addressing the problems of Korean women, although there is disagreement among local activists regarding their effectiveness. However, they are effective in keeping out foreign sex workers; if arrested by the police they face deportation.

Some 3,000 to 4,000 come annually from countries like Philippines. While Russian, Uzbek and Kazakh women were also known for being trafficked into Korea in the past, now 90 percent of the women working as prostitutes hail from Southeast Asian countries.

Some 3,000 to 4,000 come annually from countries like Philippines. While Russian, Uzbek and Kazakh women were also known for being trafficked into Korea in the past, now 90 percent of the women working as prostitutes hail from Southeast Asian countries.
Like I said, it's almost all foreign women in the industry servicing US servicemen.

and by what? 9cm chopstick?
It's not 9 cm. Think about it. Koreans are the biggest and the heaviest bodied people in Asia, where you frequently see Korean women being taller than Japanese men. Big wang comes with big body.

What happens when Korean soccer players and Japanese soccer players come in contact. One simply overpowers the other.
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