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Protestors warn of anarchy if blasphemy law changed

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pakistan was not a country with frequent bomb blasts and terrorists attacks, TTP untill americans came to afghanistan

You didnt have the bombs because the taliban on both side of the border were very happy with your government's policies and your taliban were sending men, weapons and money to the taliban in Afghanistan to butcher afghans, they didnt need to come after you in those days, but now we are both sharing the burdan of the taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, while in the past it was only us.
You didnt have the bombs because the taliban on both side of the border were very happy with your government's policies and your taliban were sending men, weapons and money to the taliban in Afghanistan to butcher afghans, they didnt need to come after you in those days, but now we are both sharing the burdan of the taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, while in the past it was only us.

lollzzz, the talibans are the ones who are protecting you, americans are the ones who are frequently breaking into your house and strip searching your ladies..., its americans who are bombing you to hell everyday, and it were soviets before

TTP in pakistan was non existent body, it was formed by CIA and indians to start disruption in pakistan, while the real talibans in pakistan only kill americans across the border

if only northern allience had not betrayed the afghans, we would have seen stable afghanistan and stable pakistan..

you should not like to see your country in the hands of crusaders, or else your country will be worse than a stone age..
lollzzz, the talibans are the ones who are protecting you, americans are the ones who are frequently breaking into your house and strip searching your ladies..., its americans who are bombing you to hell everyday, and it were soviets before

TTP in pakistan was non existent body, it was formed by CIA and indians to start disruption in pakistan, while the real talibans in pakistan only kill americans across the border

if only northern allience had not betrayed the afghans, we would have seen stable afghanistan and stable pakistan..

you should not like to see your country in the hands of crusaders, or else your country will be worse than a stone age..

Better to ignore these Afghanis. Remember it was always Afghanis that betrayed us. The millions of Afghani refugees brought in weapons,drugs, and crime into Pakistan.And they still continue to blame us for their troubles but in reality it was us who saved them from the soviets.
Better to ignore these Afghanis. Remember it was always Afghanis that betrayed us. The millions of Afghani refugees brought in weapons,drugs, and crime into Pakistan.

the irony is, we welcomed them in our hearts, gave them opportunity, made them get rid of soviet lanat, made the country peaceful after decades of occupation and war, and in return they blame us for their freedom, maybe we should have let them rot with soviets and their kings and landlords..

these afghanis were so slaves that soviets killed their president their govt people occupied their country but they couldnt do anything, all their resistence started from pakistan and now they blame us!!!

lollzzz, the talibans are the ones who are protecting you, americans are the ones who are frequently breaking into your house and strip searching your ladies..., its americans who are bombing you to hell everyday, and it were soviets before

Protecting? you are insulting us buddy. Do you know that between 60-75% of all civilian casualties is done by the taliban? they used to kill us in large numbers before the americans, they had all typs of ethnic and religious prejudice, they still burn our schools and behead our teachers.

TTP in pakistan was non existent body, it was formed by CIA and indians to start disruption in pakistan, while the real talibans in pakistan only kill americans across the border

Name it TTP or something else, but they existed all the time. check this video:

YouTube - Pakistani Animal (POW) behind the Cages in Afghanistan

if only northern allience had not betrayed the afghans, we would have seen stable afghanistan and stable pakistan..

they used to be supported by Pakistan as well, so you share the burdan of their wrong doing too. Not only them, but high profile killers and criminals such as Hekmatyar, Sayaf etc were also stooges of pakistan.

you should not like to see your country in the hands of crusaders, or else your country will be worse than a stone age..

Do stage jihad against your own gov as well, as GOP is actively supporting nato in afghanistan. TTP is also taking arm to fight the gov because they think GoP is a stooge of america, i hope you now support the TTP.
Better to ignore these Afghanis. Remember it was always Afghanis that betrayed us. The millions of Afghani refugees brought in weapons,drugs, and crime into Pakistan.And they still continue to blame us for their troubles but in reality it was us who saved them from the soviets.

When some of you run out of logic, you blame us for all your problems. Drugs, weapons etc were never known before the war in AFghansitan. Go check your facts, guns has always been part of your tribal areas and its culture since long time.
the irony is, we welcomed them in our hearts, gave them opportunity, made them get rid of soviet lanat, made the country peaceful after decades of occupation and war, and in return they blame us for their freedom, maybe we should have let them rot with soviets and their kings and landlords..

these afghanis were so slaves that soviets killed their president their govt people occupied their country but they couldnt do anything, all their resistence started from pakistan and now they blame us!!!

Help against the soviets? you had to let us in your country to protect yourself agaist the soviets, after us, you were their next target, dont try to put your Ehsan on us.
the irony is, we welcomed them in our hearts, gave them opportunity, made them get rid of soviet lanat, made the country peaceful after decades of occupation and war, and in return they blame us for their freedom, maybe we should have let them rot with soviets and their kings and landlords..

these afghanis were so slaves that soviets killed their president their govt people occupied their country but they couldnt do anything, all their resistence started from pakistan and now they blame us!!!

Remember this:

YouTube - Taliban Operation vs. Buddha

So much for your 'love' for the poor Afghans!

You, for your thirst for strategic depth, have the blood of thousands of innocent Afghan women and children on your hands.

And then you have the audacity to say that you 'saved' them. You were the ones who pushed their country back to stone age because your army wanted 'strategic depth' in Afghanistan, something it craves for even to this day. How the hell can someone be so shameless?
Pardon my ignorance, but why is hanging the proper way to punish Asia Babi? I would think that stoning is more appropriate. Stoning lasts a lot longer, especially if the throwing line is moved back a bit, and if the stones are limited to 1 kilo.

Asia Babi should be stoned and Geo TV should televise it for the entire nation of Pakistan to contemplate and meditate about each faithful person's own sins. Perhaps, some of the best Pakistani bowlers could be brought in to give the procedure more professionalism (and certainty). The rest of the world could look on with wonder at Pakistan's good fortune to have such faithful adherence to its glorious 7th century religion. Every non-believer would, undoubtedly, be drawn to the beauty of Islam when practiced as it is intended to be....

HaHa... look who is talking... Americans being sarcastic as if they have some sort of moral high ground... Pathetic

Go back to stealing some oil dude!!!
Yes I have read some parts of the Quran, as far as I know Prophet Muhammad never advocated violence to those who insult Islam. Its people like you that make Islam look bad because in reality it's an alright religion.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah :pakistan:.

Than iam sure you are not a Muslim. :pakistan:

assalam alaikum,

Brother no question of scapegoat i guess u missed wat i said we need to punish the accuser ruthlessly if he wrongfully accused someone it is the matter of life and death and should not be taken easily accusing each other.

The resepcted member was trying to show that there r millions to create the impression it is a big percentage of the country.

Thank for ur response.

Ahmad we talked about the blashmey law and in our country before creating this law many scholars provided their input and from many countries can u tell me any afghan known scholar who oppose the death sentence of the guilty person.

Brother afghans r very nice ppl and they r in gr8 problem dont accuse them, they r victims be polight plz

lollzzz, the talibans are the ones who are protecting you, americans are the ones who are frequently breaking into your house and strip searching your ladies..., its americans who are bombing you to hell everyday, and it were soviets before

TTP in pakistan was non existent body, it was formed by CIA and indians to start disruption in pakistan, while the real talibans in pakistan only kill americans across the border

if only northern allience had not betrayed the afghans, we would have seen stable afghanistan and stable pakistan..

you should not like to see your country in the hands of crusaders, or else your country will be worse than a stone age..

the irony is, we welcomed them in our hearts, gave them opportunity, made them get rid of soviet lanat, made the country peaceful after decades of occupation and war, and in return they blame us for their freedom, maybe we should have let them rot with soviets and their kings and landlords..

these afghanis were so slaves that soviets killed their president their govt people occupied their country but they couldnt do anything, all their resistence started from pakistan and now they blame us!!!

It would be great to see the taliban or TTP or whatever 'saving' Pakistan just like they 'saved' Afghanistan, for a change.
lollzzz, the talibans are the ones who are protecting you, americans are the ones who are frequently breaking into your house and strip searching your ladies..., its americans who are bombing you to hell everyday, and it were soviets before

TTP in pakistan was non existent body, it was formed by CIA and indians to start disruption in pakistan, while the real talibans in pakistan only kill americans across the border

if only northern allience had not betrayed the afghans, we would have seen stable afghanistan and stable pakistan..

you should not like to see your country in the hands of crusaders, or else your country will be worse than a stone age..
If Taliban are so great then why is your state and your army fighting them?

Afterall Afghan Taliban and Pakistan Taliban do share more than just the name.

They both want to impose Sharia law in their respective countries.

They both are fiercely against any kind American involvement in their respective countries.

Both are against educating women, or allowing them being offered equal opportunity as men.

Both prefer suicide bombing as a method to achieve their ends.

Both are members of Shura Ittehad-ul-Mujahideen.

So why do you fight them... as you believe Afghan Taliban are saviors of Afghan people ..then why Pakistani Taliban following the same policies as their Afghan counterparts are terrorists??

There is saying in Hindi which is apt for people with your mindset

"Tera khoon, khoon aur mera khoon pani ??" (your blood is blood but my blood is water??)
HaHa... look who is talking... Americans being sarcastic as if they have some sort of moral high ground... Pathetic
Go back to stealing some oil dude!!!
Isn't it evident from just this statement alone that compared to you, we do?
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