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‘Proof of great friendship’: China to send Pakistan another $1.3 billion

Compared to China, India is a real problem. In case you didn't apart from the endless bad deeds india does it is demanding the revision of the Indus water treaty of 1960..

go figure
@SQ8 @VCheng Accurate enough....
@SQ8 @VCheng Accurate enough....

Claiming that only serves the purpose for which it is intended, that is all I can say here.
Seriously, calling CPEC a debt trap just as genuine Indians would.
He is mouthpiece of Pakistan’s Army. And this messaging when apparently Pakistan’s foreign secretary is visiting Beijing...
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why dont you just give the entire punjab over to the chinese to be run.

Why only Punjab?

I propose that Pakistan merge with China, If it is okay with China.
Why only Punjab?

I propose that Pakistan merge with China, If it is okay with China.

What are your thoughts on the possible Pizza Hut/Domino's merger?
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