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President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev There should be a Turkish Union

LoL, failed?? we just started, follow Turkiye, just 5-10 years and see what happens to those influences.

Better get to them fast yes failed.

---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------

listen you are saying influence , influences change within time they are within russia influence because of soivet times but as times pass stronger relations it will become easier we are not saying a turkic union tomorow lol at least 10 years i would say

Yes they do you had since 1991-2011 but noting ?
I know for sure that many Uzbeks watch Turkish tv, so there's some soft power right there. It's a possibility.
we have cultural/national/racial influence which will never end until our race is gone maybe enough to make a unit yet but still russians is power influence when we get more powerful we will mix the other influences with the hard power and there you go

Better get to them fast yes failed.

---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------

Yes they do you had since 1991-2011 but noting ?
Turkmen president hails ties with Turkey, vows to enhance cooperation


Turkish President Gül (L) greets Turkmenistan’s President Muhammedov at Çırağan Palace during the Turkic-speaking states’ 10th summit, held in İstanbul in 2010.

28 February 2012 / CEMİL YILDIZ, ASHGABAT

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov has praised his country's ties with Turkey, saying they amount to a strategic partnership, and called Turkey and Turkmenistan “one nation with two states.”

Berdimuhammedov, re-elected to his post in elections earlier this month, is to begin a visit to Turkey on Wednesday, his first trip abroad following the Feb. 12 elections, where he was re-elected as president with 83 percent of the vote. The visit, the fifth trip by the Turkmen leader to Turkey in the past four years, also coincides with the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Turkmenistan 20 years ago.

“We are one nation with two states. Our peoples have common roots. This is confirmed not only by historical sources but also by the [state of] our current relations,” Berdimuhammedov told Turkish journalists at his presidential residence ahead of his visit.

Touching upon a wide range of issues, from cultural relations to tourism, from the economy to political ties, Berdimuhammedov’s top priority is how to improve current economic ties, which enjoy substantial progress despite apparent uncertainties in a volatile global economy.

In 2010, the volume of trade between Turkey and Turkmenistan rose by 19 percent compared to 2009, reaching $1.5 billion. In 2011, the volume of foreign trade reached $1.8 billion, import from Turkmenistan being worth around $39 million and export to Turkmenistan worth $1.4 billion. Turkish construction companies have taken on 690 projects in Turkmenistan at a cost of around $23.7 billion in total. In 2010, they contracted 56 projects with a total value of around $4.3 billion, and in 2011, 59 projects were contracted with a value of $3.2 billion. As Turkey has risen to become Turkmenistan’s number one foreign trade partner over the past four years, it has replaced the Russian Federation, and out of all the countries in Central Asia, it is Turkmenistan where Turkish companies are engaged in the greatest number of projects.

In 2011, the trade between countries increased 25 percent in comparison to the previous year.

Great progress since independence

Not facing the political and social turmoil that hindered development and stability in most of Turkmenistan’s neighbors, Berdimuhammedov noted that Turkmenistan has achieved great progress in the economic field with a government initiative titled “Great Development Period.” Thanks to the great efforts launched by the state, citizens now enjoy relative prosperity, he said.

Turkmenistan, a country of 5 million, has enjoyed an economic boom over the past decade.

According to Berdimuhammedov, spreading welfare and prosperity to all segments of the society was the key indicator for his success during the first term of his presidency, adding that with the suggestion of the Turkmen people they named this period the “Happy years of the independence.”

The society reacted positively to the social welfare policies of the state, he commented, referring to his landslide win in the Feb. 12 elections.

“The Turkmen people showed their confidence in me, indicating that Turkmenistan is on the right course. In the last period, there was significant progress in agriculture, construction, in the social life of the people and in other fields,” said Berdimuhammedov. Addressing Turkey’s growing economic and diplomatic clout in international affairs, he emphasized that Turkmenistan gives vital importance to improving relations with Turkey.

He noted that the Republic of Turkey is a reliable and strategic partner. The relations rely on mutual respect and understanding, on equal terms, trust and mutual benefit, he said.

In the last period, experts and businessmen from Turkey made a remarkable contribution to the realization of social and economic projects in the Central Asian country. He addressed the existence of opportunities in various sectors, such as chemistry, transportation, communication, health and construction, which have great potential to develop economic relations through investing in Turkmenistan. Beyond the economic aspect of the relations, cooperation in education is also another dimension of the bilateral relations, as 700 Turkmen students receive education in Turkey as part of agreements in the field of education, he noted. Adding that Turkish scientists actively join international conferences, festivals and other cultural and scientific activities on behalf of Turkmenistan, he pointed out that several activities in Turkey’s metropolitan cities were held over the past few years to introduce Turkmen culture.

In response to a question from journalists, the Turkmen president noted that Turkmenistan is seeking ways to remove its economic dependence on energy income, which lies at the core of the Turkmen economy. In order to achieve that goal, Turkmenistan is investing in human capital, infrastructure and industry, he noted. The primary objective for Turkmenistan to promote prosperity and welfare for its people is by having a strong industrial economy, he reiterated. Turkmenistan is among the countries which have a high level of economic development and competitiveness in the 21st century, he pointed out. On energy, Berdimuhammedov underlined that Turkmenistan is using its energy resources vary rationally. The Turkmen leader cited the findings of the British oil field auditing company Gaffney Cline, which revealed that Turkmenistan’s South Yolotan field is the world’s second largest gas field. “Last year Gaffney Cline & Associates [the British oil field auditing company] carried out examinations in the Yolotan gas field. The reserve potential of this great gas field is 26.2 trillion cubic meters. This means this gas field is the second in the world in terms of reserve potential,” he said.

Noting that Turkmenistan is a reliable country in the energy business in global markets, Berdimuhammedov said the construction of the second part of a Turkmenistan-China natural gas pipeline is now being carried out.

In addition, he said the project of constructing a Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline is under way. Among the different projects, Turkmenistan is also considering various routes to deliver gas to Europe. Along with the construction of new pipelines, the country is renewing its current infrastructure and reconstructing some of its existing pipelines, he said. He noted that Turkmenistan actively engages in diplomatic efforts at the UN General Assembly to hammer out several projects to provide energy security in the international arena. The safe delivery of energy resources to global markets is of vital importance for the country, he underlined.

Turkmen president hails ties with Turkey, vows to enhance cooperation
Çankaya Köşk'ünde bir ilk
Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Türkiye’ye resmi ziyarette bulunan Türkmenistan Devlet Başkanı Gurbangulu Berdimuhamedov’u Çankaya Köşkü’nde törenle karşıladı.

Havanın soğuk olması nedeniyle İlk kez Çankaya Köşkü’nün içerisinde düzenlenen törende, iki ülke milli marşlarının çalınmasının ardından Berdimuhamedov, tören kıtasını Türkçe "Merhaba asker" diyerek selamladı.

Türkmenistan Devlet Başkanı Berdimuhamedov ise nişan takdiminin ardından yaptığı teşekkür konuşmasında Türkmenistan'ın Türkiye'yi stratejik ortak olarak gördüğünü belirterek "Bizim ilişkilerimizin layık olduğu seviye iki devlet bir millet ilkesidir. Dostane kardeşlik ilişkilerimizi daha da ileri götüreceğiz. Bu sizin de söylediğiniz gibi kemik kardeşliğidir. Aramızdaki dostane ilişkilerimiz kardeşlik bağlarımız siyah taşa yazılmış gibidir ve hiçbir zaman izini kaybetmeyecektir" diye konuştu. Nişan töreninin ardından heyetler arası görüşmelere geçildi.

---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ----------

we see so many iki devlet tek millet but we see nothing from that
i don't really like that Turkem president, he is a corrupt man. extremely to...
Laughable, the same can be said about us but how would that help?

well, i would agree to a certain degree.

he got "surprisingly" 97% of the votes, wich goes to show that he has extreme amount of power. no party in Turkey holds that much power, nor any guy.
well, i would agree to a certain degree.

he got "surprisingly" 97% of the votes, wich goes to show that he has extreme amount of power. no party in Turkey holds that much power, nor any guy.

What do you know about Turkmenistan, its people, cultures, politics etc?
I am sure the Arabs and Persians/kurds etc are just really looking forward to this. Lets not even bother bringing in Russia or China at this point.
What do you know about Turkmenistan, its people, cultures, politics etc?

dont need to know something speciall to know that this guy has been in power to long with corruption. he is like a turkmen version of putin... he should be more democratic instead of being a dictator.

it is heavilly influenced by Russia, Turkey isn't their first priority i can say that.

8 candidates was to run in the presidential election, eight. and all of them compared got only 3% of the votes, while this guy got 97%.

he needs to start on reforms for a more democratic Turkmenistan!
dont need to know something speciall to know that this guy has been in power to long with corruption. he is like a turkmen version of putin... he should be more democratic instead of being a dictator.

it is heavilly influenced by Russia, Turkey isn't their first priority i can say that.

8 candidates was to run in the presidential election, eight. and all of them compared got only 3% of the votes, while this guy got 97%.

he needs to start on reforms for a more democratic Turkmenistan!

Ahahaha lol okay!... well firstly all that isnt up to you to change dear Mr. democrat.. They may have their own kind of democracy. I guess those 5 million citizens of Turkmenistan know who s the best to rule their country you know??

Now tell me isn't Turkey also heavilly influenced by a certain country, and Turkmenistan is also not Turkeys first priority so there you go again mate...

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