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President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev There should be a Turkish Union

watch this and acknowledge what the Turkmen president is really thinking about us Turks.

Wow, how sensitive when it comes to Turkic brothers..

And besides the guy is probably right?.. what if the constuction company didnt finish the job they promised?? I would be pissed of too.. heck i would bann them forever from the country.
I am sure the Arabs and Persians/kurds etc are just really looking forward to this. Lets not even bother bringing in Russia or China at this point.

I didnt understand..Are you saying that we need to get permission from them?
Ahahaha lol okay!... well firstly all that isnt up to you to change dear Mr. democrat.. They may have their own kind of democracy. I guess those 5 million citizens of Turkmenistan know who s the best to rule their country you know??

Now tell me isn't Turkey also heavilly influenced by a certain country, and Turkmenistan is also not Turkeys first priority so there you go again mate...

Turkey isn't influenced by USA. we dont buy left and right from them and have our own foreign policy.

and you have to be stupid to think that 97% of the Turkmen population wants to vote for this guy... what has he done to Turkmenistan?

press freedom for example, reporters san frontiers places Turkmenistan the third worst place for press freedom behind North Korea and Burma. that should say something

human rights is bad, minorities are being discriminated...

unemployement rate is more than 50%, half of the country doesn't have a job!

this 'president' is nothing but corrupt man, you can't be serious when you think that all of the country wants one man to rule. there where a one party rule not so long ago, but they have changed that. and still the communist party of Turkmenistan has a lot of power. from what i can see, nothing has changed other than some fancy buildings in Asghabat after Soviet collaps!

this guy will hold power for years to come if this continues. we as a democratic country should press them to atleast make some reforms to better the condition of the country!
I rather have Turkey's influence in Central Asia than Russian, however I don't want those countries' to follow Turkey's footsteps by joining NATO.
i always laugh whenever these land-locked central asian countries talk about ''economic policies''

they are so busy in policing and in rivalries -- what economic policies are they talking about? As is in our case, corruption in government is endemic. Unlike us, their credit/financial controls and regulations and bureaucracy are so bad that they scare away investors before they even look.

a union of sorts sounds like a good idea --- but good luck getting those countries to see eye-to-eye. Especially if Uzbekistan becomes involved.

---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 AM ----------

I rather have Turkey's influence in Central Asia than Russian, however I don't want those countries' to follow Turkey's footsteps by joining NATO.

NATO wont even exist in a few years, i predict it will be disbanded
omg we gave that guy devlet nisani dnt the president monitor who he gives these to its like a joke
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