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Predictions about Pakistan Future (Syed Sarfraz Shah) by A.Q.Hassan Column

Amazing this ... totally shamefully amazing.

In Islamic Republic of Pakistan every morning every TV channel gets some one who is an expert at telling the future.

We have column writers and molders of public opinion, politicians who are followers of such stupid ideas.

How are we any different from Pagans ?

As long as we have this Peeri-Mureedi system conjugated with Feudal system we will continue to suffer !

Well I really don't like to argue with people who probably don't have enough background in these matters. There is a lot of garbage Pirs really, spread through out Pakistan. But we can't deny the existence of people like Junaid bughdadi, Baayazeed Bastami, Imam Ghazali, Data Gunj Bakhsh, Allama Iqbal and the likes.
Please reserach a bit about this guy who we are talking about. Don't put a blanket verdict about TOTAL absence of such people.

I really don't want to agrue with people of such less knowledge about the matter, really!!

P.S. Please don't even dare try to believe what is being said here. Just keep these discussions in mind in case they ring true in future somewhere. :tup:
To all Indians & other haters of Pakistan.

This is what Pakistan was like in 1954:

This is Pakistan in 2009:

Please, stop will all your hating of Pakistan, & realize how much blood & sweat Pakistan has put from 1947 to reach where they are today: literally from Stone Age to a country to a regional & 27th largest economy of the world. Lahore was the only one proper city in Pakistan in 1947. Besides Lahore, Pakistan did not have development like Indian cities such as Bombay, Jaipur, Lucknow, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore etc did. I've seen a lot of Pakistanis admire Indians & India, but I've never seen the opposite. We realize you are a bigger & stronger country than us, but a token of appreciation isn't too much to ask.
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True lies

Sana Bucha
Sunday, March 13, 2011

For Muslims, the day of Friday is blessed. It is the juma prayers that bring many Muslims to the mosque, clad in their freshly washed and starched shalwar kameez. Mosques in Pakistan witness their highest attendance on Friday – a good thing for the maulvis who lead the khutbah. The more people present, the more the impact.

Last Friday, there was reason to celebrate. Pakistan test fired its Hataf 2 (Abdali) missile that has a range of 180 miles – another feather in the cap of the armed forces and its engineers. Pakistan is safer today courtesy the latest addition to our weapons arsenal. Maybe there’s hope for hundreds of people who gather in mosques on Friday, or collect to offer namaz-e-janaza. Perhaps our nuclear capability will also offer some security to the minorities – may the Hataf protect them from false fatwas issued by clerics ordaining their death.

A few hours later India tested its Prithvi-II missile and burst my bubble. For us, our enemy is still across the border – and aren’t we glad Pakistan tested its ballistic missile first. Our powerful army has the India problem sorted. Bless them. But isn’t that what we thought in 1965, in 1971 and in 1999? The greatest threat to Pakistan security is always being ‘sorted’. And if the cause is so noble, then why are we fed lies by both - our political leaders and our military establishment?

In 1965, we read in our textbooks that India attacked Pakistan in the middle of the night for no reason or because some of their generals wanted to have a non-vegetarian meal at the Lahore Gymkhana! But then I grew up and found out that we started this confrontation by picking a fight along, what we now refer to, as the LoC. India overreacted by starting a war on international borders. Why is it so hard for us to speak the complete truth? The truth is that Pakistan believes that it has a legitimate right on Kashmir and history is rife with war attempts we have made to take over what is already ours. Then why not accept it? Why exaggerate the Indian threat and undermine our own confrontational policies.

The lies carried on in 1971. We had West Pakistan believe that we were on a winning streak till the 15th of December. However, on the morning of the 16th we had lost East Pakistan. We were also told that the Pakistan Army was up against just a bunch of mukti bahinis – however, truth be told, we were actually fighting against the entire nation of East Pakistan. Ironically, we were fighting against those in ‘71 who had helped build what we stand for since ‘47.

Come 1979 and we started living another lie. For ten years, we were told that Pakistan was just a source of moral support for the mujahideen waging jihad against the Soviets. The truth: we were creating an enabling environment for them to grow in. We were responsible not just for their recruitment but also their training. We were fighting a war against a superpower for another superpower, which we now identify as the greatest evil. Yet, she was our only companion through most of these lies. With the Soviet War ending, we decided to morally engage ourselves in “our jugular vein” – Kashmir. Again our ‘moral support’ included training camps, militant groups and a few operations, Kargil being one of them.

The Kargil War, we were told was initiated and fought by the mujahideen. Again, we were only ‘morally’ supporting them. Yet, hundreds of our soldiers were martyred – and there were brave men like Lalak Jan Shaheed who sustained serious injuries as enemies pounded the area with heavy mortar shells. It is these foot soldiers that protect us from internal and external threat. While the Pakistan government continued to harp on its “successes” in Kargil, Pakistani media – over the years – discovered that not only was Kargil Pakistan’s misadventure, but also a diplomatic disaster. And the world was no longer sympathetic to the cause of religious militancy.

That’s the power of an independent media. The truth finds its way to the people, as it did in the case of Kargil. However, in ‘65 and ‘71 there was only state-controlled media and we were made to believe what now appears to be only the partial truth. This evasiveness has led our Establishment to control our thoughts and speech. We blame political forces for diplomatic disasters, forgetting that the only constant throughout our 63 years of existence has remained our military establishment.

We drone on endlessly about drone strikes, sometimes blaming the US, at other times demanding explanation from our political leaders. However, when Major General Ghayur Mehmood gave his personal assessment to the media in Miranshah, hardly anyone noticed. In what he termed his ‘personal assessment’ the General said that most of those killed in drone strikes were “hardcore Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants”. Some media gurus demanded the General be court martialled. Not a whimper from the ISPR. The establishment needs to come clean on whether the drone strikes are indeed helping get rid of militants or killing innocent civilians. They shouldn’t allow the drones to continue in either case. But at least we should know who is the driving force behind these pilotless drones? They should not be allowed to fan the flames of extremism in the garb of their hidden ‘interests’.

These lies have helped create a nation with strange characteristics. We would go to war with India in an instant, yet just one Indian entertainment channel has more viewership in Pakistan than all Pakistani channels combined. We will continue to see our people die in bomb blasts and wonder where these ‘terrorists’ came from. No one concedes to the fact that these terrorists were bred for our own “national interest” and “strategic depth”.

Years and years of concocted lies, artificial or make-believe truth has led our nation to suffer from a multiple personality disorder and paranoia. We smell a conspiracy at every corner; blame the ‘foreign hand’ for all evil. Friday is believed to be the day when the sun rises best and the day when prayers are surely answered. This Friday, say a little prayer for Pakistan: God give us the strength to fix it.

True lies

to predict the future you should know the reality , and the reality is this
To all Indians & other haters of Pakistan.

This is what Pakistan was like in 1954:

This is Pakistan in 2009:

Please, stop will all your hating of Pakistan, & realize how much blood & sweat Pakistan has put from 1947 to reach where they are today: literally from Stone Age to a country to a regional & 27th largest economy of the world. Lahore was the only one proper city in Pakistan in 1947. Besides Lahore, Pakistan did not have development like Indian cities such as Bombay, Jaipur, Lucknow, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore etc did. I've seen a lot of Pakistanis admire Indians & India, but I've never seen the opposite. We realize you are a bigger & stronger country than us, but a token of appreciation isn't too much to ask.

the development in pakistan is good but could have been 100 times better since its economic growth was very good in the initial years,i had also heard that s.koreans came to pakistan to study the economic growth model but unfortunately pakistan stayed behind hopefully it achieves wide spread growth soon
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the development in pakistan is good but could have been 100 times better since its economic growth was very good in the initial years,i had also heard that s.koreans came to pakistan to study the economic growth model but unfortunately pakistan stayed behind hopefully it achieves wide spread growth soon

That is only the perception of people. There is always room for improvement though, & this definitely applies to India as well. But please realize that in 63 years, Pakistan has literally went from the Stone Age to a prosperous nation, & despite the bleak picture you get in the media today, is developing faster than ever before. It is an important country in the world. It's hard to say what could have been, but the fact of the matter is that Pakistan has come along a huge way in 63 years as such a young country.
That is only the perception of people. There is always room for improvement though, & this definitely applies to India as well. But please realize that in 63 years, Pakistan has literally went from the Stone Age to a prosperous nation, & despite the bleak picture you get in the media today, is developing faster than ever before. It is an important country in the world. It's hard to say what could have been, but the fact of the matter is that Pakistan has come along a huge way in 63 years as such a young country.

thats not a perception it was left behind by countries like s.korea in terms of development with the likes of india which suffered from socialist style of economy but both countries have a better future if there is no war
thats not a perception it was left behind by countries like s.korea in terms of development with the likes of india which suffered from socialist style of economy but both countries have a better future if there is no war

I won't be discussing India here, but your poverty % in 2000 was 27.4%, and in 2010 after all the development has risen up to 37.2% in 2010. 100 million more people went below the poverty line from 2000 to 2010. Before your economic boom, your poverty rate was only going down. Now tell me, what is the use of all this kind of development when conditions for the common man are only getting worse?

Poverty in India

Poverty in Pakistan

Pakistan's poverty in 2008: 17.2%

India's poverty in 2000: 26.1% (from the graph)

India's poverty in 2004: 27.5% (from the link)

India's poverty in 2010 (after the economic boom): 37.2% (from the link)

Pakistan's poverty has gone down, India's poverty has gone up. India's poverty rate is twice of that of Pakistan.

100 million more Indians now living in poverty - The Economic Times
thats not a perception it was left behind by countries like s.korea in terms of development with the likes of india which suffered from socialist style of economy but both countries have a better future if there is no war

South Korea is literally like Israel is to the US in the Middle East. India also has lots of room for improvement as well, as does Pakistan & every other country. Whatever you think, Pakistan has actually progressed a lot since 1947, and is progressing at a faster pace than ever.
I myself have been following this topic for the last 7 months or so. The type of events unfolding globally in the present day and age could not simply be ignored. Something is not right, especially after the rise and fall of the Taliban, followed by the 911 fiasco, and so on.
I have I think watched a lot of documentaries about the illuminati, the bloodlines that control the Western hemisphere, Zionism, freemasonry etc. There is a lot of information and disinformation being spewed out in the mainstream and alternative media about the topic. So one has to carefully corelate the things/ events together to reach a conclusion. I was especially intrigued by the lectures of Imran Nazar Hussein, who predicted in 2003 through his knowledge (not Kashf) the Fall of American dollar, which we are witnessing since the economic crunch of 2008, and which will be complete by the end of 2011 (or the mid of 2012). This mid east crisis is actually the second last phase of that process... When Saudi Arabia falls into chaos, then you would all witness the pace of things really speed up.
Now this War in Afghanistan (in my opinion), was mainly to denuclearise Pakistan. But we believe God to be the best of planners. So now things won't remain ugly and twisted as they have been, the time for them to be straigtened out has finally come...
You would witness each new day bringing with itself many new events, events capable of changing the course of history. Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, Fall of many mid-eastern states, fall of the dollar (where it would be the worth of paper its written on, as they say i.e., totally worthless) and ensuing Global economic crisis, de-throning of USA as a super power (by the end of 2011 or start of 2012), etc.

Simply put, I would say that historical forces have been unleashed, new histroy would be made. Nature or God or whatever you want to call it, has finally decided to reshuffle things around our little planet Earth :)

I can write on and on and on, about it. But that's enough I guess. :toast_sign:

Bro. to tell u the truth ..Alhamdolillah a true Islamic state is very near to rise and take over the whole evil western world...this is an amazing and most spectacular event..Insha-Allah unbelieveably....:woot::cheesy:
All guyz better get ready for that....ummm...:agree:
Bro. to tell u the truth ..Alhamdolillah a true Islamic state is very near to rise and take over the whole evil western world...this is an amazing and most spectacular event..Insha-Allah unbelieveably....:woot::cheesy:
All guyz better get ready for that....ummm...:agree:

This I agree with.
Im not sure about the state etc. but the time period is correct.
Around 10 months max.
Well I really don't like to argue with people who probably don't have enough background in these matters. There is a lot of garbage Pirs really, spread through out Pakistan. But we can't deny the existence of people like Junaid bughdadi, Baayazeed Bastami, Imam Ghazali, Data Gunj Bakhsh, Allama Iqbal and the likes.
Please reserach a bit about this guy who we are talking about. Don't put a blanket verdict about TOTAL absence of such people.

I really don't want to agrue with people of such less knowledge about the matter, really!!

P.S. Please don't even dare try to believe what is being said here. Just keep these discussions in mind in case they ring true in future somewhere. :tup:

Please also say some words about Peer Yousaf Raza Gillani, Peer Faisal Makhdoom, Peer Pagara etc etc etc ....

I do not disagree that there are many many great men of Allah.

However in this post I was referring to the above mentioned peers.

But tell me, do you think it makes sense to offer future predictions every day on TV ?
I won't be discussing India here, but your poverty % in 2000 was 27.4%, and in 2010 after all the development has risen up to 37.2% in 2010. 100 million more people went below the poverty line from 2000 to 2010. Before your economic boom, your poverty rate was only going down. Now tell me, what is the use of all this kind of development when conditions for the common man are only getting worse?

Poverty in India

Poverty in Pakistan

Pakistan's poverty in 2008: 17.2%

India's poverty in 2000: 26.1% (from the graph)

India's poverty in 2004: 27.5% (from the link)

India's poverty in 2010 (after the economic boom): 37.2% (from the link)

Pakistan's poverty has gone down, India's poverty has gone up. India's poverty rate is twice of that of Pakistan.

100 million more Indians now living in poverty - The Economic Times

dont know why you people like to compare only poverty between india and pakistan why dont you compare other indexes you can clearly see that it is more or less comparable to india.
pakistan always had higher GDP growth rate than india so it is natural for it to have lower poverty than india plus the size of population is different in india and pakistan
That is only the perception of people. There is always room for improvement though, & this definitely applies to India as well. But please realize that in 63 years, Pakistan has literally went from the Stone Age to a prosperous nation, & despite the bleak picture you get in the media today, is developing faster than ever before. It is an important country in the world. It's hard to say what could have been, but the fact of the matter is that Pakistan has come along a huge way in 63 years as such a young country.

@ Can you imagine in 1965-67, I used to cross over the mighty Kabul River by foot on a "Kishti Pool"(Boat Bridge) with my father in order to buy "Muchlee"(Fish) at Nowshera-Reshalpur. There were many strong waves at the middle of the river like the one we saw a movie on "Ten Commandments".

@ Pakistan had really developed a lot specially in education sector. In those days in 1964-69, I used to saw the students used to write on "Takhti"(Wooden Hand Board) and it was unthinkable to buy pencil and papers. The local students used to carry in one hand a "Takhti" and in another hand a locally made(tin) burning oven with coal. Though at that time I used to study in English Mediem School besides Sharai Sher Shah Road (Cantt Public High School) at Nowshera. "Tanga" was the common transport for the students. There were hardly any buses available. It was there only in the main town. Some times I used to go to "Landi Kotal" with my father and to buy lot of rubbers and cute pencils and other fancy items. Most of the gurdians were reluctant to send their children in the schools. However, students used to study "Quran" in the "Muktab".
Bro. to tell u the truth ..Alhamdolillah a true Islamic state is very near to rise and take over the whole evil western world...this is an amazing and most spectacular event..Insha-Allah unbelieveably....:woot::cheesy:
All guyz better get ready for that....ummm...:agree:

Well if you ask for my assessment, I think a 'true Islamic state' won't be achievable until after 2.5-3 years. These first 2 years or so would be for consolidation of the Economy, security, state institutions etc.

Also this Islamic State would set benchmarks/ precedents for the whole world to follow in terms of Justice, good governance, social & econmic equality etc. It won't be like the God-forsaken Taliban Regime...

Also it would be one of the major powers in the world, don't expect it to be a super power.
I too didn't believe in such things before, but then on one fateful night when I was in UK, I read this article by a columnist. He wrote that some one has called and told him that he has seen fire on the hills of Margalla, Flood water in the streets of Punjab, Sindh and NWFP and can smell blood in Karachi. Guess what happened the next day? Air blue's flight crashed on the hills of Margalla killing 152 aboard. The country was drowned in floods the next week and target killing in Karachi had just multiplied.

Still hard to believe but guess some times paranormal things do happen:

Here's the link of the article for those who might wanna confirm the dates of the article and Margalla crashing. The article was published in the morning (Pakistan) and the plane crashed in the evening, I think :)

Must Read-Punishment warnings for Pakistani Nation-Margalla Crash, Flood, Killings | BiGGTech

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