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Prayer for my family member !!

May god give peace to ur broders soul and highest place in heaven...... and give all his family members the strength to move on in life.......RIP
After all life comes down to few sec, whoever comes has to leave, this is the way it is unfortunately.the people we love and adore might not be among us tomorrow -;(

We as human has to carry on and hope for the sunshine the very next moment. May Allah bless her soul and give strength to the family.

May Allah keep us safe all

May Allah be merciful to him on the day of judgement-
Condolences to his wife, daughter and family.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilehi rajion-
Thank you guys for your thoughts and prayers may GOD bless you and your famlies !
Dear Members,

Usually i do not open a thread or post something very personal regarding me or my family but i have in the past and i am again requesting for your prayers as i think of many of you as part of my own family . A family member of mines has been burtually murdered in karachi i can not go in detail but it is a very sad moment for our family he is leaving behind a wife and a year and a half daughter . Please pray that may ALLAH have mercey on his soul and to his / our family GOD bless you all and please try to be safe and be thankful for what you have and life in general thankyou.


Thats sad.
God be with the man's soul. My prayers you and his family.

Hope the guilty gets what he deserves
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