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Power crisis: India faces a shortage of 17,000 MW

I pray to GOD that power will cut & I may go outside without tension of returning to internet on my laptop,but it seems GOD is not willing to listen my prayers. Mumbai is getting nonstop power supply since when I don't remember at all.
There is almost no power cuts in Maharashtra except the under developed Vidarbh region where power stealing is a norm
Many cities such as Chennai, Bangalore and the capital itself, Delhi, have long power cuts.

LOL the power cuts in Bangalore are very occasional, most are due to system maintenance - nothing to do with shortage or load shedding!!
I pray to GOD that power will cut & I may go outside without tension of returning to internet on my laptop,but it seems GOD is not willing to listen my prayers. Mumbai is getting nonstop power supply since when I don't remember at all.

Mumbai is not India.
Mumbai is not India.
Maharashtra state failed to work on electricity needs for decades. They woke up in last few years. So now Mumbai get full supply and rest of state get power cuts for 2/3 hrs. It's upto 8/10 hr in some rural area.
I think they put the $$$ generation criteria to give electricity.
Chandigarh has no Power cuts...i experience a sudden bout of voltage fluctuation yesterday but nothing much happened.

Chandigarh households are is paying approximately 4.20 per unit.

Power cuts are happening in places where the electricity is subsidized eg Kashmir.

Subsidization should be eliminated ...

i like the new proposal for subsidization for low income households by monitoring the units consumed per month.

Is there something like pre paid meters..then this subsidization problem can be solved by giving pre paid cards to the low income households & farmers. The power will be cut off as soon as they cross the limit set by the authorities.
As far as Kerala is concerned, the whole natural beauty, eco diversity and the recent UNESCO heritage recognition for western ghats are working against our favor when it comes to building new dams. A couple of projects proposed by Kerala Govt were struck down by Central Environmental Ministry citing environmental problems. So its high time that Kerala ask the Centre..Dam in Kerala OR Guaranteed power supply from central grid.
Electricity usage in India is very very low on a per capita basis。 Right?

Lower than some poor African states?
As far as Kerala is concerned, the whole natural beauty, eco diversity and the recent UNESCO heritage recognition for western ghats are working against our favor when it comes to building new dams. A couple of projects proposed by Kerala Govt were struck down by Central Environmental Ministry citing environmental problems. So its high time that Kerala ask the Centre..Dam in Kerala OR Guaranteed power supply from central grid.

Believe me the central grid have enough supplies.. it is the purchasing ability of State power utilities which creates problems !!

Electricity usage in India is very very low on a per capita basis。 Right?

Lower than some poor African states?

Half of your posts are in India-defense section which are nothing but mindless one liners .. u guys simply can't get enough of us :lol:
Believe me the central grid have enough supplies.. it is the purchasing ability of State power utilities which creates problems !!

I heard South Indian Grid can handle only 1500 MW or so.My demand is that Kerala is assured a guaranteed supply from the national grid at a price equal to what we will incur if we build the dam themselves (hyro- electric is cheapest form of energy production) or allow us to build dams in the state.
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