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Power crisis: India faces a shortage of 17,000 MW

Yes though blackouts can be restored in couple of days but your loadshedding has been a continuous thing.
We can bear an hour or 2 of loadshedding...In part of the city the light doesnt even go........ its you whose 67% country is suffering from traffic jams and blackouts..... u low life troll......:tdown:

lloll its a failure, soon the power will be back. Unlike pakistan like where it wont be back to 10 yrs once gone. Do u understand what i am saying??
We can bear an hour or 2 of loadshedding...In part of the city the light doesnt even go........ its you whose 67% country is suffering from traffic jams and blackouts..... u low life troll......:tdown:
which has forced the government to cut power for around 12 hours everyday in major cities including capital Islamabad. In small town and rural areas, power is suspended for nearly 18 hours. Power shortage has also affected drinking water system as tube wells could not be run in time

The Power Gap Behind India's Mass Blackouts - NYTimes.com
Until the power is back on, people will need to find some shade and entertain themselves ( read a book, play cards, whatever).

For those who really need to work though, this is a bad situation, as transport is gridlocked.
To all you trolls- short term pain, there will be long term gains. Came 2020 India will have near enough 100% power generating capicity with significant surplus. Does anyone here really think that spending $300+ BN on adding capacity and upgrading existing infrastructure in the next 4-7 years will result in no gains?
Many states neighbouring Pakistan run significant power supluses and it would be easier,geographically, to transfer power to Pakistan than a state on the other side of India.

The problem here is not of power generation capacity but of the infrastructure. Those grids which carry power are obsolete. Not to mention corruption in building and maintaining the infrastructure.

Its so shameful that the power minister immediately started blaming the states for drawing more power than 'allotted'! Never once mentioned the crumbling infrastructure. And surprise he was promoted as the Home Minister!! WTF does that even mean? Can't the ministers for once, instead of blaming others simply say that "we will get to the bottom of the problem and solve it"? Never once have I heard any minster say THAT!!

What pisses me off is the lack of accountability on the part of those in positions of authority. This fvcking "Chalta Hai" attitude has TO GO.
batein croron ki duqan pakoron ki.............This is what can be said about someone who claims to be worlds next superpower and talks of taking on china everyday but is unable to provide light to 77 crore people......get real fellas and live in real world with such rising hunger and poverty and looming power crisis if india manages to remain on world map after 50 years that would be a real achievement leave alone becoming a superpower..Anyways enjoys darkness...

P.S leave satellites and rockets do something to generate electricity..
Listen up, this powe failure was done on purpose to ensure no more resistance to the nuclear power plants being constructed. Con-gress and the all the other politicans realize that this the indian public is getting smarter to the Bullshit and the facts cannot be suppressed. The protests were bogging down "development" and this tactic was done, so that ppl would quiet down and willingly allow such projects to make progress with very little checks and balances.
All this will only happen till 2014 then we will have a real prime minister who can get some real work done.

NaMo for PM
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