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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

Not a big deal, we will get in the future for sure.
How's this for abandoning?

NEW DELHI: The Netherlands, the world's 16th largest economy, on Tuesday backed India's permanent membership in an expanded UN Security Council and pitched for expanding economic ties to new heights.

External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna held talks with his Dutch counterpart Uri Rosenthal, who began his three-day visit to India Monday, on a wide range of issues, including the intensification of economic ties, UN reforms and the global financial architecture.

They discussed the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan and ways of combating militancy that emanates from the AfPak region.

The two ministers also discussed the evolving situation in West Asia and the North African region that has seen a surge of pro-democracy movements in some countries.

"Dr. Rosenthal expressed Netherlands' support for India's permanent membership in an expanded UN Security Council, besides also endorsing efforts of G4 towards the said objective," the external affairs ministry said in a statement.

The two sides agreed to redouble efforts to enhance trade and economic ties, said the ministry.

The Netherlands is among India's key economic partners in Europe, with bilateral trade estimated to be over 5 billion euros, which is in India's favour. The State Bank of India will be opening a bank on the Netherlands.

India also plans to open a cultural centre in the Netherlands, a founding member of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

Netherlands backs India for permanent UNSC seat - Economic Times
You cannot say we do Not have any Civilization, India is an Ancient Civilization, You only Know About Aryans But Have You Ever Thought about Dravidians?

Why cant I say the residents 5000 or 6000 years ago have no relations to present India?? We certainly share the same Identity, Although till british we had several Small Kingdoms, But to Fight against them We Stood as One, Just Like You had Your Quin Dynasty which Fought for a Single China than a Split Country, But that doesent mean Chinese came from Mars, would it??? We too are the same, We are not martians Either or We did not Bloom suddenly out of Nowhere, We certainly share there existence through us.... India's Existence is here to stay, No Matter You like it or not, We are here to stay and we will..... no external Force can Capitalize on our Diversity....The Main land Culture of China By itself is Inherited from India , so Chinas Cultural Existence needed the Existence of India...

Something amusing ... the Chinese call use Yindu ' san (印度) derived from Sendhu ,Chinese pronunciation of Indus ,but some some Chinese can't accept that.
Read the content guys G4 requires 128 votes, or two-thirds majority to get resolution pass from UN but they have support of only 70-80 countries. They need support of 48 countries which seems impossible. Its like a G4 vs World.

Ofcourse India can't abandons its quest bcoz India "self-declared front runner":yahoo::yahoo:
Did Indian economy surpass any member of P5? Did some economic power just like Japan and Germany play a important role in global politics?
if not, why Indian is so confident to say that?:what:

No it didn't, but it will surpass MOST OF THEM in 5-10 years and I don't think you got what he meant. :disagree:

He said 'Why India is so obsessed with UNSC? Because UNSC is a failed organisation. Just look at how any resolution about Israel doesn't get approved because of US'. And we already have Russia and France in UNSC.

Plus we should concentrate on our economy I mean in 10 years we'd have 3rd largest economy, 2nd largest population, 4th most powerful military then how can we not be in 'P-FIVE[Five most powerful countries]'. It's a real joke. So I think in 5-10 years UNSC itself will need to include India if it wants to be fair.
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