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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

Did Indian economy surpass any member of P5? Did some economic power just like Japan and Germany play a important role in global politics?
if not, why Indian is so confident to say that?:what:

Dude what part of "let us concentrate on economic and military development. during the forthcoming years its the economic might which will matter and not who is present in security council.", you did not understand. ??

Its clearly talking about the future.
USA representative NATO.
France representative EU.
Russia representative CIS.
China representative SCO.
UK representative Commonwealth of Nations.

What about India?

India can only represent their own interests. Not the same with the P5.

India represents itself, whats wrong with that? Much of Chinese time in the council they were by themselves too, right? And represent itself..
China got the permanent seat of UNSC because China is the main victory country in WWII, the other P4 same
of course P5 is the five most powerful country in the world now.

china was main victory country? wen was that? i thought the allies (US/soviets/ UK and all other countries) did the job. i am not undermining china's resestance from occupation of japan but china wasnt a major power during second world war.
china was main victory country? wen was that? i thought the allies (US/soviets/ UK and all other countries) did the job. i am not undermining china's resestance from occupation of japan but china wasnt a major power during second world war.

We were on the winning side of WW2, and we were a major independent country at the end of WW2. Thus we got a permanent seat.

Not terribly complicated.
china was main victory country? wen was that? i thought the allies (US/soviets/ UK and all other countries) did the job. i am not undermining china's resestance from occupation of japan but china wasnt a major power during second world war.

And you weren't a country. Oh by the way you're welcome for the nationalist Chinese troops sent to protect India.

china was main victory country? wen was that? i thought the allies (US/soviets/ UK and all other countries) did the job. i am not undermining china's resestance from occupation of japan but china wasnt a major power during second world war.

You should study history.
In World War II, we have lost a lot of territory, but we do not surrender.
Sino-Japanese war fought 8 years, China has been contain about most of the Japan Army.

Please tell me, In addition to the USA and the USSR and the UK, Which country made great contributions than China?
china was main victory country? wen was that? i thought the allies (US/soviets/ UK and all other countries) did the job. i am not undermining china's resestance from occupation of japan but china wasnt a major power during second world war.

I'm really getting sick and tired of you Indians always like to degrade China being one of the the main victory countries in WW2, you can't deny history, can you?



Already engaged in war with Japan, as well as enduring a
civil conflict between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China when the war began, the Chinese Nationalist Government's full attention was within her borders in resisting the Japanese during the war. However, Chiang Kai-shek still managed to send troops to Britain's aid in Burma, in early 1942. China's participation in the war was also pivotal in a sense that more than 1 million Japanese military personnel were sent to China in order to finalise its conquest. Japanese casualties in China are estimated at 1.1 million.

Many of China's urban centres and industrial resources were occupied by Japan for most of the war. China suffered a large death toll from the war, both military and civilian. One of the most serious atrocities against Chinese civilians by the Japanese force was committed in December 1937 after the fall of Chinese capital Nanking (now Nanjing). Hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians (some reports the number upward to 300,000) living in Nanking were executed by the Japanese occupation force within one month. After the war, China became one of the main victorious countries and gained one of the permanent seats in the United Nations Security Council.
countries involved in World War Two
I'm really getting sick and tired of you Indians always like to degrade China being one of the the main victory countries in WW2, you can't deny history, can you?

They can't help themselves when it comes to China.

Also, look at the behaviour of "Chandra Bose" during WW2, he sided with both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
PRC got its seat in the year 1971. thats wen china and us were quite close and united in their pursuit against USSR. so please cut this crap of china being given opportunity due to its exploits in second world war. i m not undermining any country's effort here in second world war but the fact of the matter is china got seat because US wanted it to get the seat. period.

also, i request members not ridicule efforts of any country in second world war.
PRC got its seat in the year 1971. thats wen china and us were quite close and united in their pursuit against USSR. so please cut this crap of china being given opportunity due to its exploits in second world war. i m not undermining any country's effort here in second world war but the fact of the matter is china got seat because US wanted it to get the seat. period.

also, i request members not ridicule efforts of any country in second world war.

China always had the permanent seat, since the founding of the UN.

Both the "Republic of China", and the "People's Republic of China"... were representatives of the same country.

The seat did not change countries, it only changed from one party to another.
china was main victory country? wen was that? i thought the allies (US/soviets/ UK and all other countries) did the job. i am not undermining china's resestance from occupation of japan but china wasnt a major power during second world war.
I wonder China had really do something on fighting with Japan for both CCP and KMT were holding none-resistance attitude(or may be called policy).China got UNSC seat really confused.
They can't help themselves when it comes to China.

Also, look at the behaviour of "Chandra Bose" during WW2, he sided with both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Mind Your tongue, Dare you bring our national hero into this verbal wrangle, What Ever He had done was for the welfare of the Country, He Supported Nazi to Free India from the Britishers.... The Indische Legion Fought Against British
Mind Your tongue, Dare you bring our national hero into this verbal wrangle, What Ever He had done was for the welfare of the Country, He Supported Nazi to Free India from the Britishers.... The Indian Legion Fought Against British

Anyone who sided with Imperial Japan during WW2 does not deserve my respect, and your Chandra Bose was one of them.

Was there anything factually incorrect about my post?
Ur comments that india(which represnts 17 % of humanity) doesnt deserve to have veto power becoz they wer not a victorious power as China(which i believe China isnt)

India doesn't deserve veto power, because not one single member of the P5 has promised veto power to India.

India won't get veto power for the same reason.
Did Indian economy surpass any member of P5? Did some economic power just like Japan and Germany play a important role in global politics?
if not, why Indian is so confident to say that?:what:

He is only saying that we should focus more on economy and military rather than SC,and u have a problem even with that.

China got the permanent seat of UNSC because China is the main victory country in WWII, the other P4 same
of course P5 is the five most powerful country in the world now.

Welcome to 21st century,the year is 2011 and it does not reflect world war 2 era.

USA representative NATO.
France representative EU.
Russia representative CIS.
China representative SCO.
UK representative Commonwealth of Nations.

What about India?

India can only represent their own interests. Not the same with the P5.

I think u had asked the same question earlier,an an Indian member here conveniently answered u.

India represent democracies and democracies support India.

And by the way neither France represent EU or Britain represent Commonwealth,all the representation's u r talking about r actually interlinked,just like Russia is also on board of SCO.
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