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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

Extremism on both ends of the spectrum are not healthy attitudes. You can express your nationalist views without coming off as a pompus a-hole to other countries/cultures. Like I've said, I am often guilty of the same charge, but recognizing it is a different matter.

"India is a dirty sh*thole full of people taking dumps on rail tracks, lol!"

"India has not yet reached the same sanitary standards compared to China."

It's not that hard is it?

… BUT how dare you, S 10?! What, you take Chinese here for a fool?

I exposed you in the same day when I saw your comments here in the forum that you are not a Chinese.

Good for Chinese dragon for his healthy dose of suspition as well.

I demand all Chinese here (Pakistanis also if you like) put your naivety, kind-heartedness, prejudice and courtesy aside for a sec and take a look of following FACTS on this guy:

1.He rejects any call to prove that he can read a simple Chinese character which any Chinese would love to do it – a question of 10 seconds, even I can read them - He can’t read Chinese

2.He therefore can’t write Chinese

3.He has thanked no one in his entire posting history. No one! – he is a total outsider of Chinese mentality and Confucius courtesy of taking some and giving some ( another guy with a purple pump did it as well, yet he is not Chinese, but an ex military pro) .

4.In fact, he is the ONLY “Chinese” in my memory in the history of entire PDF who has thanked nobody, not even Pakistanis who are PDF host. Is that clear enough ?

Actually, of course he CAN NOT do so! Why?>

It takes a sheer hatred and dislike of all Chinese for one to register a fake ID and go under false flag in the first place. Therefore, he thanks no Chinese comments regardless of the contents( there’re plenty pro-India posts by Chinese out there; yet it proves that he is not comment-oriented , but people-oriented ) . Ditto for Pakistanis. He thanks no Indians for the obvious reason to avoid unnecessary risks of being exposed.

An Indian with 2 Indian flags here are infinitely more noble than this guy, in a sense that for any person under a false flag, his motivation is quite UNIQUE and CLEAR, that is flaming and confusing the board by stirring the water, in combination with real personal attack on anyone with colour of his “flag” , sometime with a fake smile, yet nonetheless putting up his middle finger to your face in all time by all means since it is a sole purpose anyway of being under false flags in the first place, isn’t it?

5. Another statistically “odd” out liner : The fact that he out-of-characterly “wasted” about 15 comments, roughly 10% of entire his 1.5 year comment history under this ID, within 2 days on this thread , insisting that China promised to support India’s permanent seat with veto, supported by his plainly vague interpretation of China’s simple diplomatic language with outright crying foe to any Chinese ( ranging from a “crazy nationalist” to some rather moderate PC/neutral ones), shows precisely where his loyalty belongs when the moment comes.

All these don’t appear VERY VERY ODD to you guys out of a Chinese?

All above FACTS regarding this S 10 are quick persistent, consistent and self-explaining.

So If you encountered a person somewhere , if he can’t read Chinese, can’t write Chinese, being a total stranger to Chinese culture; if he thanks no Chinese in his way under any circumstances; on the contrary, if his dear love to India in all scenarios is built upon his routine false charges against ANY slightly different opinions from Chinese side, no matter how moderate that is, then

two simple questions for your guys are:

1. Is he a Chinese ? :rofl:

2. Who he is then, if not an Indian? :rofl:

S 10, do you really think even in your wildest dream that your pathetic acting here based on your double-digit IQ could somehow manage to dodge Chinese intelligence for more than 2 days ? A typical Indian fantasy!
Well no, UN can't do anything against Germany or Japan as well.

India needs the seat to use it against more-susceptible nations. There's off-course a difference between protecting herself and projecting her influence on world. However I honestly think India's isn't yet in a position to project her influence outside South-Asia, if India gets the seat in next five years, it'll be because of extensive lobbying and indulging in buying spree.

1. why UN has to be against germany, Japan , India?

it's not a question of "against", but rather "normal" if UN rejects their requests.

UNSC is not a function of population size, for the next thing you know India's brothers Negeria and Indonesia would triple their populations and request a veto in UNSC too!

There is neither Whiteman's burden ( India's former master UK aside) in UNSC, nor Yellowman's gilt. Granted, China gave India a slam in the face to have fixed India's attitude problem, for however short of period, but that's a while ago, and China has never sold you guys as slaves. So playing victums doesn't work in the request.

Rather, UNSC is in fact the world power center, representing the top 5 economic powers in the world ( japan germany aside) , top 5 millitary powers in the world and top 5 worldwide geopolitical forces.

Is india anywhere near in any of above 3 categories?

If no, why India thinks it's somewhat "natural' for her to request it? hence rejecting the request is somehow "against india"??

Worldwide hard power required in UNSC is earned in a hard and squared way, not begged (sorry, what India has been used to, good at and known for all the time doesn't work here), nor "purchased via a one-off buying spree".

And with eaxtly what India could afford to offer a "buying spree"? UNSC is neither World Bank nor Asia Development Bank to whom India can hand over annually the biggest ever begging bowl for aids with one hand while "offer some buying spree" with the other hand ... :rofl: are you barking at a wrong tree?

2. " India needs the seat to use it against..."

Mind my asking against whom ? and for what? It's UN Security Council, not UN War Council for settling your personal score around some Mumbai slums, for Christ! Sorry, UNSC stage is for serious world affairs, not some one-off Oscar ceremony :lol:

What, you've lost in thoughts so far? Don't worry as the the following point could help you get it straight:

Last but not the least, UNSC has an average IQ of 100+ . Inconvenient, but true !

So how do you spell in Hindi "next life"?
^I'm unable to match your high IQ prowess, I just hope those guys in stormfront give you a wild card entry, taking IQ as a replacement of erm.. lack of white skin.

All the best!
^^ well i just don't get it , why Indians like you are always obssessed with "white skin" wherever you go and on any topics?

Are you not pround of being your own ?

I know the answers may beyond your capacity....

Yet nonetheless your intellectual plea on the IQ powess is readily accepted, thus I hope

that you and India will not keep entertaining me on your bizzar idea of UNSC matters?
… BUT how dare you, S 10?! What, you take Chinese here for a fool?

I exposed you in the same day when I saw your comments here in the forum that you are not a Chinese.

Good for Chinese dragon for his healthy dose of suspition as well.

I demand all Chinese here (Pakistanis also if you like) put your naivety, kind-heartedness, prejudice and courtesy aside for a sec and take a look of following FACTS on this guy:

1.He rejects any call to prove that he can read a simple Chinese character which any Chinese would love to do it – a question of 10 seconds, even I can read them - He can’t read Chinese

2.He therefore can’t write Chinese

3.He has thanked no one in his entire posting history. No one! – he is a total outsider of Chinese mentality and Confucius courtesy of taking some and giving some ( another guy with a purple pump did it as well, yet he is not Chinese, but an ex military pro) .

4.In fact, he is the ONLY “Chinese” in my memory in the history of entire PDF who has thanked nobody, not even Pakistanis who are PDF host. Is that clear enough ?

Actually, of course he CAN NOT do so! Why?>

It takes a sheer hatred and dislike of all Chinese for one to register a fake ID and go under false flag in the first place. Therefore, he thanks no Chinese comments regardless of the contents( there’re plenty pro-India posts by Chinese out there; yet it proves that he is not comment-oriented , but people-oriented ) . Ditto for Pakistanis. He thanks no Indians for the obvious reason to avoid unnecessary risks of being exposed.

An Indian with 2 Indian flags here are infinitely more noble than this guy, in a sense that for any person under a false flag, his motivation is quite UNIQUE and CLEAR, that is flaming and confusing the board by stirring the water, in combination with real personal attack on anyone with colour of his “flag” , sometime with a fake smile, yet nonetheless putting up his middle finger to your face in all time by all means since it is a sole purpose anyway of being under false flags in the first place, isn’t it?

5. Another statistically “odd” out liner : The fact that he out-of-characterly “wasted” about 15 comments, roughly 10% of entire his 1.5 year comment history under this ID, within 2 days on this thread , insisting that China promised to support India’s permanent seat with veto, supported by his plainly vague interpretation of China’s simple diplomatic language with outright crying foe to any Chinese ( ranging from a “crazy nationalist” to some rather moderate PC/neutral ones), shows precisely where his loyalty belongs when the moment comes.

All these don’t appear VERY VERY ODD to you guys out of a Chinese?

All above FACTS regarding this S 10 are quick persistent, consistent and self-explaining.

So If you encountered a person somewhere , if he can’t read Chinese, can’t write Chinese, being a total stranger to Chinese culture; if he thanks no Chinese in his way under any circumstances; on the contrary, if his dear love to India in all scenarios is built upon his routine false charges against ANY slightly different opinions from Chinese side, no matter how moderate that is, then

two simple questions for your guys are:

1. Is he a Chinese ? :rofl:

2. Who he is then, if not an Indian? :rofl:

S 10, do you really think even in your wildest dream that your pathetic acting here based on your double-digit IQ could somehow manage to dodge Chinese intelligence for more than 2 days ? A typical Indian fantasy!
How dare I not respond to your immaturity? The only thing you've exposed is your apparent interest in bodily waste, paranoia and grandiose sense of self-worth. You should seriously consult a psychologist regarding your condition before it gets worse. It's like watching a mental patient grasping at straws. Entertaining for me, but alas, sad as well.
How dare I not respond to your immaturity? The only thing you've exposed is your apparent interest in bodily waste, paranoia and grandiose sense of self-worth. You should seriously consult a psychologist regarding your condition before it gets worse. It's like watching a mental patient grasping at straws. Entertaining for me, but alas, sad as well.

the same typical nonsense "comeback defence" without any substance targeting at presons rather than arguments - another Indian trait.

Congrads, troll!
Sigh! I wish he had been hugged more when he was a kid.

Your wish, if that is your final one, is granted. Dismissed!

P.S. oh, considering your deficit , i know this white paint factory... the stuff they make are quite permanent. PM me for more. I only charge 10% fee...:D
P.S. oh, considering your deficit , i know this white paint factory... the stuff they make are quite permanent. PM me for more. I only charge 10% fee...

You should know considering your tireless attempt at being recognised as one of their own to stromfronts, but sadly enough, a white paint won't suffice in your case, if you can comprehend what I mean! :azn:
the same typical nonsense "comeback defence" without any substance targeting at presons rather than arguments - another Indian trait.

Congrads, troll!
Just who exactly do you think you are that I have to respond to your immaturity? Perhaps you actually think your attempts at gathering "evidence" had people convinced? Alas, they look more like a circuit show to any normal human being. People don't argue with mentally suspect persons, so I won't waste my time with you. As for now, continue to think of me as Indian if you like.
You should know considering your tireless attempt at being recognised as one of their own to stromfronts, but sadly enough, a white paint won't suffice in your case, if you can comprehend what I mean! :azn:

I 've already granted your last wish, what else you want from me, you racist Nazi ?! :cry: :cry:
Just who exactly do you think you are that I have to respond to your immaturity? Perhaps you actually think your attempts at gathering "evidence" had people convinced? Alas, they look more like a circuit show to any normal human being. People don't argue with mentally suspect persons, so I won't waste my time with you. As for now, continue to think of me as Indian if you like.
You've answered ZERO question out of more than a dozen I posed to you to prove that you are not.

Instead, keep your usual personal attack trying to gain some sympathy from good-hearted simple-minded Chinese here.

In case you are not aware, I have thought, exposed and treated you as an Indian as you are since yesterday.

Change your first flag to India where you belong, like a man, will you do me that favour?

That would make me, and many Chinese here, sleep easier I can assure you.
now here is the good part:

look beyond the surface, it's fascinating to see the very first reactions of S 10 AND Abir towards my concrete, detailed analysis and questions posed to them.

Their immediate reactions were both answering by quasi-personal attack, and without offering any explaination and substances to the questions. Zero!

WOW! very telling the the same mentality behind both of their posts, eh?

well, help me out here, are you guys twins?

Excuse my curiosity, but shall I call S 10 as Abir, or Abir as S 10 ? :cheesy:

btw, S 10, or Abir as your other username, my paint factory contact is also good for you, in case you need it...:lol:
the same typical nonsense "comeback defence" without any substance targeting at presons rather than arguments - another Indian trait.

Congrads, troll!

Speeder, i doubt S10 is an Indian, if i recalled correctly he was the same guy when he first starting posting here, he use to have a completely different attitude, may be even much more hardcore against Indians than most of us do.:lol:
I still remember he asked a senior Chinese member a pretty interesting question: How could you last a thousand posts on this forum when you have to deal with all those hostile internet Indians?:azn:
Anyway i might be wrong though, afterall its the internet.
Speeder, i doubt S10 is an Indian, if i recalled correctly he was the same guy when he first starting posting here, he use to have a completely different attitude, may be even much more hardcore against Indians than most of us do.:lol:
I still remember he asked a senior Chinese member a pretty interesting question: How could you last a thousand posts on this forum when you have to deal with all those hostile internet Indians?:azn:
Anyway i might be wrong though, afterall its the internet.

1. it could be that your memo is wrong. Show me the quote/s.

2. even an indian can say "How could you last a thousand posts on this forum...." nothing wrong with that as it serves as no proof

3. my previous analysis logic was almost watertight. He didn't , and still can't, address ANY of those questions and doubts with a 10-seconds answer, such as to tell us what those Chinese Chracters that Chinese Dragon posted mean. This, however, unlike point 1, could serve as a solid proof though.

4. Again, it's not 1 thing, 1 doubt, it's a combination of many things, many doubts, many statistically "odd" outliers which make him a non-Chinese.

Will someone cut & attach some patial pictures ( non-googleable) with random simple Chinese Characters on it to show S10? -- I am already very generous here as many Indians could write some Chinese ( e.g. many HK Indians speak fluent Cantonese), so the cut-attach pic ideally should be well-thought out to test one's Chineseness.

It only take 10 seconds to prove that I am wrong. If I am wrong, which I doubt, I will apologise to him right here; yet if he refuses to read it and/or is proven wrong, then regardless what he might or might not have said earlier, tell this Indian poser to get the f#$% out of my sight.

Deal or no deal ? 10 seconds are enough to prove it in front of us. That will be his third and last chance to do so. Fair enough to you?
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