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Porsche's Chief Designer is a Chinese??!!

There is only one question you need to answer jhungary.

If China and America have a war, who will you fight for?

Actually, you've already joined the US Army (not the Chinese army, not PRC or ROC armies). So we already have the answer.

Being Chinese means being loyal to China, and no one else. You can't put any another country above your motherland.
There is only one question you need to answer jhungary.

If China and America have a war, who will you fight for?

Actually, you've already joined the US Army (not the Chinese army, not PRC or ROC armies). So we already have the answer.

Being Chinese means being loyal to China, and no one else. You can't put any another country above your motherland.

I can spin this around and say the very prospect of and Chinese wanting war is a disrespect of Chinese long Peaceful Culture.

lol, it's not the 1700 or whatever ancient dynasty you lived in Ancient China, being a soldier is a Profession. You get pay to do a job. Even the Chinese Army (well, not ROC as they still have the draft) being a soldier is not like you like the country or pledge your loyalty to anyone. Many fellow soldier I have does not have the same view of fighting a war, nor the same view of fighting for government. Some like it and some don't. Soldier fight for EACH OTHER. it does not matter if the guy next to you is a Chinese American who hate Obama or a British American who love the Democrat, you are willing to lay your life for him or possible her and he/she will do the same.

In the US Army, we are require to set aside all political affiliation.

Your question have flaws dude.

Would you blindly join the Chinese Army and fight a war if China have no reason to be on, simply because they tell you to? If you answer me this question, I will answer yours
I can spin this around and say the very prospect of and Chinese wanting war is a disrespect of Chinese long Peaceful Culture.

lol, it's not the 1700 or whatever ancient dynasty you lived in Ancient China, being a soldier is a Profession. You get pay to do a job. Even the Chinese Army (well, not ROC as they still have the draft) being a soldier is not like you like the country or pledge your loyalty to anyone. Many fellow soldier I have does not have the same view of fighting a war, nor the same view of fighting for government. Some like it and some don't. Soldier fight for EACH OTHER. it does not matter if the guy next to you is a Chinese American who hate Obama or a British American who love the Democrat, you are willing to lay your life for him or possible her and he/she will do the same.

In the US Army, we are require to set aside all political affiliation.

Your question have flaws dude.

Would you blindly join the Chinese Army and fight a war if China have no reason to be on, simply because they tell you to? If you answer me this question, I will answer yours

If it is China vs any Foreign country then I will always 100% of the time fight for China.

Because I am Chinese, and I am loyal to my motherland China and no one else.

Now you answer. If China and America had a war, who would you fight for. Would you join the Chinese Army and kill American soldiers in battle?
If it is China vs any Foreign country then I will always 100% of the time fight for China.

Because I am Chinese, and I am loyal to my motherland China and no one else.

Now you answer. If China and America had a war, who would you fight for. Would you join the Chinese Army and kill American soldiers in battle?

lol, so, if Chinese government ask you to go to America and kill women and children with the intention of occupying America, you will answer the call and join the rank regardless what??

Good luck then, I have been to war, I had killed before, I can tell you this, it's not a good conscience to kill someone. Regardless if he is enemy or civilian.

Talking about killing is easy, but when you have to be the one who actually have to do it, well, comeback when you have tried it. On second through, I wish you never had to go thru the stuff I went thru

Many people had ask me the same question, you can find my answer here


now try ask @longyi the same question.
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lol, so, if Chinese government ask you to go to America and kill women and children with the intention of occupying America, you will answer the call and join the rank regardless what??

Good luck then, I have been to war, I had killed before, I can tell you this, it's not a good conscience to kill someone. Regardless if he is enemy or civilian.

Many people had ask me the same question, you can find my answer here


LOL you can never ever answer a straight question. You just like to twist things.

I will always fight for China against any foreign country, because I am Chinese. Clear and simple.

Doesn't matter, not one single Chinese member here considers you one of us anyway. Moot point.
LOL you can never ever answer a straight question. You just like to twist things.

I will always fight for China against any foreign country, because I am Chinese. Clear and simple.

Doesn't matter, not one single Chinese member here considers you one of us anyway. Moot point.

told you I have answer the same question in another thread. Are you too lazy to check out the point, do you want me to copy them here for you?

The Australian in me would tell me unless this is about Australia, I don't really want to get involved.
The Swedish side of me tell me that unless this is about the world (Like China is taking over the world or UN) then I don't want to get involved.
The American side of me tell me if my country need me, I will re-enlist.

lol I hate the Chinese Government, hence I left, so I will not do whatever they tell me to, however, if the war started because US invaded China, I will jump into Chinese defence without hesitation. I will fight for China, not Chinese government I am sure many people you know either in Hong Kong or Macau feels the same.

I really don't care if you or any member here think I am Chinese here, honestly what you think does not matter to me, it's like Jack shiite, as long as the Hong Kong and Chinese Government still consider me a Chinese and keep renewing my Chinese Passport, now that's matter. Now call me again when you become the President of CPC or the CEO of Hong Kong and decided to take away my Chinese Citizenship. Then I might give a shiite what you think.

You can always talk big when you actually don't need to do it, come back to me and talk about war when you see one first hand, otherwise again what you think does not matter.

It's people like you holding governmental position make me want to leave China and Hong Kong in the first place, as if I care about what you think :)
It's people like you holding governmental position make me want to leave China and Hong Kong in the first place, as if I care about what you think :)

Good riddance. :wave:

Though I get why you are loyal to America. I guess it's hard for an American-Mexican-Vietnamese to fit in here in HK, where the population is all Han Chinese.
Good riddance. :wave:

Though I get why you are loyal to America. I guess it's hard for an American-Mexican-Vietnamese to fit in here in HK, where the population is all Han Chinese.

lol I fit in fine, lol, again, you should seriously consider should you be moving back to China, not stay in Hong Kong anymore as there are many people like me in Hong Kong, you will most definitely butt hurt when you meet them.

CY Leung is not any better than the rest of the crew. He is also corrupted to the bone, you choose not to see it. That's all. Stop saying he is the best choice of HK, it's really irritating that you said that.
Mate, then I counter challenge you to find a SINGLE ANTI-CHINESE post I ever made.

You talk the talk, but did you walk the walk??

ReeeDeeeCuuLass:what: me n many Pakistanies here on dis forum talk against many things Pakistani all day but still it doesnt make us less Pakistani ...i cant believe som ppl here r questionin da patriotism of a person jus bcuz he/she said somthing against his country or against somthing he doesnt like:what:
lol I fit in fine, lol, again, you should seriously consider should you be moving back to China, not stay in Hong Kong anymore as there are many people like me in Hong Kong, you will most definitely butt hurt when you meet them.

CY Leung is not any better than the rest of the crew. He is also corrupted to the bone, you choose not to see it. That's all. Stop saying he is the best choice of HK, it's really irritating that you said that.

By your own admission you ran away because you couldn't handle it. :lol:

Like I said, good riddance.

As for meeting people like you, I went to Island School (in 半山區), which is one of the most diverse international schools in HK. Yet I never met any Mexican-Vietnamese hybrids.

Of all the foreigners living in HK, Mexicans have got to be amongst the rarest, though we do have lots of Vietnamese illegal immigrants (who are obviously not Chinese citizens).

As for going back to China, Hong Kong IS China, haven't you seen the HK passport? :no:

And like I said, my family was one of the first to settle in Hong Kong, right at the very beginning. We are as close to native Hong Kongers as it gets.
Isn't it fair to say that engaging in research to solve a problem is potentially better than simply taking someone else's solution even though it takes more time and effort? The Chinese could very well come up with a better design through experimentation or their efforts could yield improved understanding of a related field. The idea of forgoing original research in favor stealing intellectual property strikes me as penny wise and pound foolish.
Not when it comes to national security issues, particularly defense.

When the Soviets collapsed, China lost the only source of defense related technologies. Even worse, the former Soviet satellites sold US a still secret amount of Soviet defense hardware. They needed cash to keep their countries going. They called US and we painted black a still secret amount of transport vehicles, from ships to trucks to aircrafts, to go shopping. When I was stationed at MacDill in a previous life, there were a few nights when we were ordered to go inside the squadron building, close all doors and windows, and no one was allowed to leave for a couple hrs. Then we heard the distinctive whine of C-5 Galaxy engines and wondered WTF was going on. Years later it was revealed that we bought tanks, fighters, computers, chunks of fissionable grade uranium, and even ICBMs from these former Soviet satellites. So now not only did China lost the only source of defense related hardware, whatever China bought from the Soviets stopped being mysteries to US.

China effectively was defenseless.

That vulnerability was not completely realized among the PLA's top leadership. Most of them were still thinking in the Korean War mindset, mirrored here by the Chinese members as how often they brought that up as 'proof' that China 'defeated' the US. Laughable an argument as it is. When Desert Storm came around, the PLA predicted that even though the US led alliance would win, the US military being the bulk of the offensive will pay the heaviest price for that victory, something close to the Vietnam War casualty figures.

We know how that turned out...Do we?

Finally, China's defenseless status sunk into the thick skulls of the PLA's leadership. They stood in front of the Politburo with eggs on their faces trying to explain why their predictions were so egregiously wrong. Many, if not most, of the Politburo have revolutionary backgrounds. Some even marched with Mao at his lowest hours. They knew what war involves. All the medals festooned on the generals' uniforms instantly became either ebay baubles or toys inside those arcade parlor machines. A US Marine's rifleman badge awarded at the end of Basic is worth more than all the medals worn by a PLA general. It turned out a US Army captain was a better practitioner of Sun Tzu than a PLA general. Not just Sun Tzu but also Von Clausewitz.

Reform was inevitable. Not just in hardware but also in intellect. China had no choice but to resort to thievery in order to modernize the PLA quickly. Not just the PLA but also in everything else. Modern capitalism and its institutions and methods were adopted. Marx and Mao must be spinning in their tombs. At least Marx because Mao is pickled in an oversized jar for the public to gawk at during daylight hours, but he probably spins at night when no one is around to see his distress. The price of access to low cost Chinese labor will be one's own intellectual and physical achievements. Ethics be damned -- on both sides.
Not when it comes to national security issues, particularly defense.

You always manage to put together long, thought out responses. You're a great resource on this forum. Thank you.
Arghhhhhhhh, I am going to revolt against Telstra.....really crap internet connection

By your own admission you ran away because you couldn't handle it. :lol:

Like I said, good riddance.

As for meeting people like you, I went to Island School (in 半山區), which is one of the most diverse international schools in HK. Yet I never met any Mexican-Vietnamese hybrids.

Of all the foreigners living in HK, Mexicans have got to be amongst the rarest, though we do have lots of Vietnamese illegal immigrants (who are obviously not Chinese citizens).

As for going back to China, Hong Kong IS China, haven't you seen the HK passport? :no:

And like I said, my family was one of the first to settle in Hong Kong, right at the very beginning. We are as close to native Hong Kongers as it gets.

well......in my admission I got out not because I can't handle it. I left because I am sick of all the bureaucratic BS Hong Kong Government is taking and the little person taking. The administration (current and then) was a joke. It changes nothing from the British Era except for the Boss. yet people are overjoy simply because it's Chinese not British. things that we say we cannot do under the British Administration still cannot be done in the current administration.

I don't think you actually EVER see diverse until you live outside your sphere of influence. When I am back in the US None of my neighbour is coming from the same origin. Even when I am living in Australia. The neighbour to my right is a Nigerian and the neighbour to my left is an Iranian-Syrian. I too go to international school in Hong Kong. The word "Diverse" does not really applies to any school in Hong Kong. I mean how often you went to school with Pakistani or Indian or Sudanese??

I don't really know why you always put up a point of being "Originally" or "Close to Originally" from Hong Kong. That point have no value in it. So even if you are Native indigenous personnel, do any of us (the late comer) owe you anything?? Or you would rather we have all gone and left Hong kong to a place like you, the original or "Almost" original??
ReeeDeeeCuuLass:what: me n many Pakistanies here on dis forum talk against many things Pakistani all day but still it doesnt make us less Pakistani ...i cant believe som ppl here r questionin da patriotism of a person jus bcuz he/she said somthing against his country or against somthing he doesnt like:what:

lol It's a different perception about Patriotism.

In America, we almost always say "Speak against the government is the true kind of Patriotism" that is if the government is in the wrong. I would assume Pakistan have the same situation. Many people bring down many administration during the course of US history. We even had a civil war because some people don't think the government are doing it right and want to succeed from it...

However, things in China operate a bit differently. If you speak ill against the government, you are unpatriotic. Because a good citizens always obey their government. As long as the citizens concern, the government can do no wrong, so if things goes wrong, you are in the wrong, not the government.

You need to live and experience first hand, then you will know.
lol It's a different perception about Patriotism.

In America, we almost always say "Speak against the government is the true kind of Patriotism" that is if the government is in the wrong. I would assume Pakistan have the same situation. Many people bring down many administration during the course of US history. We even had a civil war because some people don't think the government are doing it right and want to succeed from it...

However, things in China operate a bit differently. If you speak ill against the government, you are unpatriotic. Because a good citizens always obey their government. As long as the citizens concern, the government can do no wrong, so if things goes wrong, you are in the wrong, not the government.

You need to live and experience first hand, then you will know.

so no freedom of xpression:undecided:
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