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Pope calls Pakistan church attack act of hate, war

What ever it is ... a venom is venom and its deadly let it be from which ever Snake ... some may be very deadly some may be less...

And the worlds biggest Child Molesters are Catholic missionaries... U know the Sister Abhaya Case ...which didnt get a proper conclusion even after 20 years... and 100's of other cases in kerala alone ...

Admit it ... if not all the catholic priest are atleast most are Molesters...

Oh yes and after that 20 yeara,what CBI has got is a story that'd is apt as the acript for a B grade movie & the case has not made any progress.Just another Madatharuvi like case there.

100s of such cases?Very good propaganda I'd say.

And maligning Catholic priests,ah much needed for you guys.I know of onw issue that happened in my region,and how hard 'saffron flags' did try to malign a christian priest in the basis of pure speculation.
Well,I am a,christian &,my community have been living in South India for almost 2000 years without facing any persecution.

Christian community is living India for 2000 years :woot: Are you sure that you have appropriate knowledge about christians in Indian ... Anyways you can check below some persecutions over Christians ..........

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013
In the last month alone, reports of Christians being attacked by mobs of radical Hindu nationalists has increased dramatically. A church still under construction was attacked by a mob and torn down brick by brick as the pastor was beaten by the crowd. Over the month of August, three Christian women were attacked in separate incidents leading many Christians to live in constant fear of attack. Much of this anti-Christian violence can be attributed to the rise of Hindu nationalism. Followers of the Hindu nationalist movement believe that Christianity is a foreign religion and that true Indian citizens are Hindus. Openly persecuting the followers of Christianity is only one of the tactics these groups use to gain support and punish minorities.
Church Destroyed as Attacks Against Christians Continue to Increase Across India « Persecution News

Each month, numerous reports surface of provincial Hindutva militants breaking up prayer meetings, intimidating pastors, assaulting worshippers, and chasing Christian families from their homes and villages. The dates, locations and names change, but many of the elements remain: Christians are accused of forcing Hindus to convert; church buildings are damaged; area church leaders intervene; police often provide little protection. The incidents reported here, for May and June, contain more of the same.
Harassment, Persecution Pattern Worsens Against Indian Christians

Over the past month, Christian women in India have found themselves under assault. Hindu nationalists across India are targeting Christians for vicious beatings as they demand they reconvert back to Hinduism. Unfortunately, the local governments and police do little to protect Christians or help them seek justice. Often the cases are ignored and extremists and radicals are allowed to attack Christians with impunity.
Christian Women under Attack in India; Multiple Attack in One Month « Persecution News

Thursday, September 12th, 2013
Christian persecution has continue to escalate in connection with the wave of Hindu nationalism sweeping across India. In August, at least three Christian women where confronted by Hindu nationalists who demanded they reconvert back to Hinduism. When each of these women refused, the Hindu nationalists abused and beat them, dragging one woman and her daughter to a Hindu temple where they again demanded she convert back to Hinduism. Each woman had to be hospitalized for the injuries they sustained during the attacks. Police reports have been filed in each of the cases, but arrests and convictions are not guaranteed. In some states across India, local authorities do not fully investigate crimes against Christians, creating a climate of impunity that encourages more brutal assaults on India's faithful. Please pray for the persecuted of India.
Christian Women Beaten for Refusing to Reconvert to Hinduism in India « Persecution News

Watchdog groups are sounding the alarm on increasing acts of violence against Christians in India at the hands of the country's Hindu community.
Christian Persecution on the Rise in India; Grim Outlook for 2012

Kahan tak suno gay ... Kahan tak sunaon ...........
Mate, I don't know much about it, however, I did hear something on the same lines regarding Goa.... could you shed some light on it?

Yes that was the portuguese,who converted them & there have been inquisitions targeted against local hindus & converted christians
who practised their old traditions.
Colonialism was for religious expansion??

Oh please.....!!

How,many Indians were converted by the british?

The British facilitate the Conversions by amending the laws ... and bringing in Christian missionaries ... along with giving giving special treatment to Christians in government jobs ...

Do u know y MAX MULLER and other scholar where send to India ... sad but after coming to India and understanding Hinduism he himself started rebelling against Christianity ... :P
What ever it is ... a venom is venom and its deadly let it be from which ever Snake ... some may be very deadly some may be less...

And the worlds biggest Child Molesters are Catholic missionaries... U know the Sister Abhaya Case ...which didnt get a proper conclusion even after 20 years... and 100's of other cases in kerala alone ...

Admit it ... if not all the catholic priest are atleast most are Molesters...

Only Catholic priests doing Child Molestation around the world? Do you even know how many priests are there working all around the world? There are bad apples in every religion and I have no sympathies for them.. But branding all Catholic priests as child molesters are like calling every Hindu a communal and every Muslim a terrorists.. You should also know that it was not RC which is involved in conversion spree, rather it is the evangelical societies.. Roman Catholics are like pure bloods in Harry Potter that they do not want outsiders in their Church.. But people like you who do not bothered about difference because for you people every other religion is evil and destroying your religion.. Do not miss a chance to malign them :D

Yes mate,just google 'christianity in Kerala'.

And such incidents are rare,I dont hear any persecution news from Orrisa any more.
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I hope Pakistan can eliminate these killers instead of having peace talk with them because if these elements are not controlled now then Pakistan's future is really uncertain

You are right these are wild beast & men don't conduct peace talks with beasts

Thats a common mistake they make,they think pope is the head of entire christian society.

And the NE extremist he mentioned is actually a self proclaimed,protestent church.
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Yes mate,just google 'christianity in Kerala'.

And such incidents are rare,I dont hear any persecution news from Orrisa any more.

But my bro I didn't mention Kerala in my post ... Anyhow this is off topic ... Have you ever heard atrocities from entire Pakistan ... Mostly Muslims are killed in these suicide attacks in Pakistan rather than Christians .........
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@Nair saab Can you find out the total population of descendents of British converted christians?Its easy-population,of Church of North India+Church of South India+Anglican Church of Pakistan.

Now how,many are there?
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Only Catholic priests doing Child Molestation around the world? Do you even know how many priests are there working all around the world? There are bad apples in every religion and I have no sympathies for them.. But branding all Catholic priests as child molesters are like calling every Hindu a communal and every Muslim a terrorists.. You should also know that it was not RC which is involved in conversion spree, rather it is the evangelical societies.. Roman Catholics are like pure bloods in Harry Potter that they do not want outsiders in their Church.. But people like you who do not bothered about difference because for you people every other religion is evil and destroying your religion.. Do not miss a chance to malign them :D

Look this from your own Secular media how Catholic Church is defaming Hindu God...

Catholic Priest in kerala have the habit of putting nose in every Government decision ... infact today's UDF government is run partly by Catholic Church ...

Every religion may or may not have it BUT the percentage of Molestor's are highest in Christianity just like the Percentage of Terrorist are highest among Muslims...
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This attack probably isn't going down well among Christians all over the world. Must probably be the biggest attack on Christians since a while.

so fu cking what? 40,000 muslims died during this war, these casualties shouldn't be labeled as christians but pakistanis, and all of us pakistanis made sacrifices and we are together in this fight against indian sponsored terrorism.
Christian community is living India for 2000 years :woot: Are you sure that you have appropriate knowledge about Christians in Indian ...


The origins of Christianity in Kerala go back to the earliest period of the Church itself. In fact, there is a tradition among the Christian people of Kerala that St. Thomas the Apostle, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, landed on the Kerala coast in 52 A.D. and preached the Gospel. He organized Christian communities, in several places and established seven churches in Kerala and then at last got martyrdom in Mylapore, Chennai, in 72 A.D.


There had been considerable trade relations between Arabia and Kerala even before the time of Islamic prophet Muhammad. Islam was introduced in the region by the Arab traders in the 7th century. The 2nd oldest mosque in the world is in Kerala (estd. in the 7th century).


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