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Pope calls Pakistan church attack act of hate, war

I hope Pakistan can eliminate these killers instead of having peace talk with them because if these elements are not controlled now then Pakistan's future is really uncertain

Meanwhile Pakistani christians are ready to fight the war along with there muslim countrymen.

Unlike India where politicians incite violence against a particular community to gain votes in elections.
But the killing of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadis, and even Shiites, is not reason enough to shut down the Sunni groups that are waging the "war". Right? Otherwise, your army would do it.

After all, these groups are necessary for strategic depth against India. THAT is the priority. Right!!! ?
A great misconception. These groups are neither sunni nor shia. They are hardened criminals working as mercenaries against hefty payments from other countries. Whole exercise is to keep Pakistan unstable and put a drag to economic growth. The funding is not restricted to these criminals of TTP, but also to the underworld and gangs.
It was an act of heartless terror, Pakistan is at war and the Christians are not the only ones suffering. Looks like Mr Pope does 'selective prayers'.

That's what i was trying to say,the padre is just stating the obvious plus he's beeing a little selective with his prayers.Last time i checked all of humanity is God's children and every innocent killed,be they christians,muslims or other denomination is a direct offense to God,every soul lost to infamy deserves prayers.I'll go even further and state that even taliban or other terrorists/wrong doers on this planet deserve a prayer even if they have lost their way and turned their backs on humanity ,they are still humans with their souls unfortunately blackened.

Unfortunately we are all victims,how do we respond and how are we transformed by these atrocities? I take a look at myself ,despite considering my christian teachings my first response when i see a terror act "kill the terrorists,send them to hell!"...this is an emotional response ,still it's a shameful one and a gross violation of my beliefs,sometimes i feel ashamed,i pray for forgiveness,the ideea is we are all blackened by these events...unfortunately.
That's what i was trying to say,the padre is just stating the obvious plus he's beeing a little selective with his prayers.Last time i checked all of humanity is God's children and every innocent killed,be they christians,muslims or other denomination is a direct offense to God,every soul lost to infamy deserves prayers.I'll go even further and state that even taliban or other terrorists/wrong doers on this planet deserve a prayer even if they have lost their way and turned their backs on humanity ,they are still humans with their souls unfortunately blackened.

Thank you for this. :tup:
Brother, point was put forward brilliantly, however, there was no need to drag India into it.


Meanwhile Pakistani christians are ready to fight the war along with there muslim countrymen.

Unlike India where politicians incite violence against a particular community to gain votes in elections.

Imagine... even Zarvi has a soul, he thanked that particular post! :partay:

Thank you for this. :tup:
This Stupid pope should better shut up his mouth ...

These people belonged to Pakistan and its there internal matter ...

We all know the history of Pope and vatican in spreading hate and war ... their missionaries under their nose molesting thousand's if not millions of Children all around the globe... which is still continuing till date...

if u have any sanity left in u Mr.Pope ask Uncle SAM to stop supporting rebels ( aka Al-quaida ) in Syria ... who if will come in power will kill thousands of minorities ...
Dude, you didn't have to be so harsh...... :laugh:

This Stupid pope should better shut up his mouth ...

These people belonged to Pakistan and its there internal matter ...

We all know the history of Pope and vatican in spreading hate and war ... their missionaries under their nose molesting thousand's if not millions of Children all around the globe... which is still continuing till date...

if u have any sanity left in u Mr.Pope ask Uncle SAM to stop supporting rebels ( aka Al-quaida ) in Syria ... who if will come in power will kill thousands of minorities ...
Dude, you didn't have to be so harsh...... :laugh:

I have every right for that... this hate monger rascal and his kind are pumping billions of dollars to destabilize my country ...

These vatican living hogs are funding the insurgents in North-East India... apart from that in the name of harvesting souls converting poor tribals giving them money ... they are buying faith ...

These people are Godless ... How can they represent the worlds biggest religion...
Oh please. Spare me the tears. Here we have many citizens of the USA and some NRI's at the USA spewing criticism against Pakistanis for "not doing enough" to stop the terrorist attacks and for "tacitly supporting the terrorists." Please go and check your government's policy against Pakistan before you starting pointing fingers at Pakistanis. The drone attacks. The military funding to Pakistan. The war against terror in Pakistan. The buying and selling of Pakistani politicians and officials. Behaving as if Pakistan is a ****** of the USA. You guys need to assess your mindset before you start assessing the mindset of the average Pakistani. For starters your politicians whether Democrats or Republicans all seem to have the same foreign policy against Pakistan amongst other countries. Does that equate to all the Americans sharing one sick foreign policy when it comes to Pakistan? If the USA is regarded as the leader of Christian nations ("we are launching a Crusade against these terrorists"...the Honorable George W Bush JR., President of the United States of America) , then can a Muslim majority nation with a majority of little or non-educated people not blame Christianity for all their woes, whether correctly or incorrectly attributing their blame? So, what exactly is the difference between a bunch of Muslims who burn down a Church and a bunch of Christians who bomb Muslim people including women and children indiscriminately ? As a Hindu I find both barbaric.
I think India is a heaven for minorities :hitwall:

Still FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAre better then what they are getting in "orld biggest demoncrazy", if you need some help to understand my word, it would be a pleasure to shed some light on this matter ;)

Yes it is, since it's world biggest democracy :lol:

TTP like groups attack Christians in Pakistan... RIP...

Don't know why Indians are gloating over this... Extremist groups and YOUR OWN people (Hindus) kill minorities without any action taken against... Might Muzaffarnagar be a reminder...

Anyways Pakistan is a country that is trapped between extremist parties and their motives... RIP to the people who passed away...

Minorities are always on the recieveing end as thay are they are the softest targets to hit with least consequences.

In the case of Pakistan what is worrisome are statements lilke these and the fact that despite this the Govt & PA is dragging its feet.

"Pakistan's umbrella Taliban movement claimed responsibility, saying it had set up a new faction, Junood ul-Hifsa, to kill foreigners to avenge US drone strikes on Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives in the country's tribal areas along the Afghan border.

“We carried out the suicide bombings at Peshawar church and will continue to strike foreigners and non-Muslims until drone attacks stop,” Ahmad Marwat, a spokesman for the group, told AFP by telephone.

In June, the group claimed responsibility for killing 10 foreign climbers at a base camp of Nanga Parbat, the second highest mountain in Pakistan after K-2.

Death toll from Peshawar church bombing rises to 81 - DAWN.COM
This Stupid pope should better shut up his mouth ...

These people belonged to Pakistan and its there internal matter ...

We all know the history of Pope and vatican in spreading hate and war ... their missionaries under their nose molesting thousand's if not millions of Children all around the globe... which is still continuing till date...

if u have any sanity left in u Mr.Pope ask Uncle SAM to stop supporting rebels ( aka Al-quaida ) in Syria ... who if will come in power will kill thousands of minorities ...

Pure RSS bs,I must say.

The statement of the pope,indicates the anxiety of christian community for Pakistans christians.

And Assad is a far better ruler than the rebels,I'd say.Look how many bishops & priests have been kidnapped.

And look at what is happening to christians in Iraq & Syria.Even patriarch of Assyrian church has fleed to US...
Oh please. Spare me the tears. Here we have many citizens of the USA and some NRI's at the USA spewing criticism against Pakistanis for "not doing enough" to stop the terrorist attacks and for "tacitly supporting the terrorists." Please go and check your government's policy against Pakistan before you starting pointing fingers at Pakistanis. The drone attacks. The military funding to Pakistan. The war against terror in Pakistan. The buying and selling of Pakistani politicians and officials. Behaving as if Pakistan is a ****** of the USA. You guys need to assess your mindset before you start assessing the mindset of the average Pakistani. For starters your politicians whether Democrats or Republicans all seem to have the same foreign policy against Pakistan amongst other countries. Does that equate to all the Americans sharing one sick foreign policy when it comes to Pakistan? If the USA is regarded as the leader of Christian nations ("we are launching a Crusade against these terrorists"...the Honorable George W Bush JR., President of the United States of America) , then can a Muslim majority nation with a majority of little or non-educated people not blame Christianity for all their woes, whether correctly or incorrectly attributing their blame? So, what exactly is the difference between a bunch of Muslims who burn down a Church and a bunch of Christians who indiscriminately bomb Muslim people including women and children indiscriminately ? As a Hindu I find both barbaric.

Although i disagree with on various Issue i am with on this...

If we say Muslims are today evil ... then Christians are the biggest Evil in the world ... every war in the world was started by them and for their interest ... let that be... Iran-Iraq , Vietnam war , North Korea- South Korea , World war , Israel-Palestine , Afghanistan... India-Pakistan ...

They where the who started the colonial expansion ruling countries unjustly ... Britain alone would have killed more then 50 million people during and after its conquest ...

and no should forget that ... The Radical face to Islam was given by USA to fight USSR in Afghanistan by creating AL-QUAIDA ...

even for the Today's Radical Islamist the Christian's are to be blamed...

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