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Pope calls Pakistan church attack act of hate, war

Although i disagree with on various Issue i am with on this...

If we say Muslims are today evil ... then Christians are the biggest Evil in the world ... every war in the world was started by them and for their interest ... let that be... Iran-Iraq , Vietnam war , North Korea- South Korea , World war , Israel-Palestine , Afghanistan... India-Pakistan ...


Not even a single bit love for your neighbor? :cray:
Quite likely, and not. The intent was to kill Christians and Christians alone without them being qualified as Pakistanis. Yet, the motive given to the attackers would not be to kill in revenge but simply kill. The attack will however be interpreted, defended by certain individuals(both pseudo-militant and political) as revenge for Muslim deaths.
Even now, the attack has not been condemned to the same degree by those in the Islamic parties and by certain elements who are/were part of the ruling parties( PML(N), PTI, ANP). Some have not done so due to fear of their lives, others simply because they share the vision(or rather their profit in the fulfilment of it) of the terrorist forces.

We the people of this city Peshawar hate TTP and its obvious that after losing any attention these morons were getting earlier now they are running short of Killing Sunni-Shia Muslims and failing getting any attention, the buff00ns resorted to target Pakistani Christians which indeed is going to fetch these buff00ns worldwide attention.

As far as people of Peshawar are concerned we are gloomed and teary. The Muslim community here made all arrangements for burial food, and they made announcements in different points of the city
Opinion Fight bigotry

Brian Cloughley

Monday, September 23, 2013

Zimbabwe recently beat Pakistan at cricket, which is verging on national tragedy, but the main point in mentioning the match is to note that it was played in Harare, not in Islamabad, Lahore or Karachi.

The days are gone when foreign teams could come to Pakistan and draw huge crowds and attract such descriptions as written by my wife in 1980 to the effect that “Pakistan was batting [against Australia, in Rawalpindi] and one of the batsmen scored fifty runs. A man ran onto the field to shake the batsman’s hand. Having done so he headed back to the stand, pursued by a policeman, lathi held above his head like a spear . . . the policeman threw his stick and it bounced over the fugitive and landed with its point stuck in the ground. Without losing stride the man grasped it, ran with it a few paces and tossed it back over his head, whereupon it bounced again and was caught by the policeman. Play was halted for over ten minutes as no one could move for laughing.”

Alas, if there were any international cricket matches in Pakistan nowadays we wouldn’t be having a laugh about policemen throwing lathis; we’d probably see and hear and might well be killed by bombs exploded by evil lunatics. Things have come to a very sad pass when it is too dangerous for a country to host a sporting event lest there be a terrorist attack. The extremists can’t (yet) forbid cricket on bogus religious grounds – but watch this space. If there were an international sports event in Pakistan it is likely that some of the psychotic vermin infesting the country would try to kill as many people as possible, simply because their aim is to create mayhem.

One step forward would be for a group of influential religious scholars to unconditionally condemn all action of this nature. Suicide bombing must be outlawed by Islam as represented by the most respected religious leaders in the country, speaking with one voice and conveying their deep understanding of the Holy Quran and the Hadith. The trouble is that this is unlikely to be wholly successful, given the blinkered fanaticism of the country’s enemies. They cannot be allowed to win.

Before the US invasion of Afghanistan, and the consequent spill over of fanatics and extremism into Pakistan, there had been only one suicide bombing in the country, and that was in 1995 by an Egyptian who drove an explosive truck into his embassy in Islamabad.

But since 2003 there have been 398 such attacks, killing over 4,000 people. Last month in Balochistan a policeman was shot dead while travelling in a car with his children, a truly wicked act; but then at his funeral a suicide bomber killed 30 people, after which the Taliban spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid, said they had carried out the atrocity because the police were “working against Islam.” What he meant, of course, was that the police are trying to maintain some sort of peace and security in Pakistan and that this doesn’t suit the fanatics who are intent on bringing the country to its knees. This type of crime has got to be stamped out.

Then there was the IED killing in Dir last week of Major General Sanaullah Khan Niazi along with Lt Colonel Tauseef Ahmed and Lance Naik Irfan Sattar of the Baloch Regiment. Responsibility for this was claimed specifically by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, the TTP, a band of evil thugs formed by Baitullah Mehsud who deservedly was killed four years ago by a CIA drone.

But his legacy is potent, and the TTP is now led by the equally foul Hakeemullah Mehsud who is also determined to destroy all that is decent and civilised in Pakistan. In this his followers took a step in their murder of General Niazi, for he was indeed decent and civilised. In addition to having been an army cricketer in his youth he had a wide appreciation of the world, and last June he organised an art exhibition in Mingora at which the work of local painters was displayed, to the pleasure of the very many people who had been denied access to culture until the savage reign of the Taliban in Swat was ended by the army in 2009. But the philistines struck, and murdered yet another person who was trying to help Pakistan become a better place.

The Talibs and the other fanatics are entirely negative in their warped approach to creating their ‘Caliphate’, as shown by statements from Omar Khalid al Khorasani, a grim zealot in the tribal areas who knows neither compassion nor benevolence. Khorasani wants to “avenge the oppression of the mujahideen in the tribal and urban areas” and declares that “Another objective of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan is to use Pakistan's strengths including the atomic bomb, army, and other resources, to guide other Muslim countries and for the survival of Islam.” Nobody can say that’s not fair warning of what could happen to Pakistan and the world if these brutal vermin manage to gain power.

One of those only too well aware of the extent of the threat is the army chief, General Kayani, who after the recent atrocities warmed that “it is understandable to give peace a chance through a political process, but no one should have any misgivings that we will let terrorists coerce us into accepting their terms.”

Talking is always preferable to killing – but it has become apparent that talking with the Taliban is fruitless. The government should now order the army to take the gloves off and use whatever legal means practicable to eradicate the bigoted barbarians who threaten the very existence of the country. Then maybe we’ll see another Pakistan versus Australia cricket match in Rawalpindi.

The writer is a South Asian affairs analyst. Website: Brian Cloughley
Although i disagree with on various Issue i am with on this...

If we say Muslims are today evil ... then Christians are the biggest Evil in the world ... every war in the world was started by them and for their interest ... let that be... Iran-Iraq , Vietnam war , North Korea- South Korea , World war , Israel-Palestine , Afghanistan... India-Pakistan ...

They where the who started the colonial expansion ruling countries unjustly ... Britain alone would have killed more then 50 million people during and after its conquest ...

and no should forget that ... The Radical face to Islam was given by USA to fight USSR in Afghanistan by creating AL-QUAIDA ...

even for the Today's Radical Islamist the Christian's are to be blamed...

Colonialists were British by birth,so was the Americans,but whats the big deal?

So by your logic,they all see themselves as christians and not as british/french/American.

But history says that they've gone in war with
each other.Christian france fought christian england for a hundred years.Anglican Americans have to fight Anglican british for freedom.Catholic Italy& Germany invaded Catholic france & attacked Christian UK.

And above all,when Portuguese invaded Kochi,they proclaimed kerala christians as heretics and murdered two of our priests.

And history also says that the aim of all these colonialisations were quest for power and in effect-for wealth.

So please stop judging people,by their religion.
Pure RSS bs,I must say.

The statement of the pope,indicates the anxiety of christian community for Pakistans christians.
Who is he to say that... the head of the world's biggest Child molesting organization ... and Organization which works on destabilizing Countries ...

He must be tried for leading such a Criminal organization ... If Asaram is in jail ... then why should'nt be this corrupt cunning wolf as well...

Colonialists were British by birth,so was the Americans,but whats the big deal?

So by your logic,they all see themselves as christians and not as british/french/American.

But history says that they've gone in war with
each other.Christian france fought christian england for a hundred years.Anglican Americans have to fight Anglican british for freedom.Catholic Italy& Germany invaded Catholic france & attacked Christian UK.

And above all,when Portuguese invaded Kochi,they proclaimed kerala christians as heretics and murdered two of our priests.

And history also says that the aim of all these colonialisations were quest for power and in effect-for wealth.

So please stop judging people,by their religion.

So its proved Christianity is Colonial religion ... which can kill its own people for expansion and persecution ... most dangerous religion of the world ...

Should be curbed immediately ... time to exterminate this Venom from the world ...
Not even a single bit love for your neighbor? :cray:

No, no , no !!! Christians are evil, evil I say ! Let's excommunicate them :D

PS. I have no beef against Christians. My beef is with the USA who arms people to the hilt and then cries foul when their comrades lash back at them. Their policy is just as shortsighted and equivalent in many respects to the Pakistani policy of strategic assets. Our policy is the best..it reads something like this ..."karma is a b**ch" :D
Who is he to say that... the head of the world's biggest Child molesting organization ... and Organization which works on destabilizing Countries ...

He must be tried for leading such a Criminal organization ... If Asaram is in jail ... then why should'nt be this corrupt cunning wolf as well...

So its proved Christianity is Colonial religion ... which can kill its own people for expansion and persecution ... most dangerous religion of the world ...

Should be curbed immediately ... time to exterminate this Venom from the world ...

Just wanted you to know, US is a protestant dominated country and Pope is a Roman Catholic head..Pope is not the head of all the Christians around the world.. :pop: Okay continue your efforts to arrest Pope!!

No, no , no !!! Christians are evil, evil I say ! Let's excommunicate them :D

Just wanted to let you people know, I have plans to invite you and @Nair saab to home for Christmas, consider it cancelled.. You wont be having my wine and cake :pissed:
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Who is he to say that... the head of the world's biggest Child molesting organization ... and Organization which works on destabilizing Countries ...

He must be tried for leading such a Criminal organization ... If Asaram is in jail ... then why should'nt be this corrupt cunning wolf as well...

So its proved Christianity is Colonial religion ... which can kill its own people for expansion and persecution ... most dangerous religion of the world ...

Should be curbed immediately ... time to exterminate this Venom from the world ...

So,we shall prosecute Rajnath singh,coz one of the major leaders of his party was arrested in a sex scandel?

A few rare cases & accusations are not going to work,try harder.
Just wanted you to know, US is a protestant dominated country and Pope is a Roman Catholic head..Pope is not the head of all the Christians around the world.. :pop: Okay continue your efforts to arrest Pope!!

Just wanted to let you people know, I have plans to invite you and @Nair saab to home for Christmas, consider it cancelled.. You wont be having my wine and cake :pissed:

Do I still get your wedding invite ? Hey I plan on being in Delhi during Christmas. C'mon man...I need to get drunk. What better place than Kerala to do so :D
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Current Pope is one of the most humble guy ever lead Roman Catholics.. I have strong feeling that he will bring changes in that Church's actions..

Do I still get your wedding invite ? Hey I plan on being in Delhi during Christmas. C'mon man...I need to get drunk. What better place than Kerala to do so :D

Most welcome mate.. I will invite you for sure..!! :D
Who is he to say that... the head of the world's biggest Child molesting organization ... and Organization which works on destabilizing Countries ...

He must be tried for leading such a Criminal organization ... If Asaram is in jail ... then why should'nt be this corrupt cunning wolf as well...

So its proved Christianity is Colonial religion ... which can kill its own people for expansion and persecution ... most dangerous religion of the world ...

Should be curbed immediately ... time to exterminate this Venom from the world ...

Colonialism was for religious expansion??

Oh please.....!!

How,many Indians were converted by the british?
Colonialism was for religious expansion??

Oh please.....!!

How,many Indians were converted by the british?

Don't know how many conversions but my grandfather told me they used to treat the christians way better than the muslims or hindus.
Just wanted you to know, US is a protestant dominated country and Pope is a Roman Catholic head..Pope is not the head of all the Christians around the world.. :pop: Okay continue your efforts to arrest Pope!!

What ever it is ... a venom is venom and its deadly let it be from which ever Snake ... some may be very deadly some may be less...

And the worlds biggest Child Molesters are Catholic missionaries... U know the Sister Abhaya Case ...which didnt get a proper conclusion even after 20 years... and 100's of other cases in kerala alone ...

Admit it ... if not all the catholic priest are atleast most are Molesters...
Please correct your information.
America is a secular nation.
They are not but as America is a Christian nation leading a War on Islam, many people in Pakistan can easily make an incorrect assumption. Hence, the Christians in Pakistan are treated as toilet cleaners unfortunately (racism I would call it).
Mate, I don't know much about it, however, I did hear something on the same lines regarding Goa.... could you shed some light on it?

Colonialism was for religious expansion??

Oh please.....!!

How,many Indians were converted by the british?

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