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Policy watch: What factors helped Bangladesh overtake India in per capita income?

I understand....possibly more than you could know (having faced a prolonged episode of abuse on whatsapp group from bunch of sanghi turds).

Sad reflection of our times, all too many people (India is no exception) wear toxic politics of the time on their sleeve and the stench imposes and lingers inevitably.

There is toxic indian forum that follows this one like shadow...while pumping out these clown accounts to send here I am told.

I'm primarily here for a behind the scenes project with some other members here rather than to get involved in the general forum side of stuff....but let me tell you what I think since you seem to be a long term member who cares about his country/people.

I feel this subforum truly reasonable members need not answer toxic troll stuff with mud for mud.

Even if the moderators are not taking appropriately action against persistent foul nuisances....surely (what seems to be a) tight knit BD membership core here can take own unique, wise and prudent action?

If you make the unprofessional people stick out like a sore thumb (to anyone reasonable thats worth convincing on your arguments/discussions) by ignoring them entirely (thus make them talk only to themselves like bunch of village idiots that lost their way), they lose surely? Only intervene if there is a new or worth member chatting getting misinformed by whatever antic etc.

If you respond to them, is it not them that end up winning as now you have accepted them as worthy to spend time and attention on?...they now know all they need to do is show up and paste some blah blah to get a whole topic derailed in stupid way.

If its one thing I know about Bengali people is their tough indomitable nature deep down. I am sure you guys here will come up with a better solution with time.

Maybe subforum needs its own dedicated Bangladeshi moderator if possible (elected by the long term core membership here)?

But even if that option not available why turn this place into a mini-twitter swamp by giving (repeat reruns of) toxic people too much time of your day? Same old people with same old mental issues, what's to gain?

There's literally no point answering negativity with more of it....and just being the same thing as rest of social media in general. Be something different as you can IMO.

You owe it to yourself to see the movie "Cool runnings" if you havent already, it doesn't matter what naysayers/pessimists/toxic/jealous and other negative vibe ppl think and try pull you down with....

....it matters what you think and do with people that think and do the same.

You only get pulled down if you let yourself be.

Good people in audience (worth making a good discussion for) will recognise that all (even if they only watching from afar),

You must trust them...to see things clearly. You make this place what you all (better minded ones) choose to make it.

God bless jamaica:

@Joe Shearer

I am the first one to 'ignore' trolls and ask other folks (including Bangladeshis) to do so. Doing so leaves trolls with no one to talk to.

However some posters here choose not to ignore trolls and carry on with them, which remains their problem. I can't force anyone's hand unfortunately.

I for one have been accused of flying off the handle once in a while when dealing with trolls, but I have learnt to check my reaction to trolls lately....

I also make a specific difference between Sanghis and sober Indian folks. The latter deserve kudos and respect, specifically @Joe Shearer dada and @jamahir bhai, among a few others.

You will notice we Bangladeshis bad mouth our own country 90% of the time. That is being real and practical, instead of the "mera desh mahaan" concept.

One should be one's own worst critic, collectively or individually.
Instead of spamming what I told you before stick to one account instead of creating multiple accounts one after the another violating forum rule.

If this place is toxic what makes you come here again and again?

If you would like to have genuine conversation have it in a decent manner like the individual you tagged or many other who engage here on a regular basis.
আমি আগেও বলেছি, এইবার শেষবার বোঝাচ্ছি, আমাদের মধ্যে জনকয়েক শুধু মাত্র যে সিমুলেশন চলছে, তাতে ভাগ নিতে এসে পরস্পরের মধ্যে যোগাযোগ করছি। বাইরের কথাবার্তার সাথে আমাদের কোনো সম্পর্ক নেই। যদি আমাদের মধ্যে রাগের মাথায় কিছু বলে থাকেন, সেটা ভুল, আমাদেরই ভুল। বারবার আমাদের অন্যান্য ব্যাপারে সম্পর্কিত করা আর শোভা পায়ে না।
যা ঘোটে গিয়েছে কিছু করবার নেই, আমি অপ্রিয় কথাগুলির ত্রুটি মার্জনা করবেন সেই প্রার্থনাটা করছি, আমরা শুধু এক মনেই আমাদের উদ্দেশ্য সক্ষম করার কাজেই লেগে আছি। আপনারা আর এই ব্যাপারটা ঘাটাবেন না, এইটা একটা শেষ অনুরোধ হিসেবে গ্রহণ করেন।

As I have said before, I am explaining again, for the last time, some of us have got together for communicating with each other just to share in the simulation that is going on. We have nothing to do with outside talk. If one of us did say something in a moment of anger, it is wrong, it is our fault.
Repeatedly associating us with other things is no longer appropriate.
There is nothing to be done about what has gone wrong, I am praying for the forgiveness of unpleasant words if felt to be objectionable, we are only working in a single-minded manner to achieve our purpose.
Please do not rake this up again and again.
আমি আগেও বলেছি, এইবার শেষবার বোঝাচ্ছি, আমাদের মধ্যে জনকয়েক শুধু মাত্র যে সিমুলেশন চলছে, তাতে ভাগ নিতে এসে পরস্পরের মধ্যে যোগাযোগ করছি। বাইরের কথাবার্তার সাথে আমাদের কোনো সম্পর্ক নেই। যদি আমাদের মধ্যে রাগের মাথায় কিছু বলে থাকেন, সেটা ভুল, আমাদেরই ভুল। বারবার আমাদের অন্যান্য ব্যাপারে সম্পর্কিত করা আর শোভা পায়ে না।
যা ঘোটে গিয়েছে কিছু করবার নেই, আমি অপ্রিয় কথাগুলির ত্রুটি মার্জনা করবেন সেই প্রার্থনাটা করছি, আমরা শুধু এক মনেই আমাদের উদ্দেশ্য সক্ষম করার কাজেই লেগে আছি। আপনারা আর এই ব্যাপারটা ঘাটাবেন না, এইটা একটা শেষ অনুরোধ হিসেবে গ্রহণ করেন।

As I have said before, I am explaining again, for the last time, some of us have got together for communicating with each other just to share in the simulation that is going on. We have nothing to do with outside talk. If one of us did say something in a moment of anger, it is wrong, it is our fault.
Repeatedly associating us with other things is no longer appropriate.
There is nothing to be done about what has gone wrong, I am praying for the forgiveness of unpleasant words if felt to be objectionable, we are only working in a single-minded manner to achieve our purpose.
Please do not rake this up again and again.

Why do people invent differences to argue over when there are genuine differences that we should debate.

Mostly because these differences aren’t big enough to divide us - so your average Hinduvta troll or Wahhabi troll will manufacture them by throwing petrol.

Also I can understand why some Pakistanis and Indians cannot accept BD’s development. And come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories about its economy and HDI numbers.

An independent and prosperous Bangladesh challenges the rational for multi ethnic countries. And they fear it’s consequences.

Both India and Pakistan are now about religious chauvinism.

Economics have taken a back seat. Let’s see where they end up!!
Why do people invent differences to argue over when there are genuine differences that we should debate.

Mostly because these differences aren’t big enough to divide us - so your average Hinduvta troll or Wahhabi troll will manufacture them by throwing petrol.

Also I can understand why some Pakistanis and Indians cannot accept BD’s development. And come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories about its economy and HDI numbers.

An independent and prosperous Bangladesh challenges the rational for multi ethnic countries. And they fear it’s consequences.

Both India and Pakistan are now about religious chauvinism.

Economics have taken a back seat. Let’s see where they end up!!
ভয়, আর কিছু না, ভয়।
এতো দিন বাংলাদেশ এবং বাংলাদেশিদের গালাগালি দিয়ে, নিন্দা করে নিজেদের কলার তুলে ঘুরে বেড়ানোর পর, আজকের পরিস্থিতিটা কিছুতেই হজম হচ্ছে না। কোথায় গেলো উইপোকা'র নিন্দা? এখন তো ভন্ডপ মহান নিজেই এক মুখ কৃত্রিম হাঁসি নিয়ে জোর হাতে বাংলাদেশীদেড় আহবান করছেন! দেখেও ভালো লাগে , শুনেও প্রাণ জুড়িয়ে যায়।
Fear, nothing else, fear.
After so many days of blasphemy and condemnation of Bangladesh and Bangladeshis, and walking around with their collars up, today's situation is not being digested at all. Where did the termites disappear? Now the arch-hypocrite himself is loudly calling Bangladeshis with his fake smile! It feels good to see, it feels good to hear, so pleasant for the soul.
ভয়, আর কিছু না, ভয়।
এতো দিন বাংলাদেশ এবং বাংলাদেশিদের গালাগালি দিয়ে, নিন্দা করে নিজেদের কলার তুলে ঘুরে বেড়ানোর পর, আজকের পরিস্থিতিটা কিছুতেই হজম হচ্ছে না। কোথায় গেলো উইপোকা'র নিন্দা? এখন তো ভন্ডপ মহান নিজেই এক মুখ কৃত্রিম হাঁসি নিয়ে জোর হাতে বাংলাদেশীদেড় আহবান করছেন! দেখেও ভালো লাগে , শুনেও প্রাণ জুড়িয়ে যায়।
Fear, nothing else, fear.
After so many days of blasphemy and condemnation of Bangladesh and Bangladeshis, and walking around with their collars up, today's situation is not being digested at all. Where did the termites disappear? Now the arch-hypocrite himself is loudly calling Bangladeshis with his fake smile! It feels good to see, it feels good to hear, so pleasant for the soul.

Wahhabi Pakistanis and Hinduvta Indians share an immense hatred of Bangladeshis.

I have been close personal contact with this vitriol. It was not pleasant.

Hinduvta hate Bangladesh for allegedly breaking up Bengal and Pakistanis blame us for breaking it in half.

Personally I feel about as Bengali as a Pakistani - which is not a lot lol both identities are alien to me.

I feel very British with a personal stake in the development and prosperity of Bangladesh.

When my plane lands in Dhaka/Sylhet I feel nostalgia. When it lands on the tarmac of Heathrow I feel I have arrived home.

However, thanks to my mother I can read and write in Bangla. So you do not need to translate for my benefit. My multi talented mother also had a go at installing Urdu in us but without success!
So you do not need to translate for my benefit.
It wasn't targeting you, personally.
It was to comply with a forum protocol that discourages use of languages other than English, but a translation is acceptable to lower the BP of the moderator coming across it! They feel that is a reasonable way of putting the point across!

Wahhabi Pakistanis and Hinduvta Indians share an immense hatred of Bangladeshis.

I have been close personal contact with this vitriol. It was not pleasant.
Tell me about it!
You are well versed in lot of things, good to see and good for you.

There is much for both countries to learn from each other success.

This often involves lot of real world experience outside of media clickbait and online fora space heh.

So we should only take the latter so seriously....but still can be good to come and check notes/ideas with others holding different views.

People get too invested in narratives and having last word in fora (this is somewhat inevitable though).....lot of negativity can build up that way.

But one must trust better people will realise better things past it.
I laugh my *** of when one of bd member here mentioned bd govt dont want fdi.

Its been 40 years still country of 170 million 85 percent export comes from cheap garments. These sweat shop owners will be using poor bd ppl like slave so that ppl in west can buy made in bangladesh clothes cheaper then even McDonald's full meal. I kid u not.
. . .
The only thing that has kept Bangladesh per capita above India is their currency manipulation.
Just as a FYI BD garment exports as percentage of total exports is 75% when you add in the near 8 billion US dollars of service exports.

It is falling over the past 5 years but still not noticeable as garments are still massive.
The only thing that has kept Bangladesh per capita above India is their currency manipulation.
Two main driver of bd economy is low value garments and cheap labor remittance from middle east. Its been like this for last two decades. Thats why most global investments firm stay away from bd because they dont see any potential or cant find any local companies which has experience bringing high value jobs.

No one wants to be part of swear shop that depends slave labor so ppl can buy cheap underwear.

There are reports over 1000 bd women were raped or torture in middle east. I wont even bring how male workers are exploited in middle east.

This is the hillarious truth of asian tiger bla bla bs. If it was anything near true asian tiger ppl will line of with billions to invest. Instead most of investment is from Chinese state own companies in power plants. And some in underwear industry.
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The only thing that has kept Bangladesh per capita above India is their currency manipulation.
Stop these nonsense and propaganda. Bangladesh this year will not only go above India but it will go higher by 550 usd per capita nominal wise.
Two main driver of bd economy is low value garments and cheap labor remittance from middle east. Its been like this for last two decades. Thats why most global investments firm stay away from bd because they dont see any potential or cant find any local companies which has experience bringing high value jobs.

No one wants to be part of swear shop that depends slave labor so ppl can buy cheap underwear.

There are reports over 1000 bd women were raped or torture in middle east. I wont even bring how male workers are exploited in middle east.

This is the hillarious truth of asian tiger bla bla bs. If it was anything near true asian tiger ppl will line of with billions to invest. Instead most of investment is from Chinese state own companies in power plants. And some in underwear industry.

You have very little knowledge on FDI that’s evident from your post. Please don’t post things for which you have no idea.

Definitely RMG and remittance has helped Bangladesh but back in 1970s and 1980s that was the only viable way to make money. In Bangladesh has brought woman into work force, has increased their literacy rate and made up to HSC level education free, brought down fertility rate, gave many incentives to RMG sector to make it grow. All these happen desire people of Bangladesh is not willing to pay tax.

For your info Bangladesh doesn’t earn 50 USD just by selling underwear. It’s gradually moving to high end products. As many industries are leaving China the amount of export earning will only increase.

For manpower export Bangladesh is targeting now skilled migration with trade skill and nurse to western countries. They have launched number of initiative in this regard. If successful this will bring more remittance earning to Bangladesh.

Next thing Bangladesh is focusing on software development and aim to earn more on software development than RMG. For that training 1 million freelancer. Already Bangladesh is second in terms of number of freelancer.

Plus it’s focusing on ship building, pharmacy, electronics and auto industry as well.

To have FDI one need better infrastructure, electricity production, ease of doing business. Bangladesh is improving on the first two and need to do more on the last.

So please don’t embarrass yourself with your post like above.
Stop these nonsense and propaganda. Bangladesh this year will not only go above India but it will go higher by 550 usd per capita nominal wise.
But that should reflect in real world as well, leave motorcycles, phones etc, atleast electricity consumption, steel, cement consumption per capita should also be more than India in that case.
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