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Policy watch: What factors helped Bangladesh overtake India in per capita income?

India got a massive headstart compared to Bangladesh. Bangladesh only recently overtook India in nominal GDP Per capita, so it will take some years when wealth per capita of BD will also overtake India. You have to see the comparative growth rate of wealth of these two countries. I am sure it is higher than India.
I know, was just replying to a troll. Good luck to Bangladesh 👍🏻.
একটা থ্রেডেও শান্তি নাই, হাগা পাছা ভারতীগুলি ল্যাদানো শুরু করে দিল।
800-1000 USD higher per capita income than WB and yet you don't have a half-decent hospital? So bad that people from the capital is lining up in Kolkata despite higher costs! Is that why top builders in Kolkata have so many inbound queries from the ultra-rich of BD? Funny how you took BD's per capita to be uniform, those making the move to India are also mostly from the bordering areas of BD, moreover they put up base there and mostly move to other states for work. In fact contrary to what you think many sensible BDeshi would move to India(if they cant go/don't prefer West) given the lack of basic facilities in BD.

As for basic maths, 25% of 160 million comes to 4 crores and yes that's exactly the number of Muslims that are higher in our bordering states if their population growth rate is calculated using the normal Muslim TFR in India. This is a number well entrenched in maths calculated using TFR by both govt and non-govt agencies. The demographic shift in the bordering areas also perfectly attests to these numbers. Denial is not going to get you anywhere. Make hay while the sun shines coz at the end of the day you need to take these burdens back and then your per capita would look more like Afghanistan's. Propaganda backed by maths is not that much of propaganda tbh.

As I just said till very recently Pakistanis and now Sri Lankans were riding that high per capita GDP wave backed by foreign largesse but shit hit the fan for both of them. Pray to God for Hasina's long life because in her absence if BNP comes shit would hit the fan faster than the Indian govt would like it to for BD.

The answer is simple it’s cheaper in India why Bangladeshi tourists goes to India for medical tourism. Thank to them for feeding the poor of West Bengal with hard cash. Absent of Bangladeshi tourists creates desert like situation at the shopping malls and hospitals of West Bengal. If Bangladeshis stop spending money on West Bengal a segment of West Bengal economy will bust.

As far as border region of West Bengal are the poorest regions and even the poorest person of Bangladesh won’t consider going there. These border region people survive by smuggling goods to Bangladesh.

See the following thread for example.

Total number of Muslim in West Bengal is around 3 cr where 25% are of Bihari origin. So it’s not clear rendian like you, how you have come to the Vedic number 4 cr, 25% of Bd population packed at the border region of West Bengal which even BJP extremists don’t even claim?

Keep harping these fantasies as it sounds funny how rendian like you is high on cow ka cola.

Keep going until your accounts get blocked.
Oops always expect Kanglus to be dumb enough to not know that there are multiple bordering states with BD, not only Bengal. And what 25% WB Muslims are Biharis??!! LOL. the only place in Bengal you find Bihari Muslims in any sizeable chunk is in Kolkata. On the contrary given the narrow strip of North Bengal, North Eastern part of Bihar has sizeable BD Muslims.
And no our economy won't crash with 10% of hospital revenue not coming in, Treatment charges are way more, only medicines are cheaper(also doesn't that effectively increase PPP?) which is a minuscule amount of most treatment charges unless its something like cancer. Had this discussion with multiple Bangladeshis over the years in pvt hospitals as to why they are coming here, almost always they said BD Health care isnt good enough or this partiular surgery isnt performed or doctors there referred them here. the hassle of coming to Kolkata and putting up here for 2 weeks to a month itself will shoot up costs like crazy even if your argument about cheaper costs were true. In that case, what is that higher per capita even getting you lol. You can console yourself by saying you are providing us with jobs lol. Heard this argument before when we used to throw jibes at Biharis asking them why they are coming to Bengal colleges enmasse.

Btw the biggest joke is the one who wrote the article that 60% of buyers in Kolkata are from Bangladesh lol. It may be at best the case in some Muslim dominated markets like Newmarket which is mentioned here(Kudos for feeding poor Bihari Muslims) lol.
Never have come across BDeshis in upscale malls, would have easily known if they visited there in sizeable chunks. But most importantly if I go by what is written in those articles life must be tough with a 3% higher per capita GDP and double the prices. That's a bloodbath, worse than I was thinking. Even this marginally higher GDP is a 2-year-old phenomenon. I am wondering what was it like before that lol.
In 2019, India's GDP in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) terms was 11 times more than that of Bangladesh while population was eight times more. In PPP terms, India's per capita GDP in 2020 is estimated by IMF at $6,284 as compared to $5,139 for Bangladesh, according to the sources.
Tout your higher per capita GDP somewhere else, thanks for this clarity lol

Joined May 7, 2022

Nice another new account for spamming and trolling.

On topic illegal migration myth has been busted number of time in the past to BJP/RSS extremist rendian like yours. NRC is prime example where these delusional rendian are now moved from expelling illegal Bangladeshi migrants to preserving culture.

Instead of parroting here go ask your rendian BJP/RSS to come with proof of illegal Bangladeshi migrants as our home minister has already asked list of it which your government failed to provide and get caught with pants down.

Regarding treatment higher cost be happy that Bangladeshi people are helping the poors of India where Hospital authorities waiting eagerly for Bangladeshi patients.

Enjoy with this fake account until it’s getting banned soon.
Updated on: Monday, May 16, 2022, 09:54 AM IST

Policy watch: What factors helped Bangladesh overtake India in per capita income?​

RN Bhaskar

A few weeks ago, India observers were confronted with numbers that the Indian government had said, unofficially though, would never materialise. But Bangladesh was already nipping at India’s heels even in 2020. This author had a feeling that it would soon overtake India, unless proper policies were put into place.

Such apprehensions stand vindicated. Data from the IMF shows how – since 2020 – Bangladesh has managed to post a higher per capita GDP than India, and might continue to be ahead of India -- on this number -- in the foreseeable future.

This is doubly impressive. First, because Bangladesh is puny compared to India, both in terms of size and total GDP. Yet, it has raced ahead and beaten India on the per capita GDP score. India cannot even hide behind the fig leaf that it has a large population. Bangladesh has a significantly higher density of population -- of 1,106 people per km2 against 415.4/km2 for India. Had Bangladesh been ‘gifted’ the same density of population that India has, its per capita GDP would have more than doubled, leaving India way behind.


This author had discussions with Bangladeshis in Dubai recently. They lamented the fact that their fellow citizens were leaving Dubai. But why? They said that Bangladesh has begun providing job opportunities that pay at least 600 takas per day even to unskilled workers. Wages are increasing in that country. Dubai has suddenly become less attractive for Bangladeshi migrant workers.

Ask the police in India and they will tell you how the influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh has declined substantially. Not because our immigration or security officials have become more vigilant, but because their own country offers more opportunities. Instead, you have Biharis from India migrating to Bangladesh nowadays.

So, what was it that Bangladesh did, that India has not been able to do?

First, let us consider areas where Bangladesh does not excel.

The IMF in its report points out that Bangladesh needs to reduce financial sector vulnerabilities and develop capital markets, India is way ahead of Bangladesh when it comes to its capital markets and money markets. But that has not stopped investments coming into Bangladesh thanks to the profit potential its government allows to its entrepreneurs.


The IMF believes that Bangladesh needs to improve its investment climate and boost productivity. It says that higher revenues are necessary to achieve developmental and social targets in a fiscally sustainable way. The government’s ability to raise revenues through taxation is woefully low. It needs to learn from India where the government continues to mobilise higher revenues, even when unemployment remains high, and private incomes have been stunted. But the silver lining here is that this has prevented Bangladesh from fattening its politicians and bureaucrats with huge (official and unofficial) perquisites.

As the IMF puts it, “Revenue as a share of GDP has remained persistently low and trailed behind peers, with the gap relative to the median of other countries in the region and emerging markets (EMs) increasing since 2013.

Bangladesh needs to spend more on health, education, and social safety nets and boost investment in infrastructure.” Burt then India’s expenditure on health and education is also dismal.

Moreover, as the IMF report states, “Although the risk of debt distress remains low, risks from a rising debt service-to-revenue ratio have increased, and developmental and priority spending—including to support the recovery—will continue to put pressure on public finances.”


Yet, despite these shortcomings, the government reacted quickly and decisively to address the economic fallout of the pandemic.

Remittances surpassed pre-crisis levels, supporting consumption, and moderating the current account (CA) deficit to 1.3 percent of GDP in FY21 from 1.7 percent in FY20. Unlike India, it has a bear regular current account surplus. “However, the current account deficit is projected to widen to 2.4 percent of GDP in FY22 as i mports rebound and remittances moderate,” states the IMF.


Growth is expected to pick up to 6.6 percent in FY22 supported by a robust rebound in exports, continued implementation of the stimulus packages, and accommodative monetary and fiscal policies/. The fiscal deficit is projected to peak at 6.1 percent of GDP in FY22 as the authorities increase pandemic-related spending.

One more factor, which India seldom mentions, is that Bangladesh’s economy has grown because the Sheikh Hasina government (she was prime minister from 1996 to 2001 and once again from 2009 onwards) has refused to allow fundamentalist forces any free rein. Any attempt to polarise people along communal lines is quickly stomped, swiftly and decisively.

This is despite Muslims accounting for almost 90% of the population). Occasionally, when communal fires in India tend to be amplified in Bangladesh, the government moves in and emphatically douses such fires. And surprisingly, despite her party (Awami League) having a grand alliance with 14 other parties, the government has endured.

Bengalis account for almost 98 % of the population and this includes around 8.5% who are Hindus. Other religious minorities include Christians and Buddhists – barely 1% of the population.

Interestingly, the Bangladesh Constitution grants freedom of religion, thus officially becoming a secular state. This is even though Islam is a “state religion.” The government gives every citizen “the right to profess, practise or propagate any religion every religious community or denomination the right to establish, maintain and manage its religious institutions; and states that no person attending any educational institution shall be required to receive religious instruction, or to take part in or to attend any religious ceremony or worship if that instruction, ceremony or worship relates to a religion other than his own”.

Significantly, “no person attending any educational institution shall be required to receive religious instruction, or to take part in or to attend any religious ceremony or worship if that instruction, ceremony or worship relates to a religion other than his own.” There is no clamour for reading of the Quran in Hindu schools, or the Gita in Muslim schools.

It is possibly this emphasis on social harmony, and rejection of fundamentalism that has allowed the country to grow economically, despite all the shortcomings pointed out by the IMF. India appears to have forgotten that. The latest edition of The Economist had a bistering indictment against the government on this issue.

Expect Bangladesh to continue faring well. Any country that ensures that per capita GDP and per capita incomes can be raised year after year, is one that is bound to march ahead.

Two words : High prices.
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It is possibly this emphasis on social harmony, and rejection of fundamentalism that has allowed the country to grow economically, despite all the shortcomings pointed out by the IMF. India appears to have forgotten that. The latest edition of The Economist had a bistering indictment against the government on this issue.

Thats one of the most important factor imo.
Bangladeshis, and bengalis, are generally a tolerant people. Extremism and bad behaviour can destroy someones reputations. In a crowded nation where everyone knows everyone in the neighborhood, extremism is a no no.

Another thing is that bengalis have a buddhistic cultural heritage that still is mirrored in the social fabric. Islam also spread organically by intial muslim sunni sufi missionaries, others were muslim traders.

Last, but a less spoken aspect is, as i see it, the slight confucianistic infuence, with its focus on family and social harmony.
Didn't know eating fish and mutton every day causes a lack of Protein these days. BD morons are mistaking Bengali Hindus for Haryanvi lol. WB gets fed on BD largesse and that's why you need those Line of Credit from India. Bdeshis are my employer lol, just the sheer lack of capability is what requires us to go and conduct workshops/consult in BD. You guys neither have half-decent doctors nor engineers Most of us just sign up for it once just to experience the country. I went twice and was paid around 70k INR for 2 day workshop. Just saw it as a paid trip. LOL

Triggered you with the truth?...awwwww... it's a matter of time before BD reclaims its place as the poorest nation in SA again below Pak and Sri Lanka.

Triggered you with the truth?...awwwww... it's a matter of time before BD reclaims its place as the poorest nation in SA again below Pak and Sri Lanka.

Triggered you with the truth?...awwwww... it's a matter of time before BD reclaims its place as the poorest nation in SA again below Pak and Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is way ahead of India, don't let government situation fool you with the situation of the people and Pakistan ended extreme poverty 20 years something which India is still stuck with, not to mind higher % of middle class,less poverty rate,less unemployment,free universal healthcare, much much less homelessness,higher home ownership, homeless shelters, more reported usage of basic house equipment like fridge, TV, refrigerator etc, better access to food etc etc

I am not saying India is bad it has its own many strengths but your assessment on Sri Lanka or Pakistan is wrong
Ashian Tygaa Tonty Tonty is also poorer than the same “sub saharan” country running on commodities exports.

Wealth of India in 2021 = $12.833 Trillion
Wealth of BeeDee in 2021 = $831 Billion

Source: Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook 2021 (Page-105/106)

Nothing to cope Slummerdeshi, we don’t have BeeBeeEss to make up our numbers :lol:.
India did good job with software exports. U guys get 200 billion dollar injections every year without need to waste money for import by just selling ur human capital or brain.

Bd on other hand still dependent on cheap garments and that also heavily dependent on import of capital and raw materials.

So ya wealth for indians will remain high unless bd get rid of cotton underwear business and do something more meaningful like indians manage to did. I doubt that will happen. So far bd a country of 160 million ppl has only one unicorn thats all. Which is fucking pathetic.
India did good job with software exports. U guys get 200 billion dollar injections every year without need to waste money for import by just selling ur human capital or brain.

Bd on other hand still dependent on cheap garments and that also heavily dependent on import of capital and raw materials.

So ya wealth for indians will remain high unless bd get rid of cotton underwear business and do something more meaningful like indians manage to did. I doubt that will happen. So far bd a country of 160 million ppl has only one unicorn thats all. Which is fucking pathetic.
Well we import a lot of services as well, if we exported $256 bn services last year, we imported half of it as well, this year we plan $350 bn services exports and I think the imports will shoot up alike. To mint more unicorns BD needs more incentives, startup incubators and a startup policy to promote FDI into startup equities.
Well we import a lot of services as well, if we exported $256 bn services last year, we imported half of it as well, this year we plan $350 bn services exports and I think the imports will shoot up alike. To mint more unicorns BD needs more incentives, startup incubators and a startup policy to promote FDI into startup equities.
Truly impressive how india got into software business. And it has great future. I see lots of bright young indians in canada opening up new start up and receiveing millions of funding from angel investors.

For bd i i dont know. Unless bd business ppl change mindset from shit garments business nothing will change. Keep hearing about great bd software export bla bla bs for a decade now. So far all talk as usual.

I know now most canadian pension fund managers and bay streets banks pouring billions on indian IT startups. And based on projection this will increase many fold.
Didn't know eating fish and mutton every day causes a lack of Protein these days. BD morons are mistaking Bengali Hindus for Haryanvi lol. WB gets fed on BD largesse and that's why you need those Line of Credit from India. Bdeshis are my employer lol, just the sheer lack of capability is what requires us to go and conduct workshops/consult in BD. You guys neither have half-decent doctors nor engineers Most of us just sign up for it once just to experience the country. I went twice and was paid around 70k INR for 2 day workshop. Just saw it as a paid trip. LOL

Triggered you with the truth?...awwwww... it's a matter of time before BD reclaims its place as the poorest nation in SA again below Pak and Sri Lanka.

Triggered you with the truth?...awwwww... it's a matter of time before BD reclaims its place as the poorest nation in SA again below Pak and Sri Lanka.

Triggered you with the truth?...awwwww... it's a matter of time before BD reclaims its place as the poorest nation in SA again below Pak and Sri Lanka.
What drug are you on mate? Maybe I will also try to give it a try. Now dont tell me it is cow urine...

And please keep your 25% hypothesis to yourself, didnt you do some CAA or other bullshit in those states bordering Bangladesh. Do not just make up numbers in your head and vomit here.

Correct me if I am wrong, Indians are the termites of the world, they have historically went to countries like Fiji, Malaysia, Guayana, Singapore to name a few. Historically you guys have been the pest the world has endured. I have personally been to Malaysia and Fiji and saw how much hatred the have for the hindu decents. Even one of my colleagues who was a samoan spoke about your kind and how you are spreading your seeds...lol

Now lets come to credit,,,Who asked for the line of credit? Do you even understand what a line of credit is? Have you checked how much of that line of credit were used. Last time I checked our foreign minister made a joke on the media about the creditline. India offered the credit so they can export some military equipment, our minister said they found worth buying and may buy some horses from you instead.

Speaking about your trips to bd, we have enough money to bring home stooges and run shows, 70k for two days and you are fying high... I am wondering if from bangladesh you get more money it will not be impossible to see you dancing topless on stage in Dhaka. Name your price I will see if i can arrangesomething with my connections... Ha ha ha ha ha...

About reclaiming our place where we belong, read some history as welll with your BJP Manifesto Bengal was the richest part of the world before the British came and we are on our way there, insallah.
Oct, 2021 IMF projection repackaged again in 2022.

The Daily Star article quoted here is this-

But the updated data- https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDPDPC@WEO/BGD/IND

The real reason why BD overtook India by some odd $20 is because our GDP contracted due to lockdowns during Covid.

The day infestation of India by Bangladeshis is reversed will be a sure-shot answer BD has become "richer" than India.
Yes blame it on us, lol.

Modi+ economic= gdp- illegal bangladeshi,

Work hard and one day you can catch us. Just doing amaizing in IT industry will not feed your billion population as it only employs less than 5 million even after being the largest outsourcing country.

Look at your shortfalls and work on those, and stop blaming others for your shortcomings like a loser.
Aah the same old GHI compiled with same old gallup polls :lol:
Afterall one of the few indices where these goras keep you ahead

It was great dear bangujeet, afterall the wheat needed for roti is what Slummerdesh is begging us for :omghaha: .

Only in Ashian Tyga Tonty Tonty you are a net food importer, have consumption of literally everything less than India yet claim higher per capita GDP thanks to BeeBeeEss :lol:.
Where did you study and get your brilliant intellect, I heard you have whatsapp University. Yes, we import grains like the whole of europe and Americas, so what it is to do with our GDP. No wonder why all big economists in india are from west bengal. the rest of sanghies dont get the basics... lol
India did good job with software exports. U guys get 200 billion dollar injections every year without need to waste money for import by just selling ur human capital or brain.

Bd on other hand still dependent on cheap garments and that also heavily dependent on import of capital and raw materials.

So ya wealth for indians will remain high unless bd get rid of cotton underwear business and do something more meaningful like indians manage to did. I doubt that will happen. So far bd a country of 160 million ppl has only one unicorn thats all. Which is fucking pathetic.

Bangladesh is targeting 100 billion usd export target in next 10 years. Do you even have idea how much China is earning per year exporting RMG? Not only that how much India is reliant on it?

If you don’t know about it please don’t make comments on it.

India’s software export of 200 billion usd plus is indeed impressive but only around 3 million people are involved into this sector that’s a very tiny number for a country of 1.4 billion.

Bd is trying to get some foothold into the software export business and in next 5-10 years will have a substantial earning from this sector.

Government has a target to earn more from software export than RMG. If that happens it will be indeed great but it doesn’t mean Bangladesh need to abandon RMG sector altogether.

For info Bangladesh has the worlds second largest freelancer at the moment after India.
@Sudarshan you obviously want to spend a lot of time on this forum.

May I suggest you interact as selectively as possible?

Folks like mmr are worth engaging with compared to you giving "triggered" replies to some dumb trolls that simply are hooked on hate and are utter lost causes best left to wallow in their filth.

Just put them on ignore and move on.
He himself is a biggest sick troll - guy literally posted photos of dead Bangladeshi child thrown on to a fence by BSF, her body thrown on the sharp fence with blood everywhere
He posted it like it's a funny joke

Who are suggesting to behave like gentlemen?
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