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Policy paralysis may cost India UN permanent seat

You didn't break relations with us during the Sino-Indian War, you didn't break relations with us even after we helped Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons. :lol:

Even your own Defence minister was saying that China violated the Indian border 500 times in the past two years.

Regarding the veto: The ENTIRE world was warning us not to veto the Syria resolution. Not only the USA and NATO, but our oil supplies in the Arab world as well. But we did it anyway.

atleast you acknowledged the importance of maintaining a good relationship with India :cheesy:
China is a pet dog of USA and we have seen Chinese Premier chickening out on one single phone call from W. Bush on nuclear deal with India. China may or may not have gone with USA desires at times but USA has shown middle finger to all on things USA has wanted to do at any cost. Apart from saving few terrorist organizations from ban and saving rouge states what China has done with Its permanent membership can be counted on fingers.

India is not begging anything from anyone but presenting her case that if a country of dust poor primitive peasants can get Permanent membership in those times then India is now far more better to represent 1/7 of humanity rights and have say in worldly affairs. We are suggesting UN that we deserve it with authority and case, not begging (like your foul mouth is ranting).

If you are arguing your case for the inclusion of India into the UN, then stick to India's case and why she should be represented. What does any of it have to do with Bush, China and the nuclear deal? We have seen China stand up to the USA on more than one occasion. Need you be reminded about the Korean war?

Yeah like I said earlier, it makes sense to have the UN expanded. Not just India, but Brazil and Japan deserve a voice too. Actually Japan deserves it way more than you or Brazil. So quit acting like you are the only nation deserving of this right.
According to the UN Charter, you need unanimous support from ALL of the P5 members, before you can change the charter to allow new Permanent members.

We vetoed the Syrian resolution for far less (despite the entire World warning us not to), and they don't even claim our territory like India does.

Not that we need a veto in this situation anyway. All we have to do is "abstain" and India can never join the P5.
Instead of blabbering, are you even aware that China got a seat by default and not by design as a permanent member of the Security Council?

China's seat was originally held by Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Government, known as the "Republic of China." However, the Nationalists were forced to retreat to the island of Taiwan in 1949, by the Communist government who were later given the seat.

And are you aware that India voted for the present Communist government for a permanent seat in the SC? Little did it know that the Communists would stab it in the back. That was the biggest blunder India committed!
Instead of blabbering, are you even aware that China got a seat by default and not by design as a permanent member of the Security Council?

China's seat was originally held by Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Government, known as the "Republic of China." However, the Nationalists were forced to retreat to the island of Taiwan in 1949, by the Communist government who were later given the seat.

And are you aware that India voted for the present Communist government for a permanent seat in the SC? Little did it know that the Communists would turn against them. That was the biggest blunder India committed!

LOL, what a joke. :lol:

The Permanent Seats belong to countries, not Governments. So when there is a succession of Governments, the seats change hands.

Like from the USSR -> Russian Federation.

Or from the Republic of China -> People's Republic of China.

The COUNTRY remains the same. The only difference is which government is representing that country, and according to the United Nations the PRC represents China, and therefore holds China's seat.
can we INDIANS stop this non-sence.
the more we demand this worth less SC permanent membership here in PDF, the more this troll brigade from CHINA and PAKISTAN are discriminating us. Lets not give these fools a chance.
Also if we are destined to become the 6th member of the SC, then no one has the capacity to stop us. All we need is to do our home work and be prepared for the hardships that there in the path that we take as a nation and as a individual
I have no doubt that of the G-4 countries, India will be the first to get permanent seat, if & when the change happens. India should wait for it patiently, India can no longer be ignored in the world where the power base is again shifting towards east. In 2020, India will be having nominal GDP of >6 trillion dollars, will be 3rd most capable military power, it will be acting as a stabilizing force in Asia & IOR, It will be ranked in top 5 economies. So no doubt, UN will need India more than India needs UN.

can we INDIANS stop this non-sence.
the more we demand this worth less SC permanent membership here in PDF, the more this troll brigade from CHINA and PAKISTAN are discriminating us. Lets not give these fools a chance.
Also if we are destined to become the 6th member of the SC, then no one has the capacity to stop us. All we need is to do our home work and be prepared for the hardships that there in the path that we take as a nation and as a individual

absolutely, the question is not when we will get permanent seat but what we will do after we get one.
If you are arguing your case for the inclusion of India into the UN, then stick to India's case and why she should be represented. What does any of it have to do with Bush, China and the nuclear deal? We have seen China stand up to the USA on more than one occasion. Need you be reminded about the Korean war?

Yeah like I said earlier, it makes sense to have the UN expanded. Not just India, but Brazil and Japan deserve a voice too. Actually Japan deserves it way more than you or Brazil. So quit acting like you are the only nation deserving of this right.

Go read India's official stand on issue of UN expansion. No Indian is saying that UN expansion should be done only for India.

No one is going to give China a certificate of moral high standing because she stood against US pressure, everyone one works for its own national interests.

As far as India presenting her case is concern then we have couple of members supporting our bid which tells the level of work done by our side. Giving example of USA and W.Bush has a purpose, that when a hyper power say piss off to someone then lines are drawn right way. Neither China has the capacity now nor she will have in near future to cross USA if India be able to bag USA for India's permanent membership.

All the Chinese blabbering on different forum against India's bid is a sign of their chronic indigestion being a P5 member (Useless) who may not have used veto more than once in her life time and their insecurities which they pretend they haven't. Chinese boiler plate assertions are are too predictable and over pampering to Pakistani aspirations.

No one has seen the future, today's P5 may become P6, P7 or P4 of tomorrow ! you never know.
I have no doubt that of the G-4 countries, India will be the first to get permanent seat, if & when the change happens. India should wait for it patiently, India can no longer be ignored in the world where the power base is again shifting towards east. In 2020, India will be having nominal GDP of >6 trillion dollars, will be 3rd most capable military power, it will be acting as a stabilizing force in Asia & IOR, It will be ranked in top 5 economies. So no doubt, UN will need India more than India needs UN.

Did you know that India has the smallest economy out of all the G4 members? (Germany, Japan, India and Brazil).

So why would India get it first?

As far as India presenting her case is concern then we have couple of members supporting our bid which tells the level of work done by our side. Giving example of USA and W.Bush has a purpose, that when a hyper power say piss off to someone then lines are drawn right way. Neither China has the capacity now nor she will have in near future to cross USA if India be able to bag USA for India's permanent membership.

You forget that India does not just bow down to the US, but to China also. :azn:

India bows to US pressure, cuts Iran oil imports - Times Of India

Mihir Sharma: India's shameful kowtow to China - Business Standard

When the USA and NATO were warning the entire world not to vote against the Syria resolution, what did China do? That's right, we vetoed it anyway.

What did India do? What do you think, they voted the way that the USA told them to, i.e. in favour of the Syria resolution.
Did you know that India has the smallest economy out of all the G4 members? (Germany, Japan, India and Brazil).

So why would India get it first?

bcoz we r the 2nd fastest fastest growing economy in the world and a new rising power, and keep in mind the 4th strongest military power.
bcoz we r the 2nd fastest fastest growing economy in the world and a new rising power, and keep in mind the 4th strongest military power.
kindly my friend, your telling about us to a deef ear, what ever you tell him as our strength he will find a counter argument with our weakness.
its idiotic of you to go and talk to a deef, is it not...
so kindly avoid it
Permanent seat in UNSC has no value, specially if we want to conduct a foreign policy based on our interest.
It is India's best interest if it is not in UNSC, any way it's a worth less body having no significance.
Did you know that India has the smallest economy out of all the G4 members? (Germany, Japan, India and Brazil).

So why would India get it first?

dude, if economy was the criteria than no country except US deserved to be UNSC (before year 2010), when economies of Germany, Japan were more than Russia, China, UK, France.

ok let's compare:

Brazil - emerging economy, 6th largest economy (CIA world fact book), 7th largest in PPP terms, 5th largest in landmass, 10th largest military budget, no nuclear power, no missile power, no space power, not having a credible navy, air force or even army.

germany - once a great power, 9th largest military budget, 4th largest economy, no nuclear power, no missile power, no space power, no credible military, depends on NATO, highest economy of Europe.

Japan - 3rd largest economy, 6th largest military budget, no space power, no military power, no missile power, depends on US for security, enjoys US nuclear cover.

India - 9th largest economy, 3rd largest in terms of PPP, second largest population, 8th highest military budget, 4th most capable armed forces (http://www.globalfirepower.com/), 7th largest landmass, credible military,missile & space power, de facto nuclear weapons power, formulates independent foreign policy, biggest IOR navy (not counting outside powers) though still depends on foreign import of weapons & have low human development index.

In GFP rankings only Japan & India are in top 10 not Germany & Brazil, also Japan is at 9th place whereas India is on 4th.

from above data, who else do you think deserves the place first?
I am least concerned about Chinese abstention/veto during the vote.. The way they sh!tted in their pants at the mere prospect of a US whip made them say yes :lol:

Maybe some high IQ idiots understand CPC duplicity sooner than later.. otherwise even mainland will head Hong Kong way :rofl:

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