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Police stop religious gatherings in Indian Kashmir

but isn't India always claiming that it is a democratic country and people have freedom to express their feelings ?according to AP,people in Kashmir demanding the region's independence from India or its merger with neighboring Pakistan.

Ofcourse u have freedom to express and gather but not in curfew.. i think J&K Police was too tolerant,, if it would have been another part of country.:sniper:
and our neighbor blame us of being oppressive.

democracy works in framework of constitution..
if u have rights u have duties too
separatists ideas will never be entertained and will be dealt strongly

If anyone has problem with this country,he is free to leave
Hey I think people are having trouble understanding my desi accent.

Here, say this with a chinese accent, it will make sense -''These reactionary splittists must be brought down by the full foce of mother India. For the overall well being of the 1.2 billion Indians the most important is internal stability, only then can we bring millions out of poverty. These splittists high on the fake opium of religion must be sent to re education camps. Lets flood kashmir with millions from other parts of India, that will solve the problem.''

Hope that rings some bells.
good work by police. some paid stooges instigate youngsters for their personal gains. in the name of religious gatherings they play with the sentiments of ppl esp youngsters.
Hey I think people are having trouble understanding my desi accent.

Here, say this with a chinese accent, it will make sense -''These reactionary splittists must be brought down by the full foce of mother India. For the overall well being of the 1.2 billion Indians the most important is internal stability, only then can we bring millions out of poverty. These splittists high on the fake opium of religion must be sent to re education camps. Lets flood kashmir with millions from other parts of India, that will solve the problem.''

Hope that rings some bells.
just replace it with impotent..
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