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Police stop religious gatherings in Indian Kashmir

After that long thread not even worth to comment. Go through the posts and you will know why Sinochallanger run away

---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

I was replying to one Pakistani who was commenting on Indian democracy. You want some you get some.[/QUOTE]
Show any of your post related to kashmir in this thread? anyone have strong preception ?
My every post is in context of the topic.
Its easy killing unarmed protesters, picking people up in the middle of the night to make them disappear. These folks don't shoot back.
hmmmmm................why should a religious gathering be used for political issue of secession? isn't usage of religion for political goals from where all problems begin with ?
When there is a law and order problem that is smelled in a gathering that might shake the sprit of unity, then every country and its armed forces have the right to impose curfew.
To the thread starter, democracy does not mean that you can do any thing(barbaric) that shakes the peace, tranqulity and unity of the nation.
There is no big fuzz in a curfew, when and where ever there is a civil dis-order, curfew is necessary to stop loss of life and property that might errupt due to it.
Bro! Kashmir is disputed territory and condition are way different here then anyother state of india. These civil dis-orderness have been continuing since 1989. Why indian govt don't want election and let kashmiris decide about there future that where they want be?
Only if there are killings there can be denials!!!
So where is denial? more then 100,000 unarmed civilians are killed, where is ? Wat human rights organization in india have done on these casualities?
If the particular person is not falling in line, Bring them problems without directly attacking them and keep them busy with their problem.... If still some one is still not falling in line... Teach them the lesson they can understand.... There is a proverb in my mother tongue... Adi othvura maathuri Annan, Thambi othava maatan!

lol thats not practical at all .....just have to go after the guy who organizes these kinda protest.
Bro! Kashmir is disputed territory and condition are way different here then anyother state of india. These civil dis-orderness have been continuing since 1989. Why indian govt don't want election and let kashmiris decide about there future that where they want be?
that is because of Pakistans ISI idea to disturb peace of India with brain washed non-state actors. when until 1989 the state of Kashmir was peaceful. why did the rebelion begin.
The Government of India also has a equal responsibility in the disturbance that happend. Based on the instrument of accession, no Indian from other parts of India were alowed to buy property in J&K and the government did not care more for the welfare of the people of J&K and thought that torrisum will do good for them.
Now the case is different, most of the money that is collected as Federal tax from south to north is spent on the development of J&K. Every states colleges have a quota of 2 seats for the students of J&K. so the rebelion is un-necessary and they can live in peace with the rest of India.
ok,go ahead,those monks commit suicide were their own choice,and you guys are murderers.
those are unnecessary words mr beigingwalker. even a moderate guy live me gets irritated buy the level of generalization that you do.
IF you have a solution for J&K with out asking the Indian Government to back off from the land of India(J&k), then its a good move towards finding peace for every one.
So where is denial? more then 100,000 unarmed civilians are killed, where is ? Wat human rights organization in india have done on these casualities?
you can exsagerate the figures by even a factor of 700 and tell the world that the entire human population of the plannet is assasinated by the IA.
Bro! Kashmir is disputed territory and condition are way different here then anyother state of india. These civil dis-orderness have been continuing since 1989. Why indian govt don't want election and let kashmiris decide about there future that where they want be?

Disputed territory ? Pakistanis go on repeating this like it makes Kashmir a special case. It doesn't. Arunachal Pradesh is disputed by China. The same rules apply in both J&K & AP as it does anywhere else in India. Disputed means that you dispute ownership, however since we have it, our rules apply. I'm sure you don't bother yourself about what India thinks on your part of Kashmir just because it is disputed. In the same manner, we don't care for your opinion on what we do in Indian territory.
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