Yes it is .. and all other religion believe and accept it, but Islamist don't.. They think there book is from god and there prophet discovered something which was non-existing. More over these PDF scientists say that Khatna reduce risk of AIDS, Was Prophet Muhammad knew AIDS??? If allah told them(thru messenger) to cut the forskin then who told it to Jews?? and who told it to Afrikan tribes???
1. When a religion is formed, they look for followers, they spread propaganda, they exploit shortcoming of existing system/religion and spread there religion. Islam and chirtianism both used Sword to spread there faith. (If Sufi would have spread faith, there won't be terrorism). Sufi Islam has no place for terrorism.
2. Xianism was as cruel as Islam before renaissance, Women were murdered (Witch Hunting). Pagans were persecuted, Different sect were annihilated, Catholic won and they are majority.
3. 25 Dec is not jesus B'day, Jesus born in January. 25 dec was paganic festival, to include those pagans , church shifted 25th dec as jesus B'day.. Like wise there are many practice in Xianism which are paganic .
4. Hinduism: As Hinduism is evolved from nature worshipper , we follow many practices which our anscestors did...
Each religion is full of murder, rape and crimes. Some civilized early, some later, some are still waiting to become civilized. No religion is given by god, all are man made, all are evolutionary in nature...