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Poland to ban religious (Halal) slaughter of animals

And oh yeh Hinduism evolved from nature thats why Hunuman allowed burning widows alive? and thats why it has decided who is a LOW cast and who is high cast. come on blackwidow you are no different than others when it comes to religion.

I know that at my age, I find it difficult to read, and can sympathise in part with you. Actually Black Widow, nasty creature that he is, said precisely that in his post.

Hanuman had nothing to do with burning widows alive, btw. Or with deciding who was low caste or high caste, any more than Allah decided who was a Syed and who was not. Or, dare I say this, who is a Sadat and who is not.
If so then atleast you should not come up with comparison of religion.

Just comment on topic. If you dont like halal meat its your headache but dont force me to agree with you by insulting my religion.

anyone who is more concerned for own business will take into consideration all the points. Muslims dont consume NON-Halal food so if anyone wants to capture big market of Muslims they will provide what we buy.

These Businessmen either can opt Islamo-phobic behaviour or go for expanding their business, its up to them.

If there is ban on Halal Slaughter in Poland, well Muslims can import halal meat.

not an issue

This thread was about Halal and some one said Halal is scientific and blah blah.. So I typed so many things.. In some thread if some genius say "Jhatka" is scientific way, I will counter him in same spirit..

Some one told God/prophet told us to kill this way, some told God/Prophet told to do khatna to avoid AIDS, that force me to put these comments..

No offence to Islam or Hinduism.

I am a hardcore Hindu, but I don believe Rama or krishna as god.. (If in some thread some one want to discuss I will defy discuss)...

And oh yeh Hinduism evolved from nature thats why Hunuman allowed burning widows alive? and thats why it has decided who is a LOW cast and who is high cast. come on blackwidow you are no different than others when it comes to religion.
the caste system was previously was not by birth it was by deeds. well let me give a verse from Bhagbat gita (its in sanskit of course)
"chaturbarna maya sprushtah guna karma bivagatah" it means there is no caste system by birth one belong to one caste bcoz of his deeds.
I know that at my age, I find it difficult to read, and can sympathise in part with you. Actually Black Widow, nasty creature that he is, said precisely that in his post.

Hanuman had nothing to do with burning widows alive, btw. Or with deciding who was low caste or high caste, any more than Allah decided who was a Syed and who was not. Or, dare I say this, who is a Sadat and who is not.

:) yes you can dare to ask that. Whats so difficult in understanding that Descendents of Prophet (PBUH) are sadat.

why you felt irritated by mention of low cast and high cast Hindus?
:) yes you can dare to ask that. Whats so difficult in understanding that Descendents of Prophet (PBUH) are sadat.

why you felt irritated by mention of low cast and high cast Hindus?

Irritated? Why should I be irritated? Let those who believe in such things, and distinguishing themselves from others because of being the descendants of this, that or the other many distinguished persons who have gone before us, worry about them. .:p:
Irritated? Why should I be irritated? Let those who believe in such things, and distinguishing themselves from others because of being the descendants of this, that or the other many distinguished persons who have gone before us, worry about them. .:p:

In my personal view it has nothing to do with distinction :) one has to be proud of his/her bloodline irrepective of achievements
Please get the correct information regarding this issue .. Ask anyone in the medical field what happens when you cut the jugular of a human being or an animal.. if their reply is lots of pain and suffering then i will quit eating meat..

no jugular vein cutting is not painful when compared to others but first two seconds it will highly painful(as like other arterial or venous cut) but after 5 secs the cutted animal go cerebral ischaemia which cause immediate suppression of all sensory activities(due to lack of blood neurotransmittors like Ach wont reach superficial or deep sensory receptors) thereby pain also get reduced and after 10-15 secs animal will go for unconsciousness and then death due to VMC center and vital function suprression. all these will happen due to lack of cerebral perfusion and venous return.
Lingering death? Any biologist will tell you that cutting the animals jugular is a more painless death and healthier too.

no meat is healthier if you not cooked it well and jugular venous cutting pain threshold will be same compared to others arterial cuts but it will last maximum for 5-8 secs only after that cerebral ischaemia will cause anasthesia leads to sensory recognition and also death will occur quickly.
Wrong One has to be proud of Deeds of his/her ancestors and critical (not Cynical) of there wrong doing. Its our Deed which define us, not our religion/region or race..

Are you proud of your ancestors" deeds? and who are your ancestors?
In my personal view it has nothing to do with distinction :) one has to be proud of his/her bloodline irrepective of achievements

Wrong One has to be proud of Deeds of his/her ancestors and critical (not Cynical) of there wrong doing. Its our Deed which define us, not our religion/region or race..

I am a great believer in bloodlines myself. Nothing wrong in it per se. Being proud of one's bloodlines and race in no way means it comes to the detriment of those of others.

Now can we get back to the more interesting part of the discussion please?

Khatna this and khatna that makes me wince every time in my chair .....
I am a great believer in bloodlines myself. Nothing wrong in it per se. Being proud of one's bloodlines and race in no way means it comes to the detriment of those of others.

Now can we get back to the more interesting part of the discussion please?

Khatna this and khatna that makes me wince every time in my chair .....

Funny chair, that, Doc.
Funny chair, that, Doc.

LOL I would be wincing even if I was suspended by my ankles from a building man.

Thank Ahura Mazda no doc or quack got anything sharp many multiple meters from my wuwu ......
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