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PMIK wins vote of confidence

It is a national disease, IK or otherwise. Pakistanis are essentially the modern day Bani Israel - looking for larger than life messianic change agents without actually trying to get into grass roots community change.

Isn't IK asking the people to change at grass root levels? I don't recall a single leader at top asking people to turn to Quran and Sunnah, other than him. Is he to walk the streets now like Messiah did? Anyways, how many followers did Messiah really have during his lifetime - a dozen or so.

I do not buy this messiah narrative - he's only got a few years (5yrs or so) at most to bury this rotten system and kill these dynastic parties born out of dictatorships. Then he'll be gone for good. Change agent yes, messianic change agent no. He's an outsiders and that obviously scares those in establishment because they are set and trained to operate and deal with a certain type (status quo corrupt and begging) politicians.
I have gone through few comments and amazed at lack of basic commen sense when some people jump to conclude that IK is "establishment" puppet.

Nawaz shareef past and upbringing is known to everyone. That is what is called the puppy of establishment. For crying out loud, guy was GIVEN two third majority in parliament more then once when he became prime minister, so he can do as he please. And here we are , with IK first given the doze of "35 punctures" and then bearly managing razor thin majority by few votes to secure PMship , with any legislation out of question (no two third majority).

I have been saying this for a long time. People in their enthusiasm to come across as allams tends to ignore the bigger picture.

IK wings are already clipped by powers to be in last election. And fools think he is "establishment" man!
I have gone through few comments and amazed at lack of basic commen sense when some people jump to conclude that IK is "establishment" puppet.

Nawaz shareef past and upbringing is known to everyone. That is what is called the puppy of establishment. For crying out loud, guy was GIVEN two third majority in parliament more then once when he became prime minister, so he can do as he please. And here we are , with IK first given the doze of "35 punctures" and then bearly managing razor thin majority by few votes to secure PMship , with any legislation out of question (no two third majority).

I have been saying this for a long time. People in their enthusiasm to come across as allams tends to ignore the bigger picture.

IK wings are already clipped by powers to be in last election. And fools think he is "establishment" man!

The so called establishmental supports every political party.

If you think Pakistanis are gonna fight their own establishment, you are mistaken and have a better chance at the Royal throne in England.

The fight simply is between feudal empires of Punjab. Everybody keeps dragging rest of the country for banter.
The so called establishmental supports every political party.

If you think Pakistanis are gonna fight their own establishment, you are mistaken and have a better chance at the Royal throne in England.

The fight simply is between feudal empires of Punjab. Everybody keeps dragging rest of the country for banter.

That notion, as if IK was handpicked by establishment and propelled by establishment to power after been in political wilderness for 22 years and then barely hanging on PMship with few votes difference, people need to get their head checked.

Bottom line is, establishment is used to dealing with people with "luggage" so they can be manipulated whenever they want, to pursue own agenda, good or bad. IK is anomaly is that "tried and tested" formula. If you cant control the man, just clip his wings. The fact both Nawaz clan and Zardari with his grin are out and about, says a lot! 1
That notion, as if IK was handpicked by establishment and propelled by establishment to power after been in political wilderness for 22 years and then barely hanging on PMship with few votes difference, people need to get their head checked.
You are working under assumption that 22 years of #pawri merits absolute authority over the country. No one gets that. Man needs to get that.
Bottom line is, establishment is used to dealing with people with "luggage" so they can be manipulated whenever they want, to pursue own agenda, good or bad. IK is anomaly is that "tried and tested" formula. If you cant control the man, just clip his wings. The fact both Nawaz clan and Zardari with his grin are out and about, says a lot! 1

What is Mr. Niazis baggage if i may dare ask? Or am I going to go through another of the Khutbas on Infallibility of the Khan?
You are working under assumption that 22 years of #pawri merits absolute authority over the country. No one gets that. Man needs to get that.

Is Nawaz clan an exception to this?

What is Mr. Niazis baggage if i may dare ask? Or am I going to go through another of the Khutbas on Infallibility of the Khan?

That's for the "nay sayers" like yourself to bring forth to be debated.

From my side, I would say his past exploits with women folk and some illegeit children!? But that hasn't really got the attention of Pakistani masses at any level, even in religious circles.
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What was the Nawaz clan achievements and struggles into politics and for how long, before they were imposed on people of Pakistan?

Why don't you start off with Kashmir and peaceful response when the enemy was in the crosshairs?

Enemy is always is crosshairs, you just have to implement the most cost effective way to reaching your goals. I have no issues with Kashmir policy so far.
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Electables was not a good decision, maybe it should have just been better to sit in opposition

Yes, it actually would have been. Absolutely. An honest party sitting in opposition is exponentially better for the country than one in power, patchworked from the same corrupt politicians that it supposedly wants to save you from.

I mean, both PPP and PMLN came to power exactly the same way, how do you people not see it?

and let Pakistan be looted and plundered for another 5 years

Pakistan is still being looted. Empty rhetoric is empty.

FATF Black list and sanctions too.

As I mentioned to Areesh, hypotheticals don't add anything to any argument.

No one is calling him a messiah or anything like that.

Yet his supporters deliberately ignore his idiocies, defend his hypocrisy, get riled up anytime anyone criticizes him, and present criticism of other politicians as his only defense. Exactly like the supporters of PMLN, PPP, MQM, ANP, and every other Pakistani political party ever.

PTI supporters want him to uproot this rotten system and the dynasty political parties born out of military dictatorships once and for all - that's it!

How? By letting him recruit and bring to power the exact same rotten, dynastic politicians? Tell me please, exactly what has he done or even tried to do against that rotten system? Things don't happen just by saying that they will.

Then bring back military dictators for all I care but don't breed new Bhuttos and Shariffs in the nurseries ever again! Be proper frigging dictators, not half assed wannabe politicians with warped policies to win over civilians! It is still the military that is backing the survivals of PPP and PMLN.

Huh....? You are breeding Bhuttos and Shariffs. You elect them, you defend them, and then you complain as well. This typically Pakistani, overly emotional, empty rhetoric has no use beyond one's drawing room. I've told you how to get rid of them; don't vote for them, don't support them, demand they do what they promised, force them out of office every time they breach your trust. But instead you defend them. You defend them because now they belong to your favorite party. You defend their every idiotic move, their barefaced hypocrisy, and their obvious corruption. Your political allegiances are more important to you than the country, just like every other Pakistani's. It is also utterly naive to believe that PTI came to power without the military's backing.

for a geezer who sees no fault in that bc khatti train.

Prove your accusation and I will quit the forum. If you cannot, will you admit that you are a nonsensical groupie of a political party?
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I mean, both PPP and PMLN came to power exactly the same way, how do you people not see it?

No, PPP and PMLN did not come to power the same way. The were given birth by military establishments and are still being protected by them.

Pakistan is still being looted. Empty rhetoric is empty.

Yes you are right. Khoon dono military aur civilian bhariyoon ke moo ko laga hoa hai.

As I mentioned to Areesh, hypotheticals don't add anything to any argument.

Your people are incompetent at running and managing governments. Was ISI sleeping when Grey List was being hatched up?

How? By letting him recruit and bring to power the exact same rotten, dynastic politicians? Tell me please, exactly what has he done or even tried to do against that rotten system? Things don't happen just by saying that they will.

These rotten electables are your favoured men and families. Military has been the biggest supporter of Feudalism and despite multiple opportunities it did not eradicate them. Now you are moaning that IK shouldn't have used them. Wow!

Huh....? You are breeding Bhuttos and Shariffs. You elect them, you defend them, and then you complain as well. This typically Pakistani, overly emotional, empty rhetoric has no use beyond one's drawing room. I've told you how to get rid of them; don't vote for them, don't support them, demand they do what they promised, force them out of office every time they breach your trust. But instead you defend them. You defend them because now they belong to your favorite party. You defend their every idiotic move, their barefaced hypocrisy, and their obvious corruption. Your political allegiances are more important to you than the country, just like every other Pakistani's. It is also utterly naive to believe that PTI came to power without the military's backing.

I believe 'you' in your post above is 'you civilians' so don't mind me using 'you' as in 'you generals'.

You lot gave birth to Bhuttos and Shariffs and you trained them on how to manipulate and loot. They are your 'natural' allies, IK is not so it is understandable you will criticise him. You fear him because you didn't create him so you do all to keep him weak to keep in check.

And what is this silly backing you talk of? You give that Bhagora 2/3rd fulfilling the CoD commitment and PTI not even a simple majority. Oh yeah, you did manage to influence your other two bastard children (MQM and PMLQ) to become the coalition partners - jee thanks, we are so so grateful to you!! These other 2 bastard children voted against him in Senate - electables in PTI wasted their vote but your creations voted against.

You plucked them from streets and gave them a lot of power in merely a few years.

You gave them NRO. Broadsheet - when your very own were very going to be exposed you pulled the plug on that too.

You kept the public illiterate because it benefited you - what a load of crap school scheme Zia introduced during his days is just one example!

You promoted elitist culture - that ridiculous presidential electorate of past is just one example!

You imposed martial laws when these bastard children got out of control and then you give them NROs and Dheel. You continue to protect them because you think you can control them but you have jacksh*t control. You let these lot increase poverty in the country. You celebrate military wins but what the heck have you really delivered for the betterment of the public by putting these bastard children in the seats?

You lot call yourselves muslims. Maybe you believe that statecraft can't be run based on Islam - right? Otherwise you wouldn't have done what all you have.

Learn some frigging lessons from Turkey's military establishment of past on forming and running Hybrid Governments that actually delivered a lot to the public!! You have done a piss poor pathetic job on this front and this pathetic performance continues. Own your wrongdoings!

I do not wish to talk against the military but you forced my hand.
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