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Picturing Pakistan's Past: The Beatles, Booze And Bikinis

Yes Taliban will rule Afghanistan and will bring peace and respect to people and minimize the crime rate to almost zero and also stop production of Drugs and also respect for women unlike liberals who have made women nothing but a ### Object

How did they end crime? All they did was cut people's hands for robbing, they brought Afghanistan to a net Zero - in consequence crime was a net zero. Drugs? Today all drug trade are funding Taliban - yes they were against drug trade when they were in power, because it funded their enemies, today they are out of power so now they do the trade themselves.

Respect for women? They used to hit the women with sticks. If you are cool with that - imagine a Taliban hitting your mother or wife with a stick.

I don't know about you, but if the Taliban did that to any woman I knew, Mullah Omar would have a stick up his *** the next day - guaranteed.
Sir I only sees what Islam allows and what is prohibited in Islam so what Islam says about state will be implemented and what Islam prohibits will be banned
Note that such a vision is even narrower that the one the Saudis adopt, which is that everything in your home and mind is your own business but what you do outside the home in public view is the state's business. That's part of the answer to the puzzle as to why Saudis don't attack little girls while Pakistanis do.

When Zia surrendered the educational organs of State to the Gulf Arabs they naturally shaped it to their own purposes. The sheikhs wanted what they always wanted from Muslim South Asians: cheap labor for their kingdoms and reliable mercenaries for their armies and bodyguards. A view of Islam sanctifying Arabs and religious devotion and militarism over people and family was more than sufficient to meet their needs and completely compatible with Zia's.

You are a second-generation product of this distortion. With your parents being taught to reject "Westernization" and having imbued you with an unnatural fear (phobia) of non-Islamic cultures it's going to be difficult for you to work up the will to throw it off. Luckily you have the internet to help you with facts and men like Paracha to get you over a few bumps. What else do you think you require?
Note that such a vision is even narrower that the one the Saudis adopt, which is that everything in your home and mind is your own business but what you do outside the home in public view is the state's business. That's part of the answer to the puzzle as to why Saudis don't attack little girls while Pakistanis do.

When Zia surrendered the educational organs of State to the Gulf Arabs they naturally shaped it to their own purposes. The sheikhs wanted what they always wanted from Muslim South Asians: cheap labor for their kingdoms and reliable mercenaries for their armies and bodyguards. A view of Islam sanctifying Arabs and religious devotion and militarism over people and family was more than sufficient to meet their needs and completely compatible with Zia's.

You are a second-generation product of this distortion. With your parents being taught to reject "Westernization" and having imbued you with an unnatural fear (phobia) of non-Islamic cultures it's going to be difficult for you to work up the will to throw it off. Luckily you have the internet to help you with facts and men like Paracha to get you over a few bumps. What else do you think you require?
Sir we will implement Islam Sir and it will be implemented with full force and who said attack girls is according to Islam or banning their education is according to Islam Sir first read Islam before commenting on Islam
Sir we will implement Islam Sir and it will be implemented with full force and who said attack girls is according to Islam or banning their education is according to Islam Sir first read Islam before commenting on Islam

So that means Taliban are stupid and wrong right? Since they attack girls and they ban education for girls - even boys because what they allow for boys is not an education.
Sir we will implement Islam Sir and it will be implemented with full force -
You're not even questioning why you've been taught to emphasize force?

and who said attack girls is according to Islam or banning their education is according to Islam Sir first read Islam before commenting on Islam
Nonsense. I'm not a Muslim. To me Islam is, in context, what Muslims do. So I don't really HAVE to read commentaries and the Koran. Besides, every Muslim theologian will agree with me that my opinions about what Islam is and how Muslims should practice Islam have absolutely no weight at all no matter how much I learn from the Koran and hadiths as long as I remain a non-Muslim.

Bottom line: right now your society tolerates those who throw acid and shoot girls. It doesn't protect those who work to keep them free from polio. They say they are implementing Islam by force. If you dispute that, work to change it; otherwise, by your continued acquiescence you empower such crimes. And if you don't want to shoot and throw acid at girls nor seek an alternative vision for Islamic rule then you're really resisting implementing 100% Islam by force entirely and need to seek another course.

Time to give Parasha and Jinnah further consideration, isn't it? And maybe ask your parents some questions, too. They didn't have the advantage of the internet like you do.
So that means Taliban are stupid and wrong right? Since they attack girls and they ban education for girls - even boys because what they allow for boys is not an education.
Sir I support those actions of any group which are orders of Islam and according to Islamic orders not all the actions because I stand for Islamic system and will fight for until it is established

You're not even questioning why you've been taught to emphasize force?

Nonsense. I'm not a Muslim. To me Islam is, in context, what Muslims do. So I don't really HAVE to read commentaries and the Koran. Besides, every Muslim theologian will agree with me that my opinions about what Islam is and how Muslims should practice Islam have absolutely no weight at all no matter how much I learn from the Koran and hadiths as long as I remain a non-Muslim.

Bottom line: right now your society tolerates those who throw acid and shoot girls. It doesn't protect those who work to keep them free from polio. They say they are implementing Islam by force. If you dispute that, work to change it; otherwise, by your continued acquiescence you empower such crimes. And if you don't want to shoot and throw acid at girls nor seek an alternative vision for Islamic rule then you're really resisting implementing 100% Islam by force entirely and need to seek another course.

Time to give Parasha and Jinnah further consideration, isn't it? And maybe ask your parents some questions, too. They didn't have the advantage of the internet like you do.
Sir than don't comment on Islam issues related to it we are Muslims and for Muslims Islam is supreme and its system is what Muslims have to establish no matter where they are they have to fight for it and establish the system
Sir I support those actions of any group which are orders of Islam and according to Islamic orders not all the actions because I stand for Islamic system and will fight for until it is established

That way even Zardari has done some good things, he gives daily offerings to the poor.

But still we all know he is laanti for bad deeds. The good deeds are also for his own benefit.

The same way Taliban may have done some good deeds, but ultimately for their own benefit. At the end of the day, they are still laantis.
Sir than don't comment on Islam issues related to it -
No. I can comment on people issues. I just don't have to comment on the arguments Muslims have between themselves citing the Koran here the hadith there and revered Islamic commentators X, Y, Z in between.

we are Muslims and for Muslims Islam is supreme -
That is the value system that the Jinnahites, if they didn't totally reject it, at least employed Western values and comparative religion as a touchstone to check with. In general, at the time (1970s-80s) I felt they were inclined to see the Western as superior, whereas I was more interested in the stronger structure of their family and friendships - not yet realizing that their ultimate purpose was more often to support corruption rather than values that benefit an entire society.

its system is what Muslims have to establish no matter where they are they have to fight for it and establish the system
Hundreds of millions of Muslims have run away or split away from Pakistan to reject this. You should be able to perceive that even now it takes more "fight" and courage to reject "the system" than to implement it.
Sir I support those actions of any group which are orders of Islam and according to Islamic orders not all the actions because I stand for Islamic system and will fight for until it is established

Wouldn't you agree that the internet is shaitan's abomination -- an infidel creation -- and true Muslims should stay away from it? It carries all sort of vile content, from pornography to the worst kind of blasphemy.
Wouldn't you agree that the internet is shaitan's abomination -- an infidel creation -- and true Muslims should stay away from it? It carries all sort of vile content, from pornography to the worst kind of blasphemy.
You really need to study Islam this statement of yours prove that you really lack knowledge of Islam Sir Trade with Non Muslims can be done as long as items are Halal Internet is nothing as such can be used for both Haram as well as Halal so it is on you weather you make Haram use of it or halal use of it

That way even Zardari has done some good things, he gives daily offerings to the poor.

But still we all know he is laanti for bad deeds. The good deeds are also for his own benefit.

The same way Taliban may have done some good deeds, but ultimately for their own benefit. At the end of the day, they are still laantis.

Sir obviously only support those whose majority of actions are according to Quran and Sunnah humans can make some mistake but its about overall character if that is according to Quran and Sunnah than we have to and should support that group and person
Wouldn't you agree that the internet is shaitan's abomination -- an infidel creation -- and true Muslims should stay away from it? It carries all sort of vile content, from pornography to the worst kind of blasphemy.
The same used to be said about television. The Saudi kings gave a quick and permanent answer to the question by making the first televised broadcast from the Kingdom quotes from the Koran: if a medium could be used to propagate Islam then the medium itself must be acceptable, period. The same thinking applied to the internet, of course.
So that means Taliban are stupid and wrong right? Since they attack girls and they ban education for girls - even boys because what they allow for boys is not an education.

YES they are STUPID anyone who creates hurdle in avialing education/ is STUPID rather dumbassss
For an example of a Muslim country that took a trip in a different direction than Pakistan - though doubtless closer to the one Jinnah intended - Michael Totten's recent trip to and account of Tunisia might be of interest:

“No other Arab country has tried the same policy we tried—to free ourselves from the religious legacy and make religion merely a cultural reference rather than a way of ruling the country”

I don't know about you, but if the Taliban did that to any woman I knew, Mullah Omar would have a stick up his *** the next day - guaranteed.

At the end of the day , Taliban were no different than hundreds of different militias/factions fighting for influence and power in Afghanistan - that is another thing that they used perverted version Islam to manipulate the masses ... Suddenly , there was a ban on every single means of communication , women were no good than slaves , capital punishment was being applied for everything and despite protesting for martyred Mosques , they themselves were dynamiting Buddhas in Bamyan !

And this extremist talks of respect for women by Talibunnies who used to pick up girls and forcibly marry them when they ruled in Swat for a brief period - give me a break !
For an example of a Muslim country that took a trip in a different direction than Pakistan - though doubtless closer to the one Jinnah intended - Michael Totten's recent trip to and account of Tunisia might be of interest:

“No other Arab country has tried the same policy we tried—to free ourselves from the religious legacy and make religion merely a cultural reference rather than a way of ruling the country”

They will fail and fail miserably because sooner or later people will take them out because people are already fed up of secular morons and they will take out the system and Tunisia despite not much political chaos is not making much progress
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