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Pictures of Iran before 1979






What did this Shah ever do for Iranian people. Except for the wealth enjoyed by him and some of his cronies, majority of Iranians under the shah suffered under the burden of poverty and disease. These pictures ashow the disgrace of Iran under the Shah. Sure, his lifestyle depicted opulence and over consumption while the majority of his nation suffered under the yolk of his secret Police. Why did you not show the pictures of rural Iran under the Shah and the lifestyle of dirt poor iranians living in Rural Iran.

The mark of a great king is not how well he lives but how well his subjects live.
What did this Shah ever do for Iranian people. Except for the wealth enjoyed by him and some of his cronies, majority of Iranians under the shah suffered under the burden of poverty and desease. These pictures ashow the disgrace of Iran under the Shah. Sure, his lifestyle depicted opulence and over consumption while the majority of his nation suffered under the yolk of his secret Police. Why did you not show the pictures of rural Iran under the Shah and the lifestyle of dirt poor iranians living in Rural Iran.

The mark of a great king is not how well he lives but how well his subjects live.

1- read first post of thread.

2- I just show whatever i have.you can check some previous pages that there are some pics of living in villages in 50's. and If you would pay attention more you could see pics of living in cities.
This is what happens when we mix politics and religion with pictures.

That at deluded revisionist Islamic history.

More girls please.

Some lay questions:

Is the Shah still alive? Where does he live now?

Were the Pahlavis an actual royal dynasty? After the Qajjars?

Boy, you must live in a bubble on a distant Planet, Genius.........
Sohrab says :

، قایقی خواهم ساخت
.خواهم انداخت به آب

دور خواهم شد از این خاک غریب
که در آن هیچ کسی نیست که در بیشه ی عشق
.قهرمانان را بیدار کند

قایق از تور تهی
،و دل از آرزوی مروارید
.همچنان خواهم راند
نه به آبی ها دل خواهم بست
نه به دریا ، پریانی که سر از آب به در می آرند
و در آن تابش تنهایی ماهی گیران
.می فشانند فسون از سر گیسوهاشان

.همچنان خواهم راند
: همچنان خواهم خواند
.دور باید شد ، دور
.مرد آن شهر اساطیر نداشت
.زن آن شهر به سر شادی یک خوشه ی انگور نبود

.هیچ آیینه تالاری ، سر خوشی ها را تکرار نکرد
.چاله ی آبی حتی مشعلی را ننمود

.دور باید شد ، دور
،شب سرودش را خواند
.نوبت پنجره هاست

.همچنان خواهم خواند
.همچنان خواهم راند

پشت دریا ها شهری است
.در آن پنجره ها رو به تجلی باز است
، بام ها جای کبوتر هایی است ، که به فوّاره هوش بشری می نگرند
.دست هر کودک ده ساله شهر ، شاخه ی معرفتی است
مردم شهر به یک چینه چنان می نگرند
.که به یک شعله ، به یک خواب لطیف
خاک ، موسیقی احساس تو را می شنود

. و صدای پر مرغان اساطیر می آید در باد
پشت دریاها شهری است

.که در آن وسعت خورشید به اندازه چشمان سحر خیزان است
.شاعران وارث آب و خرد و روشنی اند

، پشت دریا ها شهری است
قایقی باید ساخت

"سهراب سپهری"
Having gone through these pictures i truly despise and abhor anything remotely Islamic. Thank you screwing up a perfectly good country you bigots !

Its a 180 degree turn around from my current stance.

totally agree
If there was no revolution then Iran would have been the France/Germany of Asia

This thread is a perfect example of what Islam can do to a normal society
1970 Iran = 1970 Iran
2012 Iran = 700 AD Iran
his question was normal, he is not an iranian then how he should know the shah is still alive or not? his family still are alive, the queen and his son and..

I am not an iranian either but I do know what happens on PLANET EARTH.

Btw, I was in Pakistan Air Force and the last Iranian badge trained in Pakistan were my coursemates (in 1972).

I know what was the situation of those coming from rural areas was and their level of education.
I am not an iranian either but I do know what happens on PLANET EARTH.

Btw, I was in Pakistan Air Force and the last Iranian badge trained in Pakistan were my coursemates (in 1972).

I know what was the situation of those coming from rural areas was and their level of education.

Dear brother, life is not black and white. Some things where better in Shah time, some things are better now. Hopefully in the future we can blend the social freedoms of the Shah's time alongside the technological prowess of current times. Hopefully the sooner international sanctions finish the better we will be.
Dear brother, life is not black and white. Some things where better in Shah time, some things are better now. Hopefully in the future we can blend the social freedoms of the Shah's time alongside the technological prowess of current times. Hopefully the sooner international sanctions finish the better we will be.

I agree with you that there were certain things good about Shah's time. Women of Iran could dress like Europeans because Shah liked it that way. Personally, I believe in Individual and Civil rights and as long as they are not breaking any laws people should be free to do whatever they want. I do not support the Mullahs and their theocracy. But Iranians are better educated today because these mullahs brought education to the rural Iran.

As for the freedom, if you lived under the rule of SAVAK during Shah's time then you already know how much FREEDOM existed back then. As the Shah once told Barbara Walters during an interview that the people do not have a right to disagree with him because that amounts to insulting the King.
Not sure what are you trying to imply.
Half naked women are also squatting the Saudi beaches like halfmoon beach, durrat al arros, Nakheel etc? Try advocating a revolution in KSA and Ye shall taste thee medicine!

I am enjoying this "picture perfect" and sort of nostalgic thread, so I have resisted to urge to post anything political. But I think there are enough comments including this one, to say something about the real about Iran instead of saying good or bad things about women.

We have to be careful about mixing "freedom of expression" with only "half naked women".

The reason is that "half naked women" card is usually a distortion or perhaps distraction for those who want freedom to live their lives, and freedom to adapt and progress.

At the hight of Shah's time, only a tiny percentage of Iranian women could be termed "half naked women". Why because most Iranians were and even now middle of the road folks who want a life with self-respect and dignity.

Similarly Saudis of today can and do use "half naked women" card as a distortion to peddle one or the other kind of believe system.

In reality most of the Saudi women do not want to be turned into "half naked women" instead they simply want good future for their kids.

So what matters most is that a given society learns to tolerate the opposing view, and uses such an environment for innovation in arts, science, economy, and overall philosophy of life.

Many iran watchers / posters know but do not realize the breadth and depth of an internal struggle between pro-West forces, and anti-West forces during Shah's time. And none of these sides was championing freedom to innovate in arts, philosophy, economy, and science.

Similarly today, we should not look at few beaches of Saudi to say they have become pro-freedom. Why because most of the Saudi society is still evolving from deep seeded tribal culture, where personal safety is of prime importance rather than free expression in arts, science, economy, and overall philosophy.

Many Pakistanis do not reckon that both Irani and Saudi heartlands (unlike large cosmopolitan cities) are only a little bit more evolved in social terms, compared to our tribal areas like FATA. The only difference is that they have oil coming out of ground, and our FATA does not (at least not in comparable quantities).

Do you expect our FATA to suddenly become progress-oriented if they are allow their area to have "half naked women"?

No. Certainly not.

What we really need is to have modern systems to run these areas, the concept of "rule of law", and a justice system that is based on "accusatorial" approach instead of "Inquisitorial", corporate laws to deal with country's economy, and universities filled with students who can question anything and everything including the concept of God himself.

Both Saudi and Irani societies like so many developing countries, lack such systems. One could argue that a relatively secular environment during Shah's time would eventually have allowed the said institutions to prosper, and there may be some truth to that.

However Iranians as a nation were not willing to go along Shah's vision. Like so many developing countries of 1950s, the educated elite of Iran was strongly pro-Socialism and thus to a lesser degree but still significantly anti-USA in particular. Zulfiqar Bhutto of Pakistan, Indira Gandhi of India, Gamal Nasir of Egypt were all educated but extreme socialists and thus carried and planted seeds for anti-US in particular and anti-West in general. Musddeqh of Iran was no exception.

Thus Shah was clearly out of touch with his own people.

While PM Mosaddegh was willing to sell his nation to the socialism without ever realizing that such a populist drive would pit his nascent and relatively weak nation against the powerful anti-Communist forces from US and UK.

This is how Mosaddegh won the hearts of socialists and leftists in the region (and he still does), but in the process ended up taking his country to direction that ultimately led to his dismissal and then demise of Shah's rule, but also paving the way for even worst chauvinism to be unleashed on the unsuspecting Iranian populace.

So please do not just look at "half naked women" to decide for or against a regime. Other policies including economic (90% weight) and foreign (9% of weight) policies must be looked as well. Only then we all would be able to see what went wrong with a beautiful country like Iran and why a hell has descended on them in the form Mullah regime.

peace to you all.

p.s. No disrespect intended. You know me well enough by now to realize this. Thank you.
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