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Pictures of Iran before 1979

I didn't know Gods are from different races.
So how do you describe nearly one billion in west who are following Jesus,also a Semitic man?

On topic: I think you should also put pictures from poor people and areas of Iran in Shah's time,so that other members don't think Iran was a perfect paradise.Like areas in Southwest,Southeast,northeast and so on.We have poor today,we also had poors before 1979.

mage to thread axaye ziba az iran, axaye faghro felakat emrooze iran ro gozashtin ke entezar darin baraye ien thread gozashte beshe?
be har hal man axi nadaram, axaii ke daram aksaran az zendegie mardome sathe motevassset jame too shahrast, roostaharo nadaram.

as we said in many times in previous pages, both regimes have dark side and light side. please just share pics and video, stop judging and talking about who is better who is not.
I am neither a Leftist nor a Shia. I am however a realist.

I do not support the Mullahs of Iran or their brand of oppression. But I have to give them credit for their efforts in the field of Education and Technology....

To their credit, the mullahs brought the wealth of Iran's resources to the rural areas and made education and healthcare the priority of their development program.

With due respect!

1. Most of the Pakistanis do not accept that they are socialists, but all their agenda is a ditto copy of modern day socialists.

2. Even in Shah's time, Mullah class owned huge amount of land and wealth in Iran. This is through Shia concept of Khums.

Khums - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. Modern day Iran's economy as per Forbes:Millionaire Mullahs - Forbes.com

The economy bears more than a little resemblance to the crony capitalism that sprouted from the wreck of the Soviet Union. The 1979 revolution expropriated the assets of foreign investors and the nation's wealthiest families; oil had long been nationalized, but the mullahs seized virtually everything else of value--banks, hotels, car and chemical companies, makers of drugs and consumer goods. What distinguishes Iran is that many of these assets were given to Islamic charitable foundations, controlled by the clerics. According to businessmen and former foundation executives, the charities now serve as slush funds for the mullahs and their supporters

Please read your topic of interest before posting.

Otherwise you will continue spreading misinformation even though you may be sincere to your cause.

Dear brother, life is not black and white. Some things where better in Shah time, some things are better now. Hopefully in the future we can blend the social freedoms of the Shah's time alongside the technological prowess of current times. Hopefully the sooner international sanctions finish the better we will be.

Not only they're not going to finish, things will get 100 times worse.

Farah Pehlavi and Zulfiqar
This is true.

Shah's goons were targeting socialists and communists especially students in the Iranian universities.

While Mullah regime is torturing anyone who is deemed anti-Islamic, so it is casting a much wider net than Shah ever did.


Man not even the commies really, but wish he did

The ******* commies were loyal to the Soviets.

My own father was a hardcore communists. The man barely got touched before the revolution. After the revolution the mullahs threw his communist asss in jail for two solid years and he was almost executed.

If the mullahs did one thing right, it was the mass execution of the ******* communists. I'm being an idealist here and ignoring the fact that my own father was one of them of course.

You talk to my father today and even now it seems he's more loyal to his commie crap ideology than Iran.

The shah was an angel compared to IR. The mullahs have executed between 30K-50K ppl in their reign. The shah prolly didn't even jail 5000, let alone execute that many. And if you weren't a threat to natioanl security during the shah times, nobody cared about you. It's the same as US right now. People didn't know how good they had it.

My ungrateful father still talks **** about the shah. Our post-rev generations are a million times more rational and educated than the pre-revolution generation Iranians.
Not only they're not going to finish, things will get 100 times worse.

Lets see what happens. You can never predict the future. We have held up well until now. Just need to revalue our currency, that will help the inflation a lot.

If in next election cycle a new guy like Ghalibaf comes in, that may also help ease tensions with the west. Lets see.
Lets see what happens. You can never predict the future. We have held up well until now. Just need to revalue our currency, that will help the inflation a lot.

If in next election cycle a new guy like Ghalibaf comes in, that may also help ease tensions with the west. Lets see.

What is about the Current war in Syria?Today Hilary hinted for a prolonged war! The war will spread to Palestine. It is now serious case. Syria and Palestine are fighting. But all of your common target is Israel. What are you going to do about it?
I didn't know Gods are from different races.
So how do you describe nearly one billion in west who are following Jesus,also a Semitic man?

On topic: I think you should also put pictures from poor people and areas of Iran in Shah's time,so that other members don't think Iran was a perfect paradise.Like areas in Southwest,Southeast,northeast and so on.We have poor today,we also had poors before 1979.
Let's be realastic,if Iran has problems today,it also had many of them before 1979,also it was not under crippling sanctions and had great relations with U.S which is an important factor.

And if you wanna talk about honesty, you should also be honest.

My mom always talks about the free lunch programs they had at public schools back then. Every school child got free milk, a free banana and other food stuffs for the day. She said half the time ppl would just throw it out. If you were poor you had things to eat. There was justice in society. Our currency wasn't a worthless piece of shittt paper like it's today, so if you wanted to go somewhere else, you could. The economy was doing great and that itself made the lives of the poor a million times better.

Do you really think a poor person is living better today than he/she did back then when there was social justice, economic growth etc...?

And plz don't write an essay about how the mullahs brought electricity to the villages etc... blah blah.

We're in the year 2012, that was the 70's. Of course these things would have been taken care of by now.

And if we have sanctions it's DIRECTLY BECAUSE of IR. You know it, but the simple fact that you can't do anything about it is forcing you to say these things. I've done it a million times and will prolly do it in the future even though I know I'm wrong and even though I know that it's not the right thing to do. But if we Iranians don't do it, we'll go nutz. Having to live a life we don't want and not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, the only thing that remains for us to do is to accept it and make excuses for it.
According to Costofwar.com US is incapable of invasion. With 8 hundred billion Dollars wasted in Iraq war and with 580 Billion war cost in Afghanistan just made this unprecedented happen. They have invested 17 billion in Pakistan. Even though this is what had some effects. So the question remains-should we prolong a war which will actually cause more damage to us rather than Israelis?
I wonder why Everyone blames Bangladesh, when Iran and Pakistan got so many vessels. They can easily come and save the refugees of Rohingya. So many Muslim nations!

Today anyone can threat US. I wonder even my cat is threatening them! You should have seen this!
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