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Philippines seeks ASEAN help to blunt China

Tokyo and Manila Strengthen Defense Ties With an Eye Toward China

TOKYO—Japan and the Philippines agreed on Tuesday to strengthen maritime security ties, while also underscoring the importance of preserving peace and stability in the South China Sea amid rising tensions with China.

After his talks with Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, on a four-day visit to Japan, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda told reporters that the two sides committed to bolstering "cooperation between coastguards and defense-related authorities."

A joint statement said bilateral ties have evolved from friendly relations to a "strategic partnership," and called for more collaboration on "regional and global issues of mutual concern and interest." The two countries also agreed to conduct frequent discussions on defense at more senior levels and increase the number of Japan Coast Guard missions to help train their Philippine counterparts.

Although the agreement does not directly mention China, it is a major symbolic step toward a multilateral consensus in Asia on dealing with increasing territorial friction with China.

The Philippines and China both lay claim to the Spratly Islands, an archipelago in the South China Sea that geologists think may lie atop significant oil and gas deposits. Philippine officials have accused Chinese vessels of hindering oil and gas exploration in a portion of the waters known as Reed Bank. Vietnam, which also claims part of the Spratly chain, has likewise complained of China's increasingly assertive claims in the region.

Japan, too, has seen its relations with China strained by a territorial dispute, this one over islands in the East China Sea. A war of words broke out between Beijing and Tokyo last autumn following the arrest of a Chinese fishing crew by the Japanese coast guard, and the year since has brought a series of incursions by Chinese ships into the disputed waters. Mr. Noda earlier this month voiced concern over China's military build-up and increased maritime activity near Japan.

The agreement between Japan and the Philippines stresses the two countries' shared interests, bringing the similar but separate maritime squabbles with China under a larger cooperative umbrella.

"The peaceful settlement of disputes serves the interests of the two countries and the whole region," said the joint statement, signed by both leaders. Japan and the Philippines "share the recognition that these same interests should also be advanced and protected in the South China Sea."

Responding to the Japan-Philippines meeting, China's foreign ministry on Tuesday reiterated its claim to the disputed waters in the South China Sea.

"China has indisputable sovereignty over the island and surrounding waters of the South China Sea," said ministry spokesman Hong Lei in Beijing.

Japan, Philippines Tighten Defense Ties - WSJ.com

---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

China is underestimating her neighbours. :disagree:
In fact, we have far more money to support the uprising of the Jasmine revolution in your country, meanwhile we will also support your Vietcong to crack down the revolution. In exchange, they will re-recognize our sovereignty on Nansha just for the sake of their power just like they did 40 years ago.

You should not trust your Vietcong so much, since they had the past record of betraying the sovereignty of Vietnam. :azn:
Problem for you is : all VNese aware of China's invasion , so No Vnese dare to be a traitor , they will be killed badly before you can support their revolution :P.

Your money is not enough to make 1,3 billion CHinese happy, that why small revolution happend every where in CHina, and soon it will have True Jasmine revolution again :woot:
Japan Muddies Water in South China Sea Debate

BANGKOK — The ongoing wrangle over jurisdiction of the disputed South China Sea took a new turn on Tuesday with Philippine President Benigno Aquino III meeting Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda in Tokyo.

Vietnam and the Philippines have seemingly tried to force the pace on the issue in recent days, with Manila hosting a meeting of scholars last week in an attempt to buttress a recent proposal on resolving the row over the region.

Called the East Sea in Vietnam and the West Philippine Sea in the Philippines, the South China Sea is a major international shipping transit point with significant oil and gas deposits believed to lie under the sea-bed.

China and Vietnam both claim ownership of the Paracel Islands in the northern part of the Sea, and ownership of the southerly Spratly Islands is disputed by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Brunei.

China regards the South China Sea as a “core interest” and, going by a notorious “cow's tongue” map of the shape of China's apparent designs on the area, Beijing seems to claim to most of the water. The United States describes the South China Sea as a key international waterway, and now Japan and India are getting involved. This latest development apparently at the behest of the Philippines and Vietnam—two claimants that have have had harsh words with China over the sea in recent weeks.

The United States has retreated somewhat from its outspokenness on the South China Sea in 2010, according to Walter Lohman of the Heritage Foundation. He told The Irrawaddy that the US is “sensitive to the discomfort other Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries had with Vietnam's assertiveness,” and, as a result, the Philippines and Vietnam seem to be engaging Asia's other big powers for support against China.

Japan has a separate dispute with China over an archipelago in the East China Sea—known in Japan as the Senkaku Islands and in China as Diaoyu—so Tokyo's engagement with Manila over the South China Sea might be seen as an attempt to hit back at Beijing. However, Japan has a stake in the South China Sea issue, with 90 percent of its oil imports transiting the waterway en route from Africa and the Middle East.

Last week China reacted angrily to news that India's state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) is negotiating with the Hanoi government to explore potential oil and gas deposits under the South China Sea in, Vietnam claims to be, its offshore economic zone, which is also an area claimed by China.

Rory Medcalf, of Australia's Lowy Institute, writes often on China-India relations and told The Irrawaddy that he believes that this India-Vietnam engagement “is more than commerce.” India has territorial disputes with China and is believed to be angered at Beijing's support for Pakistan—which in turn has engaged in a deepening war-of-words with the United States over American allegations that Pakistan's intelligence agency gave direct support to a series of recent insurgent attacks in Afghanistan.

Remarking on the onGC venture, China’s Foreign Ministry said the actions of any country exploring for oil and gas in the South China Sea without Beijing's permission are “illegal and invalid” and “constitutes an infringement upon China’s sovereignty.”

Since last week, however, Beijing's ire has turned to Manila. An editorial in the Chinese government mouthpiece People's Daily on Monday slammed the Philippines over its latest diplomatic moves. “The Philippines has lost its cool over the territorial disputes,” it claimed, scoffing at attempts to forge a common position among ASEAN member-states on the issue.

China's Global Times echoed this, reminding that “two ASEAN members, Cambodia and Laos, did not even send delegates to the meeting,” evidence that “there is no collective will to unite and confront China.”

Aquino's meeting with Japan comes less than a month after he visited China, when both sides stressed their preference for dialogue over the South China Sea. However, Aquino's latest gambit in Tokyo has prompted another of China's newspapers, China Daily, to question the good faith of both Vietnam and the Philippines. “By repeatedly going back on their own word, they not only put their own credibility at stake, but also erode the political trust between them and China,” said the newspaper.

Japan Muddies Water in South China Sea Debate
Oh, I traveld around ASEAN and I only see Chinese seems dominate the whole ASEAN economy, and Vn is not happy about it :P

' Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely '

All you can do is to choose one side.

To side with Uncle Sam, then let them to send you a color revolution.

To side with China, then simply recognize China's sovereignty on SCS.

Since you are not big enough to survive on your own, then don't ever try to replay the game that we played 30 years ago. :coffee:
Can anyone post exact map of Blocks: 127 and 128 where Indian ONGC is going to do Oil Exploration for Vietnam ? What i saw last time, It was very close to Vietnam and China claim doesn't look feasible. (It looks China being bigger power using her muscle over small countries).
All you can do is to choose one side.

To side with Uncle Sam, then let them to send you a color revolution.

To side with China, then simply recognize China's sovereignty on SCS.

Since you are not big enough to survive on your own, then don't ever try to replay the game that we played 30 years ago. :coffee:

Hehe, we need No side, we got Russia full support , India-Japan is our good friends , US is good partner now. wake up poor boy, you're being encircled now , :victory:

We are not big enough , that why, we have to Unify ASEAN, that time, ASEAN solidarity will be as big as you :P
Problem for you is : all VNese aware of China's invasion , so No Vnese dare to be a traitor , they will be killed badly before you can support their revolution :P.

Your money is not enough to make 1,3 billion CHinese happy, that why small revolution happend every where in CHina, and soon it will have True Jasmine revolution again :woot:

Don't be silly, we have survived by playing the double game with both USSR and USA, but do you believe that your tiny nation can repeat this history?

CCP now still remembers its nostalgic days with its Vietcong brother, they don't really wanna see the demise of its Vietcong brother. But if you guys push them too far, then don't blame them later for becoming the kinslayer.
I think it's china which is encircled now. Game has changed since last few months.

Russia -> Japan -> SK --> Taiwan -> Vietnam -> Philippines -> Malacca strait (A&N Islands) -> India. :coffee:

Brahmos is on the way for anti-Ship Missiles. :butcher:
Hehe, we need No side, we got Russia full support , India-Japan is our good friends , US is good partner now. wake up poor boy, you're being encircled now , :victory:

We are not big enough , that why, we have to Unify ASEAN, that time, ASEAN solidarity will be as big as you :P

Encircled? It is all about China and USA at the end, the rests are just negligible.
Encircled? It is all about China and USA in the end, the rests are just negligible.

Why you brining US in between. Although US will love to lend her support against China. But preparation is not done on Ifs and Buts.

We don't need US. We are capable to face China on our own. If you are over confidence, Then Try. you will get response on same day.

Vietnam has yakhont and Brahmos Missile (May be ;)
They have S-300 to face any BM threat
They have Su-30 which is equivalent to any Chinese J-10, SuMKK.

And most importantly, They have experience in Guerrillas war, They defeated US and China. :coffee:

Don't underestimate. Don't repeat US mistake again.:disagree: (Russia still supports Vietnam in same way)
Why you brining US in between. Although US will love to lend her support against China. But preparation is not done on Ifs and Buts.

We don't need US. We are capable to face China on our own. If you are over confidence, Then Try. you will get response on same day.

Vietnam has yakhont and Brahmos Missile (May be ;)
They have S-300 to face any BM threat
They have Su-30 which is equivalent to any Chinese J-10, SuMKK.

And most importantly, They have experience in Guerrillas war, They defeated US and China. :coffee:

Without US, we will immediately smash down on your face and make your life 100 times more miserable than back in 1962, if you keep talking to us like this.

But we know their little game of using you as a cannon folder in order to weaken us, so we won't fall into this trap. As long as we can complete our development within this decade, then no one can stop us. :devil:
Without US, we will immediately smash down on your face and make your life 100 times more miserable than back in 1962, if you keep talking to us like this.

But we know their little game of using you as a cannon folder in order to weaken us, so we won't fall into this trap. As long as we can complete our development within this decade, then no one can stop us. :devil:

Forgot about 100 times, You don't have any advantage.

1962 is 50 year old story, At that time, we didn't had proper defence. And you remember 1967 ? Nathu La and Chola la ? when we pushed Chinese out of Sikkim aggression. Do some research.

China Defence Capability is only on paper.....Let me tell you how ?

1)Your leaders don't have any WILL and only banking on “harmonious” society.

2) Due to 1 Child policy, You don't have adequate number of Fighter to go in war. [Check 18-30 year population]

3)China don't have any combat experience in last 20 years. Even in 50 years, You didn't fought any major war. We faced 3 times that also when US was with enemy side and Vietnam also against US.

4) China still dependent on foreign purchase from Israel and Russia. [(General Guo boxiong is currently in Moscow on a shopping spree)]. It refers, China don't have any confidence on her own weapons.

5 You defence is still based on Copy-Cat and reverse engineering and nothing Innovative. 50 years and still failed to make something Sukhoi 30 MKI or Rafale or Typhoon or F-18/F-15.

6) Most of the Chinese are tied with exporting business and still dependent on export product (Like Japan)

You don't even have a single CBG, so moving 2,000 KM is still dream whereas We can always use Vietnam base. Hell, we will be operating 3 CBG within 3 years. You can hit any Indian city but we can also hit any Chinese City. Aircraft ? Make something better than Sukhoi 30MKI, then we will talk. :coffee:

China don't have any advantage. What China has, we also have or will have soon. :coffee:
Forgot about 100 times, You don't have any advantage.

1962 is 50 year old story, At that time, we didn't had proper defence. And you remember 1967 ? Nathu La and Chola la ? when we pushed Chinese out of Sikkim aggression. Do some research.

China Defence Capability is only on paper.....Let me tell you how ?

1)Your leaders don't have any WILL and only banking on “harmonious” society.

2) Due to 1 Child policy, You don't have adequate number of Fighter to go in war. [Check 18-30 year population]

3)China don't have any combat experience in last 20 years. Even in 50 years, You didn't fought any major war. We faced 3 times that also when US was with enemy side and Vietnam also against US.

4) China still dependent on foreign purchase from Israel and Russia. [(General Guo boxiong is currently in Moscow on a shopping spree)]. It refers, China don't have any confidence on her own weapons.

5 You defence is still based on Copy-Cat and reverse engineering and nothing Innovative. 50 years and still failed to make something Sukhoi 30 MKI or Rafale or Typhoon or F-18/F-15.

6) Most of the Chinese are tied with exporting business and still dependent on export product (Like Japan)

You don't even have a single CBG, so moving 2,000 KM is still dream whereas We can always use Vietnam base. Hell, we will be operating 3 CBG within 3 years. You can hit any Indian city but we can also hit any Chinese City. Aircraft ? Make something better than Sukhoi 30MKI, then we will talk. :coffee:

Bragging is simply useless.

Anyway, we won't do anything when our power hasn't been maximized to 100%.

With the presence of the USA, you guys don't have to worry right now.
Bragging is simply useless.

Anyway, we won't do anything when our power hasn't been maximized to 100%.

With the presence of the USA, you guys don't have to worry right now.

I agree, its the US navy that maintain peace in South China sea. South China Sea is open to free trade because of Pax Americana. Its foolish to believe that US will retreat from SouthEast Asia as its a strategic location. US navy will be around for a long time and will not be passing the protection of the area to any other country.
I agree, its the US navy that maintain peace in South China sea. South China Sea is open to free trade because of Pax Americana. Its foolish to believe that US will retreat from SouthEast Asia as its a strategic location. US navy will be around for a long time and will not be passing the protection of the area to any other country.

Not that USA has any love for those bugs in Asia, but there existence are using as the cannon folder in order to weaken China.

Yeah, even after wipe out those bugs around us, we would get weakened quite a bit, then US will get a revival of its economy just like it did in WWI & WWII. After all, a weakened China would get backstabbed again just like the USSR did in Afghanistan.

Lol, don't ever think that we would be stupid enough to repeat the same mistake that USSR did in the past.
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