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Philippines seeks ASEAN help to blunt China

1. We still got Russia's support now, she even suggest Vietnam- Indonesia should colaborate to buy a Carrier, Nothing change :)

Define "support". The Russians only deal in cash nowadays. And countries do not typically export aircraft carriers.

This is not a video game where you can create aircraft carriers like candies.

2. Are you sure ??Does Singapore have any Ballistic missile or weapon of mass destruction such as CBU-55 like VN ??

Do you know what a weapon of mass destruction is? :lol:
1. I said VN don't wanna fight against ASEAN already, what do you want more from us ??Hand over our territory to your ancesstor's home- CHina ??

Who said VN wanted to attack ASEAN (Not that you can). Your bloodthirtsty intentions & assuming that all Asean will support you because somehow you are the big brother is the cause of all this.

2. We will replace USA, bcz we don't need US protection in ASEAN, and Uncle Sam seem agree with us, you can not stop it .you have No choice , see what USA did to his ally South VN, don't hope he will stay in ASEAN to protect you forever, bro.

Give us a solid link where the US has stated that they are intending to withdraw from South East Asia and wants to hand power to VN.

Unfortunately you do not have the capability to replace the US, all the things you mentioned about VN power based on assumptions

1. CBU 55 - This is your holy grail of weapons according to you, a 40 year old Fuel Air explosive. Assuming it even works what is your delivery mechanism? Are you going to duct tape it to a scud missile and launch it? Do you even know how the weapon was designed to be delivered in the first place?

2. Ballistic Missiles - Those can be purchased from Russia if need be but most of the ASEAN members are not offensive. Checking by country reserves
Singapore 250 Billion USD (population 5 million),
Thailand 185 MBillion USD (population 68 Million)
Malaysia 133 Billion USD (population 27 Million ),
Indonesia 120 Billion USD (population 230 Million),
Vietnam 13 Billion USD (population 87 Million).

For most of us buying some new fancy weapons is not really an issue. And we don't use credit.

3. Supposed Nuclear arsenal - Once VN develops a nuclear weapon so will Thailand, Malaysia Singapore etc and as above we have the money to finance it. Have you heard of a term called an arms race? Anyway its not yet a fact so you can boast about it when you have it.

3. Indonesia seems want to have join patrol with us , so pls let ASEAN people protect ASEAN region. US is tired now, let him go home and rest in peace.

ASEAN protecting ASEAN is fine with me, VN replacing the US as an influential power in the region is not. Then again from obvious factors its not that you have the capability anyway. Politics in SEA works that no ASEAN members trust each other fully that is why is one member decides to become boss no other member will accept it. Not to mention VN is obviously under Russian/India influence why do you think people let you buy weapons on credit in the first place?

Your intentions of governing ASEAN is silly, focus on making Vietnam a better place for Vietnamese.

How many ASEAN countries have you been too anyway?
Anonymous user said:
Who said VN wanted to attack ASEAN (Not that you can). Your bloodthirtsty intentions & assuming that all Asean will support you because somehow you are the big brother is the cause of all this.
C/on, why do we need a small country like you with 90 % is CHinese ethnic to support us ?we don't wanna see CHinese kill Chinese also :)

Give us a solid link where the US has stated that they are intending to withdraw from South East Asia and wants to hand power to VN.

Unfortunately you do not have the capability to replace the US, all the things you mentioned about VN power based on assumptions
No solid link, bcz we will do it despite of you want or not , and Uncle Sam will not waste his life just for for protecting you.

1. CBU 55 - This is your holy grail of weapons according to you, a 40 year old Fuel Air explosive. Assuming it even works what is your delivery mechanism? Are you going to duct tape it to a scud missile and launch it? Do you even know how the weapon was designed to be delivered in the first place?

2. Ballistic Missiles - Those can be purchased from Russia if need be but most of the ASEAN members are not offensive. Checking by country reserves
Singapore 250 Billion USD (population 5 million),
Thailand 185 MBillion USD (population 68 Million)
Malaysia 133 Billion USD (population 27 Million ),
Indonesia 120 Billion USD (population 230 Million),
Vietnam 13 Billion USD (population 87 Million).

For most of us buying some new fancy weapons is not really an issue. And we don't use credit.

3. Supposed Nuclear arsenal - Once VN develops a nuclear weapon so will Thailand, Malaysia Singapore etc and as above we have the money to finance it. Have you heard of a term called an arms race? Anyway its not yet a fact so you can boast about it when you have it.
1.we have a bomber that can carrier CBU-55, we bough it from USSR.

2. You're Not allow to buy Ballistic missile or you will get US's sanction , you will have to bear a very poor life.

3. If you try to have NUke weapon, US will kill you first , pls let look at S,Korea-Japan-Taiwan, they also can not have NUke bomb, do you think who you are ??
ASEAN protecting ASEAN is fine with me, VN replacing the US as an influential power in the region is not. Then again from obvious factors its not that you have the capability anyway. Politics in SEA works that no ASEAN members trust each other fully that is why is one member decides to become boss no other member will accept it. Not to mention VN is obviously under Russian/India influence why do you think people let you buy weapons on credit in the first place?

Your intentions of governing ASEAN is silly, focus on making Vietnam a better place for Vietnamese.

How many ASEAN countries have you been too anyway?
You can not stop it, it's a deal between VN and US, you're just US's allies like South VN , you're Not his father . US will leave you when they don't want to stay any more, bro.

I've been Thailand-Cambodia-Singapore-Malaysia.
Define "support". The Russians only deal in cash nowadays. And countries do not typically export aircraft carriers.

This is not a video game where you can create aircraft carriers like candies.

2. Do you know what a weapon of mass destruction is? :lol:

1.hehe, do you know we can buy Russia weapon on credit ??and why Russia allows VN to buy on Credit ??bcz she have huge marke in ASEAN , if VN can stop CHina in SCS(east sea) , so, all ASEAN nations will be in safe in will keep buying Russia weapon , Russia can earn lots of money from them . SO, she will give Vn a full support to keep her ASEAN weapon market.

2. Countries With Weapons of Mass Destruction - Intelligence Threat Assessments
States Possessing, Pursuing or Capable of Acquiring
Weapons of Mass Destruction
we have Name here, and they should add our ballistic missile to the list also :)
As I said, we will not make any trouble to ASEAN nations , we just wanna build up a strong assiciation like NATO to protect our region from any threat. We're small now , but we're strong enough to face with you in SCS(east sea), our Navy is still weak , but we have Yakhont-Brahmos to defend our sea territory , that why, you can not have any oil rig in disputed zone now even you tried to colaborate with Phillipine to do it. :P

I am glad you are slowly seeing the weaknesses of your country and its true capability. Being weak in naval warfare means you are not strong enough to face China in the seas. Yakhont it relatively old tech now and should Vietnam fire one of those? then it will be see its coastline get bombed into the ground and all your existing naval assests destroyed. It is better to work with China and not against it. Be smart like Philippine and other respectable ASEAN members. It should be for mutual benefits and war should be the very last thing in anyone's mind. ;)

Making Nuke bomb is quite easy now, when we have Nuclear plant, we can make it by new technology.

For America it is, but not for Vietnam and like I said, Vietnam still doesn't possess the technologies to enrich uranium strong enough for creating nuclear bombs. By trying to enrich uranium, you will not only get yourselves into trouble with fellow ASEAN countries, but also with the UN security council.

As I said: some ASEAN friends in PDF wanna know what kind of weapons we have, so I just simply answer the question , that's all, we intimidate No one , bro :P

At least you are admitting so and your government are smart enough not to boast about its capabilities. I am sure ASEAN members would be offended if they keep hearing about WMD, ballistic missiles and how Vietnam would want to protect them etc etc. ASEAN have protected themselves against Vietnam very well over the years along with Americans help. Truth is, Vietnam has very limited naval capabilities and cannot stretch itself in the sea let alone protect anyone like you said Vietnam would ;).
Obambam said:
I am glad you are slowly seeing the weaknesses of your country and its true capability. Being weak in naval warfare means you are not strong enough to face China in the seas. Yakhont it relatively old tech now and should Vietnam fire one of those? then it will be see its coastline get bombed into the ground and all your existing naval assests destroyed. It is better to work with China and not against it. Be smart like Philippine and other respectable ASEAN members. It should be for mutual benefits and war should be the very last thing in anyone's mind.
Wrong, we dare to face with US senven fleet and destroyed US war-ship, so CHina Navy is not a big problem . You can not protect your ship against Yakhont-Brahmos , don't even think about anti-anti ship missile bcz we will shoot more Yakhont than anti-anti ship missile you have in your warship.:P

For America it is, but not for Vietnam and like I said, Vietnam still doesn't possess the technologies to enrich uranium strong enough for creating nuclear bombs. By trying to enrich uranium, you will not only get yourselves into trouble with fellow ASEAN countries, but also with the UN security council.
Bro, Even Iran can do it, so why not VN when we even have US help in nuclear tech ??
At least you are admitting so and your government are smart enough not to boast about its capabilities. I am sure ASEAN members would be offended if they keep hearing about WMD, ballistic missiles and how Vietnam would want to protect them etc etc. ASEAN have protected themselves against Vietnam very well over the years along with Americans help. Truth is, Vietnam has very limited naval capabilities and cannot stretch itself in the sea let alone protect anyone like you said Vietnam would
Yep, our Govt. will never say a word , but that will be the way we go, and Uncle Sam seems agree with it, if not, why must he help VN in nuclear tech and lift the weapon embargo :azn:
Wrong, we willing to help Phil if she give up oil drilling project with CHina inside our sea territory.

Phil should know who is her truly friend. USA can withdraw from Phil again and she will be very lonely.

Vietnam and Phillippines could not even agree. 2 countries did not attend. Others sent low ranking officials. The meeting did not achieve its objective. It was a failure.
C/on, why do we need a small country like you with 90 % is CHinese ethnic to support us ?we don't wanna see CHinese kill Chinese also :)

No solid link, bcz we will do it despite of you want or not , and Uncle Sam will not waste his life just for for protecting you.

No solid link means BS, how can you substantiate it if its just from your words only? Are we suppose to believe everything that comes out from you?

1.we have a bomber that can carrier CBU-55, we bough it from USSR.

Slow moving bomber makes a juicy target, c'mon that's so 1980's. The CBU-55 will work if you're attacking a country with no air defense or radar system. Why do you think they developed it for use in Vietnam? Because the US was already in your soil.

2. You're Not allow to buy Ballistic missile or you will get US's sanction , you will have to bear a very poor life.

We don't buy them because we don't want an arms race in the region & we are a defensive nation not oiffensive. Why do you think Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore get along grudgingly well. Where do you get the information that we cannot buy ballistic missles?

3. If you try to have NUke weapon, US will kill you first , pls let look at S,Korea-Japan-Taiwan, they also can not have NUke bomb, do you think who you are ??

You can not stop it, it's a deal between VN and US, you're just US's allies like South VN , you're Not his father . US will leave you when they don't want to stay any more, bro.

Really so US is going to help Vietnam develop a nuclear weapon, wheres the link to substantiate this?

I've been Thailand-Cambodia-Singapore-Malaysia.

Surprise if you have, your mentality is so narrow minded.

Actually everything you say is based on hearsay or some fantasy of yours. Claiming the CBU 55 like its some nuclear tipped ICBM, Desalination of water to replace the Mekong. You have no solid evidence to back up anything you say. I bet your argument back will be the same.
Anonymous user said:
No solid link means BS, how can you substantiate it if its just from your words only? Are we suppose to believe everything that comes out from you?
As I said: that what we will do , we will request US to Leave when our Navy is strong enough to protect the who SCS(east sea). and it seems that Uncle Sam agree with it also, that why he help us on Nuclear etch.

Why must we help VN to get stronger if he still wanna waste his military budget for staying in ASEAN ??
Anonymous user said:
We don't buy them because we don't want an arms race in the region & we are a defensive nation not oiffensive. Why do you think Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore get along grudgingly well. Where do you get the information that we cannot buy ballistic missles?
You have NO right for Arms race , pls look at Japan-S.Korea-Taiwan , they have NO right also.
Anonymous user said:
Really so US is going to help Vietnam develop a nuclear weapon, wheres the link to substantiate this?
No he only allow Vn to Enrich uranium, and he slo help us in Nuclear tech, but making Nuke weapon is quite easy now, we can make it secretly in small Nuclear plant and No one know bcz we have the right to enrich uranium in our soil :P
USA and Vietnam agree to nuclear cooperation
31 March 2010
The USA has signed with Vietnam for increased cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Meanwhile, it has moved closer to opening nuclear trade with India with an agreement on nuclear fuel reprocessing.
USA and Vietnam agree to nuclear cooperation

Anonymous user said:
Actually everything you say is based on hearsay or some fantasy of yours. Claiming the CBU 55 like its some nuclear tipped ICBM, Desalination of water to replace the Mekong. You have no solid evidence to back up anything you say. I bet your argument back will be the same.
You can ask the former South VN general, US gave them 6 CBU-55, but they only can drop 2 , so we got 4 left after the war, and of course we will ask USSR help on how to use it.

Bộ TTM QL VNCH bí mật cho phép sử dụng lần đầu tiên trên chiến trường VN loại bom CBU-55. Trưa 1 tháng 5 năm 1972,

...... ĐT Weyand trong chuyến viếng thăm VN vào tháng 2/75 cùng với Ông Phụ Tá Bộ trưỡng QP Eric Von MarbodẨRất tiếc chỉ có 6 trái đến được VN vào cuối tháng 4/75 và không hiểu tại sao chỉ có 2 ngòi nổ’

S.Vn drop CUB-55 in 5th Jan-1972

Colonel Weyand and Mr Eric VOn marbod visited South VN in february and gave them 6 CBU-55, but only 2 were used
Anonymous user said:
Slow moving bomber makes a juicy target, c'mon that's so 1980's. The CBU-55 will work if you're attacking a country with no air defense or radar system. Why do you think they developed it for use in Vietnam? Because the US was already in your soil.
C/on, we don't need CBU-55 to attack a tiny country , our Ballistic misslie Scud-D is enough :lol:
Vietnam and Phillippines could not even agree. 2 countries did not attend. Others sent low ranking officials. The meeting did not achieve its objective. It was a failure.
Oh, it's up to her , if she doesn't want to colaborate with VN, she will have to fight against China alone , and she still can never drill oil from SCS(east sea)
As I said: that what we will do , we will request US to Leave when our Navy is strong enough to protect the who SCS(east sea). and it seems that Uncle Sam agree with it also, that why he help us on Nuclear etch.

Why must we help VN to get stronger if he still wanna waste his military budget for staying in ASEAN ??

You have NO right for Arms race , pls look at Japan-S.Korea-Taiwan , they have NO right also.

So nothing to substantiate the US leaving ASEAN territory or ceding power to Vietnam or Singapore not allowed to buy ballistic missiles.

No he only allow Vn to Enrich uranium, and he slo help us in Nuclear tech, but making Nuke weapon is quite easy now, we can make it secretly in small Nuclear plant and No one know bcz we have the right to enrich uranium in our soil :P

USA and Vietnam agree to nuclear cooperation

So you are saying that Vietnam should break the Mou between Vietnam and the US and develop nuclear weapons. Develop them first then come back and boast about it. Again unsubstantiated

You can ask the former South VN general, US gave them 6 CBU-55, but they only can drop 2 , so we got 4 left after the war, and of course we will ask USSR help on how to use it.


S.Vn drop CUB-55 in 5th Jan-1972

Colonel Weyand and Mr Eric VOn marbod visited South VN in february and gave them 6 CBU-55, but only 2 were used

Let me get this right, your tactical solution is to fly a slow moving bomber to your target (Say China) loaded with a 40 year old ordnance and drop it over the target. Assuming it doesn't blow up on the airstrip :woot: what makes you think it still works anyway? Also don't you think it will get intercepted before it reaches the target?

C/on, we don't need CBU-55 to attack a tiny country , our Ballistic misslie Scud-D is enough :lol:

Actually I am not too worried, we are considered the banker country in ASEAN. Which also means a lot of assets belonging to ruling families in the ASEAN region are kept with us for safekeeping. Some of your own generals & politicians money are probably kept with us lol.

As said already all your arguments are hearsay and assumptions. Nothing solid. Carry on dreaming about your world domination plans, I will leave you to your imaginations.
Wrong, we dare to face with US senven fleet and destroyed US war-ship, so CHina Navy is not a big problem . You can not protect your ship against Yakhont-Brahmos , don't even think about anti-anti ship missile bcz we will shoot more Yakhont. than anti-anti ship missile you have in your warship.:P

Wrong. Firstly China is not the US. Against Vietnam we have all the advantages and don't think yakhont or brahmos would be able to save you against the Chinese onslaught. Not only does Vietnam not create them, they have to pay for them.
When vietnam runs out of ships and sees their coastline engulfed in flames it would be powerless to do anything other than to back down and talk. The reason VN can repel the US was due to Chinese-Russian support and due to political defeat in the US. If Vietnam really is that daring and strong, it would have single handedly handle the situation (not trying to bring everyone in, like what you are desperately trying to do now). Fact that ASEAN are more into business and stability of the region is enough for them to part ways from your warmongering ideals. It goes to show why Vietnam is still poor when everyone else has recovered from the wars and is doing relatively well for themselves.

Bro, Even Iran can do it, so why not VN when we even have US help in nuclear tech ??

Assisting Vietnam with nuclear power developments does not mean they are helping you build nuclear bombs. Just think of what other ASEAN members reactions would be as well as the Koreans and Japanese who are also allies of America. They are all into regional welfare and stability. They will ensure Vietnam doesn't pursue that path and when they are concerned then the US will have a reason to come in with its western friends, only this time China will not be helping and India and Russia would take a neutral stance and not get themselves involved. Vietnam would become a helpless ASEAN big brother wannabe and alone with angry neighbours.

Yep, our Govt. will never say a word , but that will be the way we go, and Uncle Sam seems agree with it, if not, why must he help VN in nuclear tech and lift the weapon embargo :azn:

I am surprised at your optimism towards the subtle and insubstantial American gestures. There are a lot to consider and it is unlikely for America to upset a group of wealthy allies for your self proclaimed strong Vietnam. Your rice export will not be a good enough bargain chip on this particular matter.
You can wish for lifts on your ban but that is unlikely to change in the near future. It is better to cooperate with China and your neighbours. Knowing an arms race and converting ASEAN into a military alliance to do its bidding for your country is nothing but a naïve and childish fantasy. :)
Anonymous user said:
So nothing to substantiate the US leaving ASEAN territory or ceding power to Vietnam or Singapore not allowed to buy ballistic missiles.
nothing to substantiate the US wil Not leaving ASEAN territory also, why their soldier must die for you ?? their parent will not let it happend :P/
Anonymous user said:
So you are saying that Vietnam should break the Mou between Vietnam and the US and develop nuclear weapons. Develop them first then come back and boast about it. Again unsubstantiated
Hehe, we can make Nuke weapon secretly inside Nuclear plant by new tech and No one can detect it, btw: Even Israel also don't say she have Nuke bomb, so there is No reason for us to speak it out :P
Anonymous user said:
Let me get this right, your tactical solution is to fly a slow moving bomber to your target (Say China) loaded with a 40 year old ordnance and drop it over the target. Assuming it doesn't blow up on the airstrip what makes you think it still works anyway? Also don't you think it will get intercepted before it reaches the target?

I just said : VN have CBU-55,and we havr bomber to carry it. I didn't say we will drop it some where :P.
Anonymous user said:
Actually I am not too worried, we are considered the banker country in ASEAN. Which also means a lot of assets belonging to ruling families in the ASEAN region are kept with us for safekeeping. Some of your own generals & politicians money are probably kept with us lol.

As said already all your arguments are hearsay and assumptions. Nothing solid. Carry on dreaming about your world domination plans, I will leave you to your imaginations.
You don't need to worry, bcz we won't attack any ASEAN countries, we just need to block CHina merchan ship in Malacca straight. Just stay neutral and don't stab our back like Pol Pot, tha's all, bro .
Obambam said:
Wrong. Firstly China is not the US. Against Vietnam we have all the advantages and don't think yakhont or brahmos would be able to save you against the Chinese onslaught. Not only does Vietnam not create them, they have to pay for them.
When vietnam runs out of ships and sees their coastline engulfed in flames it would be powerless to do anything other than to back down and talk. The reason VN can repel the US was due to Chinese-Russian support and due to political defeat in the US. If Vietnam really is that daring and strong, it would have single handedly handle the situation (not trying to bring everyone in, like what you are desperately trying to do now). Fact that ASEAN are more into business and stability of the region is enough for them to part ways from your warmongering ideals. It goes to show why Vietnam is still poor when everyone else has recovered from the wars and is doing relatively well for themselves.
Wake up , bro, your Navy have No real battle for long time, you also don't have any Nuclear carrier like US during VN war , you can not operate carrier mission also, Your Navy is still weak .

We can manufacture Yakhont, so we will have alot for your war ship , Russia is still protect VN now bcz we're help her to sell alot of weapon in ASEAN , that why, you cna do Nothing even when we have some guard points inside your Red line :P
Obambam said:
Assisting Vietnam with nuclear power developments does not mean they are helping you build nuclear bombs. Just think of what other ASEAN members reactions would be as well as the Koreans and Japanese who are also allies of America. They are all into regional welfare and stability. They will ensure Vietnam doesn't pursue that path and when they are concerned then the US will have a reason to come in with its western friends, only this time China will not be helping and India and Russia would take a neutral stance and not get themselves involved. Vietnam would become a helpless ASEAN big brother wannabe and alone with angry neighbours.
Uncle sam doesn't help us to make Nuke bomb, but we can make it secretly , even Iran can do it also , but we're diffrent with Iran bcz we have the right to enrich uranium when Iran doedn't have.

US will solve nuclear issue with his allies, I don't care, CIA can assassinate any Allies's President-Prriminister if they don't listen to US, every Allies countries will have to obey to US's order :P
Obambam said:
I am surprised at your optimism towards the subtle and insubstantial American gestures. There are a lot to consider and it is unlikely for America to upset a group of wealthy allies for your self proclaimed strong Vietnam. Your rice export will not be a good enough bargain chip on this particular matter.
You can wish for lifts on your ban but that is unlikely to change in the near future. It is better to cooperate with China and your neighbours. Knowing an arms race and converting ASEAN into a military alliance to do its bidding for your country is nothing but a naïve and childish fantasy.

CHina is US's threat now , I think you need Vn more than we need you , just stay away from SCS(east sea), so, we will cooperate with you :P
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