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Persia Nationalism and Azeri assimilation (Discuss it like a human being)

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May 11, 2012
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United States
Normally I was going to post this article in another thread but it was closed. So I am gonna post here but (especiallyPGK, and Soheil) please do not troll and ruin the thread. Discuss it like a human being.


Pers milliyetçili

Persia Nationalism and Azeri assimilation

Persians make up 40% of the population in Iran, but the country is dominated by a single ethnic group in Iran. Azeri turks is the second largest ethnic group in the country and the numbers 30 million people. Azeri turks are seen as a great danger by the regime so that assimilation policy (Persianism) being executed.

In Reza Shah's dictatorship (1925-1941), Iranian nationalism (Pan-Iranism) has become the main axis of national politics. Reza Shah chose assimilation policy to minorities as the basis of state ideology. A systematic assimilation policy against Azeri turks has been executed since Reza Shah period to the present.

After Mohammad Reza Pahlavi fell over by Khomeini coup, the Islamic Republic of Iran began to execute the assimilation the axis of Shi`ism. Communities who want to get rid of the persecution and oppression were imposed a way through Shi`ism to become Persian. Shi'ism became a religious-looking version of the Persianism on Azeri Turks.

"The Azeris are not Turks, but Pharisees” thesis was imposed

Iran deeply seeks the denial of a functioning policy against the Azeris. Iran's state management primarily argues and imposes that Azeris Turks are a branch Persians. In this way, Persians seek “one stone two birds” they both neutralize their opponent the second largest minorities and also aims at obviating the exposure of any influence of Turkish state on Azeris.

Under the Persians nationalism in Iran, for the assimilation of Azerbaijanis, two theories were developed including Azeri Language and Theory of Aran. According to the theory of Azerbaijani language, Azerbaijani origin was the Farsi (Persians), and they began to speak in Turkish was claimed as a result of the invasion of the Mongols.

According to the theory of Aran, Azerbaijan was occupied by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire could not hold the region so that it was given to Mehmet Emin Resulzade in 1918. Altough the Persians were living in that region, the region was named as Azerbaijan by Mehmet Emin Resulzade .

Turkish elements are subjected to forced migration

Although the majority of Azeris are Shiite in Iran, nearly two million Sunni Azeri live in the cities such as Hoy, Bender and Marageh. Persian Iranian government is dominated by nationalists, Sunni and Azeri population is imposed forcing migration with insidious and planned policy. Playing with the demographics of the regions where Azerbaijanis live, it aims the dominant elements of Azeris being prevented.

Turkish - Azeri identity prohibited

Assimilation policy of forced migration purposes, due to the large size of the Azeri population, carried out in a very planned and insidiously. All organs of state sovereignty being kept by Persia Nationalism quietly, on the one hand, nationalism are introduced as perverted ideology and Turkishness is not permitted. In Iran, almost "all races are equal, but the Persians more equal" principle is operated.

Azerbaijan is divided into states

Iran imposes mandatory dividing states and connects the provinces to the Shia and Persian dominated regions when her forced immigration policy against Azeris is failed or insufficient in the Azeris dominated regions. If necessary, Iran changes the names of the Azeri provinces.

In 1993, 35 000 km ² area was taken from the East Azerbaijan and connected to the Ardabil Province. The Governor of Qazvin was also taken away from the Zanjan Province in 1994.

The number of those who see themselves as self-Persia in Iran is increasing every day. A demographic study was done after the Iranian revolution. While only 40% saw themselves as Pharisees, the intervening 30 years the number of people rose by 50% and 60% see themselves as self-Farsi. This means that Iran is achieving the completion of the assimilation of other ethnic origins.

The prisons are full of Azeri Turks

In April 1995, almost 1,000 university students of Azerbaijani Turks applied in order to get their rights were arrested as a result of their application. Students charged for terrorism and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Similarly, 20,000 Azeri Turks who wanted their cultural rights are still in prisons in Iran.

Recently, Azeri fans who were wearing Turkish flag were accused as "pan-Turkish ideas and separatism spreading". Instead of criticizing the Government, news sites targeted the fans and “the fans joined Al-Fajr - Tractor match with the separatist symbols” was headline.

Azeris are left deprived of public duties

In Iran, especially in the government officials, there is an extreme hatred of Turks. The Turks feel that they are forced to hide their identity in public functions. Although there are some assimilated Azeris in the service of the administration, position of the Turks living in Iran today is shockingly bad.

Azeri doctors who work in the hospitals refrain treating the Azeri Turks patients and they transfer their Azeri patients to Farsi or Arabic physicians, because a doctor to treat a case of the Azeri Turks is likely to undergo an investigation for being nationalistic. However, a Farsi patient can see whoever he/she wishes. This situation is also true of other state departments and services.

Iran supports Armenia against the Azeris

While Iran assimilates Azeris, on the one hand, Iran tries to isolate Azerbaijan in the region. Azerbaijan establishes very warm and close relations with Turkiye, moreover, Azerbaijan chooses Turkiye as a country makes Iran extremely uncomfortable.

The presence of the Azerbaijan displeases Iran so that in order to wear down the government of the Azerbaijan, Iran supported Armenia during the Azeri-Armenian war, and today Iran supports Armenia. This fact is known in the world today. In this process, Azeri hostility that it has taken so far in Iran and Azeris who fled from Armenians have been refused by Iran and this caused choking in the Aras River.

Iran always holds Armenia as the trump card against the Turkish population of the region. At this point, after passing the Law on the so-called Armenian Genocide passed in France, Ahmadinejad immediately visited to Armenia. Therefore, this was a sign how Iran can openly play a dirty game using Armenia against the turks.

Turkish channels are forbidden in Iran

The Iranian government banned monitoring of satellite channels for the assimilation of Azeri Turks, and especially for the destruction of cultural links between the Turkish and Azeri Turks. Iran took apart and disabled the dish antenna in order to prevent hundreds of thousands of the heavily Turkish and Azeri broadcasts followed by the Azeri Turks. It was reported that five hundred thousand dish antenna were taken apart by the policemen. Approximately two million Azeri populations correspond to the five hundred thousand dish antenna.

Iran is conducting black propaganda against Turks in order to break the heart of Azeri Turks to Turkish. Iranian state television published the program for hours that Turkiye is doing friendship with Armenia. On the other hand, the propaganda about Turkiye is an infidel state has been processed heavily and continuously in Iran.

Some Azeris living in Iran, as a result of intensive propaganda, think that muslims are the minority of Turkiye. In addition, both politicians, and writers and illustrators, the propaganda has been applied constantly that Turkiye turns her face to the Union of Christian Europe.

Education and training policies conducted by Iran take the indirect hampers significantly the Azerbaijanis living in Azeri Turks. Only half of the total Azeri population in Iran today can read and write. Arabs, Turkmen, and other ethnic origins are in the same situation in Iran.

Although systematic assimilation policies against Azeri Turks are being conducted in Iran, Azeris have not been completely assimilated. But unfortunately, some Shia Azeris and apparently Azeri Persians are sent to Turkiye and Azerbaijan, to make Turkish and Azeris Shia, especially young people studied and tagetted.
have you made another retarded thread?, so Iran is only 40% persian?
persian make up atleast 60%.

you show what an imbecile you are, iran's supreme leader is an azeris, it is not funny then you say then we discriminate against azeris?
Ir.Tab what do you think about this article? Which part do you agree or disagree? I`d really like to hear your opinion.

P.s: PKG or whoever you are, I am not going to respond your nonsense BS.
I made a statement, you don't reply to if you don't want but that shows you have nothing to say other than BS.

P.s Iran will always be for Iranian, anyone who wants to speak torkish, or act like they're torkish don't deserve to be in Iran and can fck of to Turkey. azeris are Iranian and need to act Iranian. why would they downgrade themselves and say they are tork? for an Iranian to say they are a tork is like a lion saying it is common house cat.

iranic people (persians+azeris+armenia+kurds) will always belong to motherland Iran. they are welcome. but turks are not welcome in Iran.
P.s Iran will always be Iranian, anyone who wants to speak torkish, or act like their torkish don't deserve to be in Iran and can fck of to Turkey. azeris are Iranian and need to act Iranian. why would they downgrade themselves and say they are tork? for an Iranian to say they are a tork is like a lion saying it is common house cat.

iranic people (azeris+armenia+kurds) will always belong to motherland Iran. they are welcome. but turks are not welcome in Iran.

Well, that was a nice example for Persian "Nationalism" and it also gives a clue about how hard the Azeri Turks life in Iran.
Well, that was a nice example for Persian "Nationalism" and it also gives a clue about how hard the Azeri Turks life in Iran.

as I said, azeris are welcome in Iran cause they are Iranian, but those who think they are turks can leave Iran and go to turkey.
no one forces anyone to stay in Iran. Iran is for Iranians(persians+azeris+armenians+kurds), we will not let turks into our country trying to bring their culture there. if there are azeris who are "torks" in Iran and suffer why do they stay in Iran? as I said Iran is for Iranians not torks. so azeris are not turk and never say they are turk, that is just you torkish people trying to create BS.

our leader have been azeris for a while now, if azeris get treated so bad it is funny they get top jobs lol.

as I said anyone who wants to leave Iran can leave, but Iran will be for Iranians till people like me exists and we was here thousands of years before you and will remain for thousands of years after you perish.
Yeah, as you can see he doesn't even say "Azari", he says Turk. That is totally opposite of what PGK claims. LOL
Please don't respond to trolls like Persian God King and argue this subject with reason.

P.S: Commender, Most statistics shows Persian population aroun %50-55, you should correct that and Azerbaijan Turks usually given as between 15-35 million but it changes according to whos doing the counting...
Most of the people do not know much about Iran because of one reason or another but things have started to come out in the public. The ethnic composition of Iran is very interesting but i think after Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution the binding force amongst the Iranians is the religion (Shiism )not the Persian nationalism.
Most of the people do not know much about Iran because of one reason or another but things have started to come out in the public. The ethnic composition of Iran is very interesting but i think after Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution the binding force amongst the Iranians is the religion (Shiism )not the Persian nationalism.

believe me Persian nationalism is dominant it reminds me of the times after military coup in Turkey. People can't get education in Azerbaijan language or even can't teach them to their children and they sometimes can't even name their children in Turkish language.

It is Persian dominated fascism and nothin else. I think yous hould watch the first video I posted maybe you will have some basic information about it if you don't have the time to watch the full documentry.
Why there is not a greater azerbaijan for the azeris turks in north-west iran ?

And why there is not a greater tajikistan for the tajiks in north afghanistan ?
Please do not respond to trolling attempts and got this thread locked like the other one. We have pretty good knowledge about suffering of Palestinian Arabs under Israeli occupation and maybe its time that we learn something about our own blood borthers suffering.

Why there is not a greater azerbaijan for the azeris turks in north-west iran ?

And why there is not a greater tajikistan for the tajiks in north afghanistan ?

This thread isn't about independece from Iran or separetive acts against Iran. Those will only lead to bloodshed between nations that lived together for thausand years. This is about the lack of basic human rights for Azernbaijan Turks.
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