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Pakistan's terrible idea to develop battlefield nukes

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1. To my mind this idea is myopic. Nukes should not be termed tactical or used for tactical purpose. Nukes are to be viewed as exclusively strategic. This philosophy of using small nukes will at the end amount to stalemate in a conflict - which will only serve the interests of the West in selling more arms and pumping in more interest bearing aid.

2. Pakistan should keep developing for a hydrogen bomb. And she must acquire a delivery system with global reach. Her true enemies have come out in the open and they live on another continent..

3. Pakistan needs to strengthen herself internally following the motto taught by he Founder: Unity, Faith and Discipline. Pakistan should strengthen relations with the Afghans so that she gets an uninterrupted depth in the West. This is what she needs, not little nukes.
EzioAltaïr;3393310 said:
So India which has 14 regiments of Akashm will not spare 3 or 4 for our invading forces? How naïve of you to believe that.

Dumbo girl , what 'regiments' of Akash you talk about? Yeah 3 , 4 Akash will do the job... Dummy , 3, 4 Akash batteries are not even enough for ONE big front...forget about the whole war-theater. Are you seriously that retarded child? Would indian army be THAT stupid to bring its SAM assets in range of artillery fire? A-100? C'mon.. Go learn something about warfare before spewing any further chawaals...:lol:

There's nothing that can't be intercepted. The frikkin Nighthawk, seen as an epitome of stealthiness has been shot down, what's stopping from a missile from intercepting another?

NightHawk is a freakin' plane..not a shoot-and-shoot battle-field ballistic missile...:rofl: It is REALLY hard to intercept missiles ...let alone missiles like Nasr...

I'm a try hard cause I write facts? Wow man, really, wow.

Uhh what?

The S-2 covers entire India if the launcher is located in Lahore. While an Agni III India's launcher on Wheeler Island can cover entire Pakistan, while it is out of range of Pakistan's missiles. :P

Out of range of Pakistan missiles? ALL your kaali bharti a$$es are in our missile's range. We can further burn them whenever we want. Kindly , tell me how is 'Wheeler Island' out of range of Pakistan? S-2 will cover entire India? What are you smoking , girl?

I did answer your silly question. We have the Shaurya as our quasi-ballistic missile, and BrahMos for the other 2.


Dumbo , are you mass-producing all the weapons? Or these are still in "development" stage? Specially your russian ALCM Brahmos....Are they all "nuclear-capable" ? Is Brahmos nuclear capable? Russian made weapon can't be nuclear-capable cuz this is against international laws :azn: Remember , your Brahmos range can't be longer than 300 KM because this is what the law says..when you "buy" missiles from other countries (like Russia) ...Range has to be 300KM at max..no wonder Brahmos has 290 KM range

BrahMos isn't Indian? So a Joint Venture by default is non-Indian? Even though India owns 50.5% of shares in BrahMos Aerospace, all tests of the missiles were done in India by India, all upgrades were made by DRDO?

What part of Brahmos is Indian? Engine? Guidance system? Electronics? ALL RUSSIAN just 'put-together' in India ...lmao!

BrahMos travels 10 metresabove the ground, meaning it is terrain hugging. Can your CM do that? :azn:


Brahmos deploys terrain hugging? LMFAO!!!!!!! :rofl: Any source?

Personal allegations eh? K, I'll make my own claims, Wiki is edited by BS Pakistanis like you who give no source for their facts.

Dumbo barbie , ASK for sources and I'll give you....what information of mine do you feel inaccurate? I'll give you credible sources...So next time , before you further humiliates yourself , just ask for source.

These excuses are for idiots who don't like being proved wrong. The trustworthiness of a page can be seen by scrolling down to the References section. Wiki is edited by professionals who argue for weeks over whether it's worth adding the stuff or not. Look at the Indian and WMDs page. Even though the Agni V has already been tested, they still list Agni II since it's in active service unlike the Agnis 3, 4, and 5.

Idiot , wikipedia is UNTRUSTWORTHY! Give wiki as source in any Western University...people will laugh at your poor self. Those "reference" are ****! Why don't you post those "references" by yourself? I'll wait for your source claiming that Brahmos can enter 'terrain hugging' mode...etc ..

What's a source? Rupeenews?

Well for Indians ...wiki and rupee news are sources lmao! But a "credible" source is that is credible and provides extensive unbiased data..

Like ACIG team ...a comprehensive data for global air wars...Indians and Pakistanis accept it as authentic alike...not like "global security" hahahaha

Once fired, it can scale mountainous terrain and can take a steep dive to engage targets located inside hillocks which are otherwise inaccessible. The missile has the capability to engage ground targets from a very low altitude with minimum radar signature and is considered best for surgical operations. BrahMos Block III has a speed of Mach 2.8 and can hit targets from an altitude as low as 10 meters. It is ideally suited as a precision weapon which can be used without collateral damage


Six more Akash Squadrons for the IAF.


Totaling 8.. equating upto 16 batteries at least.

Indian Army to have 2 regiments consisting of about 30-32 Batteries... double to what the IAF has ordered.


Specially designed to move along with Armored columns... along with Tunguska-M1 and Schilka Air Defense systems.

Parts North Eastern India, South India aswell as Andamand and Nicobar Islands fall out of the range of most of the Pakistani missiles Including the latest Shaheen 2.. as well as the longer legged Gauri 2.

Now that its proved that You are just another Clown at the PDF party... you can take a breather and let sensible people continue.
So what's wrong with that.
Indian Navy did that on Pakistan... that too 40 years ago.

IN performed her missions in a area where PN had no docking/repair facilities and had no defense. Besides, just as IN learned from '65, PN learned from '71 and is well prepared today.

And Recently the Americans used their own to force its policy on Pakistan.

The policy where they actually had to apologize?

Barak 1 is as capable against the silk worm types missiles used by...

That remains to be tested. Active participation of Israel does support the claim that Barak family would be highly effective. However, no system in the world is 100% effective and it takes only 1 hit from AShM's today to take down a ship. Besides, the easiest way to defeat a missile shield system is to overwhelm it.

Only If PA is stupid enough to drop a Nuclear bomb on its own territory killing its own people there and risking the lives of rest in the process.
And It won't be as amusing as the Bollywood.

Do you guys even understand the meaning of a BF tactical Nuke? The damage and radiation are small and precise enough to be acceptable as opposed to being overrun. And most importantly, if it ever happens, it will happen close to LoC, away from population.

Ever read about submarine warfare ?
I am reaching a general conclusion about the Pakistani members here... I won't be surprise the next post you come up and say that your AK-47 bullet can down a High Flying fighter.

Have you ever read about the Song Class Submarines and how one surprised the biggest US Naval exercises? We have moved 2 generations ahead now from Song -> Yuan -> Qing. The biggest advantage that PN will have, aside from being prepared now, would be their defensive role whereby they can sit quietly and wait for IN.

You must have seen/read about the last 4 times when Pakistan Army did invade/violated Indian territory... and Half population and 1/3 territory in Process... World's largest surrender since WW2.


I have asked many Indian what they have to show for that surrender and have never actually gotten a reasonable answer. Fact is that we surrendered to the Bengali nation, the instrument was signed with India on behalf of Bangladesh which had no official form then, which is evident from the fact that India won nothing from the internal dispute b/w east and west Pakistan.

Furthermore, it is my question, if might India had won such a war then why could they not summon any courage to cross even an inch of border in '99 or '02? What happened to the bravado and the claims of invasion and surgical strikes and what not!

We would be happy If you do the same again.

Do what, make tall claims while amassing a million troops at our border taking months and suffering hundreds of casualties in the process declaring cold start methodologies and then withdrawing unconditionally? Well.......what else is to be expected?

What ASM you are talking of ?.. those silk worm which couldn't even sink an Israeli 1000ton ship... which got itself repaired and sailed back to duty.
Indian Navy corvettes are far bigger ships than that.
Get your Navy to configure how to break those Naval blockades first then talk of reaching Indian coasts.

How about Exocets, Harpoons, C-802/803 etc.?

IN showed what they can do in 1965---2002 via--several blockades and battles burning Karachi ports destroying half of your naval strength.

IN most definately showed what they can do by refusing to engage PNS Ghazi or entering the war, even the much hyped A/C carrier dared not venture out of port. Well, I guess IN was the smarter branch of the military back then.

Your link doesn't even open ... oh my dear barfaani bachay. :lol: You have been humiliated all through this thread and yet you are such a crying baby that you keep coming up with your retarded posts..... lol

Parts North Eastern India, South India aswell as Andamand and Nicobar Islands fall out of the range of most of the Pakistani missiles Including the latest Shaheen 2.. as well as the longer legged Gauri 2.


A case of a Bharti drinking too much Cow Co...oh I mean Coca Cola :D

So there you go , cheesayyy

North-East India ....


South India...


Look at the distance may be? Less than 2400 Km in both cases!...While Shaheen-II can hit targets as far as 2500km to 3000km etc ... So again...what were you saying my barfaani bacha?:lol:

Before further embarrassing yourselves , Indians please learn use useful tools available on the internet...

Pakistani missiles completely cover your entire god-forsaken 'india' ....

Now that its proved that You are just another Clown at the PDF party... you can take a breather and let sensible people continue.

No sorry....you just got owned..yet again. :azn:
The S-2 covers entire India if the launcher is located in Lahore. While an Agni III India's launcher on Wheeler Island can cover entire Pakistan, while it is out of range of Pakistan's missiles.

Then I assume the Wheeler Island are on Mars ! :rofl: Since our missiles can target every single inch of your country :D
IN performed her missions in a area where PN had no docking/repair facilities and had no defense. Besides, just as IN learned from '65, PN learned from '71 and is well prepared today.

How did about 1.5lakh Pakistani Soldiers, and Administrative officers get to Bangladesh without Docking facilities ?... along with all that fighter Planes, Tanks and artillery ?... Flying carpet ?

The policy where they actually had to apologize?

Apologized for what.. pushing Pakistan into war against Taliban. ?

That remains to be tested. Active participation of Israel does support the claim that Barak family would be highly effective. However, no system in the world is 100% effective and it takes only 1 hit from AShM's today to take down a ship. Besides, the easiest way to defeat a missile shield system is to overwhelm it.

You mean to say it has been put on use without proper testing ?
I gave the example of the Silkworm missile which Pakistan uses... was unable to sink a 1000ton Israeli ship... and the amusing fact that the ship sailed back to service soon enough.

To Hit the ship you need to pass through its defenses.... your ships would have to face the Brahmos missiles which are known to sink Ships without using warheads.
Neither the PN or PAF have enough capability for a saturation attack from air... incidently the Indian navy had such capability from long time... which is also being enhanced to higher levels.

Do you guys even understand the meaning of a BF tactical Nuke? The damage and radiation are small and precise enough to be acceptable as opposed to being overrun. And most importantly, if it ever happens, it will happen close to LoC, away from population.

The damage of Radiation is never small when the photos of Burnt down bodies of children with blisters and other radiation related disease start coming up... the rest of the Public of Pakistan would also be enraged... the effect remains for 100+ years when kids would be born with Physical and mental deficiencies... and would never forget what their own saviors did to them... Pathetic.

Already the Tribals in NWFP and Baluchistan are tired of the small co-lateral killings and damages done by Military to them... the Nuke is only going to increase it to much-much higher level... in simple words it would act as the catalyst to already down faith of Public in their govt. If not finish whatever hope is stopping them from toppling the administration right away.

Should I show you the Population density map of Pakistan ?.. what are you supposed to do once both Lahore and the Thar region... nuke Thar and leave Lahore ?

Even while at LOC small mortar artillery shelling kill as many as half a dozen.. people.. and you talk of Battle field nukes.

Have you ever read about the Song Class Submarines and how one surprised the biggest US Naval exercises? We have moved 2 generations ahead now from Song -> Yuan -> Qing. The biggest advantage that PN will have, aside from being prepared now, would be their defensive role whereby they can sit quietly and wait for IN.

You have not moved any where.
The Chinese submarine technology is anywhere but less that what Russian had during 70s.
The Submarine was allowed to get close enough... in that case with US navy exercise.
Prepared for what... Brahmos ?

I have asked many Indian what they have to show for that surrender and have never actually gotten a reasonable answer. Fact is that we surrendered to the Bengali nation, the instrument was signed with India on behalf of Bangladesh which had no official form then, which is evident from the fact that India won nothing from the internal dispute b/w east and west Pakistan.

Yeah you surrendered to Bangladesh infact... those hardly armed peasant Bengali soldiers armed with spades and sticks got your 90 000 troops surrendered... isn't it ?

Infact they lost the war.
They should have gone ahead and dealt with it once for all... and we won't be discussing about Pakistan.

Furthermore, it is my question, if might India had won such a war then why could they not summon any courage to cross even an inch of border in '99 or '02? What happened to the bravado and the claims of invasion and surgical strikes and what not!

US crossed into into Iraq 12 years after they won the war against them along with allies.... in mean time they made it weak... and put it always under pressure through frequent military built ups.

They have been doing same with Iran since a long time.. did the same with Libya... thaty doesn't mean they don't have courage.

Indian Military and too have been very successful in this regard as far as the current situation in Pakistan shows.

Do what, make tall claims while amassing a million troops at our border taking months and suffering hundreds of casualties in the process declaring cold start methodologies and then withdrawing unconditionally? Well.......what else is to be expected?

You don't understand cold start.. cold start is specifically for mechanized strike divisions... they won't take more than 3 days to reach Pakistan from their bases any where in India... besides Jaisalmer would soon have a strike division.

And those military build ups.. did have a significant role in reducing Terrorist activities in India..

How about Exocets, Harpoons, C-802/803 etc.?

Barak 1 can engage them with ease... even Akash SAM can engage them as effectively.

IN most definately showed what they can do by refusing to engage PNS Ghazi or entering the war, even the much hyped A/C carrier dared not venture out of port. Well, I guess IN was the smarter branch of the military back then.

PNS Ghazi lies at the bottom of the sea... some parts in the museum I guess... yes IN showed its capabilities.
Today it is more advanced and has a Growing submarine fleet.. which includes SSN aswell as SSBN.
The AC carrier was out of the port and in the sea near... Andamand while your PNS ghazi perished looking for it near the port... thats was the difference between IN and PN... two steps ahead even in thinking.
Your link doesn't even open ... oh my dear barfaani bachay. You have been humiliated all through this thread and yet you are such a crying baby that you keep coming up with your retarded posts..... lol

Retard as ever.. :hitwall: you had to replace the ***** with India to open that page.

A case of a Bharti drinking too much Cow Co...oh I mean Coca Cola :D

So there you go , cheesayyy

North-East India ....


South India...


Look at the distance may be? Less than 2400 Km in both cases!...While Shaheen-II can hit targets as far as 2500km to 3000km etc ... So again...what were you saying my barfaani bacha?

Before further embarrassing yourselves , Indians please learn use useful tools available on the internet...

Pakistani missiles completely cover your entire god-forsaken 'india' ....

No sorry....you just got owned..yet again.

Get ready for another round of spanking... :lol:

Shaeen 2 can carry a 750-1050Kg pay load upto 1800-2000km... Ghauri 2 can carry a 1050-1200kg pay load upto 1700-1800km.

The forum puts the range of Shaheen 2 at 2000km.


As proven yet again... we can save ourselves another demonstration of your ever retard head.
Dumbo girl , what 'regiments' of Akash you talk about? Yeah 3 , 4 Akash will do the job... Dummy , 3, 4 Akash batteries are not even enough for ONE big front...forget about the whole war-theater. Are you seriously that retarded child? Would indian army be THAT stupid to bring its SAM assets in range of artillery fire? A-100? C'mon.. Go learn something about warfare before spewing any further chawaals...:lol:


A regiment means a group idiot. The Indian Army has 2 regiments of Akash (meaning 2000 missiles), and the Air Force has 8 squadrons of Akash, meaning 1000 missiles.

NightHawk is a freakin' plane..not a shoot-and-shoot battle-field ballistic missile...:rofl: It is REALLY hard to intercept missiles ...let alone missiles like Nasr...

The Nasr is not some futuristic amazing cruise missile capable of avoiding radars. It's a frikkin missile, and no missile is 100% safe from SAMs.

Uhh what?

Look at this

regiment of Agni II? Yup , trying too hard to look all dandy and professional. Go learn something , child.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...velop-battlefield-nukes-23.html#ixzz26C8KekpE

Your sorry arse thinks that a guy who says "we have 2 regiments is trying hard to look professional. Meanwhile, you seem to be trying hard to show your stupidity.

Out of range of Pakistan missiles? ALL your kaali bharti a$$es are in our missile's range. We can further burn them whenever we want. Kindly , tell me how is 'Wheeler Island' out of range of Pakistan? S-2 will cover entire India? What are you smoking , girl?

My bad, I underestimated the range of both missiles. The S-2 can cover entire India sure, but the A-3 can cover the whole Pakistan without even being in India itself, that's what I wanted to write.

Dumbo , are you mass-producing all the weapons? Or these are still in "development" stage? Specially your russian ALCM Brahmos....Are they all "nuclear-capable" ? Is Brahmos nuclear capable? Russian made weapon can't be nuclear-capable cuz this is against international laws :azn: Remember , your Brahmos range can't be longer than 300 KM because this is what the law says..when you "buy" missiles from other countries (like Russia) ...Range has to be 300KM at max..no wonder Brahmos has 290 KM range

The Prithvi is used by 333, and 444 Missile Group. The Agni I is used by 334 missile group. The A-2 is used by 335 missile group. The BrahMos Block I is used by 861, Block II by 862 and 863, and Block III by 864. The Prahaar is in mass production and in use with the Indian Army.

The BrahMos is not Indian? Then how does Pakistan claim the Babur as it's own? It's widely known to be a blatant copy of the Tomahawk, 6 of which crash landed in Pakistan in 1998.

New nuclear-capable BrahMos version test-fired

Here, the BrahMos is capable of nuclear warheads. It's not under development, it's in production.

What part of Brahmos is Indian? Engine? Guidance system? Electronics? ALL RUSSIAN just 'put-together' in India ...lmao!

Sorry, we're talking about BrahMos not JF-17. :P

Any source which shows that BrahMos has Russian tech?

Yet India owns 50.5% of the shares in BrahMos Aerospace? Yet India was the first to get the cruise missile and Russia second? India is the one that has tested it from beginning till now? India is the one that added new system with every tests? India is the one who made it nuclear capable? Continue your brain-farts please, they amuse me.

Brahmos deploys terrain hugging? LMFAO!!!!!!! :rofl: Any source?


When your stupidity knows no bounds, you show that you can be even worse.

BrahMos to increase production of Russian-Indian cruise missiles | World | RIA Novosti

Since a guy can't always be spoon-fed, I'll leave it there. There's one paragraph that talks about the technical specifications, read it, and cry your heart out.

Dumbo barbie , ASK for sources and I'll give you....what information of mine do you feel inaccurate? I'll give you credible sources...So next time , before you further humiliates yourself , just ask for source.

Dumbarse. When you make wild claims like, "Babur is the best in the world, and TERCOM a system that was discovered half a century ago is the crucial in a stealth missile" and all such bullcrap, then you need to provide the source without me asking.

Idiot , wikipedia is UNTRUSTWORTHY! Give wiki as source in any Western University...people will laugh at your poor self. Those "reference" are ****! Why don't you post those "references" by yourself? I'll wait for your source claiming that Brahmos can enter 'terrain hugging' mode...etc ..[/QUOTE

There, I gave my source. Are you telling me that Wikipedia is untrustworthy, but the sites it compiles info from are all trustworthy? There, go try it. Try putting some bullshit on any high-traffic page, like "India", or "Pakistan", or "Nuclear Power" or any other page that is popular among people, and see for yourself. See if your bullshit stays for 5 minutes before a revert. If you say that a low-traffic page is untrustworthy though, I'll agree. I left a message at one pointing out it's flaws 3 months ago, and no response.

Well for Indians ...wiki and rupee news are sources lmao! But a "credible" source is that is credible and provides extensive unbiased data..

Like ACIG team ...a comprehensive data for global air wars...Indians and Pakistanis accept it as authentic alike...not like "global security" hahahaha

When ACIG says something it's trustworthy, but Wikipedia copying Acig, and a bunch of other trustworthy sources, then it is untrustworthy?
Your link doesn't even open ... oh my dear barfaani bachay. :lol: You have been humiliated all through this thread and yet you are such a crying baby that you keep coming up with your retarded posts..... lol


A case of a Bharti drinking too much Cow Co...oh I mean Coca Cola :D

So there you go , cheesayyy

North-East India ....


South India...


Look at the distance may be? Less than 2400 Km in both cases!...While Shaheen-II can hit targets as far as 2500km to 3000km etc ... So again...what were you saying my barfaani bacha?:lol:

Before further embarrassing yourselves , Indians please learn use useful tools available on the internet...

Pakistani missiles completely cover your entire god-forsaken 'india' ....

No sorry....you just got owned..yet again. :azn:

*Facepalm*. India is 2900 km wide from Gujarat to Assam. A missile launched from Lahore will be firin at the extreme edge of it's range, meaning it's payload will be a fraction of it's full potential. That, coupled with the fact that even Pakistani exhibitions say that the S-2 has a range of 2000km, means that the North-East is effectively out of your reach, while an A-3 in Assam, can still target the whole of Pakistan.
Retard as ever.. :hitwall: you had to replace the ***** with India to open that page.

Get ready for another round of spanking... :lol

Shaeen 2 can carry a 750-1050Kg pay load upto 1800-2000km... Ghauri 2 can carry a 1050-1200kg pay load upto 1700-1800km.

The forum puts the range of Shaheen 2 at 2000km.

Haven't you been spanked enough being debunked again and again on your ridiculous claims ? :azn: ... I am still waiting for proof on 7 operational FBR's , '50 tech , No plutonium enrichment in Pakistan and some faked data on warheads ( something which nobody ever knows :P ) based on an irrelevant link to North Korean missile database ... Retarded kid , do not make claims next time that you cant prove ...

Let me spank you once again :lol:

At that time, National Engineering and Science Commission Chairman Samar Mubarakmand was quoted as saying that the missile was is a two-stage rocket weighing 25 tons with a diameter of 1.4 meters and a length of 17.5 meters, and a range of 2,500 kilometers.

Ghaznavi / Shaheen-II - Pakistan Missile Special Weapons Delivery Systems

The Hatf-6 is a strategic missile with a range of 2,500 km. An unconfirmed report suggests the range could be as distant as 3,500 km, but this is considered unlikely. The accuracy is advanced for a Pakistani design of this range and payload. The missile is sufficient to strike strategic targets such as airports, manufacturing complexes, military bases, and civilian facilities (power plants, water purification centers, etc.) with a reasonable chance of damaging or destroying the target.

The Hatf-6 has a reported range of 2,500 km with an accuracy of 350 m CEP. It is 17.2 m in length, has a maximum diameter of 1.4 m and has a launch weight of 23,600 kg. The payload assembly separates before re-entry or after burn-out in the second stage. The RV has four small motors to improve accuracy and maneuverability upon re-entry. Its payload is a single warhead weighing 700 kg, though reports suggest that payloads up to 1,230 kg have been developed. The heavier payloads probably have a decreased range. The Hatf-6 warhead can be equipped for a nuclear yield between 15 and 35 kT. There are also provisions to deploy the missile with conventional high explosives (HE), submunitions, fuel-air explosives (FAE), or chemical agents.

MissileThreat :: Hatf 6

EzioAltaïr;3396751 said:
My bad, I underestimated the range of both missiles. The S-2 can cover entire India sure, but the A-3 can cover the whole Pakistan without even being in India itself, that's what I wanted to write.

Really ? Are you planning to fire from Mars ? :rofl: ... Enlighten me , which country is ready to base Indian missile on its territory so that Agni doesn't have to be in India at the time of launch ? :azn:

You accept S-2 can cover whole India yet contradict yourself in the very next post , do we something expect better from your lot ? :woot:
EzioAltaïr;3396751 said:
Any source which shows that BrahMos has Russian tech?

Yet India owns 50.5% of the shares in BrahMos Aerospace? Yet India was the first to get the cruise missile and Russia second? India is the one that has tested it from beginning till now? India is the one that added new system with every tests? India is the one who made it nuclear capable? Continue your brain-farts please, they amuse me.

What source do you need ? :azn:

P-800 Oniks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Oniks Base version for Russia
Yakhont export version of Oniks
Brahmos version for India, co-developed by Russia and India, based on Oniks, produced under license by BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited in India.
Bastion-P Coast mobile missile system

What were you saying that about Brahmos being Indian while in fact it is nothing but a export version of a missile in service with the Russians since '99 ? :lol: ... You merely own the company , the equipment and components of the missile are still Russian and not Indian ... I would like to hear what exactly has India added to that very missile ... :azn: ...
For you yes nothing was proven but rest of us.. just another waste of time and web space.

The basic error as soon as I opened the page.

Shaheen 2 is 17m long and 1.4m thick.

Ghaznavi / Shaheen-II - Pakistan Missile Special Weapons Delivery Systems

save you BS for some other place.

Yeah , like the bull **** claims about FBR's , primitive '50 tech and some fake warhead data ! :azn:

The basic error in your mentality of not reading articles thoroughly and distorting things to suit you ...

Shaheen-II was successfully test fired for the first time on March 9, 2004. At that time, the National Engineering and Science Commission (NESCOM) chairman Samar Mubarakmand stated that the missile was a two-stage rocket with diameter of 1.4 m, length of 17.5 m, weight of 25 tons and a range of 2,500 km.

Ghaznavi / Shaheen-II - Pakistan Missile Special Weapons Delivery Systems

From the same page :azn: If the retarded kid ever bothered to read it in its entirety ... The increase in range was well reported in International as well as Pakistani media ... Now do not post another bull **** claim that the range of a missile cant be increased !

So keep ridiculing yourself to ad infinitum and make another claim talking out of *** in your next post , we do not mind giving you a dose of reality and of what you really are !
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