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Pakistan's terrible idea to develop battlefield nukes

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EzioAltaïr;3390325 said:
The Army exercise thing doesn't matter. India can deploy 60,000 troops in 48 hours. How many can Pakistan deploy? And BF nukes can't do ****, if we have Anti-Missile systems.

:rofl: It took your army two months to reach the border back in 2001 and achieve D-Day readiness ( go and look that word ) not to mention loosing 800+ soldiers in the process without us firing a single shot :lol: by the time PA was already there to welcome them at the border ... It has always taken / will take less time for us to deploy troops because the cantonments are very near the border hence the army has to travel less distance ... If you do not believe me , do look at your own sources or ask me to post it for you ... Get me a source for " IA can mobilize 60k personnels in 48 hours " or I will regard as one more fan boy making ridiculous claims like DARKY :lol:

Your highly flawed " Cold Start " relies on just one thing " surprise factor " , a near impossible feat to achieve in the case of Pakistan and due to the advancement in early warning technology :azn: ...

I wonder sometimes if those nukes cant do **** , then why do you always mobilize troops and then back off every time ( 3 times at the last count ) ? :cheesy:

EzioAltaïr;3390052 said:
Exactly that makes sense. Good to have more warheads than your enemy, but not exactly good if he can shoot them down, and fire back. Pakistan will be better off developing a triad, and making/buying an ABM.

What makes sense is that we have tactical nukes that can prevent a war in the first place ensuring peace ...

How exactly do you put so much confidence in ABM system when even the major powers of the world are hesitant and doubt its reliability ? :azn:

P.S We will possess a nuclear triad in near future , Islamabad sent a strong message when it inaugurated the Naval Strategic Force Command (NSFC) recently ...

Talking of English.. did you attend your class today ?

Pakistani nukes are Big since the designs are primitive based on 50s technology.. It has been proved by the data on Janes.
Since its out of your level and the level of most of the Pakistani poster here it would go over your head.. hence concentrate on whats taught in your school rather than wasting the time of others here thanks the comedy show you have been putting up here.
About the Ability of Indian Army being able to deploy 60000 troops in 48 hours... It has been demonstrated time and again in last few years and they practice it every year twice.. at least.
Talking of English.. did you attend your class today ?

Pakistani nukes are Big since the designs are primitive based on 50s technology..

About the Ability of Indian Army being able to deploy 60000 troops in 48 hours... It has been demonstrated time and again in last few years and they practice it every year twice.. at least.

Possibly you didn't , since you confuse " proposed and planned " with " operational " in every other post ... :azn:

Really ? Another brain fart , kid ? Who told you that ? You haven't yet provided a source for those fantasy figures listing the yield and weight of the warheads of India of Pakistan ! How long did it take you to " make " those ? :rofl: Talking about our level when you got busted on 6 operational FBR's , you do not even know what risks those reactors pose and why the world isn't interested in them for commercial purposes ... You just know how to make fan boy comments and nothing , you just live in a fool's paradise thinking yourself as some expert ... :D

I have posted some of your finest comical comments a couple pages back ... Want me to repost it ? :D
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I have posted some of your finest comical comments a couple pages back ... Want me to repost it ? :D

Thats what you're best at... but you wouldn't want to become that when you growup... so better concentrate on the text book more.. than us stupid people here on Defense forum.

If you really wish to ask for link... you should ask politely to elders and they give what you want.

I posted the link a few pages back... now since you cannot read that....(Lack of attending the English class shows here.).

I post the picture here


North Korean Missiles

Now be more Punctual at your English classes... no-one is going to help you once you become a comedy joker after school.
Hence School 1st then PDF... or other things.
Pakistani nukes are Big since the designs are primitive based on 50s technology.. It has been proved by the data on Janes.

Please post that source that Shaheen Warheads are based on 50's technology.

Please post that source that Shaheen Warheads are based on 50's technology.


You people always ask source and links and what not.
While when asked upon for the same you people have none to provide.

Why don't you use common sense and look into the History of Pakistan's Nuclear Program as to why... the Technology is primitive... compared to other nations.

Please post that source that Shaheen Warheads are based on 50's technology.


You people always ask source and links and what not.
While when asked upon for the same you people have none to provide.

Why don't you use common sense and look into the History of Pakistan's Nuclear Program as to why... the Technology is primitive... compared to other nations.
Talking of English.. did you attend your class today ?

Pakistani nukes are Big since the designs are primitive based on 50s technology.. It has been proved by the data on Janes.
Since its out of your level and the level of most of the Pakistani poster here it would go over your head.. hence concentrate on whats taught in your school rather than wasting the time of others here thanks the comedy show you have been putting up here.
About the Ability of Indian Army being able to deploy 60000 troops in 48 hours... It has been demonstrated time and again in last few years and they practice it every year twice.. at least.

And this lesson you learnt in your school today that we have nuke tech of 50s.
And this lesson you learnt in your school today that we have nuke tech of 50s.

I want you to learn the same as its the fact.. proven.
Go and take out the Western and Russian designs from 50s and compare them with Pakistani Designs.. of today.

No country designs Uranium based fission weapons today... other than North Korea.. Iran.. etc.
Even North Koreans have better Plutonium based technology than Pakistan... and incidently they were the ones who provided designs to the Pakistan for Plutonium based weapons.
While the Uranium based designs were of Chinese Origins... thanks to the trade offs between AQ Khan and Chinese for the stolen centrifuge technology... The Chinese were so generous that they even supplied weapon grade Uranium... which however was refused by AQ Khan.

I guess that's enough lesson for today.
Thats what you're best at... but you wouldn't want to become that when you growup... so better concentrate on the text book more.. than us stupid people here on Defense forum.

If you really wish to ask for link... you should ask politely to elders and they give what you want.

Kiddo , let me tell you something ... The comical , highly unrealistic and nonsensical comments were posted by you , not me ... :azn: ... Who's the elder , baby boy ? All I see here is a fan boy who thinks that his country has 7 FBR's operational , makes and believe yield and weights of Indian and Pakistani warheads and that Pakistan has '50s technology without backing it with credible proof ...

I am asking you again , what has the North Korean missile database got to do with Pakistan ? :azn: ... How many cruise missile does N.K possess ? :azn: ... and how exactly are you " making " the highly flawed warhead data based on that ! Do you really think this sort of data is available on public domain ? :azn:

I want you to learn the same as its the fact.. proven.
Go and take out the Western and Russian designs from 50s and compare them with Pakistani Designs.. of today.

Let me teach you something now kid , when you make a ridiculous claim like the one above , you are supposed to back it up with any source ... which you never do ! Since there's none ! :azn:

All you do is make childish statements and display Indian mentality of underestimating others and overestimating yourself !

Where exactly is the data available for Pakistani designs to compare it with anything ? :woot: ... Another ridiculous claim , huh ?

You aren't even sure whether the designs were from URENCO or Beijing and you are acting as a expert on the matter ? :rofl: ... Is it the same " minnows acting like sharks " ?

Pakistan has a well developed Plutonium enrichment infrastructure capable of enriching 22 kg's of weapon grade Pu annually and in the process of expansion ! Go and google " Khushab Nuclear Comlex " so to activate your grey matter ...

Where did you read about Pakistan using only Uranium based weapons when we tested a boosted fission way back in ' 99 ? :azn:

Sometime , I really doubt you have track of things which you debate about ...
Pakistani Nukes are very Big in size and have poor weight to yield ratio.

Upto 12KT claimed device weights 380-400kg. -Upto 25KT claimed device weights 425-450kg. -Upto 40KT claimed device weights 525-550kg.

In comparison Indian Devices

Upto 17KT claimed device weights 100kg. -Upto 50KT claimed device weights 250kg. -Upto 150KT claimed device weights 450kg. -Upto 200KT claimed device weights 800kg.

Upto 200KT claimed device weights 270Kg.
Upto 300KT claimed device weights 350Kg.

Care to post a source for that brain fart , fan boy ? :rofl: ... How long did it take you to make these fantasy figures ? :azn:

Since when exactly has Indian started possessing nukes in the 100+ KT's range :azn: ?
Talking of English.. did you attend your class today ?

Why? His English is perfectly O.K you inferiority-complex stricken bharti fobber :rofl:

I live in Amreeekaaaa.....When I would speak "Englishhhhh"" with you , you won't probably even understand what I'm saying. You can also find tens of "mistakes" in my posts...guess why? Because we are on a freakin INTERNET FORUM! It is NOT a "formal English Essay" class...So cut on this crap. Wannaaa-beeeee bhartis like you feel 'good' on their English ...:lol: In America , we don't care if one doesn't write 'formal English' during texting , facebook , or on some internet forum etc...

Now please , take your this 'English English' crap somewhere else , kid. Learn to act like grown ups ....

And oh yeah ...please post all the English mistakes I made in my post...I bet you can find many... Guys with no life (like yourself) are experts in 'correcting English' of others on internet forums :)
You people always ask source and links and what not.
While when asked upon for the same you people have none to provide.

Why don't you use common sense and look into the History of Pakistan's Nuclear Program as to why... the Technology is primitive... compared to other nations.

You people always ask source and links and what not.
While when asked upon for the same you people have none to provide.

Why don't you use common sense and look into the History of Pakistan's Nuclear Program as to why... the Technology is primitive... compared to other nations.

To sum it up, you made a hoax statement pulled out of your a** and cannot back it up. Thank You Sir

Thats all i wanted to clarify. Good Day
You people always ask source and links and what not.
While when asked upon for the same you people have none to provide.

Nuclear experts say Pakistan may be building 4th plutonium reactor

Wednesday, February 9, 2011; 8:33 PM

Pakistan has begun work on what independent experts say appears to be a fourth plutonium-producing reactor at the country's Khushab nuclear complex, a move that could signal a further escalation in Pakistan's arms race with arch-rival India.

Commercial satellite photographs taken last month show major new construction at Khushab, a key nuclear installation southwest of Islamabad that generates plutonium for Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. The building "appears to be a fourth reactor" for producing weapons-grade plutonium, according to the ISIS analysis, a copy of which was provided to The Washington Post. ISIS said the facility would substantially expand Islamabad's nuclear capacity by allowing it to produce "more plutonium for nuclear bombs."

A Washington Post article last month reported that Pakistan's stockpile was estimated to have grown to more than 100 deployed weapons and to have surpassed that of India.

"Another reactor just hammers the point that Pakistan is determined to make a lot of plutonium for nuclear weapons, frankly far more than they need or is healthy for the region and the world," said ISIS President David Albright, who co-authored the report with researcher Paul Brannan.

The first heavy-water reactor at Khushab became operational in 1996, and a second reactor was inaugurated about a year ago. The two together can generate an estimated 22 kilograms of plutonium a year, enough for up to four bombs. A third reactor is under construction near the second one.


Satellite images reveal alarming speed Pakistan is rushing to finish weapons-grade nuclear reactor

New satellite images have shown the alarming speed at which Pakistan is constructing a weapons-grade nuclear reactor.

The aerial images, taken on April 20, show the rapid building progress of the fourth reactor to produce plutonium in Pakistan's Khushab facility.

The site was barren in 2009 and the facility 'costing billions' was undetectable by satellite just 17 months ago, but has since grown at an alarming rate.

The facility in Khushab is the fastest growing nuclear program in the world, with the speed of the latest reactor's construction prompting concern from U.S. officials.

Pakistan first revealed the Khushab site and its plutonium production facility in 1998 after the country’s first nuclear test.

Although the U.S. has provided Pakistan with $20 billion in military and economic aid since September 11, 2001, it has been said that there is 'no explanation' as to how Pakistan are paying for the latest reactor.


There you go , kid ... Enjoy and try to learn a few things before making another ridiculous claim in your next post :azn: ...

Think of it , we have been enriching Plutonium since '96 ... Now just imagine , how much weapon grade Plutonium would we have by now ? :azn:

To sum it up, you made a hoax statement pulled out of your a** and cannot back it up. Thank You Sir Thats all i wanted to clarify. Good Day

What do you think he has been doing all along ? :lol: ... He even posted the " personally made fantasy figures " of weight and yields of Pakistani and Indian warheads on the previous page ... When asked to back it up with source , got squat and went round and round in circles and kept changing topics ... :D ...

You still need ALOTTTTT of reading , Sardar ji (Are you a Sardar ji? Afterall you are from Canaaayyydaaa) ...

Pakistan can deploy MORE troops in LESS THAN 48 hours... That is what happened after 2001 crisis , remember? And this question was asked to Pervez Muharraff too...after 2008 debacle...and his reply was categorical..Listen what he said " Agar wo log (Indians) baat krtay hain k wo 48 hours mein apni army borders pe lay ayen gay...to hum 12 hours mein apni army ko deploy kr sktay hain ! and let me assure you of this!!!!" ...and this is what our ex-Army Chief said.

Pakistan ALWAYS had lead in requiring less time to border force at border.... We are a smaller force with better road infrastructure..Not to mention we lack strategic depth..so even if we want to deploy troops from East to West border...it takes really LESS time as compared with Indians deploying their troops in the same manner...So cut on this crap.

Now coming to exercises..Jani do you even know why I mentioned exercises? hah! Azm-e-Nau 3 and PAF's High Mark 2010 were "categorically" conducted to counter cold-start...

Check this out : Your IAF needs to do a massive surprise attack on PAK to push cold-start successfully...right? Guess what? Now PAF has deployed its advance AWAACs/AEWs systems which can look the movement of IAF even 350 km inside Indian air space...and in the same High Mark 2010 , PAF inducted air-to-air refuellers ..now under these circumstances..where is the "surprise" element of IAF's cold start role? :azn:

PAF's F-16s , Miraage III/Vs , JF-17 Thunders etc loaded with AIM-120C BVRAAMs , SD-10B BVRAAMs , PL-5Es etc etc will 'engage' IAF within Indian air space....like it happened when your Su-30MKIs came into our airspace..they were quickly locked-on by PAF F-16s as there was 'no surprise' there ... We knew that you were coming..and as soon as you entered our airspace..we had you by your neck.

And for heaven's sake..your BMD won't be able to intercept battle-field nukes because they are freakin BATTLE-FIELD NUKES!!!! Do you know Indians will bring their BMD systems in battle-ground? LMAO! Please , learn something about modern complex warfare before making a fool outa yourself. Plus : Indian BMD system won't be able to stop Pakistan from completely crushing India , if Pakistan intended too.


I lost here. Now go and read "ABCD" of missile program....

We don't need ICBM thats why we don't have it....It would be harmful for our strategic interests..Secondly , we have ALREADY "deployed" various sophisticated IRBMs ... it is indians who are still 'developing' their poor missiles....

Thirdly , Pakistan has build 'nuclear-capable' quasi ballistic missile , a nuclear-capable air-launched cruise missile , and a 'nuclear-capable' stealthy cruise missile.... Have India built the above mentioned type of missiles? NO! not a SINGLE one yet!!!!

You are now trying to build a cruise missile similar to Babur...that Pakistan build back in 2005!

So Sardar ji , kithay baithay ho? Duniya chand te pohanch gayi hor tusi Indian-Media hi vekhi janday o? lmao!!!

No I ain't a sardar. I'm a Mumbaikar.

Doesn't matter what they can do. Has there ever been an exercise where they have done so? If yes then I'll gladly accept defeat in that area.

AWACS is such a big accomplishment? We have 3 Phalcon AWACS, with 3 more to be purchased. Alongisde a future order of 3 indigenous AWACS. That means 3 AWACS now, 9 in the near future, and upto 24 later. Same with AA refuellers, what's so great about that?

Yes, they won't waste BMDs to intercept BF nukes. We have Akashm SAMs, which can become anti-missile SAMs if a low yield nuke is put on it's warhead.

And to the rest of your post: *facepalm*.

We have already brought in one regiment of Agni IIs that has a range greater than the Shaheen II (your most advanced missile).

The Agni III will be inducted within the next few month. That will make our range greater than the Shaheen III (a missile which Pakistan hasn't even developed yet). By the time Pakistan has the Shaheen III ready, we'll have the Agni VI. :P

BrahMos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look at the first line and look at the description of BrahMos. It's a STEALTH supersonic missile. We have also built the ALCM version of the BrahMos which is to be mounted on Super 30s. What quasi-ballistic missile are you talking about?

EDIT: India has a quasi ballistic missile named Shaurya. 900 to 1900km range, with 1 ton payload. Flies like a Ballistic Missile halfway, and a cruise missile the other half. Performs rolls to spread out heat and prevent melting. Can avoid other missile. Couldn't find anything about Pakistan's quasi ballistic missile.
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