No, there is no such thing as anti-Pakistan rebellious group standing up agaisnt the state. Many nationalist too have been asking for the same thing. These activists are mostly not locals. So i don't really give a shit about them. Local demand is that Pakistan makes GB a province and the people get to self-rule. Considering Legislative assembly is a joke with little or no less power. All real power is with the center. This demand is very justified, people need proper political and constitutional rights. Considering what the locals have done for the country all the sacrifices. It's inevitable that Pakistan state is forced to accept this demand. Very sad to see this issue being ignored.
Very sad to see this happening but we need our rights. We won't accept anyone speaking agaisnt the state. Protesting and etc, etc is acceptable. Anyone instigating hatred or violence will not be allowed to conduct speeches.
Guy's please read the piece. It's not as being presented. These activists are a bunch of crap foreigners. Other than that demand is fair and been going on for years. It's the failure of the state to not have meet the needs of the locals. Some nationalist leaders were also taken prisoners but later released.
Most of these might have been instigating hate speeches and etc, etc. Other than that demand is somewhat a need of the hour.
For more information
@nForce and others read:
Territorial limits
Very sad to see. This shit only happens in Pakistan. Stupidity has it's limits. State in itself has failed if basic rights of people are not given. Very sad to see. Ignoring this issue will not help. Is there any other issue after terrorism that needs proper thinking and some changes than this.