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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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if you look at my first post, it never hinted anything in favour of or against, but a "guilty conscience" went in denial to that post, and others like him followed !! ENJOY !! :wave:

By giving a fancy name as "samachar" to terrorists it definitely hints favor for terrorists and their terrorism. But I am still thinking how are you going to condemn any attack by the same "samachars" on the PTI jalsa? At least the so called samachars won't like the "main to daikhon ga" song nor they would be pleased with Pakistani flags in the jalsa.

Strange you guessed some "guilty conscience" in my post but can't feel sympathy for the baloch, punjabis, sindhis, hindus etc etc killed by the same "samachars" in their struggle against "oppressors". Your mentality is as strange as your signature.

I dont remember the name of the Check post, I dont recall that lamp in the round about of the Jinnah road where bookland and new Queta bookstall are located. (hope we are talking of the same place) they used to be my favourite place to go whenever I had enough pocket money to buy stories back in the 80s. Quetta Cantt is huge and i only recall the road going to FG school past the GOC house (I think LOG Area one)
It was this monument i was referring to in my previous post. i refreshened my memory (thankyou google earth) and now i know that this roundabout is on Sharah-e-Gulistan. The MPCP is just 10 meters away from this chowk.

Another thing which we both have pointed out is the presence of military (installations) near the protests by locals thus supporting your point regarding the 'freedom' available to them, i hope you can see ISSB Center, Quetta in the rear:


and where we used to live (Tipu road near the FC colony). I haven’t been back to Quetta for over 20 years now.
Hmm..i like to visit Quetta and Surroundings once a while these days.
some interesting pictures I like to share with all regarding the MANPADs available to the BLA terrorists. now even the Afghan taliban dont have these weapons and they have mainly relied on RPG to down few NATO helicopters. shoulder fired SAMs or MANPADs are something that are not easily available in the black market because of the sophisticated technology and more control of the manufacturers.

this only leaves the possibility of some other country that has armed the BLA terrorists with these weapons to down Pakistani helicopters and aircrafts. once again the suspicions arise over setting up numerous "cultural centres" and conciliates along the Pak Afghan border in the areas where one has to travel by road for miles to get water and one cant travel without armed escort.

one really wonders what kind of tourism visas those conciliates are providing and whether they also include SA-7s in the package deal.
I hope that these groups are more actively hunted and neutralised and their supply routes destroyed. Better still, “convince” the suppliers of BLA terrorists to stop being pillocks and pack up and leave before Americans do because enough “tourism visas” have been granted already and to ensure peace in the sub continent, such activities have to stop.



Sri Lanka did that with the LTTE pretty well. As soon as India stopped supporting the Tamil terrorists like they had done for about three decades, the insurgency started to die down. It is difficult for an insurgency to survive without external support.

India supported the LTTE in the midd 70s, but it supported the terrorism from the Tamil Students Movement before that in 1970, & also the TELO, TULF & TNF terror groups. In 1987, Indian aircrafts also violated Sri Lankan airspace by dropping relief supplies to Tamil terrorists in Jaffna. Even till the 90s, till Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by a Tamil suicide bomber trained by India, there was support for the LTTE. Anyways, it doesn't matter whether you supported Tamil terrorists for two decades or three, neither is this thread about them, so let's just steer clear of that. Thanks.

I would like to request the mods, to let me know why was my post deleted as offtopic?? Are these posts ontopic?? I mean why was India brought in the first place by this premium member ?? Or is it that snide remarks at India get lots of thanks??

mod edit
He responded to a loaded/ leading question and that should have ended there but it didnt discussion was derailed from that point forward so those emails got deleted but he hasnt repeated so his original email with clarification stands his second post is deleted now so please end this
Iran Baloch, why didnt intelligence operatives trail the Al Jazeera team, that would have been a golden opportunity for them
Iran Baloch, why didnt intelligence operatives trail the Al Jazeera team, that would have been a golden opportunity for them
For the same reasons the CIA operatives didnt trail OBL and aprty when they left video messages at AlJazeera.

Media persons dont tell 'everybody' that they are going to make a report on terrorists until it is aired.

Also they never ever 'betray' the trust of these terrorists or for that matter those 'not to be named security officials' who give info to them and dont like to be named in news reports, as doing so would be like killing the goose who lay golden eggs i.e. No more senational reports and no more controversial interviews and no more $$ and people like us discussing them PDF
Iran Baloch, why didnt intelligence operatives trail the Al Jazeera team, that would have been a golden opportunity for them

You are obviously not familiar on how media and the privacy and secresy of the media works. To let slip what they were doing or let on what was going on is as good as making a death sentance.
You guys didn't understand the context of my post. Foreign journalists who came to Balochistan are trailed and watched very closely and several were deported too which means Intel operatives were trailing them so keeping in view of past situation i thought why this Al-Jazeera team was let slipped by them. Obviously, no one come to Balochistan to make a documentary on it's culture and society.
You guys didn't understand the context of my post. Foreign journalists who came to Balochistan are trailed and watched very closely and several were deported too which means Intel operatives were trailing them so keeping in view of past situation i thought why this Al-Jazeera team was let slipped by them. Obviously, no one come to Balochistan to make a documentary on it's culture and society.

point taken and understood and I agree with you but here is a thing for you.

1. Balochistan is not an occupied land like Kashmir. Foreign companies, NGOs and journalists come and go, Al Jazera was not the first and wont be the last. And secondly it’s a huge land mass. French news agency has met Taliban few times and spent time in their camps, there are videos on youtube so this is not unique.
2. the team did come to Balochistan but after their short meetings with FC, CM and some locals in the capital the foreign team went away
3. the secret meetings with terrorists was conducted by the local correspondent he wouldn’t even have carried the camera, the video footage might have been recorded by BLA member. did you notice the well rehearsed and fluent monologue? it suggested more of a BLA propaganda video rather than a “journalistic” investigation.
4. the narrator was clearly chosen for a specific purpose and hence the well known Kamal Haider was dropped who is the one covering Pakistan for Al Jazera.
5. while meeting these terrorists, the Al Jazera team wasn’t carrying any IDs or clothing with Al Jazera logo and like I said they hired the local transport to travel around.
6. But don’t ignore the blunders by the video, they gave us yet another lead to investigate where the BLA terrorists got MANPADs from that even the Taliban don’t have.
7. Like Xeric mentioned, the terrorists met the reporter in the wilderness not in their hideouts but the kind of wild growth, the type of stones and the soil with some features in the background do betray the location and our agencies will be definitely looking at them.
8. the terrorists and reporter travelled on the road just like any armed tribesmen that you will see in FATA, Balochistan or KP. The only exception is that for the camera sake the guys with the RGP and rocket launchers were posing as if they were going on a combat patrol or an ambush. Notice the toned down appearance where their guns are between their legs while on the main highway and there is no RGP or SAM to be seen on anyone’s shoulder.

The world of undercover journalism, espionage, black ops and gorilla warfare is very murky and there is much more to it than meets the eyes. The Al Jazera correspondent might have only come this time to conduct his open interviews with Baloch elites and some officials and the meeting with the terrorists might have been done in a different time. Also notice that the Ahmad Zaidan is shown in the video with the terrorists where both look very much at ease and appear to be comfortable in each others presence where as he is not shown or heard (actually no reporter) when the CM, IGFC and former Pakistani generals are shown for few minutes which can mean that there could have been two teams that were conducting this program and they were not associated or coordinating with each other so while the one staying at Sarena Hotel and going around in the capital might have been trailed, the one that came unannounced to meet the BLA terrorists ” after months of negotiations and errm convincing ….”(cough) might have come and gone unnoticed just like any other local tribesmen.

But hey, like Xeric said, had it not happened we wouldn’t have been talking about this in the forum would we? Now you make sure that you report any suspious thing you see and don’t leave it for someone else to do it. Our forces and agencies need all the help they can get online and on ground to defeat the enemies of the sate.

Bless you & thanks for your concerns

And Bless my Pakistan
God Bless the FC the Defenders of Balochistan
God Bless and long live Pakistan
Bugti and the BLA terrorists were sheltered b the Afghan and US, as shown by the diplomatic cables with transcripts of conversations between Karzai and US officials and US, UN and Afghan officials.

I'd argue the evidence suggests Afghan and US support and weapons supplies for these terrorists. ..
Bugti and the BLA terrorists were sheltered b the Afghan and US, as shown by the diplomatic cables with transcripts of conversations between Karzai and US officials and US, UN and Afghan officials.

I'd argue the evidence suggests Afghan and US support and weapons supplies for these terrorists. ..

Al Jazeera has been a major disappointment when it comes to this documentary
Not because it was anti-Pakistani but because it was so poorly edited in its drive to portray Pakistani state in a bad way that it can be confused as a BLA propaganda video.

If that’s not enough, there are gross generalisations without substance and wrong and misleading footages vs. the voice narrative. Check out these pictures below that are taken from the video where the narrator is mentioning the Baloch deaths due to the FC operations, while the ordinary Baloch tribes are shown digging graves there is an FC soldier walking by on his own unarmed as if he is among his own people. Compare that to the agitated Baloch men and women pelting stones on civilian cars and passers by in Quetta over the missing persons issue. Had the FC been responsible for the killing then those Baloch tribesmen wouldn’t have allowed a lone soldier walk past next to them that easily and neither the FC would have allowed itself to be close to potentially hostile gathering.
Which only suggests one thing that the footage is taken from some unrelated incident which can be inter tribe rivalry and FC is only providing the support to the funerals while the dead are being buried.



Irfan carefully analyze how the first one starts to talk and how he mentions they will not have uniforms because Tamil Tigers
had uniforms and central identity which lead to their demise.

Clearly you can see who has been teaching these bad boys.
Well, even Zardari did not deny India's involvement in Blochistaan. Latest interview with hamid mir.

But I'm optimistic about the political solution that has been spun in effect. Coming election campaign and election itself should speed up the process.

Irfan carefully analyze how the first one starts to talk and how he mentions they will not have uniforms because Tamil Tigers
had uniforms and central identity which lead to their demise.

Clearly you can see who has been teaching these bad boys.

the whole speech of that "BALOCH KHAN" is carefully worded and well rehearsed, now his reasons for not being organised like LTTE (due to its eventual defeat) are lame because LTTE was far more successful in controlling a big part of Sri Lanka and causing a lot of death and destruction. it was only the resolve of the Sri Lankan Govt and its Military that eventually resulted in the defeat of LTTE, having no uniform with splinter groups wont have helped.

The actual reason for being decentralised and unorganised force with no uniforms is simple. I explained it before and so did Xeric. There are too many Chiefs in this Imperial force of Divine purposefulness which starts from blowing up pipelines and ends with “Elites exile” in Qatar’s plush neighbourhood.

Although some rebel leaders claim to be together in their cause to end the “Punjabi oppression” but whenever there is any gathering, their lackeys are known to beat up the supporters of other tribes e.g. in a Bughti gathering if there is someone found chanting slogans for Mangals or has stickers on his vehicles he will get some proper Baloch “pasting”. The favour will be returned in a Mangal majority gathering.
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