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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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I dont support militancy or military operations...

What military operations are going on in Balochistan? There are Frontier Corps in Balochistan (just like there are in Karachi), they are regular security personnel.
Balochistan Violence: Blast kills Amn force guard

QUETTA: A remote-controlled explosion near Sui left a tribesman dead and two others injured on Wednesday.

An Amn force vehicle was on its way to Sui from Kandkot when it was attacked with a remote-controlled bomb near the Sindh border, sources said. As a result, a man died on the spot. “An Amn force guard was killed and two others were injured in the attack,” sources confirmed. No group claimed responsibility for the attack till the filing of this report. Meanwhile, six militants were killed on Wednesday during a firefight between their group and the paramilitary troops in the Loralai area of southwestern Balochistan, government officials said. Two soldiers were wounded in the attack.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 5th, 2012.

We shall fought back on Balouchistan after SWAT control, South Waziristan, and other provinces.
Balochistan Violence: Blast kills Amn force guard

QUETTA: A remote-controlled explosion near Sui left a tribesman dead and two others injured on Wednesday.

An Amn force vehicle was on its way to Sui from Kandkot when it was attacked with a remote-controlled bomb near the Sindh border, sources said. As a result, a man died on the spot. “An Amn force guard was killed and two others were injured in the attack,” sources confirmed. No group claimed responsibility for the attack till the filing of this report. Meanwhile, six militants were killed on Wednesday during a firefight between their group and the paramilitary troops in the Loralai area of southwestern Balochistan, government officials said. Two soldiers were wounded in the attack.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 5th, 2012.

We shall fought back on Balouchistan after SWAT control, South Waziristan, and other provinces.

Not to forget the killed guard is a Baloch himself. Good work BLA.
I wont be going through the documentary, whatever is written is 100 % true.

shame on those who support killing of Baloch, shame on those who oppress Baloch, shame on those who take away rights of Baloch people.

Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. ( Abraham Lincoln )

At least to have the courtesy to view and reject i would understand.
Bilal the fact is Imran is supported by all factions of the society. Whether it is liberals or the maulanas people belonging to both factions support Imran and PTI in good numbers. Hence you see such type of "moral 'disintegrity' & intellectual dishonesty" in some PTI supporters. But the fact is Imran himself doesn't endorse any such views.

I hope you are right but I also wish that Imran has control over such sentiments that are anti state. maybe you will recall when the same poster (to which Bilal has responded) caused a lot of offence when he said that slain Pakistani soldiers in WOT didnt deserve any sympathy because they were paid to do that job. then he had to rephrase his remarks afterwords but he did a good job of almost rulling me out to vote for Imran Khan.

its these "differing" views that are making me to think again to decide who to vote in next elections. Imran is against army operations I get that, he voices his concerns about the corruption and mourns the suffering of the people of Balochistan, I understand that too but I also want him to distinguish between the personalities and the state institutions. Because if he becomes head of the government, it will be these same institutions he will be relaying on to get his job done.

The root cause is the 1947 referendum which sas allegedly fixed,so Pakistan should declare another referendum .If most Baluchis choose to be a part of Pakistan then BLA shoukd be disbanded,if it is the opposite it should be given indeoendence like South Sudan.Also the referendum should be under UN.


will you support this formula in India too?

by the way the BLA doesnt support any voting. they want it all for them and want anyone disagreeing out of Balochsitan whatever the ethinicity of the opposer.
Your posts do give a hint otherwise. :)

if you look at my first post, it never hinted anything in favour of or against, but a "guilty conscience" went in denial to that post, and others like him followed !! ENJOY !! :wave:
1. Partition plan had given all native states rights to exercise option for either dominion or remaining separate. In practical terms, we know, India had annexed J&K, Hyderabad, Junagadh and Manvadar. In the East the state of Tripura was keen to join but the Maharaja was spurned by the non-Bengalee bureacrats. Supposing in today's Pakistan, the old states of Bahawalpur and Kalat were excluded. Pakistan then would not only be a small state but also resource constrained.

2. Jinnah had personally convinced the Amir of Bahawalpur to opt for Pakistan. No such effort was made with the Khan of Kalat. And after Jinnah's death Pak leadership was too engrossed in palace intrigues to tackle the Kalat issue diligently. The Khan always claimed the treaty he had with the British was exactly the same that Nepal had. Therefore, this required a very careful approach. However, Pakistan chose to use force - which was myopic and foolish.

3. I have traveled quite widely in Baluchistan. Finding a ragtag hutment with nothing within mile and not even a blade of grass, one needs to wonder how these people survive. Baloch women spend their life carrying water for miles from "karez". This province has always been neglected. Roads, railways, industries, etc have not come up even in a ratio of other parts. They are not the major beneficiary of gas. Coal, marble and other mines are out of reach of the locals who are not so affluent. Most of the jobs meant for Balochis in the province or federal govt are taken up by others with the excuse that the Balochis do not come up to the standard.

4. Pakistanis should not bury their heads in the sand. Read/see what the outside media is covering. If there is afghan/Indian/WCC involvement it is because gaps exist for them to enter and exploit. Pakistanis should look for honest, honorable patriotic persons to lead them. If they talk to the Balochis they will listen. Balochis are straight forward warlike people. So far only crooks/criminals from Pak establishment dealt with them. The massive artillery bombardment and air strafing conducted by the Butcher of Balochistan and Dhaka, Gen Tikka had sent the locals on warpath. The WCC/Qadyinai agent Mush further fueled the fire by killing Akbar Bugti.
Situation is getting better in Baluchistan though ... Lets wait and watch ...
Some excerpts. The whole article, "THE ACCESSION OF KALAT: MYTH AND REALITY" is well worth the reading:

A series of meetings between the Viceroy, as the Crown’s Representative, the Quaid and the Khan of Kalat followed, which resulted in a communiquéй on August 11, 1947. The communiquй stated that:

a. The Government of Pakistan recognizes Kalat as an independent sovereign state in treaty relations with the British Government with a status different from that of Indian States.

b. Legal opinion will be sought as to whether or not agreements of leases will be inherited by the Pakistan Government.

c. Meanwhile, a Standstill Agreement has been made between Pakistan and Kalat.

d. Discussions will take place between Pakistan and Kalat at Karachi at an early date with a view to reaching decisions on Defence, External Affairs and Communications.


On March 18, 1948, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan issued a press note that the States of Kharan, Las Bela and Mekran had applied for accession to Pakistan, which was granted to them. The press report also said that after the accession of these three states to Pakistan, Kalat’s territory had been reduced to half of its previous area, and had ceased to have any outlet to the sea. The UK High Commissioner in Pakistan reported that the offer of accession was accepted by the Pakistan Cabinet when Jam of Las Bela, Chief of Kharan and Nawab Bai Khan of Mekran met the Quaid on March 17, 1948 and told him that “if Pakistan was not prepared to accept their offers of accession immediately, they would be compelled to take other steps for their protection against Khan of Kalat’s aggressive actions.”55 This was seen as a blow to the Khan as head of the Confederacy, the Baluchistan States Union.

As this account makes amply clear, the story of the accession of Kalat was a long drawn out process. And although Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947, the accession of Kalat did not take place till March 27, 1948. The three feudatories, two of which Las Bela and Kharan, which were recognized by the British as independent, played a key role in forcing the Khan of Kalat to accede to Pakistan.

The issue of the accession of Kalat has been clouded in controversy and mythology, because little or no research has been done on the subject. One scholar has described the annexation as, “a nine month tug of war that came to a climax in the forcible annexation of Kalat.”60 The reality is quite different. Khan of Kalat had no choice but to accede after Kharan, Las Bela and Mekran’s acceded to Pakistan, cutting off Kalat from the sea. The announcement on All India Radio that Kalat had been negotiating with India, which Nehru was at pains to deny in the Indian Parliament, caused such an outcry within Baluchistan and outside that the Khan acceded immediately to Pakistan.

The Baluchistan States Union existed between 3 October 1952 and 14 October 1955 in southwest Pakistan. It was formed by the states of Kalat, Kharan, Las Bela and Makran with the capital at the town of Kalat. The area of the Union was roughly the western half of the modern province of Balochistan.

Baluchistan States Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 17 March 1948, Makran acceded to Pakistan and on 3 October 1952 it joined Kalat, Kharan and Las Bela to form the Baluchistan States Union.

Makran (princely state) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 17 March 1948, Kharan acceded to Pakistan and on 3 October 1952 it joined the Baluchistan States Union.

Kharan (princely state) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is it enough or shall i post some other links confirming that the accession to Pakistan was indeed legal and there wasn't any Baluch uprising against the state of Pakistan ? :azn:
British ICRC official kidnapped in Quetta
By Shehzad Baloch
Published: January 5, 2012

QUETTA: Unidentified gunmen abducted a British national working for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) near Chaman Housing Scheme in Quetta on Thursday.
Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) Operations Nazir Kurd said that Dr Khalil, a British national who had recently converted to Islam, was on his way to the office when a group of armed men intercepted his vehicle and took him away at gunpoint.
Kurd told reporters that a group of armed men were already waiting for the ICRC official near the office in Chaman Housing Scheme and intercepted his vehicle when he was near it.
“The abductors left behind the vehicle and spared the driver,” he said.
Security across the provincial capital was beefed up immediately after the incident and police blocked all entry and exit points of the city.
Kurd said that ICRC had been offered security, but they had declined it and had said that it was against their mandate as the organisation worked for victims regardless of their nationality and background.
Chaman Housing Scheme is a high security zone in Quetta where offices of all the international organisations are located. Chief of UNHCR John Solecki had also kidnapped from the same area.
British ICRC official kidnapped in Quetta – The Express Tribune
Following is my analysis of this program. I still have much to add what is not discussed in the program but I will do that later because the post is already too big and I don’t want to loose the reader.
First of all i must say that it was beautifully explained. i was also planning to do a similar step by step explanation, but the susti took over the better of me, also speaking frankly i didnt take the report seriously as the report was, unlike other documentaries from AlJzira, poorly formatted.

Anywaz, i'll just add my opinion to your self-explanatory prose, you know the usual Pakistani susti syndrome.
The narrator sets the mood right at the start when he makes a sweeping statement that the Balochistan people never accepted Pakistan. It pretty much tells the watcher what to expect and stays faithful to the tone set right at the start.
This was where i lost the interest in the report. What justice are you doing with investigative journalism if you are going to sit with the other side and touch the second side cursorily, just to 'tick the serials'?

The video starts with an apparent meeting with a BLA “commander” somewhere in Baluchistan which can resemble the outskirts of Loralai, Zhuzdar or Zhob

i have been to these areas 'thoroughly' , though from the available landscape it is difficult to pin point the location, however i can overrule Zhob and Loralai as the recording location, however Khuzdar may be likely. But still i would go to the extent of saying that with such show of force, these guys cant stand a chance to roam in these areas, so therefore my guess is that the suburbs are that of Pir Koh, Loti, somewhere around Sui. This guess is only valid if the video was 'real' and not just a drama being directed and recorded just outside Quetta near Hanna Lake.

The so called commander was a base line lieutenant at best not a middle or top ranking BLA commander who maintains a regal life style even in the mountains and wont stand or sit at the same level like the rest of the tribesmen.
The 'real' commanders have never been out of Quetta or larger cities. But as wannabe fighters are readily available, anybody who can speak Urdu, count dollars (though these chaps are normally paid in local currency) and operate a walkie talkie can be made the local commander.

In short the Baloch elite is only using these guys as the canon fodder in (blind) support of the ulterior motives of some 'outsiders', while they themselves sit either in London, Afghanistan or Quetta, dealing with hard cash and providing photographs of those killed in action to their masters who operate fake Balochi twitter accounts and websites.
BLA’s call to Arms
The conversation seems a bit apologetic as if pre-empting the questions and softening the views of the non Pakistanis about the violent nature of their struggle. It pretty much seemed well rehearsed and even dictated with a lot of rhetoric about Punjabi army although BLA is fighting the Frontier corps which is raised from the locals and only has officers from regular forces that can be Baloch, Sindhi, Pashton or Punjabi.

For the record, there is NO Army deployed anywhere inside Baluchistan wheresoever.

The FC and Levies is enough to deal with these wannabe thugs who are so small in numbers that it has really started to go their advantage as it's actually difficult to find a needle in the haystack (untraversed Balochistan).

Whether the Berohvis, Hazara, Magsis, Jamalis and Pashtons of Balochistan are included in this term of “brothers” remains unclear and also its unclear if the call is meant for the Bughtis and Mangals that sought refuge in Punjab and Sindh too.
Probably not.

Hazaras are already confined to their Hazara Mohallas in Quetta and Loralai. They re being persecuted according to a well laid out plan.

Jamalis are contended as they enjoy their vicinity to Sindh.

Pashtuns have no concern with with these so called 'Balochis', the Achakzais are happy with their garmental stores and Khattaks with their 'imported' cutlery and crystal decors.

Whereas 95% Marris are enjoying the fruits of Chamalang Coal Mines (Army ko shukria bol k sharminda tu na kar yaar), the Alizais, Kudezais and Shabozais are busy with their Marble minning around Loralai.

i dont even know if the Mengals like to go out of Lasbella.

The Nasirs are busy making use of their cunningness as they 'encroach' everything around bigger cities.

And the Magsis especially the Bhutanis prefer to stay out of this 'freedom' movement and like to concentrate more on their education and well being.

i wonder who is left now that make up the 'Freedom Fighting' force of Balochistan?

The other point that gets a mention involuntarily is the fighting nature of some tribes, they will fight the foreigner and if there is no one else to fight then they will fight with each other and that’s been going on for centuries. There is nothing noble about it and it has nothing to do with the Baloch rights but just to get the kick out of the violence.


What do they say, 'choomaishwari' performance, Irfan bhai?

The structure and organisation of BLA is slightly touched saying its kept decentralised with small autonomous groups on propose and cites the example of LTTE failure for being an organised
Though these thugs were sensible enough to operate their Sat Phones 'away' from their hideouts as they knew that an artillery round would soon home itself on them, but staying decentralized is more of their compulsion rather than being an ingenuity. With every tommy, dicky and harry aspiring for 'leadership', no wonder they have less number of pawns and more 'elders' thus necessitating formation of uncountable number of groups (the 'group' consist of a commander, his batman and driver if they have the luxury of a double cabin).

and structured force and thus the reason to stay broken down but it has more to do with “too many chiefs” in the village syndrome. Every Baloch Chieftain is touted as the greatest gift to the land and the supreme savour of the people of Baluchistan by its supporters.
^^ Once we were investigating some insurgents. When ask about their names they went like... Sardar XYZ, Sardar 123, and Sardar ABC. The guy investigating rushed to my office asking me to take on the interrogation as those being investigated happened to be some "Sardars". The bubble of Sardarship was soon bursted when i found out that they were Sardars of a No Man's Land. i then educated the 'Sardars' that the place they happened to be the Sardar of has a population of 0.00001 million, and 4 out of these 10 are in our custody, right now.

Not that i want to ridicule the Sardari system, but this phenomenon is specific to the 'Balochi liberators' only. All of them claim to be the Sardar and representative of the Baloch people whereas no one is on their side.

CM talk
I wont fault the CM Raisani here, he is clearly agitated with the type of questions that are not aired and his interview has seen a major chop but what he is saying is actually about the usual BNP’s rhetoric of favouring the non Baloch people in Balochistan in public and private sector. Nothing can be further from truth about this BNP’s claim (Baloch National Party). The domicile is guarded like a faith in Pakistan not just Balochistan and no one can vote where he is not domiciled or has an ID card registered same goes with our quota system that was devised as a relief for the backward area people so Baloch students and candidates get special seats in college/ universities all over Pakistan and also in public sector jobs. So no local jobs are taken by no Baloch for the fresh recruitments apart from the usual rotations from other part of Pakistan of the experienced staff but that is only restricted in the district capitals and provincial capital because locals are preferred due to effective communication and local knowledge.
After this Aghaz-e-Haqooq Balochistan thingy, an NGO approached us to help them recruit some locals so that they can train them in technical fields thus allowing them jobs, mostly in the NGO itself with quite handsome pays. After surveying about 6 x districts in Balochistan we could only find 11 males and 4 females who were available for occupying more than 80 vacancies. The reason, well almost anyone who has done Matric, FA or BA, anyone who had a fellow tribesman in a govt job (safarish), almost every school/college teacher and anyone with a little technical know how had already been consumed in some kind of govt job under the 'peanut like' Balochistan Package. All of them left the private jobs as the govt was actually paying them MORE this time.

Still, i maintain that the Baluchistan Package was just a fraction of a favor we could have actually done to the Balochistanis being a Nation.

IGFC Salim Nawaz’s interview suffers the same fate as Raisani’s, where the part containing the animated and agitated general is chosen for the viewers to show FC as impulsive trigger happy force commanded by unstable commander who is out to kill the romantic BLA warriors who announce their freedom of expression by firing an RPG in the air when their “commander” makes an appearance.

Speaking very frankly and having been with Gen Salim, i can vouch that he has a 'bigyaad' (punjabi anyone?) type personality from the outside only. He's just any other local guy, unlike most of Pakistani Jernails. i mean we were never uncomfortable while being around him.

The video also shows one fighter holding something like an SA-7 meaning that BLA is resourced with MANPADs too.
Even the professional, well funded and supported Talibans dont have any. Never knew mountains of Balochistan have also started yielding readymade MANPADs in addition to Coal, Copper and Graphite.

Suppression? What suppression
Much deal is made out from the narrator and the fluent English speaking elites about the curb of the media and the Baloch people by the state and its agencies. Yet you see dozens of news and radio channel mics on the stages on different political gatherings and marches on roads in the main cities lead by gun totting guys with their faces hidden in the turbans. If that’s suppression then god help us when they get freedom to stretch even further.

The thugs with guns were probably demonstrating on Sirki or McConaghey Road (Quetta), and the women pelting stones were just outside Quetta cantt, so near that i could see the monument over that round about near an MP checkpost.

Irfan what's the name of the MP CP? Cant remember it, it's the one East of Jinnah (Road) CP.

Also the Pakistan Navy’s flood relief is narrated as a government’s bribe to appease the angry Baloch people. Whereas those exhausted people are ever so keen and willing to get their food from the Naval helicopter that has nothing to do with appeasing the Baloch chieftains but is something that is done on continued bases during the floods season throughout Pakistan.
i wish i can post the pics when we were engaged in the flood and earthquack relief operations, but then there's too much to hide in the pics,the tail numbers, faces etc.

One can see in the pics how the affected population was relieved to see us especially when we reached them for the first time. Although the flood(s) were not as devastating as they had been and the local guide (also an (actual) Baloch) who traveled with us in the heli while replying to someone asking, 'where are you taking us this time (to distribute the food items)'?, mocked as he replied; 'Kahin bhi nahi, hum tu pani thundanany da rhay hain k kahan aya hai Balochistan mai.' (we are just going out to "find" water here in Balochistan, as the flood was anything but a flood).

Please note, that i took care of him by telling him that if he's going to screw with us one more time, i will leave him in the next village we land in and tell the locals that this dude thinks that there was no flood in your area and is against the distribution of aid.

He belonged to the area which was not affected by the floods.

So much for the Baloch 'unity'.

Danger to Demography
One of the lamest excuse made by the Baloch elite interviewed in the program regarding the armed struggle is about the so called change in demography. On one hand these guys pride themselves to be the descendents of the Arabs and Persians and claim their right of whole Balochistan but then they show resentment to other people settling in Balochistan. What do they say about Baloch who decide to settle in the other Pakistani provinces or immigrate to Middle East, Europe or Australia? Would they respect the similar sentiments of locals of those places or they don’t care? Zardari (sorry for a bad example) has Baloch roots but is settled in Sindh and so is a big chunk of Baloch population settled in Sindh, Punjab and Kyber Pakhtonkhuwa and I don’t see why not because every Pakistani citizen has the right to live anywhere in Pakistan. If these chieftains see their influence fading due to this inflow or outflow then so be it.
By their definition, Karachi is most fcuked up place in this country.

These are the same guys who reacted very angrily over the media and NGO outcry over the killing of a group of Baloch women (sorry not by ISI, FC or Pakistan army) by the tribal law. They were stoned, beaten with batons and ***** of the guns and then buried half dead in a combined grave.
The anger of these chieftains was over the national media which was “making a big deal” out of it although it was just a tribal custom and one of them even explained that the women were shot dead before being buried so there was no cause for alarm. For record the women were killed for deifying the Tribal elders and marrying according to their free will. They were abducted, brought to the tribal elders, humiliated and then beaten senseless and buried while they were still alive.
This is just a taster for my Indian friends who become emotional over the death of BLA terrorists at the hands of FC.
This sums up the sorry state of affairs in Balochistan.
When the Balochis have their Sardars, do they really need the 'Punjabis' to ruin them?

One thing that is worth mentioning is that these interviewed chieftains are real survivors and think and plan ahead. They live a very long life and let their less important lieutenants and supporters to lay their lives for the cause. When the life expectancy of an average Baloch tribesman is hardly 30 it’s astonishing to see these guys in their 70s and still going strong. Most of them have attained the leadership after having their rivals killed. Akbar Bughti was the only chieftain who was killed by FC. Some of his sons, grandsons and brothers were killed in the intra tribal disputes. Only the most cunning and smart ones make it to the top and those who do can be Chief ministers and overseers of the province at one time and leading a rebellion and firing hundreds of rockets on cities and power stations on another time.
They dont even feel any shame while sitting on those imported sofas while their people are either jailed, killed or tortured by the rival tribes. i have always been angry with our national leaders as they enjoyed the perks and privileges at state's expense while the common man drives his motorcycle, use LPG instead the natural gas and bear the price hikes every second day, but let me assure you that a Balochi local is in much worse condition than his Punjabi or Sindhi counterpart whereas the Balochi sardars/leaders are quite better off and privileged than their Punjabi or Sindhi counterparts.

Kis moo say Balochistan ki baat kartay ho tum log oye?!
I am not suggesting there is not a problem. But how much of the problem there is highlighted by people who have ulterior motives. I'm not sure about your statement Santro. Politics so far in other provinces are still based on feudals who do manage to get crowds out.

Yes.. but they do draw crowds(although recent efforts have concentrated on photoshopping)... But the raw emotion you see here is not based on a few individuals.
Lets make this clear as well, what is happening in Balochistan CANNOT be compared to Bangladesh as the dynamics are different(unless the Iranians two time us).
The Americans will have no issues standing by and letting iran and another power intervene in balochistan.
After looking at the opinions of most of you guys - one can deduce the insurgency has to stop and has to be nipped in the root. The ones aiding it and assisting in these attacks are the main root of problems. We collectively must make a concerted effort to stop external forces fueling and funding these insurgencies. The problem would be diluted overnight

I dont remember the name of the Check post, I dont recall that lamp in the round about of the Jinnah road where bookland and new Queta bookstall are located. (hope we are talking of the same place) they used to be my favourite place to go whenever I had enough pocket money to buy stories back in the 80s. Quetta Cantt is huge and i only recall the road going to FG school past the GOC house (I think LOG Area one)
and where we used to live (Tipu road near the FC colony). I haven’t been back to Quetta for over 20 years now.

your description of the BLA commander is very accurate I also wanted to touch that but didnt get the time.

I know پگیاڑ and I second that lol. at one point it appeared that IG saab was gonna bite the head of that reporter. :)
he is causing a lot of ripples among the BLA and there is a lot of hate material against him which means that he is doing his job. I will only worry when our enemies start praising our forces and security agencies.

i dont even know if the Mengals like to go out of Lasbella.

:rofl: thats the best bit although the whole paragraph about the different Baloch ethnicities is itself the best summary about the place and explains why this thing runs out of steam time and again.

but I must say that the Mengals did use to come around in their Toyota double cabins in Bolan Medical college (with their tacky Mengal stickers on the windscreens) to "flirt" the female medical students (the flirting involved revving their vehicles in the campus centre while their masked guards in the back with their AKs made use that the little “Sardars” practiced their trade and tradition without any hindrance). A cousin of mine was studying there and used to call it boycott medical college due to the times it got closed by non-students he had to transfer to RMC to finish his MBBS. During his stay at Bolan Medical college I used to visit him and witnessed that scene few times.
The actor/ producer Jamal Shah has depicted that scene in one of his drama serials from PTV Quetta centre where the guards of one of the young sardar announce his arrival in the campus by firing a volley of bullets from their AK47s while the rest of the commoners (students and professors included) stand still submitting to the show of force by the sons of the elites.
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