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Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

thanks for your kind advises but sorry we have brains we have think tanks and we have many policy makers they know more then other side of border what they have to do .we simply don't need advises what we have to do with our money defense or budget .Pakistan divided from india because we have our own way of life and thoughts .we will do or make whatever we like to do aether its nuke sub or dam we have to decide it .its 4 years worse part of our history not mean end of Pakistan just wait for next elections and things will changes like we did from 1999 to 2007 .
You are an eternal optimist, aren't you. [Slightly ignorant]:lol:
Pakistan want nuclear submarine just becoz India has got access to nuclear sub!!:undecided:
i dint saw that level of commitment for Chandrayaan India's Moon Mission.:hitwall:

We are not getting coz you get it............every country has right to make strong her defence.....if your govt...can make agreements of weapons like crazy way.....even they don't need such weapons.........then Pakistan also has right to buy anything to protect from the threat to country.
I bet they are going so bankrupt soviet style soon....
Increasing defence budget is asking for trouble ouch
Pakistan cannot get nuke sub from china as they have signed NPT!
They have to make it on their own which needs research facilities which pakistan cant afford.
Please I am not trolling, I am just stating the facts
:rofl::rofl::rofl: I bet they are going so bankrupt soviet style soon....
Increasing defence budget is asking for trouble ouch
Pakistan cannot get nuke sub from china as they have signed NPT!
They have to make it on their own which needs research facilities which pakistan cant afford.
Please I am not trolling, I am just stating the facts

keep this rant post for the day when nuclear sub of pakistan will start rounding on arab and indain sea waters . from your 3 rolf smilies we understand you are trolling . no need to clarify it
Well ! It would be the better strategy against Aircraft careers, Our Submarine has scored during 1971 war against india. and Indians obiviously consider it as threat cuz they know that If Pakistan ever gon'na use its Nuclear Submarine then it would be against india. Its 80% predictable cuz I don't see any other nation in the region which is hostile towards Pakistan so No possible sea clash with any other nation. :coffee::azn:
Wat more laughable in this thread are the logics of indian members that they are using to oppose PN plans. It would be more better If indian members post their concerns directly instead of bringing some pathetic logics cuz its only reflecting their non-sense and frustration.:lol: .. Thier Akhand Bharat Plan is becoming more headache for them..
We are not getting coz you get it............every country has right to make strong her defence.....if your govt...can make agreements of weapons like crazy way.....even they don't need such weapons.........then Pakistan also has right to buy anything to protect from the threat to country.

I think you need to read articles why Pakistan want a nuclear submarine.
Iranians kill pakistanis every day... Even afghans get away with it :lol:
Better to come up with source and reasons of Killings, and also post some postive links on Pakistani co-operation with regional nations . Even Pakistan's strategic position have many positive aspects too.. By the way CarbonD ,can you share something on Greece destroying economy and its impact on Euro currency..? and something on U.K giving up on A-stan.. why so before, War against Terrorism isn't end yet com'on you can't leave it in the middle of battle..
why slightly ? call me ignorant for satisfy your ego .

when you guys have no reply you use personal insults or start comment on grammar ;)
C'mon man.
Why be so angry?
Just some light humour.

[Finally] @topic
Pakistan can very well get a nuclear submarine.
China can easily pass them the know how, and other things about building nuclear subs[Chinese style].
China could lease one as well. Though it's less likely given that China too has pressing needs[ re USA and refocus on Asia-Pac].
Pakistan building a nuclear submarine on it's own[without China] is really not concievable given that Pakistan has Zero know-how, technology, and infrastructure right now for building subs let alone nuke powered. But if they do try, it will definitely be with China's help[financial, technological etc.]. So I don't see why it is not possible.
3rd one was fited from starting dear .so we order 2 more systems and instaled them on first and second agustas. all are AIP now

2 more MESMA AIP by 2011!


second MESMA AIP going through testings before getting handover to PN

The Agosta submarines designed by DCN (now DCNS) of France, are currently in service with the French, Spanish and Pakistan navies. The Agosta 90B is an improved version featuring higher performance and a new combat system.

The new submarine features a higher level of automation, which has resulted in the ship's crew being reduced from 54 to 36. Other improvements include a new battery for increased range, a deeper diving capability of 350m resulting from the use of new materials including HLES 80 steel, and a reduced acoustic signature through the installation of new suspension and isolation systems.

Three Agosta 90Bs were ordered by the Pakistan Navy in September 1994. The first, Khalid (S137), was built at DCN’s Cherbourg yard and was commissioned in 1999. The second, Saad, assembled at Karachi Naval Dockyard, was launched in August 2002 and was commissioned in December 2003. The third, Hamza, which has been constructed and assembled in Karachi, was launched in August 2006 and was commissioned in September 2008.

"The Agosta 90B is an improved version of the Agosta submarine, featuring higher performance and a new combat system."Work on the vessel was halted for a time following a terrorist attack in May 2002, which killed 11 French engineers in Karachi. The third submarine is fitted with the MESMA air independent propulsion system.

The third submarine is being fitted with the MESMA air-independent propulsion system, which will be retrofitted to the first two. The MESMA AIP has successfully completed Pakistan Navy acceptance trials.

In March 2007, Pakistan placed an order with DCNS for the retrofit of the MESMA AIP to the first two Khalid Class submarines. The retrofit kits will be delivered to the Karachi dockyard in 2011.

Pakistan has been given a license by DCNS to offer commercial production of the submarines to potential customers.

SUBTICS command and control system

The Agosta 90B submarines are equipped with a SUBTICS fully integrated combat system. This is supplied by UDS International, a joint subsidiary of DCN International and Thales, now wholly owned by DCNS. SUBTICS processes signals from the submarine's sensors, determines the tactical situation by track association, fusion, synthesis, trajectory plotting and management and handles all weapon command and control functions.


The Agosta 90B submarine is fitted with four bow 533mm torpedo tubes and has the capacity to carry a mixed load of up to 16 torpedoes and missiles. The submarine can be equipped with the ECAN F17 mod 2 torpedo, which is a wire-guided torpedo with active and passive homing to a range of 20km. The torpedo delivers a 250kg warhead to a depth of 600m.

MBDA Exocet SM39 missiles
The Agosta 90B is equipped with the torpedo tube launched MBDA (formerly EADS Aerospatiale) Exocet SM39 missile. Target range and bearing data is downloaded into the Exocet's computer.

The missile approaches the target area in sea-skimming mode using inertial navigation and then active radar homing. The missile travels at speeds over Mach 0.9, and has a range of 50km. Exocet has a 165kg high-explosive shaped-charge warhead.

Electronic warfare

The Agosta 90B submarines are equipped with the Thales DR-3000U radar warning receiver, operating in D to K bands.

The system uses a masthead antenna array with omnidirectional and monopulse directional antennae and a separate periscope warning antenna.

"The Agosta 90B submarine is fitted with four bow 533mm torpedo tubes and can carry up to 16 torpedoes and missiles."Sensor suite

The submarine is fitted with a Thales Underwater Systems (formerly Thomson Marconi Sonar) TSM 223 sonar suite, which includes bow-mounted sonar and towed sonar arrays, SAGEM periscopes and navigation system and Thales I-band navigation radar.

Propulsion systems

The Agosta 90B class submarines can be equipped with a diesel-electric propulsion system or the MESMA air-independent propulsion system. The diesel-electric system consists of two SEMT-Pielstick 16 PA4 V 185 VG diesels providing 3,600hp and a 2,200kW electric motor driving a single propeller.

A diesel-electrical submarine has to surface to periscope depth to recharge the batteries using the diesel engine, leading to increased risk of detection. The MESMA air-independent propulsion system, being fitted to the Agosta 90B submarines for Pakistan, allows the submarine to remain submerged three times longer.

The MESMA system consists essentially of a turbine receiving high-pressure steam from a combustion chamber, burning a gaseous mixture of ethanol and liquid oxygen. The Agosta 90B's performance remains the same in all other respects, except that the length increases from 67m to 76m and submerged displacement from 1,760t to 2,050t.

SSK Agosta 90B Class - Naval Technology

Old news, the process of MESMA AIP is done now. :azn:
Do you see VLS on the tops (10 shells) of the submarines?


The Agosta 90B, also known as the Khalid Class, is a modernised design built for the Pakistan Navy. Various modifications give lower acoustic signature, lower diving depth, improved battery range and performance. Greater automation also allows the crew to be reduced from 54 to 36. The submarine can be armed with up to 16 torpedoes and SM39 Exocet anti-ship anti-ship missiles. The SM39 was test-fired from a Khalid-class submarine in 2001.- PNS/M Khalid (S137) - built in France by DCN Cherbourg, completed in 1999 - PNS/M Saad (S138) - built in Pakistan with French assistance, completed in 2002 - PNS/M Hamza (S139) - built in Pakistan, commissioned 14 August 2006.

MBDA Exocet SM39 missiles

The Agosta 90B is equipped with the torpedo tube launched MBDA (formerly EADS Aerospatiale) Exocet SM39 missile. Target range and bearing data is downloaded into the Exocet's computer.

The missile approaches the target area in sea-skimming mode using inertial navigation and then active radar homing. The missile travels at speeds over Mach 0.9, and has a range of 50km. Exocet has a 165kg high-explosive shaped-charge warhead.


I thought, Excoet SM39 Missiles was deployed in PNS Agosta 90B but PNS Hamza surprisingly, which was modified. :azn:

SSK Agosta 90B Class - Naval Technology

Exocet Missiles attack on Ships
Exocet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistan building a nuclear submarine on it's own[without China] is really not concievable given that Pakistan has Zero know-how, technology, and infrastructure right now for building subs let alone nuke powered. But if they do try, it will definitely be with China's help[financial, technological etc.]. So I don't see why it is not possible.

From where did you deduce that Pakistan has zero know how regarding subs when we had ToT with our Agosta class purchase ? :azn: ... As for the infrastructure , KSEW is more than capable of handling this project ... Our expertise in nuclear technologies is no secret , we have tested warheads to fit on a Tactical Level Missile like Nasr and as per Musharraf , we were working on nuclear submarines since 2003 so i dont understand why we cant get it ?
i dont know why indians get the idea or even discuss it..we have never since 47 tried to match india for weapon to weapon..in all wars our numerical strength had alwalys been much more inferior..nor we tried to match indian capbility like when india did had a carrier we didnt tried to get one.

second india had a nuclear sub in 80s and even our econmy was very good then we didnt tried to get one..

in short its highly unlikly for us to get a nuclear sub.

lastly most analyst believe that babur can already be fired from agosta class subs, as its diameter easily fit in torpedo tubes
Alhumdulillah very good news :tup: this project along with the recent expansion & modernization plan is a step in the right direction & part of the gradual transformation of the Pakistan navy from a brown water one to a Green Water Navy insha'Allah
keep dreaming... Pakistan is decades behind India when it comes to shipbuilding.

I don't deny that. PN has been getting the short straw in funding, whereas IN gets a decent share of the budget.

The point was that the supposedly "indigenous" nuclear sub capability of India was built upon technology transfer, just like Pakistan would do.

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