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Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

so what you think pakistan is sleeping tight no project going on there? its mean whole system in pakistan is jammed? no new roads flyovers airports buildings sewerage system is being buaild ? common man you spent on infrastructure so? every country on earth is working on these things now i am not in the mode to post 100 more links abut pakistani projects and infrastructure here . but i would like to inform you from karachi to khyber pass whole pakistan has projects in hands from small street to motorways . if you think pakistan is not doing anything you live in other world .every city town village has projects .
chandriyaaan is not threat to pakistan but nukes sub is . in fact we are happy india wasting her money on moon rather then UP bihar :D

Indian politicians are much wiser than you and they knew that they will not get anything by investing in UP-Bihar but if they shall invest in space or moon mission atleast we can get some good and costly pictures of moon. ;)
I can bet a hundred bucks that Pakistan will never go for a SSBN! It makes no sense for Pakistan to obtain a sea based deterrent (spending billions of $$$) when your entire nuclear doctrine is based on first use and India's doctrine is based on no first use! This clearly implies that India will never launch the first strike and Pakistan will not survive India's second strike in case we face the Pakistani first strike! A very simple zero sum logic works in South Asia. Instead Pakistan should acquire more ASW aircrafts or a few SSN's to deter and blunt India's sea based deterrent.
so what you think pakistan is sleeping tight no project going on there? its mean whole system in pakistan is jammed? no new roads flyovers airports buildings sewerage system is being buaild ? common man you spent on infrastructure so? every country on earth is working on these things now i am not in the mode to post 100 more links abut pakistani projects and infrastructure here . but i would like to inform you from karachi to khyber pass whole pakistan has projects in hands from small street to motorways . if you think pakistan is not doing anything you live in other world .every city town village has projects .

Buddy, you have a deep Electricity crisis, Railway is not working, there is huge crisis of Gas and Pakistan has no money to construct Diamar Bhasha Dam which all shows that investment in infrastructure is very low in your country. Even your defence budget was increased just after 2010 floods even though Pakistan fell short of aid on flood victims. Even the Lahore Metro is getting delayed due to lack of funds and Karachi circular railways lies in ruins.

But I must confess motorways in your country are Good.
and as far as parity is considered, PN should start looking at acquiring some decent frigates and destroyers, right now surface fleet is a joke
Buddy, you have a deep Electricity crisis, Railway is not working, there is huge crisis of Gas and Pakistan has no money to construct Diamar Bhasha Dam which all shows that investment in infrastructure is very low in your country. Even your defence budget was increased just after 2010 floods even though Pakistan fell short of aid on flood victims. Even the Lahore Metro is getting delayed due to lack of funds and Karachi circular railways lies in ruins.

But I must confess motorways in country are Good.

so what is all this going to do with national security ? first bulid country or save it? we need more def budget for save from terrorist and india .so we pay it .would you like to see us like lebnon with no air force navy army but nice cities ? and every 10 years indians bomb us like israel did with them ? you know why war in not happen since 1971 ? because we pay the price rather then blood . you guys look very short view to pakistan thats only problem . pakistan has RIGHT to bulid even 20 nuke subs if we need any problem ? when we spend on defnce you guys remember bhasha dam lahore rial but same not apply on you guys because you are patriots?:D nice view .

ok let me clear you guys

we will buy and made arms even we have nothing but only freedom :pakistan:

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

i really want Pakistan to do this!!:)

pakistan will never disappointed you like these

Wrong! No wastage of money at all! We're figuring out a way to send clowns like Lalu Prasad Yadav and his ilk to the Moon on a one way ticket! So that's money well spent! :whistle:


How much is the ticket per person? We have a couple of clowns ourselves that we want to send on that trip....one way ofcourse.
so what is all this going to do with national security ? first bulid country or save it? we need more def budget for save from terrorist and india .so we pay it .would you like to see us like lebnon with no air force navy army but nice cities ? and every 10 years indians bomb us like israel did with them ? you know why war in not happen since 1971 ? because we pay the price rather then blood . you guys look very short view to pakistan thats only problem . pakistan has RIGHT to bulid even 20 nuke subs if we need any problem ? when we spend on defnce you guys remember bhasha dam lahore rial but same not apply on you guys because you are patriots?:D nice view .

ok let me clear you guys

we will buy and made arms even we have nothing but only freedom :pakistan:

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

pakistan will never disappointed you like these



you guys have named a missile after a raider who looted and went away and did nothing for the subcontinent??????:rolleyes:
Nothing can remain underwater indefinitely. Human endurance is very definite. Rations and other supplies needed to support human life abroad submarines have a short shelf life and need to be resupplied frequently. Under the circumstances, AIP systems offer remarkable underwater endurance to submarines, though not on par with nuclear submarines, they greatly enhance the capability of conventional submarines. Traditionally, diesel/electric submarines are quieter and more noiseless than nuclear submarines which need special means to muffle reactor noise and this makes their concealment easier. My contention is that suitably adapted conventional submarines firing nuclear tipped cruise missiles are a very workable and inexpensive solution especially, for a navy that does not have large tracts of oceanic waters to patrol or long coastlines to defend.

In open seas the rations can be air dropped/sea dropped to a certain depth where it can be held for indefinite periods for replenishment. Indefinite does not mean literally, rather a very prolonged period of time. During times of distress or war, a Nuclear submarine can stay under water virtually indefinitely by picking up these rations and waiting for prime targets to reveal themselves.
so what is all this going to do with national security ? first bulid country or save it? we need more def budget for save from terrorist and india .so we pay it .would you like to see us like lebnon with no air force navy army but nice cities ? and every 10 years indians bomb us like israel did with them ? you know why war in not happen since 1971 ? because we pay the price rather then blood . you guys look very short view to pakistan thats only problem . pakistan has RIGHT to bulid even 20 nuke subs if we need any problem ? when we spend on defnce you guys remember bhasha dam lahore rial but same not apply on you guys because you are patriots?:D nice view .

ok let me clear you guys

we will buy and made arms even we have nothing but only freedom :pakistan:

That's your own money but I think Pakistan made atom bomb with the promise that when they will have atom bomb they won't need higher defence budget in the future.

And I don't think increasing defence budget to counter India's rise of 11% in 2011 was an intelligent move. Because there wasn't going to be immediate war and you guys fell short of Aid for the greatest flood in your history.

I also believe that there should be delicate balance between development and defence budget.
you guys have named a missile after a raider who looted and went away and did nothing for the subcontinent??????:rolleyes:

its not a matter as long as missile work its name is tom jerry mickey mouse or ghuri .

its just symbol although missile itself is not good thing its killed millions is past and will killed more is future .so why good names for missiles?
There is no reason to be stupefied by what Pakistan navy intends to add to it's future inventory. If Pakistan has decided to go for nuclear subs, then they will be developed/acquired at any cost. Don't understand the logic behind indians, who are in denial mode. Obviously, the policy framers in PN must have deemed it necessary for the defence of the country to have nuclear subs.
That's your own money but I think Pakistan made atom bomb with the promise that when they will have atom bomb they won't need higher defence budget in the future.

And I don't think increasing defence budget to counter India's rise of 11% in 2011 was an intelligent move. Because there wasn't going to be immediate war and you guys fell short of Aid for the greatest flood in your history.

I also believe that there should be delicate balance between development and defence budget.

thanks for your kind advises but sorry we have brains we have think tanks and we have many policy makers they know more then other side of border what they have to do .we simply don't need advises what we have to do with our money defense or budget .Pakistan divided from india because we have our own way of life and thoughts .we will do or make whatever we like to do aether its nuke sub or dam we have to decide it .its 4 years worse part of our history not mean end of Pakistan just wait for next elections and things will changes like we did from 1999 to 2007 .

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